Yu Grupa - DUŠA PEVA Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Kao mesec kad u zoru gubi sjaj
Kao verno pseto kad oseti kraj
K'o bez slike stari polomljeni ram
Već se dugo, dugo tako osećam
[Verse 2]
Kao dan kad sunce isprati
Kao pesma koju niko ne shvati
Yu Grupa - Kako To Lyrics
Kako to da svaki dan, kažeš samo: 'Dobar dan!'
I ništa više osim tog, osim tog
Tražim pogled, tražim reč
Reč bar više
Yu grupa - Život njen
Mlada, ona je uvek mlada
Živi ona život svoj, život svoj...
Yu Grupa - Zar Je Ljubav To Lyrics
Kad si rekla: 'Zbogom'
Nestalo je sve
Želeo sam tvoje telo
Želeo sam sreću
Sad ničeg nema
Zar je ljubav to?...
Klangstof - Seasons Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Your love
Feel like natural to me
I tend to get frustrated
You try
To solve all the pauses in my mind
And now you're only waiting
HAIM - Summer Girl Lyrics
[Verse 1]
L.A. on my mind, I can't breathe
There when I close my eyes, so hard to reach
The smiles turn into cries, it's the same release
And you always know, and you always know
I'm your summer girl
Yu Grupa - Mala Džoj Lyrics
Yu Grupa - More No.2 Lyrics
More se tiho peni, galeb je iznad tu
I ljubav se jedna nova, rodila
Eto tu, baš tu!
Sunce je tiho zašlo, mesec je došao nov
Želeći da obasja, ljubav tu
Samo nju, ljubav tu!...
Yu Grupa - Ništa Nema Novo Lyrics
Ništa nema novo, sve je kao pre
Dan za danom ide, eto to je sve
Tražio sam više, da mi život da
Ali on mi ako toga dobi, sve što imam ja...
Culture - Behold Lyrics
I was traveling up the mountains one day
And suddenly I heard...
A voice come to I an`Say`Ay
Behold I come come quickly
To pay every man
Acording the work shall be here
And I know.... Dat it was the voice
The voice of t...
Yu Grupa - LAŽ Lyrics
Lažu sve od mene
Kažu da je sve to istina
Oči koje meni govore
Ne znam jer ja sam zaljubljen
Pričaj sad ti meni
Jer priče volim ja
Laži na usnama tvojim
Za mene su istina
Ja volim sve oko sebe sad
Ne znam više...
Yu Grupa - Drveni Most Lyrics
Ja radim svakog jutra
Iz idejnog puta
I tako svaki dan
Znaj, još znaj
Meni je teško
Da čuvam isto mesto
Meni nije jasno
Zašto, zašto
Na um misao jedna
Pala mi je sad
Zašto da čekam
Samog sam?
I u jedn...
Bunga Citra Lestari - Getaran Asmara Lyrics
Tak pernah kusangka
Akan begini jadinya
Saat pertama berjumpa
Kau menatapku mesra
Membuat ku tak karuan
Getaran asmara
Menjelajah di dada
Saat kau bisikkan kata
Kata mesra di telinga
Indahnya... Oh oh indahnya
Reh Dogg - Take Yu Best Shot Lyrics
Now hear meh
Yall want come test
Well all right
Here that
Been around longer than you and my brains it ah smarter than you
Yall may be younger but meh wiser actions meh will back up with meh words
All you ah talk ...
Yu Grupa - Živi Pesak Lyrics
Nicole Scherzinger - Your Love Lyrics
Boy, you don't know how much I like you It is so hot, nice to bite it Just a little, know you like it I'll do whatever you want
Somethin 'bout you so enticin' Even when I try to fight it Knock me out like Michael Tyson ...
Yu Grupa - TAČNO U PODNE Lyrics
Vadili smo školjke mokre
Tražili biser bala
Ronili smo do dna mora
Ja veliki, a ti mala
Pronašli smo tajnu igru
Doktorom si mene zvala
Gledali se sa svih strana
Ja veliki, a ti mala
Posle jedne lude trke
Kad te dr...
Lud Foe - It Ain't My Fault Lyrics
It ain't my fault I'm raw, it ain't my fault I'm raw, bitch!
Uuuughhhhh uuuughhhhh uughh uughh!
It ain't my fault I'm raw, it ain't my fault I'm raw, bitch!
Gangg, bitch! Gangg!
Pat Barrett - Sparrows And Lilies Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Brother, lay your head down
Sister, don't you know?
Ain't no rest in worry
Troubles come, troubles go
I have seen the sparrow
I have watched her fly
No, she does not worry
Tell me why should I?
Yu Grupa - KIŠNI DAN Lyrics
Proklet kišni dug dan
Bulevar prazan, na njemu i ja sam
Sva sretna magla bije
O, da li će ikad kiši doći kraj?
Proklet kišni dan
Proklet s' njim i ja sam
Siv je moj korak, siv je grad
Siv je i čovek kojem idem...
Fall Out Boy - Centuries Lyrics
Du du du du-du du du du
Du du du du du-du du du
Some legends are told,
Some turn to dust or to gold,
But you will remember me,
Remember me for centuries.
And just one mistake,
Is all it will take.
We'll go down in his...
