Issue No. 190 - Vino Langa Mine Lyrics
Perfect, perfect, perfect!
Yeah, yeah!
Noi doi cantam pentru voi, yeah
Pentru cei ce se iubesc
Si nu dau inapoi.
Da! Of, of!
Hai vino langa mine
Ca sa-ti fie bine, viata mea!
Eu nu te las in drum
Ca ai sufletul b...
Leo Hook - LA LA LA LA LOVE Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I was asking my sweetheart what a pleasing gift
She would like to get to fix our recent rift
A Diamond ring, a brand new car, or Versace dress
Anything she likes! The price I couldn't care less
Maybe a romantic t...
Issue No. 110 - Atata timp cat ma iubesti Lyrics
De-ar fi sa cada cerul peste tine,
Te voi ocroti, uh, uh, uh!
Si poate sa vina, baby si potopul,
Nu-mi stinge focul inimi, uh, uh, uh!
Chiar daca-i vreun cutremur,
Sfarsitul lumii stii
Atata timp cat ma iubesti, eu te voi iubi!
Holograf - Intoarce-te Acasa Lyrics
Cine spune ca nu a iubit
Cine a iubit cu adevarat
Cine stie unde am gresit
Cine din greseala a castigat
Si cine sufletul ti la ranit
Cine o rana adanca a vindecat
Cine imi spune acuma unde esti
Cine, ce iti doresti cu adevarat
Issue No. 113 - Mai Stai Lyrics
Iubire jur iubire te iubesc de mor
Tu pentru mine esti lumina ochilor
Mai stai, mai stai, mai stai, mai stai
Da-mi sarutul noptilor de rai
Vali Vijelie:
Pe tine jur iubire te iubesc de mor
Tu pentru mine esti lumina ochilor
Ck - Dalala Lyrics
nothing,nowhere. - Stranger Lyrics
Leo: I see the way you look at him. I know.. because.. you used to look at me that way.
Paige: Leo...
Leo: No, I think we just need to start being realistic. Your memories are not coming back. The fact is, I'm still this stra...
Rels B - SI NO TE VEO Lyrics
Frankie Cosmos - O Contest Winner Lyrics
Leo, leo, leo, leo, leo, Leonie
Joe, joe, joe, joe, joe, joe, joe, joe, joe, joe, Joana
I don't, I don't, I don't wanna go to the party
Without, without you, without you begging me
O Contest Winner, my veil is growing...
Issue No. 140 - Plange inima Lyrics
Si plange inima mea
Ea doar pe tine te vrea.
Si plange inima mea
Ea doar pe tine te vrea.
Sa cumperi dragoste, cati bani tre' sa ai?
Tu vinzi sperante, ca nu ai ce sa-mi dai
Atat am asteptat sa vrei sa ma ai
Nu mi...
Jory Boy - Mientras Tanto Lyrics
Twin Peaks - Under The Pines Lyrics
[Verse 1]
The gutter was filled with flowers, yeah
And our bodies were filled with wine
And the wine was filled with a secret power
And it filled your hand with mine
And now we walk together
Down a dark r...
Tim Stop - My Cherie Amour Lyrics
La la la la la la, La la la la la la
My cherie amour, lovely as a summer day
My cherie amour, distant as the milky way
My cherie amour, pretty little one that I adore
You're the only girl my heart beats for
How I wish that you w...
Fred Again.. - January 1st 2022 Lyrics
No, no
We're gonna do this
Alright, I'll follow you...
Hugo And Luigi - La Plume De Ma Tante Lyrics
La la la la la, la La la la la la la la;
La la la la la, la la la la la la la la.
La plume de ma tante
Est sur le bureau de mon oncle,
Le papier de mon oncle
Est sur le bureau de ma tante.
The pen of my aunt
Is on the bureau of m...
Public - Make You Mine Lyrics
Well, I will call you darlin' and everything will be okay
'Cause I know that I am yours and you are mine
Doesn't matter anyway
In the night, we'll take a walk, it's nothin' funny
Just to talk
Put your ha...
Elmer Food Beat - Linda Lyrics
J'aime bien les manières dont je passe le temps chez Linda
Mais ce que je préfère c'est fixer l'écran chez Linda
Il y a tant de gens sur sa vidéo
Que l'on en ressort tout ébouriffé
Et lorsque je prends Linda à go...
PUBLIC - Make You Mine Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Well, I will call you darlin' and everything will be okay
'Cause I know that I am yours and you are mine
Doesn't matter anyway
In the night, we'll take a walk, it's nothin' funny
Just to tal...
