Wardruna - Skald (English Translation) Lyrics
Troll they call me:
Moon-loony of Hrugnir
Sucker of giant's gold
Slayer of the storm-sun
Woe-worker of the seeress
Warden of death-fjord
Swallower of the sky-wheel
What's a Troll if not that?
Skald they call me:...
Wardruna - Skald Lyrics
Troll kalla mik
Tungl sjötrungnis
Auðsug jötuns
Élsólar böl
Vilsinn völu
Vörð náfjarðar
Hvélsvelg himins -
Hvat er troll nema þat?
Sköld kalla mik:
Skipsmið Viðurs
Gauts gjafrötuð
Grepp ...
Wardruna - Hagall Lyrics
Haglhrið slær
Høgg i aks!
Deyr einn
Spirar einn...
Wardruna - UruR (English Translation) Lyrics
Wardruna - AnsuR (English Translation) Lyrics
All the Aesir
Valhalla's wise ones
Strength in the roots wound shall be
Strength in the roots woven shall be...
Wardruna - Laukr Lyrics
Laukr er vann
Tårar frå auge
Foss frå fjella
Draup frå isen
Vågar på vatn...
Wardruna - Isa (English Translation) Lyrics
Wardruna - Fehu (English Translation) Lyrics
Wealth causes strife among friends
The wolf feeds in the forest
Wealth is joy to man
Strife among kin
Path of the viper
The snake lies in coils
Hidden, it waits below
Like a frost-ridden field
Strife that kinsmen suffer...
Wardruna - Thurs Lyrics
Den tridje er deg
Ok tri ek nemnar
Med den tridje du ris
Ok vegen er nemd...
Wardruna - UruR Lyrics
Wardruna - EhwaR (English Translation) Lyrics
Ride, my horse
Mind runs restless
The way I will, the way I will
Ride, my horse
The storm stills
The way I will, the way I will...
Wardruna - Isa Lyrics
Wardruna - Fehu (Skaldic Version) (English Translation) Lyrics
The snake lies in coils
Hidden, it waits below
Like a frost-ridden field
Strife that kinsmen suffer
Wealth causes strife among friends
The wolf feeds in the forest
Wealth is joy to man
Strife among kin
Path of the viper...
Wardruna - AnsuR Lyrics
Ásliðr alle
Valhallr visir
Magn í rotum vindal skal
Magn í rotum vefa skal...
Wardruna - IngwaR (English Translation) Lyrics
Tie yourself to me
Weaving root to root
Over and under
Inverting Ing
Bearing you within me
Growing seed from seed
Outer and inner
Inverting Ing
Feeding me, from you
Winding branch with branch
Over and under
Wardruna - Bjarkan Lyrics
Svøpet i eit slør
Spunni av liv og død
Ut av moders djupe kjød
Inn i verdas grøne lød
Døy og bli født på ny...
Wardruna - Kauna Lyrics
Kauna riv i nattevind
Kovnar ei av anden din
Isen smeltar av ditt ljos
Kauna røyner bleike spor
Kauna siv i løyndom inn
Lysar opp i auge skin
Elden rensar hugen min
Kaun, logen brenn!...
Wardruna - Fehu (Skaldic Version) Lyrics
Ormen ligg i kveile
I løyndom vakar under
Som ei helufallen åker
Strid som frender råker
Fe vældur frænda rogi
Føðesk ulfr i skogi
Fe er firða gaman
Frænda rogu
Gravseiðis gat...
Wardruna - Fehu Lyrics
Fe vældur frænda rogi
Føðesk ulfr i skogi
Fe er firða gaman
Frænda rogu
Gravseiðis gata
Ormen ligg i kveile
I løyndom vakar under
Som ei helufallen åker
Strif dom frender råker...
Wardruna - Tyr (English Translation) Lyrics
Tyr he is hailed
The one-handed god
Feeder of the wolf
Ruler of the shrine
Tyr he is hailed
The one-handed god
Guiding star
Stray not from his path
When I go to battle
In pursuit with long-time friend
Under the edg...
Wardruna - Solringen Lyrics
Sola gjekk i ringen, sumaren sende
Hanar galar rismål for alvar i enga
Hanar galande, galdrar groande
Nornar spinnande, lagnadar bindande
Gudar gråtande, ulvar ulande
Ravnar ropande, risar sovande
Skuggar truande, aksen duv...
Wardruna - Tyr Lyrics
Tyr heitir
Einhendt gud
Vargens matar
Hilmir av hovet
Tyr heitir
Einhendt gud
Vik han aldri
Ef ek skal til orrostu
Leiða langvini,
Und randir ek gel,
En þeir með ríki fara
Heilir hildar til,
Wardruna - Ein Sat Hon Uti (English Translation) Lyrics
Wardruna - Ormagardskvedi Lyrics
Eigi hugðak orma
At aldrlagi mínu;
Verðr mjök mörgu sinni
þats minnst varir sjálfan
Gnyðja mundu grísir
Ef galtar hag vissi
Mér er gnótt at grandi
Grafa inn rönum sínum
Ok harðliga hváta
Hafa mi...
