Akcent - Buchet De Trandafiri Lyrics
De la 16 ani nu stiam de faima sau de bani
Zi de zi visam iubirea ta
Dar mi-a furat-o altcineva.
Te iubesc ai acum
Lumea-mi spune ca sunt nebun...
Azi te astept cu un buchet de trandafiri
Te astept pe aceeasi banca plina de amint...
Issue No. 108 - Te iubesc Lyrics
Te iubesc cum n-am iubit
Ne vedem la rasarit
Ziua ce vine poate devine
Prima zi in care sigur ai iubit
Pare ca ai o mie de defecte
Dar toate pentru mine sunt perfecte
Am ascultat de mine si n-am gresit
Fiindca te-am gasit
Tot ce ...
Issue No. 110 - Zi cu soare Lyrics
Astazi e soare pe cerul albastru
Vad ochii ce m-au vrajit
Si nu am rabdare s-astept pana maine
Sa simt din nou ca sunt iubit
Ia-ma in brate, stii cat imi place sa-mi spui
Tot ce simti si gandesti
Stiu cat de bine te simti cu mine
Ck - Dalala Lyrics
bernaldinobest https://wikipedia.org...
Pink Martini - Lyrics
James Taylor - Little David Lyrics
Little david, play on your harp
Hallelu, hallelu, little david
Play on your harp, hallelujah
Little david, play on your harp
Hallelu, hallelu, little david
Play on your harp, hallelujah
Hey now, I don't know for sure
Jefferson Starship - A Child Is Coming Lyrics
Last electric Sunday mornin' waitin' in the park for the dawn
Listenin' to all the animals in the Park and in the city beyond
Flashin' with my lady. sky goin' black to blue
She said I got a surprise for you
Powerman 5000 - David Fucking Bowie Lyrics
I heard it's a God-awful small affair
Burning bright but never anywhere
So let's dance like we're David Fucking Bowie
Come on, come on
Take a look, see the mice in their million hordes
Celebrate as they fall on thei...
Bollock Brothers - Harley David Son Of A Bitch Lyrics
Harley David son of a bitch
We get stoned tonight, fly like a witch
Harley David son of a bitch
I like young girls who've got big tits
Harley David son of a bitch
Get on my Harley you daughter of a bitch
Harley David son...
Wovenhand - King David Lyrics
Akcent - Lyrics
Cum sa visez, cum sa iubesc
Cand tu mi-ai ranit inima.
Ieri am zburat printre nori
Te-am pictat in culori
Si ti-am dat dragostea.
Azi, mi-ai ranit inima
Oare cum as putea
Pe tine sa te pot ierta.
Issue No. 140 - Afara Ploua Lyrics
Afara ploua, ploua nesfarsit
Peste iubirea noastra ce a murit
Afara ploua, ploua neincetat
Si-mi rascoleste dorul neuitat.
Si stropi de ploaie reci imi patrund
In suflet si pe ploape ii am plangand
Aduce ploaia nori de nostalgii
The Radio Dept. - David Lyrics
Asleep for twenty years with this feeling
but I was on your side
and he's spent some 20 years with this feeling
of being lost inside
he was lost inside
of his mind
just like I've been holding on for all our lives
all our l...
David Bisbal - Hasta El Final Lyrics
David Bisbal Hasta el Final letra
Aunque el tiempo te deje heridas
En mis brazos podrás cuidarlas
Si me dejas entrar en ti
Yo te daré mis días para sanarla.
Yo te voy a amar hasta el final
Te voy a querer hasta la eternidad
Te v...
Issue No. 110 - Ale Cui? Lyrics
Cand eram mic
Mi-a zis tata o vorba buna
Nu alerga dupa ele
Dar eu nu am inteles
Si ce sa fac ca acum
Sunt plin de dileme
E complicat cu domnisoarele, dar oare voi gasi
Pe cineva cu-adevarat sa pot iubi
Sunt nebune rau de tot...
Kings Kaleidoscope - 139 Lyrics
[Verse 1]
You heard my first heartbeat before I could breathe
Before my first cry You knew me
You knit me together when I was conceived
When I was designed You knew me
[Verse 2]
You know what I wonder before I can speak
David Bisbal - Perdón Lyrics
[Letra de "Perdón" ft. Greeicy]
[Verse 1: David Bisbal]
Cuando soñé contigo llegó la madrugada
Me despertó el destino pero tú ya no estabas
Cuando soñé contigo te llamo y no respondes
Tanto que te persigo y ta...
Alvin & The Chipmunks - The First Noel Lyrics
Hi, everyone, this is David Seville with my chipmunk pals
And finally get a board on celebrate Christmas.
I'll be singing to a wisdom standing to wishing Navy
The rest in peace of the Virgin Mary.
And I'll be trac...
David Oke AGS - We Celebrate You Lyrics
Angels in heaven are rejoicing
The will of the father has come down to us
Here on earth, to give us salvation
Jesus Christ has come to rescue all
We celebrate you, Jesus
Our Sovereign King
The Ruler of all
Ready to save
We celebra...
Mel Turner - They Killed The King Lyrics
He was a holy man
In a land of sin
They killed the king
Oh lord
They killed the king
He led a peace full army
With a hated skin
They killed the king
Oh lord they killed the king
His only weapon was believing in a well known s...
