Buffering The Vampire Slayer - Ted Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Here lies Ted
Ted is dead
May he rest
In little pieces
Scraps all heaped up
To the sky
[Verse 2]
Here lies Ted
No tears shed
He always said
'take no malarkey”
And he had no heartbeat
In his ches...
Allusondrugs - Ted, What's The Porn Like In Heaven Lyrics
We spoke to God
Jesus loves you
But we need a story to sell
Just blame it all on your porn Ted
Upstairs hiding in a Christian home
On a platform you parade in filth
I think we've all got you wrong Ted
Deep down you&...
The Specials - Sock It To 'Em, J. B. Lyrics
Are you ready for this?
I told you he was coming
J. B., and he's ready to sock it to ya one time.
Sock it to 'em, sock it to 'em
Sock it to 'em, sock it to 'em
Sock it to 'em, sock it t...
Bruce Springsteen - Sleepy Joe's Cafe Lyrics
There's a place out on the highway 'cross the San Bernardino line
Where the truckers and the bikers gather every night at the same time
At seven the band comes in and locals dance the night away
At Sleepy Joe's Cafe
I d...
Omd - Night Café Lyrics
Sitting in the night cafe,
Like a Hopper painting on a very bad day
Drinking like I used to do, with a
Manner that you hate me too, and then
People come and people go, but
Who they are I'll never know, and I'm
Big Sean - Body Language Lyrics
Body to body, cheek to cheek, soulful moaning
Don't just take your clothes off, take the problems off
Take the armor off, take all the drama off
Let go of your responsibilities you been holding down
Know it's a lot on your m...
Rocio Durcal - La Gata Bajo La Lluvia Lyrics
Amor! Tranquilo no te voy a molestar.
Mi suerte estaba echada, ya lo se.
Y se que aun torrente dando vueltas por tu mente.
Amor! Lo nuestro solo fue casualidad,
La misma hora al mismo boulevard.
No temas no hay cuidado.
No te culpo de...
Ray West - Ray's Cafe Lyrics
We gonna take it deep, raise cafe
We got the low nice tables outside
Or what I call Boggy Loui barbeque
Coolest and all that depends all on you
I'm about to take you in his zone man it's sais the ...and some barbeques
Well my...
Ray West - Ray's Cafe Lyrics
We gonna take it deep, raise cafe
We got the low nice tables outside
Or what I call Boggy Loui barbeque
Coolest and all that depends all on you
I'm about to take you in his zone man it's sais the ...and some barbeques
Interphase - Dreamstreet Cafe Lyrics
She's just a lone woman out on the sidewalk,
She strolls the alley past a dingy lampost,
Down luck man in weather tattered clothing,
Invites donation from lovely lady host.
Well travelled woman of the modern world,
Tell me now how far...
Moriah Peters - Brave Lyrics
[Verse 1: Moriah Peters]
No one ever told me
This would be easy
But I never knew
That it could be this hard
Oh the worry the worry the worry
Is weighing on me
Could you help me break down
All these question marks
And make ...
Azul Violeta - La Vida Se Va Lyrics
Dime lo que ves
Que es lo que piensas tu del mundo
Cual es la razón de violar el fruto de la creación
Cada vez hay menos gente sana con disposición
Y sin rumbo claro todo es una enorme confusión
Y el tiempo camina
La vida se va
Finneas - American Cliche Lyrics
Too little to do for too long and
Too little of you for my songs
To be anything but lonely
In a couple weeks, you'll own me
Too tired to sleep, good morning
And I'm too wired to heed the warning
That there's d...
Ledian - Sol De Hoy Lyrics
A ti te canto corazón
Que a veces sufres sin razón
Deja salir esa sonrisa
Y que te vuelva la ilusión.
Nunca dejes de cantar
Y no te olvides de bailar
No hay dolor que dure mucho
Deja que pase y ya veras.
Todos los días s...
INNA - La Vida Es Como Un Eco Lyrics
La vida es como un eco
La vida es como un eco
La vida es como un eco, eco
[Verse 1]
La vida es como un eco
Lo que da es tu reflejo
Lo que hiciste se regresa
Porque el karma no está lejos
Nadie se escapa de est...
Chris Brown - Loyal (Ted Smooth Remix) Lyrics
Jeromes Dream - Remember The Sea Of Tranquility Lyrics
In the last weeks of his life, Ted, a high school senior, drew fantasy cartoons and recorded his thoughts in a secret code that only a close friend could decipher. Part of Ted's coded obituary, written shortly before he kil...
