Issue No. 110 - Zi cu soare Lyrics
Astazi e soare pe cerul albastru
Vad ochii ce m-au vrajit
Si nu am rabdare s-astept pana maine
Sa simt din nou ca sunt iubit
Ia-ma in brate, stii cat imi place sa-mi spui
Tot ce simti si gandesti
Stiu cat de bine te simti cu mine
Akcent - Buchet De Trandafiri Lyrics
De la 16 ani nu stiam de faima sau de bani
Zi de zi visam iubirea ta
Dar mi-a furat-o altcineva.
Te iubesc ai acum
Lumea-mi spune ca sunt nebun...
Azi te astept cu un buchet de trandafiri
Te astept pe aceeasi banca plina de amint...
Issue No. 108 - Te iubesc Lyrics
Te iubesc cum n-am iubit
Ne vedem la rasarit
Ziua ce vine poate devine
Prima zi in care sigur ai iubit
Pare ca ai o mie de defecte
Dar toate pentru mine sunt perfecte
Am ascultat de mine si n-am gresit
Fiindca te-am gasit
Tot ce ...
Joe Moses - Go Viral Lyrics
Mija - Cover Me Lyrics
Ck - Dalala Lyrics
Eurovision Song Contest 2014 - Romania: Paula Seling & Ovi Lyrics
Little Comets - Cover Your Rain Lyrics
You change the covers
And I'll make a will
Punish me rotten for the way I feel
Woe betide me and you
And everybody who has a lot to loose
Cover your rain
Cover your rain up
Cover your rain
Cover your rain up
Maybe I w...
Pink Martini - Lyrics
Gareth Emery - Firebird Lyrics
fara versuri
Issue No. 108 - Poison Lyrics
fară versuri...
Issue No. 108 - Inevitable Lyrics
(fară versuri)...
Issue No. 116 - Outside Violins Lyrics
fara versuri
Issue No. 119 - Hammers Lyrics
fara versuri
Issue No. 108 - Stretcher Lyrics
(fară versuri)...
Issue No. 140 - Dr. Kimble Lyrics
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Pete Yorn & Scarlett Johansson - Iguana Bird Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Do you like how you're spending your time?
Do you like how you're living your life away from me?
Do you like how you're spending your time?
Do you like how you're living your life away from me?
Issue No. 108 - Boring Foothills of Foot Fetishville Lyrics
(fară versuri)...
Rusted Root - Cover Me Up Lyrics
You are so beautiful
Won't you (Cover me up) cover me up?
Hands down, let it feel you down, I did
Let me beep, beep, cover me up
Cover me up (Cover me up)
Cover me up, won't you (Cover me up) cover me up?
Cover me up
Cover ...
Myke Towers - Viral Lyrics
Akcent - Lyrics
Cum sa visez, cum sa iubesc
Cand tu mi-ai ranit inima.
Ieri am zburat printre nori
Te-am pictat in culori
Si ti-am dat dragostea.
Azi, mi-ai ranit inima
Oare cum as putea
Pe tine sa te pot ierta.
Fil Bo Riva - L'impossibile Lyrics
You're so insecure, but everytime I see you you look beautiful my love
I'm not tryna be romantic
I got ,”blue eyes" in my blood, I'm simply being true
Invite me to your world, and wear your favorite dress toni...
Issue No. 140 - Afara Ploua Lyrics
Afara ploua, ploua nesfarsit
Peste iubirea noastra ce a murit
Afara ploua, ploua neincetat
Si-mi rascoleste dorul neuitat.
Si stropi de ploaie reci imi patrund
In suflet si pe ploape ii am plangand
Aduce ploaia nori de nostalgii
Issue No. 110 - NUMELE EI Lyrics
Numele ei, ma, numele ei, ma
Numele ei, ma, numele ei, ma
Numele ei, ma, numele ei, ma
Numele ei, ma, numele ei, ma
Numele ei, il am si-acum in minte
Doar un gand la ea si imi aduc aminte
De serile din weekend si cele dinainte
Caterina Valente - Vorrei Danzar Con Te Lyrics
Vorrei danzar con te
La notte e il dì, così
E stringerti con me.