Rasel - Jaleo Lyrics
Danny Romero
Cuando te miro al pasar
Entre la gente al andar
Mi mente empieza a maquinar
Y no paro de pensar
Cuando me doy cuenta
Que sigues estando con él
Que nadie te obliga a querer
Solo tú y yo, solo tú
Y si esta noche nos jun...
Issue No. 116 - O simpla melodie Lyrics
Muneca - Plange Inima Lyrics
Plange inima mea,
nu bate langa a ta
Plange inima mea
Ea doar pe tine te vrea
Sa cumperi dragoste cati bani tre' sa ai?
Tu vinzi sperante cand nu ai ce sa-mi dai
Atat am asteptat sa vrei sa ma ai
Nu mi-ai zis stop, nu mi-ai zi...
Jules Morrow - Euphoria And Diet Coke Lyrics
Euphoria and Diet Coke
Never will they mix
Cause the latter kills the former
When we drink from fear of losing bliss
I want your heart to pump my lonely blood
Dreamsicles are dreams on sticks
You freeze them up and take a li...
- Hierbas De Asia Lyrics
Car Seat Headrest - Romantic Theory Lyrics
I didn't like you anyways
You always spoke so quiet
I had to ask you to repeat yourself
I'd like to explain to all of my friends
To everyone involved
How it all happened
How things fell apart
La la la la la la ...
Colette Renard - CHANGER DE VIE Lyrics
Changer de vie
Changer d'horizon
Vivre sans façon
Mais vivre sa vie
La la la la la ...
Changer d'amour
Pour le seul amour
Pour le grand amour
Eternel amour
La la la la la
Ce que tu veux
Demande le moi
Pour toi, je ferai
Bien, n...
Jonathan Hulten - Deep Night Lyrics
Wampire - Orchards Lyrics
I don't know where the orchards grow
But it's here, and it's not
'cause institutions can make bad illusions
That are real, and they're not
La la la la la la, la la la la la la
La la la la la la
La ...
Pixel Terror - Bittersweet Lyrics
Issue No. 107 - Doar pentru tine Lyrics
Cand clipesc dispari si doare
Nu gasesc nici o scapare
Vad ca nu mai ai rabdare
Sa vedem de ce ne doare
Poate am gresit
Sau nu
Esti fericit?
Ochii nu mai au culoare
Simt ca pleci si nu am stare
Spune-mi sincer, chiar daca t...
Glee Cast - Piano Man Lyrics
It's nine o'clock on a Saturday
the regular crowd shuffles in
There's an old man sitting next to me
Makin' love to his tonic and gin
He says, Son can you play me a memory
I'm not really sure how it goes
But i...
Science For Sociopaths - The Illusion Lyrics
I'll sing you a song, we'll make a toast
Send of the ones we love the most with the gentlest illusion
I couldn't aspire to more than this
I couldn't impart more than the bliss of a well-spun confusion
La la la...
Gilbert Bécaud - Nathalie Lyrics
[Verse 1]
La place Rouge était vide
Devant moi marchait Nathalie
Il avait un joli nom mon guide
La place Rouge était blanche
La neige faisait un tapis
Et je suivais par ce froid di...manche
Elle parlait en phr...
Enrique Bunbury - Liberat Lyrics
Cruzamos miradas de puñal
Un invierno de años
De la autodefensa pasiva
La provocación agresiva
Me pregunto si el fuego se apagara
Antes de consumirse la obra
Separados para alejarnos
Distanciados para unirnos...
Damso - Ι. Peur D'être Père Lyrics
[Couplet 1 : Damso]
Elle porte notre avenir dans son ventre
Première fois que je parlerai d'amour
En chanson pour faire court
Oui, j'ai p't'être peur de ne pas être le père que j'veux être
J'tremble à cha...
Monica Naranjo - Libre Amar Lyrics
Prince Royce - My Angel Lyrics
Ooh, oh oh
Ooh, oh ohRipping seconds just to buy your attention
Skin so perfect, golden complexion
Most beautiful girl, you're a work of artOoh, oh oh, yeah
Oh my, I cannot believe my eyes
Oh my, pinch me in my dr...
Alexandra Craescu - Tu Si Eu Lyrics
Tu si eu as vrea sa fim mereu
Numai tu si eu oricat ar fi de greu
Tu si eu as vrea sa fim mereu
Numai tu si eu oricat ar fi de greu
Faci ce faci ca stii ca-mi placi si nu taci
De scut si de ziduri ma dezbraci
Ma arunci la pama...
Anna Of The North - My Love Lyrics
Sean O'Hagan - The Paykan (Laili's Song) Lyrics
Bill Wurtz - La De Da De Da De Da De Day Oh Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I don't have enough time
To say the things I wanna say
To do the things I wanna do
Or to be like you
I just want some time
To express the things I feel
Just to express the things I feel
And believe them too