Ck - Dalala Lyrics
Naji - Intermission Lyrics
(feat. Danny Dwyer)
Hello! Thank you for choosing Thousand Story as your trusted source for media. We have now reached a brief intermission
If at this time, you wish to purchase any refreshments, check your socials for the 59th time today...
Vampire Weekend - 2021 Lyrics
[Verse 1: Ezra Koenig & Jenny Lewis]
(Boy, boy)
2021, will you think about me?
I could wait a year but I shouldn't wait three (Boy)
I don't wanna be (Boy)
Mm-mm, mm mm mm
2021, will you think about us?
Copper goe...
Issue No. 110 - In Dreapta Ta Lyrics
Anda Adam - Poate Fata Lyrics
Te iubesc nu face nici doi bani
Daca doar o spui si nu simti cu adevarat
Dar o fata cand simte mai presus de cuvinte iti va arata
Cand nu mai poti poate ea
Cand nu stii, stie ea
Cand nu mai poti, poate fata
Cand nu mai stii, stie fa...
Deliric - Cioburi De Mine Lyrics
Shantel - Disko Partizani Lyrics
My baby came down from romania
She was the queen of transylvania
But now we live in suburbia
Without any friends from Bosnia
Tsiganizatsia tsiganizatsia
Come on baby this is what you need
Tsiganizatsia tsiganizatsia
Akua Naru - Poetry: How Does It Feel Lyrics
If love had a sound, this would be that sound
Love, love. We would be the band to play it
My ghetto butterfly flew away from me
I wait patiently by windows and doorsteps
Play, make, believe as my tears, poor chest
Won't su...
Issue No. 110 - Orice om are poveste Lyrics
Orice om are-o poveste
Mai seamana cateodata,
Dar a mea, asa cum este,
Sigur e cea mai ciudata!
Orice om are-o poveste
Mai seamana cateodata,
Dar a mea, asa cum este,
Sigur e cea mai ciudata!
Cine-a mai vazut asa ceva?
Issue No. 110 - 112 Lyrics
E plina agenda, da, da, da
112, 112, 112
Nu vrei sa pleci din mintea mea
112, 112
Si daca pentru mine vara as vrea sa mai dureze
Atunci cand vine iarna o fac sa demisioneze
Problemele dispar, furtuna o sa plece
Cat suntem impreuna...
Lloyd Price - Where Were You (On Our Wedding Day) Lyrics
Where were you on our wedding day?
I got bad news that you went away
Where were you on our wedding day?
You did me wrong and now you must pay
Whoa oh - give me back my ring - Whoa oh
Whoa oh - I ain't gonna let you keep a ...
Dax - Lyrics
[Intro: Dax]
Ayee if no ones told you this today, I'ma tell ya!
You worth it!
It's Dax
[Verse 1: Dax]
You worth it, perfect, see through the surface
A king or a queen be supreme is your purpose I'm cert...
Masego - I DO EVERYTHING! Lyrics
Do you play the keys? I can play that
Do you play the sax? I can play that too
Do you play the marimba? I can play that
Do you play the cymbals? I can play that too
Do you play the tuba? I can play that
Do you play the trombone? I can play ...
Issue No. 131 - Ne Intamplam Lyrics
Cdot Honcho - Don't Know Lyrics
In that fast car but you ain't know it
I woke up with two hoe's I DON'T KNOW them
I would say them hoes names but I DON'T KNOW it
Medusa my belt paid a rack for it
I got that sack if you ain'...
Aloïse Sauvage - Et Cette Tristesse Lyrics
Jose Guapo - Cash Pronto Lyrics
[Intro: Jose Guapo]
Offset, Young Guapo
Migo gang, yeah we here
Let's get it!
[Hook: Offset]
Top model (top model)
Full throttle (full throttle)
Gold bottles (gold bottles)
On gelato (on gelato)
El Chapo (El...
Let's Eat Grandma - Sax In The City Lyrics
Sometimes I just lay back and float away-ay
I spilt a serving, oh where's the Bourbon
Xylophone, kaleidoscope, is so spontaneous
Telling you she's just grey (she's running away)
I live in a house by the roadside
And the cars ...
Deliric - Van Gogh Lyrics
Issue No. 113 - Geamul potrivit Lyrics
N-ai, n-ai, n-ai
Hai, hai, hai
Asculta-ma ce-ti spun, mai iesi si tu din casa
Probabil n-ai vazut ca viata e frumoasa
Te-ai ingropat in acte, datorii
Si nu mai mergi de mult in ritmul inimii!
