SOHN - Nil Lyrics
Tell me if I'm mistaken
But you're not in love
Am I right?
Things aren't the same since we came here
And we can pick up where we left off
But you're not in love
Am I right?
Well I can't say that I blame you
The ti...
Eluveitie - Nil Lyrics
Sunno - Bedona Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Tumi amar nouto shukh
Tumi shuker bedona
Shob shopner rong hoy nato
Bedonar moto noi ronga
Jiboner shob kotha noi
Ami jibon takei bolte chai
Hoyto du bakko noi sheto
Bhalobashar kabbo koye
Ami kobi noi
Tobu kabber bhasha...
Mustang - OÙ DEVRAI-JE ALLER Lyrics
Où devrai-je aller
Pour trouver l'endroit
Où le trou que j'ai au coeur
Ne se verra pas
Où devrai-je aller
Pour trouver la foi
Où mais où devrai-je aller
Pour être enfin chez moi
J'ai vogué sur le Nil et l'Amazon...
Girl Band - Prefab Castle Lyrics
Two-nil at the Final Whistle
Thumbtack Hatcher is Bog-Toed
Crunchy Percy is Train Erected
Dead Hollyhead in Cine-Morgue
Kissed Like Snooker Balls a Lot-Mint
Face Framed by Fringe by Fridgits
Snook Chewing Gums in a Mouth
Robb Bank$ - Senorita Lyrics
Nihal Nelson - Lassanata Pipuna Lyrics
Rosa malakui nelum malakui lassana wei
Hamana sulangai geetha raawei obage wagei
Mage kirilli, ae giya igilli
Man shokemai
Rosa malakui nelum malakui lassana wei
Hamana sulangai geetha raawei obage wagei
Mage kirilli, ae giya igilli...
Reinhard Mey - Vater und Sohn Lyrics
Ich nahm dich, als du klein warst, mit in dieser Flugmaschine,
Die ich für uns von einem kleinen Flugzeugschrauber lieh'.
Du entertest schnell deinen Platz vorn rechts in der Kabine,
Und hocktest dich auf meiner Kartentasche auf die K...
Rivermaya - Faithless Lyrics
Your so-called friends
Your so-called career
The time on your hands
The lover you cheat on every Monday night
Your sense of protection
Your chord progressions
You had the world
Indebted to no one
But your electronic diary
SOHN - Artifice Lyrics
Is it over?
Did it end while I was gone?
'Cause my shoulders
They couldn't hold that weight for long
And it all just feels the same
Somebody better let me know my name
Before I give myself away
Somebody better show me how...
Dardan - Mámá Lyrics
Ich bin weg und sie bleibt die ganze Nacht wach
Wo ist ihr Sohn, wann kommt er nach Hause
Die schweren Zeiten sind das was mich abfuckt
Bald hast du 'n Haufen vor dir liegen, Hunderttausend
Sie sagte immer: Mein Junge,...
Rebelsuns. - Save Your Breath Lyrics
You've been here crying
But you've been lying to yourself
That you're the one
The one who got hurt
Waste all our seconds
And I would beckon for you
To leave me be
Even if I said
"No, I love you stil...
Adriano Celentano - Mein Opa Dass Bin Ich Lyrics
Mein opa das binn ich
Mein opa das binn ich
Keiner wills kapiern doch jedem kanns passiern
Mein opa das binn ich
Es war vor vielen es ving ganz harmlos an
Ich traf ne reiche witwe und wurde ihr zweiter mann
Die tochter dieser witwe ...
SOHN - Paralysed Lyrics
Heart in my stomach
Throat blocked by air tonight
Twisted intestines
Reminding me that it's not alright
And you have hold on me
And my arms are locked by my side
A two-word apology
And I'm paralysed
I'm paralysed
SOHN - Paralysed Lyrics
Heart in my stomach
Throat blocked by air tonight
Twisted intestines
Reminding me that it's not alright
And you have hold on me
And my arms are locked by my side
A two-word apology
And I'm paralysed
I'm paralysed
SOHN - Ransom Notes Lyrics
There was a time
When the mountains kept their place
They stood in line
And they waited back the gaze
No one could see
No terrain now is a rock
No feet could find
Near the heart of old road bluff
The hills are worn
The place ab...
SOHN - Ransom Notes Lyrics
There was a time
When the mountains kept their place
They stood in line
And they waited back the gaze
No one could see
No terrain now is a rock
No feet could find
Near the heart of old road bluff
The hills are worn
The place abo...
SOHN - Tempest Lyrics
Oh love
Let me
Do right
Do wrong
I'm close
Oh love
You did
Me harm
(Chorus x2)
Oh love
I got lost in love and lost in love away
Except for me
I love her
Like no other love
Just let me
Let me discover
(Chorus x2)...
SOHN - Tempest Lyrics
Oh love
Let me
Do right
Do wrong
I'm close
Oh love
You did
Me harm
(Chorus x2)
Oh love
I got lost in love and lost in love away
Except for me
I love her
Like no other love
Just let me
Let me discover
(Chorus x2)
Markus Krämer - Herr Unser Herrscher Psalm 8 Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Herr, unser Herrscher,
Wie groß ist dein Name
Der Himmel zeugt von Deiner Macht.
Der Mond und die Sterne,
Als Werk deiner Hände,
Erzählen wie herrlich Du bist
Was ist der Mensch
Dass Du, Gott, an ihn denkst
Wer de...
