Issue No. 121 - Din vina ta Lyrics
Si cate lacrimi nu-mi ajung
Sa plang cat vreau sa plang
Sa plang cat vreau sa plang din vina ta
As umple rauri pe pamant si-ar curge suspinand
In ele inecand durerea mea
Nici o sansa n-am avut in fata ta
Cum de nu-ti pasa? Am cazut...
Ck - Dalala Lyrics
Issue No. 110 - Cinema Lyrics
Cine m-a ranit asa
Cine mi-a rupt inima
Cinema, cinema
Cine m-a facut sa plang
Toate noptile la rand
Cinema, cinema
Viata ca la cinema
Ca o busola, nu mai stiu care e calea
Candva eram ghidat de tine, iti ascultam chemarea
Si ...
Fred Again.. - January 1st 2022 Lyrics
No, no
We're gonna do this
Alright, I'll follow you...
Naji - Intermission Lyrics
(feat. Danny Dwyer)
Hello! Thank you for choosing Thousand Story as your trusted source for media. We have now reached a brief intermission
If at this time, you wish to purchase any refreshments, check your socials for the 59th time today...
Issue No. 195 - Cod Rosu Lyrics
Ti-am dat si sufletul meu
Dac-ai stii cat mi-e de greu
Va fi COD ROSU de lacrimi
Am ochii plini de amintiri
Ma-nec in dezamagiri,
Va fi COD ROSU de lacrimi
Mi-am pus sufletul pe tava
Ca mai apoi sa privesc in el ca-ntr-o epava
Issue No. 131 - Ne Intamplam Lyrics
Issue No. 110 - Nu stiu cine esti Lyrics
Invata-ma tu sa-mi invat sufletul sa prinda curaj
Ajuta-ma tu sa-mi ajut zambetul sa vina inapoi
Arata-mi din nou sa arat viselor ca nu le-am uitat
Ieri ce multe aveam sa ne-ntrebam
Apropie-te acum si spune-mi orice doar sa te aud
Issue No. 108 - Te iubesc Lyrics
Te iubesc cum n-am iubit
Ne vedem la rasarit
Ziua ce vine poate devine
Prima zi in care sigur ai iubit
Pare ca ai o mie de defecte
Dar toate pentru mine sunt perfecte
Am ascultat de mine si n-am gresit
Fiindca te-am gasit
Tot ce ...
Yolanda Adams - God Will Take Care Of You Lyrics
Be not dismayed whate'er betide,
God will take care of you;
Beneath his wings of love abide,
God will take care of you.
God will take care of you,
Through every day, o'er all the way;
He will take care of you,
Issue No. 123 - Niciodata nu e de ajuns Lyrics
Neils Children - You Didn't Care Lyrics
I try so hard
To make life worth living
But you didn't care
I should have known it
Right from the beginning
That you didn't care
Some say I was mad
To think that you loved me
But you didn't care
I could not be the ...
Issue No. 110 - Atata timp cat ma iubesti Lyrics
De-ar fi sa cada cerul peste tine,
Te voi ocroti, uh, uh, uh!
Si poate sa vina, baby si potopul,
Nu-mi stinge focul inimi, uh, uh, uh!
Chiar daca-i vreun cutremur,
Sfarsitul lumii stii
Atata timp cat ma iubesti, eu te voi iubi!
JPEGMAFIA - My Thoughts On Neogaf Dying Lyrics
I don't care
I don't care
I don't care
I don't care
I don't care
I don't care
I don't care
I don't care
I don't care
I don't care
I don't care
I don...
Dreamscape - Don't Take Care Lyrics
Don't take care
Future is a scary thing
Don't be there
Venus cannot make you win
Don't be [?]
While [?] your fascination
[?] generation
Father raped you and
Mother's killed off him
Robert Palmer - What Do You Care Lyrics
You're such a rebel now can you remember when
They used to think you knew what added up to ten
You're sick and tired of taking punches to your side
Now you're gonna add it up to any number that you like
(tell me) w...
Ellie White - Zi Ceva Lyrics
Plang atunci cand ochii tai se pierd chiar langa mine
Esti o usa inchisa de prea mult timp, te-ai rupt de mine
So nimic, nimic nu simti de zile intregi cand vorbesc cu tine
Cred ca am iesit din viata ta,
Te rog doar
Zi ceva, ca mi-e ...
Goat Girl - I Don't Care Part 1 Lyrics
[Verse 1]
You walk inside, a dirty room
The people dance, you have no place
They talk about how much they care
For all their clothes and fancy hair
I don't care
Well, I don't care
Don't care
[Verse 2]
Tom Odell - See If I Care Lyrics
4, 5, 6
Pass me a spoon, flutter your eyes
Send me a text, send me it twice
Invite me around, beg me to stay
Put your hands on my hips, and push me away
Push me away
See if I care
See if I care
See if I care
Dress up all cute,...