Hai adu-ti aminte tot ce-ai declarat
Sleaford Mods - In Quiet Streets Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Weaning it on my angle, you fucking satanist
Its not a Pentangle, Arthur
No druids, out of date barrel fluids
I go large for a pound and regret it
Greasy, a sharp contrast from my newly adopted organic nice mate
Easy v...
Lil Durk - Therapy Session Lyrics
[Alicia Keys:]
Good morning, Durk
I hope you're doing as well as possible under the circumstances
Can you tell me where was your mind when you heard the news of your friend Von passing away on November 6th, 2020?
And then the loss ...
Malcolm Lucard - She Wants One Lyrics
Our flesh engulfed in sweaty bliss
What a time for her to tell me this
She wants to have one
I just smiled and looked away and said
'Honey, what did you say?'
She wants to have one
I said 'honey the world don't need
Alex Mica - End of the story Lyrics
I know we are done, it's the end of the story
And now that you're gone, believe me, I'm sorry
I know I was wrong, but you hurt my soul
You walked out the door and took it all
Acum din pacate-i clar
Acum totu-i in zada...
Kamaiyah - Hennessy On Ice Lyrics
I've been sipping Hennessy all night
That's the remedy all night
Please don't let my shit get warm
Keep my Hennessy on ice
I've been sipping Hennessy all night
That's the remedy all night
Meryl - Désolé Lyrics
She's my stuff I just can't get enough
She's my stuff I just can't get enough
She knows where I'm coming from
I'm never lonely never have to run
Takes my time
She's so fine
I tell you if you see her you kn...
Panic At The Disco - Local God Lyrics
In 1998, you bought a BC Rich
You were a master shredder from the jump
Blew them all away with the Ritalin kids
While I was shedding through my sophomore slump
You had so many chances to become a star
But you never really cared about t...
Issue No. 140 - Afara Ploua Lyrics
Afara ploua, ploua nesfarsit
Peste iubirea noastra ce a murit
Afara ploua, ploua neincetat
Si-mi rascoleste dorul neuitat.
Si stropi de ploaie reci imi patrund
In suflet si pe ploape ii am plangand
Aduce ploaia nori de nostalgii
Alexandra Craescu - Tu Si Eu Lyrics
Tu si eu as vrea sa fim mereu
Numai tu si eu oricat ar fi de greu
Tu si eu as vrea sa fim mereu
Numai tu si eu oricat ar fi de greu
Faci ce faci ca stii ca-mi placi si nu taci
De scut si de ziduri ma dezbraci
Ma arunci la pama...
Wilson Pickett - Land Of Thousand Dances Lyrics
One, Two, Three
One, Two, Three
Ah, ow, alright, uh
You gotta know how to Pony
Like Bony Maronie
Mashed Potato, do the Alligator
Put your hands on your hips, yeah
Let your back-bone slip
Do the Watusi
Like my little...
JARPS - God's Morning Lyrics
- May I have a beer? first!
- Just play some music boys...
I only hear the sounds inside of my head,
You try to understand but you just can't
You paid the doctor bill on the first of July
God's Morning, God's Mornin...
Issue No. 192 - Prieteni Lyrics
B. Lou - Lost Time Lyrics
Sports - Someone You'd Rather Be Dating Lyrics
[Verse 1]
After dinner
Baby we gotta talk
I've been hearing strange things around the block
And what they're sayin's really creeping my style
That you been wanting to leave me for awhile
So tell me n...
Rodrigo Amarante - O Cometa Lyrics
Bruto bailarino
Delicado que é
Olhos de menino
Ginga de pajé
Pena de malandro
Rima de doutor
Sua faixa-preta
De amarelo decorou
Mas o decoro o coro
O status quo
Ele dizia a cara assim
O ó!
E sua f...
Deliric - Cine Lyrics
[Spoken Word From: "Atac în bibliotecă"]
Zi așa, s-au repezit asupra dumitale? Mușcă?
Numai polițiști
Cât a durat bătaia?
Subiectiv cum sunt, mi s-a părut c-a durat o veșnicie
Ce-au facut cei trei după aia?
Stephen Malkmus - Shadowbanned Lyrics
Great Gable - Cool Mind Blue Lyrics
I'm up to my knees, I'm up to my knees today
I'm back on my feet, I'm back on my feet today
I'm getting out of bed
Man I'm coming home
Oh but she, doesn't notice, when my inside's on fire
MoRuf - Soulhop Lyrics
Feeling like a model on the runway
Off the top with it
I'm the type of ninja to pull off all that's not fitted
I'm hella groovy'
Make moves, they acting funny'
Happy Gilmore, I'm sneaking off some'