Ellie White - Zi Ceva Lyrics
Plang atunci cand ochii tai se pierd chiar langa mine
Esti o usa inchisa de prea mult timp, te-ai rupt de mine
So nimic, nimic nu simti de zile intregi cand vorbesc cu tine
Cred ca am iesit din viata ta,
Te rog doar
Zi ceva, ca mi-e ...
Komputer - The Perfect Pop Band Lyrics
We don't need to dance or shout
We don't need to pose or count
Our clothes are immaterial
Our songs are quite minimal
We are the perfect pop band
We are the perfect pop band
We are the perfect pop band
We are the perfect ...
Issue No. 137 - Emotii Lyrics
Am aflat ca-i mai rau fara tine
N-au trecut nici macar doua zile
Ce dor nebun ma face iar sa te sun
Sunt al tau, dar nu mi-e teama sa spun
Ca am emotii
Iubire n-am fara un gram de emotii
Ai fost acolo cand te-am vrut
Mija - Cover Me Lyrics
Issue No. 110 - Scumpa Domnisoara Lyrics
Scumpa domnisoara e prima oara
Cand ma simt bine, atat de bine
Scumpa domnisoara te astept diseara
Inima-mi spune
Scumpa domnisoara e prima oara
Cand ma simt bine, atat de bine
Scumpa domnisoara te astept diseara
Inima-mi spune s...
Little Comets - Cover Your Rain Lyrics
You change the covers
And I'll make a will
Punish me rotten for the way I feel
Woe betide me and you
And everybody who has a lot to loose
Cover your rain
Cover your rain up
Cover your rain
Cover your rain up
Maybe I w...
Anda Adam - Poate Fata Lyrics
Te iubesc nu face nici doi bani
Daca doar o spui si nu simti cu adevarat
Dar o fata cand simte mai presus de cuvinte iti va arata
Cand nu mai poti poate ea
Cand nu stii, stie ea
Cand nu mai poti, poate fata
Cand nu mai stii, stie fa...
Ck - Dalala Lyrics
bernaldinobest https://wikipedia.org...
Issue No. 192 - Prieteni Lyrics
Friday Whiskey - Vred Lyrics
Vravel som ti nesed na tom snehu
Neucitis dalsi mesiac nehu
Na riti narastie ti vred
A bolest dostavi sa, ta dostavi sa hned
Pocuvaj dam ti jednu radu,tak pocuvaj ma sem
Mozes cakat velku zradu, sak to uz davno vies
Pocuvaj dam ti j...
Issue No. 139 - Tu Lyrics
feat. Eli & Dr Mako
What can I do
In mintea mea esti tu
What can I do
In mintea mea esti tu
A fost ca o poveste
Ascunsa de ferestre
Stiuta doar de inima mea
Citita intr-o carte
Cu zambete trucate
Parfumul ei pe pagina t...
Brkovi - Draga, Zapio Sam Djecu Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Poslala me žena do dućana
Gurnula mi u džep nešto para
Sastavila spisak šta da kupim
Al' šta ću kad je usput mi kafana
[Verse 2]
Zvala me je jedno 20 puta
Da mi sere što okolo lutam
A j...
All Time Low - Take Cover Lyrics
This is a cry out
To the ones in the gutter
To the sorry unfaithful
We lonely few
We band of others
We stand apart
In a trial by fire
We'll make it through
There is hope for us yet
We can die like the heroes before us
Or live to be th...
Issue No. 195 - Cod Rosu Lyrics
Ti-am dat si sufletul meu
Dac-ai stii cat mi-e de greu
Va fi COD ROSU de lacrimi
Am ochii plini de amintiri
Ma-nec in dezamagiri,
Va fi COD ROSU de lacrimi
Mi-am pus sufletul pe tava
Ca mai apoi sa privesc in el ca-ntr-o epava
Rusted Root - Cover Me Up Lyrics
You are so beautiful
Won't you (Cover me up) cover me up?
Hands down, let it feel you down, I did
Let me beep, beep, cover me up
Cover me up (Cover me up)
Cover me up, won't you (Cover me up) cover me up?
Cover me up
Cover ...
King Louie - G.O.D. Lyrics
Amen to me, I'm a G.O.D
Fucking with me, go to G.O.D
See me, they like to go G.O.D
All of my homies is G.O.D.S
Yo G.O.D is that swallow bitch
Still throw lotta heavy like Christ
Bring death to my nigga, my wrist
Issue No. 110 - Zi cu soare Lyrics
Astazi e soare pe cerul albastru
Vad ochii ce m-au vrajit
Si nu am rabdare s-astept pana maine
Sa simt din nou ca sunt iubit
Ia-ma in brate, stii cat imi place sa-mi spui
Tot ce simti si gandesti
Stiu cat de bine te simti cu mine
Art Brut - Kultfigur Lyrics
Kult band, kult band
Kult band, kult band
Kult band, kult band
Kult band, kult band
[Verse 1]
Don't snigger
It's not about makin' the audience bigger
We've got a lead singer
Rilgood - G.O.O.D.Y Lyrics
Hey man,
I hared these niggas talking out here, man
What they say?
I'm talking about
I ain't good, nigga
I'm a good nigga!
You know who I am!
You know my name!
Is GOODY, bitch!
Who I think they...
The Acacia Strain - Our Lyrics
Paradigma - Pierduți În Întuneric Lyrics
În privirea ta văd un erou, pierdut în amintiri
Ruinele din ochii tăi și praful te-au orbit
Dar lacrimile nu ți-au stins privirea
Din pieptul tău se-aude un ecou
De mii de ori ai vrut să zbori, dar visele s-au frânt
Un er...