Dirty Projectors - (I Wanna) Feel It All Lyrics
(feat. Dear Nora)
[Verse 1: David Longstreth]
I wanna feel it all
All there is life there is [?]
Through the horizon, through the fog
I wanna feel it all
[Verse 2: David Longstreth]
I wanna feel everything
Sweetness of youth and old age [...
Rend Collective - King Of Me Lyrics
My God's the king of the giants
My God's the king of the lions
My God's the king of the creatures of the deep
My God's the king of me
Have you heard the story about my friend King Dave?
Wouldn't let the gi...
Capital Kings - Be A King Lyrics
There's so many around the world
With voices buried beneath
We can't let our voice start to fade away
oh oh oh ooooooh
You gotta keep fighting, bold as a lion
oh oh oh oooooh
You can make a change
I want you to be king kin...
Naji - Intermission Lyrics
(feat. Danny Dwyer)
Hello! Thank you for choosing Thousand Story as your trusted source for media. We have now reached a brief intermission
If at this time, you wish to purchase any refreshments, check your socials for the 59th time today...
David Meece - One Small Child Lyrics
One small child in a land of a thousand.
One small dream of a savior tonight.
One small hand reaching out to the starlight.
One small savior of life.
One king bringing his gold and riches.
One king ruling and army of might.
KING 810 - Take It Lyrics
[Verse 1: David Gunn]
Woke on the left side of the bed today that still won't go away
And although I'm shamed of this new world I'll do another day
A kid gave me his soul today and I took it to the man to pay
My part ...
KING 810 - Fat Around The Heart Lyrics
[Verse 1: David Gunn]
I grew up in the church on Sunday
Back again bury friends on Monday
They don't just die they are killed from the gun play or the heroin or a prison stay
It's a shame that we gotta live this way
KING 810 - Carve My Name Lyrics
[Verse 1: David Gunn]
My mother told me to stop talking about killing
So I promised that I'd give her a song
But it won't be long cause I ain't got long cause I've done wrong
And I feel as if I'm barely hang...
Fred Hammond - When The Spirit Of The Lord Lyrics
Since the Spirit of the Lord is in my heart
I will dance like David danced
Since the Spirit of the Lord is in my heart
I will dance like David danced
I will dance, dance, dance like David danced
I will dance, dance, dance like David danced...
Amber Mark - I Feel Energy Lyrics
[Verse 1: David Longstreth]
Garden of flowers all bloom
When they're watered right
Laughter echoes in the room but it dies outside
Are we fundamentally alone in the universe?
What would it possibly mean if we found in each ot...
Capital Kings - Be A King Lyrics
[Chorus: Jon]
There's so many around the world
With voices buried beneath
We can't let our voice start to fade away
Oh oh oh ooooooh
You gotta keep fighting, bold as a lion
Oh oh oh oooooh
You can make a change
I w...
Kissin' Dynamite - I Will Be King Lyrics
Hereby I'm declaring
You're my chosen one
Satisfy your highness
Hey, all along
You may be my jester
Amuse me every day
Woe you bore and pester
I'll hang you straightaway
I will be king
I will be king
I will be king
KING 810 - Boogeymen Lyrics
[Verse 1: David Gunn]
I thought I smelled your scent today
And it took me on a ride I can't readily explain
I couldn't find a word to say
I just froze there in place and my body shot a million ways
My past ...
Third Day - King Of Glory Lyrics
Who is this King of Glory that pursues me with his love
And haunts me with each hearing of His softly spoken words
My conscience, a reminder of forgiveness that I need
Who is this King of Glory who offers it to me
Who is this King of ...
Rakim - King's Paradise Lyrics
(Luke Cage: Season 2 Soundtrack)
[Verse 1]
Welcome to Harlem, the home of innovating
Legacy, story of Gods killing Satan
Where they honor Harlem's father Philip Payton
The renaissance in the making
[?] Joe Lewis, [?]
Malcom, [?], Lewi...
KING 810 - Devil Don't Cry Lyrics
[Verse 1: David Gunn]
So I'm sitting here with ghosts again some are women mostly men
Telling me of times they have had
And I'm fantasizing about a hole in the ground
How and where I'm gonna lay myself down and still ...
The Revivalists - King Of What Lyrics
You say every man's a king
King of what?
They say every man's a king
A king of what?
I got my bullets, bag and stone don't wake me up I'm in the zone
And I believe the trees not those innuendo seeds
Everything is light, ...
Roger Whittaker - David Of The White Rock Lyrics
David the bard on his bed of death lies
Pale are his features and dim are his eyes
Yet all around him his glance wildly roves,
Till it alights on the harp that he loves.
Give me my harp, my companion so long
Let it once more add it...
ONE OK ROCK - I Was King Lyrics
We said tonight
No going back
Nothing seems right
Stuck in the past
When am I, when am I
Gonna start living?
When am I, when am I
Gonna move on?
When am I, when am I
Gonna kill this feeling?
When am I, when am I
Gonna stop this dreaming?
Noah Gundersen - David Lyrics
I keep kicking at the curb with my worn out shoes
and I keep running into stranger's that say I know you
and I don't wanna be a proud man just wanna be a man.
A little less like my father and more like my dad.
I wanna hunt li...