Stacey Q - Music's Gone Lyrics
(okay we're rolling, take one)
Never should've loved
A boy like you
Never should've let you through
The temperature rising
On the telephone
I'm in the danger zone
Your criminal type is
Surgical e...
John Miles - Music Lyrics
Music was my first love
And it will be my last
Music of the future
And music of the past
To live without my music
Would be impossible to do
In this world of troubles
My music pulls me trough
Music was my first love
And it wil...
Mystery Skulls - Music Lyrics
At least there's always (music)
For the good times (music)
For the bad times (music)
When you're in love (music)
When it's over (music)
When I'm on fire (music)
Every good night (music)
Every last...
Alex Ibarra - Si Me Pudieras Querer Lyrics
Si me pudieras querer
Como yo te estoy queriendo
Me robaria una estrella
Y la pondria a tus pies
Si me pudieras querer
Como yo te estoy queriendo
Me arrancaria la piel
Para saber que esto es cierto
Si me pusdieras querer
Con la...
Orleans - Everybody Needs Some Music Lyrics
You're sittin' around with a long face
Lookin' for a special remedy
I got somethin' I want to tell you about
It might work for you, I know that it works for me
You could hang around forever
Just waitin'...
Inner Circle - Music Machine Lyrics
Music machine
Grab the handle to the music machine
Grab the handle, well, well, to the music machine
Don't get too crazy when you feel the groove
Me and my lady just start to move
Grab the handle, yeah, to the music machine
Ella Fitzgerald - The Thrill Is Gone Lyrics
The thrill is gone
The thrill is gone
I can see it in your eyes,
I can hear it in your sighs
Feel your touch and realize
The thrill is gone.
The night is cold,
For love is old,
Love was grand when it was brand-new,
Birds were...
Jeff Goldblum & The Mildred Snitzer Orchestra - Let's Face The Music And Dance Lyrics
Mura Masa - Kill Your Pop Music Lyrics
Peter Bjorn And John - Music Lyrics
In a different city in a different world
We were running 'round
And that was when we heard music
What we had in common where we thought we're going In a misty morning
Just overflowing with music
On the answering machine ...
ALMADEN - L A Lyrics
You can see the sunshine, see the moonlight beside the sea
With the city lights, shining bright, feel that summer breeze
If you wanna have fun, let's go to Hollywood
Cruising Sunset Strip, driving to Malibu
But you, oh you, you...
Issue No. 110 - Tare Tare Lyrics
Tare, tare
Incepe distractia, imi place senzatia
Fetele danseaza cuburi, simt contractia
Ma uit la una din fete, simt atractia
Si dupa ritmul melodiei am dura reactia
Totul e frumos, ritmul e miraculos
Dupa melodie o iau l...
Karl Wolf - Let the Music Play All Night Lyrics
I'll take ya, to a place yeah, where the music play all night
Oh, oh yeah, where the music play all night
(Won't wait all night, gonna take you)
Let the music play all night
I been dancin' with my sh...
Irina Rimes - In Locul Meu Lyrics
E-atat de ciudat cum te poate lovi
Cand crezi ca ai uitat, se-ntoarce
O vad pe Insta, ma uit zi de zi
Si ma doare, ma doare, ma doare
Ma stoarce
[Pre Chorus]
De ultimul strop de nadejde
Tu nu te vei intoarce vreodata la mine
Si cum...
Bryan Adams - Ma Place Est Ici Lyrics
J'entends le vent... , j'entends le ciel...
Et comme un cri, la brise m'appelle.
La rivière, le soleil, me parlent aussi,
Et je sais... que ma place est ici.
Le ciel, à l'infini,
Embrasse l'univers.
Les clé...
Jefferson Starship - Set The Night To Music Lyrics
Set the night to music
Set the night to music
Look at all the stars tonight, look at all the moonlight
Look at us we're all alone
Oh and it's just like a dream, some romantic fantasy
Darling come and hold, hold me clo...
Issue No. 111 - Purtati De Vant Lyrics
Sa ne lasam, purtati de vant
E o noua zi si tot ce-avem in gand e
Sa ne lasam, purtati de vant
Sa zburam cat mai departe, sa uitam grijile toate
Ei, aud acelasi ecou,
Zice ca n-am incontro
Sa am acelasi ego, dar yo nu vrea...
Nasty Cherry - Music With Your Dad Lyrics
[Verse 1]
"Don't stay up too late, baby" (No!)
It's really not that bad (It's really not that bad)
I'm just in the garage making music with your dad
Don't stay up too late, baby (No!)
It's r...
Connie Evingson - You And The Night And The Music Lyrics
You and the night and the music
Fill me with flaming desire
Setting my being completely on fire
You and the night and the music
Thrill me but will we be one
After the night and the music are done
Until the pale light of dawn and in dayligh...
Coldplay - Arabesque Lyrics
Mi - I Love Music♪VI Lyrics
Coldplay - Arabesque Lyrics
Issue No. 110 - Ale Cui? Lyrics
Cand eram mic
Mi-a zis tata o vorba buna
Nu alerga dupa ele
Dar eu nu am inteles
Si ce sa fac ca acum
Sunt plin de dileme
E complicat cu domnisoarele, dar oare voi gasi
Pe cineva cu-adevarat sa pot iubi
Sunt nebune rau de tot...