One Path - Xilin Lyrics
Boosie Badazz - Boosie Blues Cafe Lyrics
This the last song on the album
It's my first blues album
So I'ma dedicate this last song to the name of the album
Boosie Blues Cafe
Take you to that place
Where they smoke weed and drink alone
Clare Maguire - The Last Time I Saw Richard Lyrics
You're love is that, you think you own me
Go lokmat you, you lay ..fool
You like roses and kisses and pretty man to tell you all the pretty lies
pretty lies, when you gonna rea;ise ther only pretty lies
Only pretty lies, just p...
Train - Marry Me Lyrics
Forever can never be long enough for me
Feel like I've had long enough with you
Forget the world now we won't let them see
But there's one thing left to do
Now that the weight has lifted
Love has surely shifted m...
Running Red Lights - Parlour Cafe Lyrics
Oh, the mountains have folded
The bird is back in it's cage
I'm back tending bar at The Parlour Cafe
Sweeping bottlecap ashtrays, repeat and repeat
Patching holes in my sky where my stars used to be
And I lose
I lose
Selena - Lyrics
Citadino Blues & Rock - Solo Hay Una Vida Lyrics
Solo hay una vida solo existe una vida
Solo hay una vida solo existe una vida
Eh yo la voy a disfrutar
Yo digo que, yo la voy a disfrutar.
No falta nada aquí
Solo tienes que decir quiero ser feliz.
Sobra mucho aquí
Sabor, alegrí...
Tiziano Ferro - No Tengo Temor Lyrics
No siento temor si tengo que irme
Porque de morirme no siento temor
Ya no llores más
Amor ya no llores
Porque te prometo que regresaré
Yo soy un soldado
Empuña palabras y sigo buscando
No siento temor
Cantando se me va
La vida y mientr...
Red Cafe - Pretty Gang Lyrics
Red Cafe - A World Alone Lyrics
Issue No. 111 - Deep Diamonds Lyrics
Deez Nuts - Commas & Zeros Lyrics
[Chorus: Gang Vocals & JJ Peters]
How many ways can you
Tell the same tired story?
Heard you forever and you never said somethin'
Bored me to tears, but I never felt nothin'
When you put your pen to paper
If it's not a ch...
FLETCHER - About You Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Drinking my coffee, just ruined my day
Picturing us at that corner cafe
Ya, ya, ya ya, ya, ya, ya ya
Grabbing my keys, they feel heavy to me
'Cause you gave me back the one you don't need
Ya, ya, ya ya, ya, y...
Espinoza Paz - No Me Chingues La Vida Lyrics
Otra vez tú
Con esa cara de persona arrepentida
Otra vez tú
Chingándome la vida
Que maduraste
Que no lograste olvidarme
Diciendo que quieres volver
Y yo digo que
No me chingues la vida
Déjame viv...
Andres Cepeda - Fue Solo Amor Lyrics
Ese es el pito del tren que me acuerda que son las seis
Hoy es Domingo en la tarde y yo no me siento bien
Hace tan solo unos dias cantabamos juntos en un cafe
Una cancion con amantes con sueños
De antes y de despues tambien
Una cancio...
Selena - Munequito De Trampo Lyrics
recuerdo cuando yo
te conoci
un dia pasiamos dijiste mi vida
yo soy feliz
recuerdo el regalo que un dia me diste
con mucho amor
aquel munequito
con cara bonita
lo guardo yo
munequito de trapo tu eres para mi
el regalo mas...
Tiziano Ferro - Tu Vida No Pasarà Lyrics
Hablan y hablan y hablan y
Y dicen que saben pero
Mienten y mienten
Fue el error inicial
Lo de querer siempre todo, todo
Me parezco al mundo en cada aspecto
Y en los defectos evidentes
He fallado muchas cosas
Tampoco he entrado en muc...
Timbiriche - Ya Estaba Escrito Lyrics
Horas vacías, días sin luz
Esperándote aquí, olvidada de mi
Tan fuera de ti
Noche sin luna, sin nada que hacer
Esperándote aquí, olvidado de todo
Por ti amor
Y hoy que has llegado
Ya todo es mejor
Tu amor ya estaba escrito
Iba a su...
Davis Coen - Hard Luck Cafe Lyrics
All day I face
The old barren waste
And long for the taste of cold beer
My throat is burning dry
And my soul's a-cryin
For awww~ refuge from here
In there you don't see
Where grasslands run free
And winds on the treetops...
Prince Royce - Me Robaste La Vida Lyrics
Little Big - Arriba Lyrics
Pitbull - No Se Lleva Nada Lyrics
Alex Ubago - Vuelves A Pensar Lyrics
Llega a tiempo una de esas caricias,
Que demuestran que uno no esta solo,
Tranquilizan el espíritu y animan,
Ven, recuestate y olvidate de todo,
Pero hace frio, tienes miedo,
Vuelves al pasado, por un momento,
Hoy la lluvia moja un p...