Tsunamiz - Ninja Dillah Lyrics
All you bitches undercover you are full of shit
I'll be sellin' weed and coke until i make a hit
Everything you fuckin' got you got it from my friends
Everything you fuckin' get you gotta give it back
Keep on trackin...
Apollo Brown - Skimmin Lyrics
Skindred - Ninja Lyrics
In a far away land
4 brothers and 1 bastard son, you
Became known as the ultimate fighting machine
I bring you The Ninja!
Enter the ninja (x2)
Back in the time when the world was hot
Dem na go let no bad boy run dem spot
Agony and...
Skindred - Ninja Lyrics
In a far away land
4 brothers and 1 bastard son, you
Became known as the ultimate fighting machine
I bring you The Ninja!
Enter the ninja (x2)
Back in the time when the world was hot
Dem na go let no bad boy run dem spot
Agony an...
Doktor Kosmos - När Min Pojke Går På Stan Lyrics
Oooo Oooo
Han vaknar fem och trettio... tta och vi дter smцrg... s och choklad
Han sдtter sig och lдgger Legobitarna p... golvet I en rad
Vi g... r till dagis och p... vдgen hittar han en pinne han vill ha
Han sдger "pappa ka...
Ce'cile - N.E.G.R.A. Lyrics
In un mondo che si muove più lentamente della gente che lo abita
Cecile, Rafé, show
Se ti togli i paraocchi la visuale l'ampli
Che i mostri ce li hai dentro e non ce li hai davanti
Se ti togli i paraocchi la visuale l'ampli
Die Antwoord - DntTakeMe4aPoes Lyrics
[Intro: Ninja]
Ja julle naaiers
Jikijela die Nommer
Die wat nie duidelik is nie sal duidelik kom
G-Boy, maak vol
[Chorus: G-Boy]
Please don't take me for a poes
Please don't take me for a poes
I was in my busine...
Sólstafir - Æra Lyrics
Dungen - Min Enda Vän Lyrics
'92 var jag tolv år
Kom ihåg lika lite som barn
Kall november på teve, och dom sa:
Det är Sveriges mörkaste tid
Många som finns där kvar gör som dom aldrig sa
Du var min enda vän, drar mig för hur det var
Hatari - 14 Ár Lyrics
Þú blekktir mig
Í fjórtán ár
Þú laugst að mér
Aftur og aftur
Sagan er orðin kunnugleg
Hringrásin væri grátbrosleg
Ef ég væri ekki fangi þinn
Þrællinn þinn
Þú drottnarinn
Ef ég væri ekki fangi þi...
Kele - Tenderoni Lyrics
Away, away, away, away
Away, away, away, away
Been running with the rude boys
For much too, much too long
You think you are one of them
Every time that we kissed
It seems you were holding back
Don't be so quick to pull away
Away, awa...
In This Moment - Natural Born Sinner Lyrics
"So when they continued asking him
He lifted up himself, and said unto them,
He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her"
Listen closely, to what I'm about to say
I think I've heard just abo...
Sólstafir - Tilberi Lyrics
Hvar ertu nú? Ég finn þig ekki hér
Ég sit við síðu þér, hitinn enginn er
En allt mun skilja við, dauðans hinsta sið
Ég særði þig og sveik, í mínum ljóta leik
Verðið er svo hátt, með hjartað upp á gátt
Sólstafir - Bláfjall Lyrics
Sólstafir - Hula Lyrics
Þá herrann heldur dóm
HjáIpar engum hræsnin tóm
Allt mitt skal ég þóknast þér
Þar til, bið ég hjálpaðu mér
Undrast ei álòg min
Miskunn mun ég hljóta andans nað
Fysn hóldsins gamnar sér
Skrúða alls ...
Sólstafir - Lágnætti Lyrics
Hvar ertu nú? Ég finn þig ekki hér
Ég sit við síðu þér, hitinn enginn er
En allt mun skilja við, dauðans hinsta sið
Ég særði þig og sveik, í mínum ljóta leik
Verðið er svo hátt, með hjartað upp á gátt
Andreas Gabalier - Es Wär' An Der Zeit Lyrics
Du hast dich verändert,
Lang lang ist's her
Zufall oder Schicksal
Da stehst Du vor mir
Du hast nur ins Leere g'schaut
Und leise g'weint
Ich muss jetzt geh'n
Ich hab die Zeit nie bereut es war schön.
Es wär' Zeit...