Wardruna - Dagr Lyrics
Ek helsar sola!
Stig opp frå myrkre
Stig opp í dag
Stig opp í dag
Or gap Ginnunga
Yggdrasil ask
Í ditt ljos skal spira vekse
Í ditt myrkre skal spira døy
Wardruna - Pertho (English Translation) Lyrics
Beneath dwarfs of the hall
Swells sound to its sides
Between table rows
Dance of fire passing for the vent
Flickers in eyes
They steal glances at skirts
Where warriors sit
Cheerful in the beer-hall
Drinking toasts from th...
Wardruna - Solringen (English Translation) Lyrics
"The Ring of the Sun"
The sun wheeled in its ring
The summer she sent
Roosters crowing time to rise
For elves in the meadow
Strength in the body
Growth in the earth
Roosters crowing - incantations growing
Wardruna - Helvegen (Skaldic Version) (English Translation) Lyrics
I sought the songs
I sent the songs
When the deepest well
Offered drops so mighty
Of Valfather's pledge
I know it all, Odin
Where you hid your eye
Who will sing me
Into the death-sleep sling me
When I walk the r...
Wardruna - Odal (English Translation) Lyrics
We are an old tree
With freshly sprung buds
Towards the sun we reach
To forward grow
Far below in the roots
And in the growth-rings
The old ones are chanting
Far below in the roots
And in growth-rings
Wardruna - EhwaR Lyrics
Rid min hest
Hugen hastar
Vil i veg, vil i veg
Rid min hest
Stormen stillnar
Vil i veg, vil i veg...
Wardruna - IngwaR Lyrics
Knyter deg til meg
Vever rot i rot
Over og under
Invere Ing
Bærer deg i meg
Vekser frø av frø
Ytre og indre
Invere Ing
Nærer meg av deg
Vinder grein or grein
Over og under
Invere Ing...
Wardruna - Gibu (English Translation) Lyrics
A man must be a friend
To his friend
For himself and for the friend
But no man must
Be a friend of a friend
Of his foe
Know, if you have a friend
In whom you have faith
And you wish to get something good from him
You mu...
Wardruna - Sowelu (English Translation) Lyrics
Ship's shields
Shining halo
Ice's sorrow
Whirling wheel
Sköll is the name of the wolf
Who follows the cart
Horses drag
A shining god
Svalinn is the name of
What stands before the sun
Cliffs and surf, bur...
Wardruna - NaudiR (English Translation) Lyrics
It is so cold here
The wind took my last leaves
The serpent gnaws in the ground
The eldest branch
The fire that takes - life
The fire that gives - life
Deeply, in the depths
Heart hammering
Wardruna - Wunjo (English Translation) Lyrics
The ashes have fallen
The earth grey and barren
Sprouts spring from their grave
Victorious they spring
To their first day
I may not be big
But my time here on earth
I shall use and reach
Into the blue sky
Tears fall fre...
Wardruna - Gravbakkjen Lyrics
Høyr det let
Tonar gret
Her eg svartormen rir
Yver sorgtunge steg
Er eg på veg
Til mi moders favn
Til mi kvile
For jordi er mi mor
Og mi grav
Tonar det let
Einkvan gret
Og tvifelt svir dei sår
Som ingen andre...
Wardruna - Pertho Lyrics
Under dvergar i sal
breier larm i mot sval
Millom rekkjer av bord
Leikar eld i mot ljor
Opp i augene flakkar
dei ser stjålent mot stakkar
Der krigarar blide
i bjor-salar sit
Drikk ein-kjels frå kjenger
Slær skalden p...
Wardruna - Helvegen (English Translation) Lyrics
Who will sing me
Into the death-sleep sling me
When I walk the road to Hel
And the tracks I tread
Are cold, so cold
I sought the songs
I sent the songs
When the deepest well
Offered drops so mighty
Of Valfather's p...
Wardruna - Sowelu Lyrics
Skipa skøldur
Skinandi røðull
Isar aldrtregi
Hverfandi hvel
Skoll heitir ulfur
Fagrakvel fylgjer
Drøstlar draga
Skinanda goði
Svalinn heitir
Stend fyri sólo
Brim og bjarg brenna
Fell hann ifrá
Á skil...
Wardruna - IwaR (English Translation) Lyrics
Ullr in Ydalir
Bend the bow
Aim the bow
Arrows pointed
Toward Yggdrassil's Nine
Wound with purpose
Woven with purpose
Toward Niflheim fly
Toward Muspelheim fly
Toward Jotunheim fly
Toward Asgard fly