Insieme a te cantar,
Vicino a te sognar
Perché sei tu l'amor.
Vorrei portar
Miei pensier
Nel cielo
Per aspettar
Vorrei sognar con te...
Neeraj Shridhar - Ishq Ka Kalma Lyrics
Always Always
I Rock The Night With You Always
You In My Heart Forever Baby
Always Always
I Rock The Night With You Always
Always Always
You In My Heart Forever Baby
(Neeraj Shridhar Begins)
Hey Romana, Teri Baatein
Karte Hain, Mere Din Me...
Breaking Benjamin - Medicate Lyrics
I got somethin' up my sleeve
I know you will cover me
Inside out and in between
I know you will cover me
I've got bruises on my knees
I know you will cover me
Inside out and in between
And I know you will cover me
Caterina Valente - Amo Solo Te Lyrics
Amo solo te veramente
Amo solo te dolcemente
Amo solo te per tre volte t'amo
Amo solo te non so quanto
Amo solo te tanto tanto
Amo solo te per sei volte t'amo
Amo solo te fedelmente
Amo solo te pazzamente
Amo solo te n...
New Rhetoric - Viral Lyrics
Verse A1
Yesterday I was an ordinary man
There was nothing special about me
My pants went on one leg at a time
My future I couldn't see
But when I was so much younger I always aspired to be
Someone the world might recognize
Follow and ...
Venes Music - Lanmou Se Lyrics
Nan lanmou pa gen 2 pa gen 3 se sajes se respe ak konfyans
Mwen mete'm tou piti pou nou viv paske mwen vle pou nou rive byen lwen
Lanmou se li mwen vle pou grandi pou vi nou avni nou se li mwen vle, se li
Mwen vle
Pixies - Bagboy Lyrics
I had a bad reaction to your public hobby writings
Cover your breath, cover your teeth
I get no satisfaction from your very recent sightings
Cover your breath, polish your speech
Cover your breath, cover your teeth
Cover your breath, p...
Tall Heights - Oslo Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Oslo, oh, no
Stand up, get low
No way, no good
Norwegian Wood
Wide awake upon a bed I swear I did not make a wall
I'm prepared to face it anyway
Child's play upon a bed, we roshambo I take it ...
Vargskelethor - Viral Warfare Lyrics
The Acacia Strain - Our Lyrics
Blueface - Viral Lyrics
Men Without Hats - Roses Lyrics
When my time is done
Cover me in roses
When my time is up
Cover me in roses
Cover me
And when you cover me in roses
Just remember you're having fun
And some will say it's superstitious
You can tell them it's only lo...
Kehlani - Unconditional Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I'm far from perfect, nothing even close
But that's what makes me beautiful, that's something you should know
I'm not looking for someone to tell me how to row my boat
So let me live and let me learn I promise ...
Matmatah - Lésine Pas Lyrics
Lésine lésine pas sur moi
Lésine pas sur l'amour comme ça
Quand on aime on ne compte pas
Lésine pas sur l'amour
Lésine lésine pas sur moi
Lésine pas sur l'amour comme ça
T'inquiète il en restera
Farruko - Aparentas Lyrics
yeah yeah
yeah yeah
yeah yeah yeah
Bebé, yo te conozco bien
Tú no eres lo que aparentas
Presumes de que estás feliz con él
Pero yo te conozco, sé que estás fingiendo
Él te toca y no te calienta, ah
Tú no eres lo que aparentas
Nolwenn Leroy - L’ Ankou Lyrics
À ta gauche il se postera
À l'oreille il te murmurera
Attends moi et nous m'oublies pas, ne m'oublies pas, ne m'oublies pas
Il est là dans ton sommeil
Tu peux lui demander conseil
Il dira rien n'est importa...