Sophia Black - K I S S I N G Lyrics
[Verse: 1]
I usually don't romance
But with you darlin'
I could take the chance
To fall for you darlin'
I knew at first glance
No turning back now
Finally romance
Is in me darlin'
Hey if you let fear go, a...
Kizz Palazzo - Sexy Lexi Lyrics
Fake friends, pesky
Fake friends vex me
Fake friends, pet peeve
On God, Rest in Peace!
Sólstafir - Ótta Lyrics
Þú valdir þennan veg
Þér fannst hann vinur þinn
Þú klappar mér á kinn
Hnífunum stingur inn
Við ótta ég nú sef
Ég ekkert lengur gef
Ég taldi þig minn frið
En varðst að illum sið...
Sólstafir - Ljós í Stormi Lyrics
Eins og miðin kalla út skipin
Eftir stormasamar nætur
Hvert ég á braut
Hvert sem nú toga fætur
En pú kallar eftir mér
Pú býður mér skól
Pú ölduna brýtur
Pú býður mér griðarstað
Og hvering sem allt fer
MC Chris - Discord Lyrics
You can tell me what toys I can bring with me
You can tell me not to run with us
You can tell me which sex I can marry
It's so scared away than you are
Straight on a pony ...
All the fuckers ain't twilight
Don't call...
Månkultur - Blä, Blä Vita Får Lyrics
Steel Panther - Gold-Digging Whore Lyrics
Don't you go potting a deal
Don't you buy a gucci chest
If it comes down to you or a pile of cash
I can tell you what she's gonna choose
The girls got her hands on a 2" ring
On a brand new Mercades Benz
She's gonna ...
Uber to my place, I ain't pay for it
Brand new Glock, I ain't pay for it
Games for my Switch, I ain't pay for it
Nigga damn near
(this is the adventures of beanman)
Uber to my place, I ain't pay ...
Die Antwoord - Enter Da Ninja Lyrics
After many years in hibernation, the grand dragon emerged from his cage, to sort over his domain
I, I, I
I am your b_tterfly
I need your protection
Be my samurai
I, I, I
I am your b_tterfly
I need your protection
Need your protect...
Die Antwoord - Moon Love Lyrics
[Sixteen:] Mommy, my heart is broken
[Yolandi:] Hmm?
[Sixteen:] Because my daddy might fix it!
[Ninja:] Yea, I'll fix it, come here
[Sixteen:] Mommy can you move away?
[Ninja:] Come lie in your space, I'll tell her to go fix ...
Sólstafir - Þín Orð Lyrics
Die Antwoord - Moon Love Lyrics
Sixteen: Mommy, my heart is broken
Yolandi: Hmm?
Sixteen: Because my daddy might fix it!
Ninja: Yea, I'll fix it, come here
Sixteen: Mommy can you move away?
Ninja: Come lie in your space,
I'll tell her to go fix it. I...
Will Ferrell & Molly Sandén - Husavik Lyrics
Hoodie Allen - Nolan Ryan Lyrics
Jonathan Johansson - För Oss Lyrics
Will Ferrell - Husavik Lyrics
[Verse 1: Molly Sandén]
All by myself
With this great big world before me
But it's all for someone else
I've tried and tried again
To let you know just where my heart is
To tell the truth and not pretend
Jonathan Johansson - Är Du Passionerad? Lyrics
Sólstafir - Köld Lyrics
Brennur í sál mér, brennur
Í skugganum dvel ég, dvel ég nu
Í dögun birtist þu
Ég slekk á deginum
Og hjartað slær svo ört
...Að mig verkjar
Í dögun birtist þu...
Aik Trubaduren - Ett Halmstads Fan Lyrics
Julia Kedhammar - Du är Inte Ensam Lyrics
Kan man skratta utan att va' glad? Älska och hata varannan dag.
Tusen frågor men inga svar, vill lyfta från marken men stanna kvar.
Kan man veta det som ingen vet? Avslöja en hemlighet.
[bridge] finns det svar? Vad är r...
Hak Baker - Mush Lyrics
Tim Minchin - Revolting Children Lyrics
Never again will she get the best of me!
Never again will she take away my freedom.
And we won't forget the day we fought
For the right to be a little bit naughty!
Never again will the Chokey door slam!
Never again will I be bull...
Gwenno - Tanya Loves R'n'B Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I like how she sings
And I, I like how she moves
There's something about the way
You know, she smiles when she grooves
And I, I love her style
Her clothes and her hair
And when she says that certain line, with