Comethazine - Pneumonia Lyrics
Bitch I'm out in England
Bi-bi-bitch I'm out in England
Bi-bi-bi bitch I'm out in England
Bi-bi-bitch I'm out in England
Bi-bi-bitch I'm out in England
Bi-bi-bitch I'...
Mick Jagger - England Lost Lyrics
[Intro] Lost, lost, lost, lost
[Chorus] I went to see England, but England's lost I went to see England, but England's lost
[Verse 1] And everyone said we were all ripped off I went to see England, but England lost Lost, lost, l...
The Descenters - I'll Be Happier In England Lyrics
Kindling the flame
Their distaste
Is there something more
For me to be?
Let me get away
From your hate
All I want is to
Make my escape.
I'll be happier
In England
For I'll be a
Different person
I'll b...
Bear's Den - Think Of England Lyrics
[Verse 1]
You're not drinking as much as you used to
I'm the same old, same old
And all those fires that died in our bedroom
I was out fetching wood
Do you lie back
And think of England?
Do you lie back...
IZI - Sto Fuori Fuori Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Se non ti parlo
E' perchè non mi piaci
E' inutile che te lo dica
Sto sempre in ballo con i soci
E non ci conti sulle dita
Me ne strabatto dei tuoi 'logi
Non mi migliorano la vita
Tanto pertanto per ...
Vangelis - Jerusalem Lyrics
And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?
And did the countenance divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded...
New Order - World In Motion Lyrics
England new order - 'world in motion'
Express yourself
Create the space
You know you can win
Don't give up the chase
Beat the man
Take him on
You never give up
Its one on one
Shaza Leigh - Back To New England Lyrics
He headed out the night he left by train
Needing a change,
From the life that he'd outgrown
Didn't know what he was searching for
Simply wanting more
Than his life had shown
He woke early to discover
He needed what h...
CUBIES - Ti Je Ne Volis Lyrics
Ti kazes da
Sve dobro je
A ja vec znam
Bojis se
Sad vrijeme je
Da priznas sve
I da ja dodem na red
Ti je ne volis, ne
Ti je ne volis a ne mozes reci
Sto ona zna
Vazno je
Jer ja bas sad volim te
Tko hrabar je
Taj poznaje
Tu pravu car lutri...
Nerina Pallot - Jerusalem Lyrics
And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the holy lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?
And did the countenance divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Je...
Issue No. 130 - Know About Me (Remix) Lyrics
Feat. Valentino Khan
Ian Dury And The Blockheads - England's Glory Lyrics
(Spoken intro.)
This one's for Julie, who we love
I love her almost as I do Alma
But we don't do Alma no more
It's called 'England's Glory'. if you wanna sing
Please sing
There are jewels in the crown o...
Gazzelle - Ora che ti guardo bene Lyrics
Negramaro - Ci Sto Pensando Da Un Pò Lyrics
Ci sto pensando da un po'
Sarebbe forse meglio poi sparire?
Per non doversi accontentare
Costretti a sorridere di più
Ci sto pensando da un po'
Sarebbe il caso ora di non dire
Parole che non vuoi ascoltare
E torni a sorrid...
Marco Mengoni - Muhammad Ali Lyrics
Succede di sincronizzare due battiti
Questione di attimi o di eternità
Che la paura di restare da soli
Si misura tra il tempo e la pubblicità
Succede che non conto più fino a cento
Ha ragione l'istinto prima di parlare
Tiziano Ferro - Troppo Bene (Per Stare Male) Lyrics
Troppo tardi
Per rifare meglio
Troppo bene
Ora per stare male
Sto troppo bene
Ora per stare male
Sto troppo meglio
Ti amo, ma ti lascio qui
Tutte le mie speranze
Lascio te, e magari sbaglio
E svuoto queste stanze
Ok, ok, ok
Dovrei aspettar...
Nina Zilli - L' Inferno Lyrics
Come l'inferno tu
Togliermi dai guai
Prerogativa che non hai
Ti sei perso o no
Ti sei perso un pò
Ammetto che sto andando giù
Preferisco sempre andarci a sbattere la testa e tu
Come l'inferno tu
Com'è difficile resistere
Brynn Cartelli - Yoü And I Lyrics
It's been a long time since I came around
Been a long time but I'm back in town
This time I'm not leaving without you
You taste like whiskey when you kiss me oh
I'd give anything again to be your baby doll
This time I...
The Shires - Made in England Lyrics
You can bet it's gonna rain
As I'm stepping off the plane
If I had the sun, sea and the sand
Wherever I've been
When I see those grey skies
So beautiful
It's good enough for me
I only want a beer
If it's p...