SOHN - Lights Lyrics
We weave in and out of consciousness alone
Til our bodies collide and keep us from getting cold
Skin pores open up and swallow each other whole
And the scars we collect connect and reverse the flow
And so it goes (x2)
Emotions in m...
SOHN - Lights Lyrics
We weave in and out of consciousness alone
Til our bodies collide and keep us from getting cold
Skin pores open up and swallow each other whole
And the scars we collect connect and reverse the flow
And so it goes (x2)
Emotions in...
Westernhagen - Lichterloh Lyrics
Was sagt der Vater zu seinem Sohn
Hinter blauen Augen
Die Welt brennt lichterloh
Was sagt die Mutter
Verhüllte Mutter
Die Welt brennt lichterloh
Die Welt brennt lichterloh
Die Welt brennt lichterloh
Die Welt brennt lichterloh
BTX - Drogenboss Lyrics
[Part 1]
Die Jagt ist eröffnet, Medellin Kartell Flow
Zehntausend abgefeuerte Kugeln, es ist Death Row
Okay ich fasse zusammen, wie Donnie Brasco
Liefer' meine Ware über den Airport in Glasgow
Der Nervenkitzel bringt meine Laune zum...
Roger-Bontemps - Qui Vous Dira ? Lyrics
Une force empruntée
À la douleur d'un jour
L'aurore inachevée
D'un très ancien amour
Le talent vampirise
Et fait une friture
De la moindre des brises
Et de chaque rupture
Secret embranchement
Des c...
Nil Moliner - Tal Vez Lyrics
(Nil Moliner)
Por qué nos miramos siempre el ombligo
Por qué no salvamos personas del mar
Por qué cambiamos nuestro tiempo por dinero
Escuchamos pero nos da igual
Por qué cerramos la puerta a los sueños
De esa gente que ...
Abraham Mateo - Mellow Yellow Lyrics
I'm just mad about Saffron Saffron's mad about me
I'm just mad about Saffron She's just mad about me
They call me mellow yellow (Quite rightly)
They call me mellow yellow (Quite rightly)
They call me mellow yellow
Old Man Saxon - Uh Oh Lyrics
Uh oh
I think its going down
Uh oh
I think its going down
Bet they gone connect with a playa like me
Twenty cents in my pocket but I'm still hyphy
Slang gang but I realized that it just not me playa
But I just popped t...
SOHN - Fool Lyrics
Crave is admitted to both
Flows to the surface
Don't be a fool
Don't be a fool
Climb out the window again
Slipped on the water
Don't be a fool
Don't be a fool
If only for justice
If only for her
Don't ...
SOHN - Fool Lyrics
Crave is admitted to both
Flows to the surface
Don't be a fool
Don't be a fool
Climb out the window again
Slipped on the water
Don't be a fool
Don't be a fool
If only for justice
If only for her
Don't b...
Roger-Bontemps - La Toupie Lyrics
Un coeur soufflé par trop de craintes
Éteint sa ferveur de moustique
La joie est suspendue au cintre
Heureux espoirs, fermez boutique
Un arbre maigre et sans écorce
Nul être à qui se rappeler
C'est un éclair qui du...
SOHN - The chase Lyrics
You hold on every word I say
Pulling every time I move
You can't help it
You suffocate to keep me warm
'Cause you forget I need the cold
You can't help it
Feel so frosty, let me go
And it hurts so bad when you know ...
SOHN - The Chase Lyrics
You hang on every word I say
Pulling every time we move
You can't help it
You suffocate to keep me warm
Because you forget I need the cold
You can't help it
And it hurts so bad when you know it
What can you do, love?
SOHN - Bloodflows Lyrics
Shotgun poetry
Crack the whip again, make me see
Sharpen your knives for me
Infiltrate the mind, the body
Contract killer prose
Calmly walks away as blood flows
Open, the wound grows
Melts away the water froze
My love, my ...
Azet - Villa In Weiss Lyrics
Villa in weiss
[Part 1]
Trinke Whiskey auf Eis
Und denk' drüber nach, du hast zu viel geweint
Der Rammbock knallt, vor der Tür Polizei
Fragen im Kopf, geht's um Grün oder Weiß?
Deine Welt geht kaputt, kommt er r...
Raj Seneviratne - Sili Sili Seethala Alle Lyrics
Sili sili seethala alle
Diya seli seli yai nela wille
Na penune kandu nille
Api onchili chili onchille
Sili sili seethala alle
Diya seli seli yai nela wille
Na penune kandu nille
Api onchili chili onchille
SOHN - The Wheel Lyrics
I died a week ago,
There's nothing left
It's caught on video
The very last breath
The very last breath
The very last breath
The very last breath
The very last breath
In time an avalanche
Will cave in on mines
Covering ...
Nimo - ES IST VORBEI Lyrics
Wincent Weiss - Kaum Erwarten Lyrics
[Strophe 1]
Die Klamotten, die sich stapeln, die können heute warten
Die Termine, die noch komm'n, die soll'n sich selber plan'n
Alle Fragen, die ich hab', kann ich zu den Sorgen packen
Hab' hier alles, was...
SOHN - Tremors Lyrics
Vibrations of tremors that shook long ago
Tear holes in the fabric of all that we know
(Pre-Chorus 1)
Can't survive with the secrets we have
All that we have is a lie
Hold the line
Til the thread comes undone
If you&#...