Issue No. 110 - Zi cu soare Lyrics
Astazi e soare pe cerul albastru
Vad ochii ce m-au vrajit
Si nu am rabdare s-astept pana maine
Sa simt din nou ca sunt iubit
Ia-ma in brate, stii cat imi place sa-mi spui
Tot ce simti si gandesti
Stiu cat de bine te simti cu mine
Link - LOVE DON'T CARE Lyrics
I want to see you
in the morning light
I want you near
when it's at night
Out of the dark into the light
lt's for sure like
the sun will shine
Open your heart,
take me inside
Let your heart grow
I'll fade into you
Love don...
Nikki Lane - I Don't Care Lyrics
I don't care about anything but you
I don't care about anything but you
They say the world's gonna come to an end some day
But I know they all wanna tell me lies
Your love is like an ultraviolet ray
I ...
OmenXIII - Tears Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I got tears and they on my neck
I got Drop Dead and it's on my back
New studded belt hanging off my waist
Black high tops and they got the straps
I got three blades, I ain't got no straps
Almost 2 million pla...
Little Dragon - Should I Lyrics
How many weeks since you were mine?
I stayed over all the time
If I was invited, I'd be there
But you're acting busy, why should I care?
Should I care?
Should I care?
Should I?
Blue, blue, it came, I watch your magic
People afra...
Iann Dior - Urself Lyrics
I've been by myself, I think I'm better without you (Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh)
I can't find myself and I don't think that I want to (Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh)
You've hurt me so many times, how can I forgive you (Oh-oh...
Andrew W.K. - Total Freedom Lyrics
We didn't care at all about
Who had more or who
Came from less or was
Rich or poor
We didn't care at all about
Who got first or who
Got here last or was
Best or worse
Total freedom
We had total freedom
And we, we didn't ca...
Ibeyi - Cleo Who Takes Care Of You Lyrics
Oh, eh yeah, eh yeah
Oh, eh yeah, eh yeah
[Verse 1]
Is it a candle you light at night? (Eh yeah, eh yeah)
The life you carried inside your belly, oh
Maybe the song you sing all day (Eh yeah, eh yeah)
Perhaps the rai...
Mean Jeans - I Don't Care That I Don't Care Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Wanna do the [?] in a [?] piece of man
This world outside [?] we stand
When I know in my heart
That is supposed to play apart
But just can't even [?] in that two
I Don't care bout' your rea...
James Vincent McMorrow - True Care Lyrics
Let's go out for breakfast when you wake
Not hungry now but in a while I think that all could change
Used to feel so much that it would ache
Now I've figured out, the walls surround, a holiday
True care
What does that even mean?
Issue No. 107 - Doar pentru tine Lyrics
Cand clipesc dispari si doare
Nu gasesc nici o scapare
Vad ca nu mai ai rabdare
Sa vedem de ce ne doare
Poate am gresit
Sau nu
Esti fericit?
Ochii nu mai au culoare
Simt ca pleci si nu am stare
Spune-mi sincer, chiar daca t...
Beabadoobee - Care Lyrics
It's been a while since I've talked about it
Maybe it's time to co-operate
I need some help to forget about it
I don't want your sympathy
Stop sayin' you give a sh_t
Because you don't really care
Care, ca...
iann dior - Urself Lyrics
Roger Taylor - I Don't Care Lyrics
I don't care
If you shave your teeth
Eat your sheets
I don't care
If you crash my car
Break my guitar
I don't care
If your mama's green
You smoke in your sleep
Dance naked in the street
I don't care...
JUMEX - Care Lyrics
[Chorus: Jumex]
Girl do you even care about us?
Sniffing cocaine in the back of the bus
Do you even care oh
Do you even care
Do you even care oh
Do you even care
Girl do you even care about us?
Sniffing cocaine in the back o...
beabadoobee - Care Lyrics
[Verse 1]
It's been a while since I've talked about it
Maybe it's time to cooperate
I need some help to forget about it
I don't want your sympathy
Stop saying you give a shit
'Cause you...
Jared Evan - Ferris Bueller Lyrics
Just don't care, just don't care
Just don't care, just don't care
Just don't care, just don't care
Just don't care, just don't care
So put your middle finger subways
Step into my place, this...
Tess Parks - I Don't Care Lyrics
Trapped underground
I don't care, I don't care, I don't care
Yeah, messed around
I don't care, I don't care, I don't care
Wouldn't you like to know
The things you want to know
And wouldn...
Grace VanderWaal - Intro (Gucci Shoes) Lyrics
Minks - Weekenders Lyrics
A Saturday beach day
Here with your cousins and friends
A bottle of Budweiser
Sits in the sunburnt sand
We're hours from the suburbs, far from the pools
Step in the ocean where everything's cool
Forget about weekdays i...
Gil Scott-Heron & Makaya McCraven - I'll Take Care Of You Lyrics