Issue No. 170 - Intr-o Zi Lyrics
Issue No. 143 - A.G.B. Lyrics
(A Guitar Band)
We sing along to any song A Guitar Band
We rehears in the showers A Guitar Band
We will play in the subway A Guitar Band
No one can really hear us A Guitar Band
Chicks gon' digg in if they wanna see real thing...
Issue No. 112 - Pantofii Altcuiva Lyrics
Ma uit pe geam la ce puteam sa am daca ma nasteam la alt etaj
In alta scara, in alt bloc, in alt an, in alta tara
Sigur aveam mai mult tupeu, si-n buzunar, mai mult c-un leu
Si-n patul meu ma asteptau mereu doua pustoaice de liceu!
(De ...
Irina Rimes - In Locul Meu Lyrics
E-atat de ciudat cum te poate lovi
Cand crezi ca ai uitat, se-ntoarce
O vad pe Insta, ma uit zi de zi
Si ma doare, ma doare, ma doare
Ma stoarce
[Pre Chorus]
De ultimul strop de nadejde
Tu nu te vei intoarce vreodata la mine
Si cum...
Issue No. 108 - Te iubesc Lyrics
Te iubesc cum n-am iubit
Ne vedem la rasarit
Ziua ce vine poate devine
Prima zi in care sigur ai iubit
Pare ca ai o mie de defecte
Dar toate pentru mine sunt perfecte
Am ascultat de mine si n-am gresit
Fiindca te-am gasit
Tot ce ...
Akcent - Lyrics
Issue No. 107 - Doar pentru tine Lyrics
Cand clipesc dispari si doare
Nu gasesc nici o scapare
Vad ca nu mai ai rabdare
Sa vedem de ce ne doare
Poate am gresit
Sau nu
Esti fericit?
Ochii nu mai au culoare
Simt ca pleci si nu am stare
Spune-mi sincer, chiar daca t...
Issue No. 111 - Lei, Lei Lyrics
Lei, lei, lei, lei, lei
Lei, lei, lei, lei, lei
Lei, lei, lei, lei, lei
Nu-ti vinde sufletul pentru ei
Lovele, cascaval, bani, cash, pispirei
Porecle cate vrei, man, eu le zic lei
De-ar fi o haina ar fi mereu in trend
De-ar fi om ...
Chappell Roan - Hot to Go! Lyrics
Five, six
Five, six, seven, eight
I could be the one or your new addiction
It's all in my head, but I want non-fiction
I don't want the world, but I'll take this city
Who can blame a girl? Call me hot, not pretty
Lidia Buble - Noi Simtim La Fel Lyrics
[Adrian sina:]
De-ai fi tu salcie la mal,
La umbra ta m-as pune
Stiu ca iti pare ireal,
Vreau sa fugim in lume
Sau poti sa stai aici,
Sa-mi dai culoare
Mai iti aduc lumea la picioare, da!
Vreau sa ies pe strada
Si sa urlu ta...
Issue No. 151 - Noi simtim la fel Lyrics
[Adrian Sina:]
De-ai fi tu salcie la mal,
La umbra ta m-as pune
Stiu ca iti pare ireal,
Vreau sa fugim in lume
Sau poti sa stai aici,
Sa-mi dai culoare
Mai iti aduc LUMEA la picioare, da!
Vreau sa ies pe strada
Si sa urlu TARE ...
LOCASH - I Love This Life Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I love my boots broke in, I love my camo hat
Don't mind a little paint on my jeans, yeah I roll like that
I love driving my truck across the railroad track
If you hit it too quick, it'll hit you right back
Paul McCartney - Band On The Run Lyrics
Stuck inside these four walls, sent inside forever,
Never seeing no one nice again like you,
Mama you, mama you.
If I ever get out of here,
Thought of giving it all away
To a registered charity.
All I need is a pint a day
If I ever get out ...
Issue No. 110 - Ale Cui? Lyrics
Cand eram mic
Mi-a zis tata o vorba buna
Nu alerga dupa ele
Dar eu nu am inteles
Si ce sa fac ca acum
Sunt plin de dileme
E complicat cu domnisoarele, dar oare voi gasi
Pe cineva cu-adevarat sa pot iubi
Sunt nebune rau de tot...
Gabrielle Aplin - Run For Cover Lyrics
[Verse 1]
There's a whisper in my chest
It's telling me
The best is yet to come
Hiding in the night
Shadows speak
Telling me to run
[Pre-Chorus 1]
We had our chance, but it's over now
We gave it all to th...
Pink Martini - Lyrics
RAMIREZ - Kingdom Hearts (Mia Khalifa) Lyrics
Word on the street I'm a suspect
Hangin' with the killers in the projects
Potato on the barrel keep quiet (shh)
Catch a nigga slippin' from behind (boom)
O.G. Bobby Johnson
O.G. Bobby Johnson
O.G. Bobby...
Issue No. 111 - Purtati De Vant Lyrics
Sa ne lasam, purtati de vant
E o noua zi si tot ce-avem in gand e
Sa ne lasam, purtati de vant
Sa zburam cat mai departe, sa uitam grijile toate
Ei, aud acelasi ecou,
Zice ca n-am incontro
Sa am acelasi ego, dar yo nu vrea...
Bella Thorne - GOAT Lyrics
She the baddest in the club, that she know (that she know)
She the baddest everywhere that she go (that she go)
You can think you gon' get her, but you won't
She the motherfucking best, she the motherfucking G.O.A....