Alexandra Craescu - Tu Si Eu Lyrics
Tu si eu as vrea sa fim mereu
Numai tu si eu oricat ar fi de greu
Tu si eu as vrea sa fim mereu
Numai tu si eu oricat ar fi de greu
Faci ce faci ca stii ca-mi placi si nu taci
De scut si de ziduri ma dezbraci
Ma arunci la pama...
The Wiggles - Music With Murray Lyrics
All: Mu-mu-music with Murray
Mu-mu-music with Murray
Mu-mu-music with Murray
Murray: Hi, everyone. I'm Murray!
Greg: Music that is fun
Anthony: Yeah
All: Mu-mu-music with Murray
Greg: Yes, everyone
Anthony: Yeah
All: Mu-mu-mus...
Issue No. 110 - Nu stiu cine esti Lyrics
Invata-ma tu sa-mi invat sufletul sa prinda curaj
Ajuta-ma tu sa-mi ajut zambetul sa vina inapoi
Arata-mi din nou sa arat viselor ca nu le-am uitat
Ieri ce multe aveam sa ne-ntrebam
Apropie-te acum si spune-mi orice doar sa te aud
El Caribefunk - Música Lyrics
El universo me ha regala'o la más grande conexión
Una mística respuesta que sale del corazón
Si La Sol Fa no me quiere, Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Sí
Y ese ha sido mi motivo siempre para ser feliz
¡Ah Uh Ah Uh Ah!
The music will ...
Love Jimo - Let The Music Play Lyrics
[ intro ]
Wow oh yeah.
Music and me.
[ Verse ]
Time do change.
People do changes too.
But music never change.
Painting different pictures.
Pitching different means.
But the feelings still the same.
When i hear ...
Good Old War - That Feeling Lyrics
Do do, woo do-do, do-woo do-do! La la-la la-la la!
Do do, woo do-do, do-woo do-do!
Do do, woo do-do, do-woo do-do! La la-la la-la la!
Do do, woo do-do, do-woo do-do! La la-la la-la la!
[Verse 1]
When you showed up, my...
Chooxy - Africa To The World Lyrics
[Verse 1]
People come and go
In this crazy world
Life is fast and slow
With its twist and turns
Flashing lights and tv screens
The women the fast cars
Faces on the magazine
The life of a Rockstar
When you following your dreams
You ...
Planningtorock - Power House Lyrics
[Verse 1]
You would wake up in the morning
Put your eye makeup on
And you'd make your way downstairs
And put your records on
You would play your music so loud
We'd be upstairs asleep
The music would empower you
To make you strong ...
Los Huracanes Del Norte - Le Hubiera Dicho Lyrics
Le hubiera dicho
Sé que ahora es tarde
Para llorar
Para decirle
Que aun la amo
Dejé que el tiempo
Pasara en vano
Pero ahora sufro
Porque la extraño
Faltaba tanto, pero tanto
Por decirle, pero ahora es tarde
Le hubiera dicho que la am...
MC Ren - Rebel Music (Remix) Lyrics
Betty - Si Douce Lyrics
Pendant ma vie
Quand je me suis
Pour la nuit
Je voudrais que
Tu me dis
Que je suis
Que je suis
Que je suis
Que je suis douce
Le jour
La nuit
La lune grandit
Ma peau sensible
Et mon coeur
Est si douce
Si dou...
Jon Wolfe - Feels Like Country Music Lyrics
[Verse 1]
If it hits you like the heart of the matter
A little slap back on a sad song gettin' sadder
A little angel sitting in the shotgun seat
That feels like country music to me
If there's a rear view that's got ...
Mi Banda El Mexicano - Mambo Lupita Lyrics
Po po po ponle el flo
Se armo el vacilon
Que le pasa lupita
No se
Que le pasa lupita
No se
Que le pasa esa niña
No se
Que es lo que quiere
Por que ella no baila
Su papa
Que le dice su papa
Que no
Que le di...
La Femme - Sur La Planche Lyrics
[Refrain] x 4
Sur la plage, dans le sable
Je recherche des sensations
Sur la planche, sur la vague
Je ressens des sensations
Sur la plage, des sensations
Sur la planche, des sensations
Des sensations
Des sensations
IZI - Dolcenera Lyrics
[Strofa 1]
Nera che porta via, che porta via la via
Nera che non si vedeva da una vita intera così Dolcenera, nera
Nera che picchia forte (forte), che butta giù le porte (porte)
Nu l'è l'aegua ch'à fá baggiâ
Akcent - Cel Mai Dulce Cadou Lyrics
Nu vreau nimic, nu vreau nimic
Nu vreau nimic sa-mi daruiesti
Cel mai dulce cadou esti tu.
Fulgii de nea mi se-aseaza la picioare
Stau si ma-ntreb:te gandesti la mine oare?
Cauti demult un cadou sa-mi daruiesti
Nu vreau nimic sa-mi...
Issue No. 116 - Nu minti Lyrics
Nu minti, nu ma minti ca vrei iar la tine sa ma-ntorc
N-am sa te cred, n-am sa te cred
Nu minti, nu minti ca am sa te uit asa usor
Doar stii ca n-am un suflet gol
2 x Refren:
Noaptea ma cobor iar in visele ce nu am somn
Unde astern...