Trembling Bells - Adieu England Lyrics
When I set sail
On drunken waters
The christened ship set forth
Wine bottles crack the hull
Mark well the day
And mark the hour;
The time I tried to die
A good Hollywood death
All the banners all said I was leaving
And the...
Magnifico - DIVNA (Senke Nad Balkanom) Lyrics
[feat. Nikola Pejaković]
[Verse 1]
Dobro jutro, prijatelju, reci šta si hteo
Šta me budiš, kaži sto si neveseo
Ja da pričam o mladosti, ne mogu i neću
Idi dalje, stari smo za sreću
[Verse 2]
Prošle ...
Her Name Is Calla - New England Lyrics
I came to find the son I thought I'd lost
I split my hands and knees upon the rocks
My wife's tears drowned all of England
I came to find the boy I thought I'd lost...
Issue No. 148 - Bonnie Portmore Lyrics
Oh, Bonny Portmore, you shine where you stand
And the more I think on you the more I think long
If I had you now as I had once before
All the lords in Old England would not purchase Portmore.
O bonny Portmore, I am sorry to see
Stadio - Gioia Infinita Lyrics
Passerà anche questa burrasca
E il mare calmo tornerà
Passerà anche questa tempesta
E il cielo rasserenerà
Verrà un momento in cui tu non mi mancherai e parlerò
Di te
Come se non fosse stato mai
Non pensare che sia triste
Io ...
Joe Modifica - Red Zone To The End Zone Lyrics
From the Red Zone
To the End Zone
New England's ready
Are you ready, too
We stand by our colors
Red, White and Blue
In the air and on the ground
The line is steady
Yards to be found
In the Red Zone
To the End Zone
From the Red Zone
Adriano Pappalardo - Ricominciamo Lyrics
E lasciami gridare lasciami sfogare
Io senza amore non so stare
Io non posso restare seduto in disparte
Né arte né parte
Non sono capace di stare a guardare
Questi occhi di brace e poi non provare
Un brivido dentro e correrti incont...
Management - Sto Impazzendo Lyrics
Damon Albarn - A Man Of England Lyrics
I am a man of England
Will you come and play?
You have to own the black again
And I the white
I am a student of your sea
Your mind is keen
And I am keen to mind...
Fasma - BASTA! Lyrics
Phil Drane - The English Lament (George's Tale) Lyrics
What have they done to this land I was born in?
Whatever possessed them to tear out it's heart?
For more than a thousand years it's been England,
And then in one single lifetime, they've torn it apart.
And what have they...
Tony Cetinski - Ti Lyrics
Strah u mojim mislima
Tuga srcem odzvanja
Tebe nema danima
Tko zna gdje si nestala
Jedno dugo trebamo
Ljubav što si dajemo
Živjeti ne možemo
Sve dok nismo zajedno
Ti, samo Ti
Trebaš mi
Moja Ljubavi
Ti, sam...
Young Miles - con Me Lyrics
Lightning Seeds - Three Lions Lyrics
(I think it's bad news for the English game)
(We're not creative enough and we're not positive enough)
It's coming home, it's coming home, it's coming,
Football's coming home
(we'll go on getting ba...
Bloc Party - England Lyrics
The kids are restless
They just need something to do
From Ilford to Ladywell
The streets have become cruel
He said
"I will not listen and I won't be told
England is mine, I will take what I want"
He said
"I wi...
tha Supreme - 2ollipop Lyrics
Blind Fool Love - Vampiro Lyrics
Denso e caldo è il tuo sangue
Rosso come l'orizzonte
Candido e freddo è il tuo corpo
Bianco come il mio volto storto
Sei inutile... Fragile... Disteso qui davanti a me
Sei pallido, bianco in preda a una lunga morte lenta
Io! ...
Nitro - Gostoso Lyrics
The Clash - This Is England Lyrics
Lazza - Da Un Po' Lyrics
Telaviv give me more please
Blocco Recordz, this shit is crazy
Sto in giro da un po'
Sai che sto in giro da un po'
Sai che sto in giro da un po'
Sai che sto in giro da un po'
Sto i...
Agata - Cerca De Ti Lyrics
Cerca de ti
Cerca de ti
Cerca de ti
Cerca de ti
Cerca de ti
Cerca de ti
Todavía recuerdo el día
Cuando por primera vez te vi
La manera que me viste
La forma cómo sonreíste
Me hizo amarte de la manera
Que no he amado antes
Que no he...