Yu Grupa - Kosovski Božuri Lyrics
Yu Grupa - Devojko Mala Podigni Glavu Lyrics
Devojko mala, podigni svoju glavu
Pogledaj sunce pa se nasmeši
Mlada si kao rosa
Lepa si kao vila
Ne budi tužna, drugi će doći tebi
Najlepši cvet si na ovom svetu
Ne vraćaj misli njemu
Raduj se danu belom
Rammstein - Du Hast Lyrics
du hast
du hast mich
du hast
du hast mich
du hast mich
du hast mich gefragt
du hast mich gefragt
du hast mich gefragt und ich hab nichts gesagt
Willst du bis der Tod euch scheidet
treu ihr sein für alle Tage?
Willst du bis ...
Vampire Weekend - Hold You Now Lyrics
[Verse 1: Ezra Koenig]
I know the reason why you think you gotta leave
Promises of future glory don't make a case for me
I did my best and all the rest is hidden by the clouds
I can't carry you forever, but I can hold you ...
Blutengel - Willst Du ? Lyrics
Warmes Blut auf nackter Haut
Jede Berührung ist so vertraut
Wir tanzen im Rhythmus der ewigen Nacht
Nur du und ich
Unbeschreibliche Macht
Willst du, willst du bis zum Tod
Willst du, willst du bis zum Tod
Willst du, willst ...
Yu Grupa - Косовски Божури Lyrics
Myrkur - Den Lille Piges Død Lyrics
Lille pige læg dig ned
Nu er det tid at sove
Mon du aldrig vågner op fra mørket foroven
Sover du, sover du?
I mine hænder du sover nu
Lille pige sover du
Du er så bleg på kinden
Hvorfor er du så stille nu
Kan du ej høre vinden
Sean Paul & Major Lazer - Tip Pon It Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Wid ah body like dat
When yu Snapchat me, girl
Sey me haffi screenshot
So me call hopscotch pon it so di gyal hot
She a bubble like soup, dat a real pepper pot
Check ya iPhone fi di iMessages
Sey me all time park up i...
Busted - MMMBop 2.0 Lyrics
You have so many relationships in this life
Only one or two will last
You go through all the pain and strife
Then you turn your back and they're gone so fast
Oh yeah
And they're gone so fast, yeah
So hold on the ones w...
93PUNX - Zombie Lyrics
(The Cranberries cover)
[Verse 1]
Another head hangs lowly
Child is slowly taken
And the violence caused such silence
Who are we mistaken?
But you see, it's not me
It's not my family
In your he...
Yung Hurn - Gefühle An Dich In Einer Altbauwohnung, Pt.II Lyrics
Fühlst du?
Baby weißt du? (Baby weißt du?)
Baby weißt du? (Baby weißt du?)
Baby fühlst du?
Baby weißt du? (-was ich für dich fühl')
Baby weißt du?
Baby weißt du? (-was ich für dich fühl')
Baby fühlst du...
Jason Mraz - Back To The Earth Lyrics
Whenever my head starts to hurt
Before it goes from bad to feeling worst
I turn off my phone, I get down low
And I put my hands in the dirt
I try to stop the world from moving so fast
Tryna get a grip on where I'm at
To simplify this d...
Jason Mraz - Back To The Earth Lyrics
Whenever my head starts to hurt
Before it goes from bad to feeling worst
I turn off my phone, I get down low
And I put my hands in the dirt
I try to stop the world from moving so fast
Tryna get a grip on where I'm at
To simplify ...
Fall Out Boy - Centuries Lyrics
Du du du du-du du du
Du du du du du-du du du
Some legends are told
Some turn to dust or to gold
But you will remember me
Remember me for centuries
And just one mistake
Is all it will take.
We'll go down i...
Hanson - Mmmbop Lyrics
You have so many relationships in this life
Only one or two will last
You're going through all this pain and strife
Then you turn your back and they're gone so fast
And they're gone so fast
So hold on the ones who real...
Yu Grupa - Poslednja Pesma Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Ne traje ništa, prolazi sve
Samo smo Mi još kao pre
Život nas nosi s kraja na kraj
Pakao vreba ili raj
I kad` me muke savladaju
I kada drugi me izdaju
I kada sumnjam u svoje sne
O, ne
Lebanon Hanover - Du Scrollst Lyrics
Wo bist du jetzt? Wo bist du gerade?
Hier bei uns oder auf der Plattform für Psychopathen?
Auf dem Tanzboden haben einige einen an der Waffel
Wenigstens müssen wir nicht alles festhalten
Wenn du auf der Party bist
Und du wipp...
Olli Schulz - Schockst Nicht Mehr Lyrics
Du, du, du
Du, du, du, du
Du, du, du, du, du
Du, du
Ich hab' dich einfach überschätzt
Ich hab' gedacht, du wärst viel besser
Ich hab' gedacht, dass du für irgendetwas brennst
Doch hast dich viel zu weit entfernt von dir
2018 FIFA World Cup - Sweden National Anthem Lyrics
Du gamla, Du fria, Du fjällhöga nord
Du tysta, Du glädjerika sköna!
Jag hälsar Dig, vänaste land uppå jord,
Din sol, Din himmel, Dina ängder gröna.
Du tronar på minnen från fornstora da'r,
Då ärat Ditt namn flög över jo...
Yu Grupa - RUŽA VETROVA Lyrics