Whitney Rose - Be My Baby Lyrics
[Verse 1 - Whitney Rose and Raul Malo]
The night we met I knew I
Needed you so
And if I had the chance I'd
Never let you go
So won't you say you love me?
I'll make you so proud of me
We'll make 'em tur...
Issue No. 139 - Tu Lyrics
feat. Eli & Dr Mako
What can I do
In mintea mea esti tu
What can I do
In mintea mea esti tu
A fost ca o poveste
Ascunsa de ferestre
Stiuta doar de inima mea
Citita intr-o carte
Cu zambete trucate
Parfumul ei pe pagina t...
Issue No. 190 - Vino Langa Mine Lyrics
Perfect, perfect, perfect!
Yeah, yeah!
Noi doi cantam pentru voi, yeah
Pentru cei ce se iubesc
Si nu dau inapoi.
Da! Of, of!
Hai vino langa mine
Ca sa-ti fie bine, viata mea!
Eu nu te las in drum
Ca ai sufletul b...
Ryan Beatty - Casino Lyrics
http://slkjfdf.net/ - Unawoi <a href="http://slkjfdf.net/">Uimipoh</a> sgg.gxde.lyricsbeast.com.iwx.tq http://slkjfdf.net/...
OmenXIII - Network Lyrics
Workin' on my net worth, do it on my network
You've been movin' work, boy, I just make the net work
BlackWidow Razer, bitch, I'm pushin' keys, huh?
They call me the hacker, now watch me delete ya
Issue No. 110 - Cinema Lyrics
Cine m-a ranit asa
Cine mi-a rupt inima
Cinema, cinema
Cine m-a facut sa plang
Toate noptile la rand
Cinema, cinema
Viata ca la cinema
Ca o busola, nu mai stiu care e calea
Candva eram ghidat de tine, iti ascultam chemarea
Si ...
Ariana Grande - Safety Net Lyrics
You know you're really something, yeah
How'd we get here so damn fast?
Only you can tell me that
Baby, 'cause you know I'm coming back
You're making me forget my past
Never thought I'd feel like that aga...
Sts - Da Kummt Die Sunn Lyrics
Da kummt die Sunn
Da kummt die Sunn
I freu mi, des is klass
[Verse 1]
Glaubst net auch, du, des war a langer, kalter Winter
Glaubst net auch, du, es war schon viel z'lang net mehr warm
Da kummt die Sunn
Da kummt die Sunn
I fre...
Issue No. 111 - Purtati De Vant Lyrics
Sa ne lasam, purtati de vant
E o noua zi si tot ce-avem in gand e
Sa ne lasam, purtati de vant
Sa zburam cat mai departe, sa uitam grijile toate
Ei, aud acelasi ecou,
Zice ca n-am incontro
Sa am acelasi ego, dar yo nu vrea...
Tigers Jaw - Oh Time Lyrics
Our time is complicated
It sails away when we want it to stay
Moves slowly
Staring us down when we want it to move on
Balancing on the line
No net to catch this time
I am a patient in your room of waiting
Turn pages of magazines
Wait for ...
Lil B - Net Worth Lyrics
Yeah, ayy first off you feel me. It's your boy Lil B in the house. I wanna give a shout out to the Midwest. Hey Detroit what's good if you got your buffs on, what it do? You know what I'm sayin'. Ayy man Chicago,...
Espinoza Paz - Será Punto Com Lyrics
Del rancho
para el mundo
Dijo que no me quería
En una publicación
Dijo que no me quería
En una publicación
Ha herido mis sentimientos
Ha roto mi corazón
Ha herido mis sentimientos
Ha roto mi corazón
Será punto com
Koos Kombuis - Vet Vrou Lyrics
Die bybel het gesê
As jy net iets wil hê
Moet jy net daarvoor vra
Nou wat staan my dan te doen
Ek wil nie baie meisie soen
Maar net vir haar
En as die Here my wil seën
Met so 'n meisie drie in een
Sal ek haar trou
Georg Danzer - Ruaf Mi Net An Lyrics
Ruaf mi net an, weu du wasst doch genau
Dass I nimmer mehr wue und a nimmer mehr kann, bitte ruaf net an
Ruaf mi net an, weu I hear nur dei Stimm
Und dann schlaf I net ei bis I wieder die bleden Tabletten nimm
Weit host mi brocht, I steh a...
Central Cee - The Bag Lyrics
You wanna know where the ladies at
I wanna know where the laag at
You wanna know where the b_tches at
I wanna know where the bag at
They all got chat on the net
Real-life, I bet they'll backtrack
On the net they chat
In the fles...
Ariana Grande - Safety Net Lyrics
[Intro: Ariana Grande]
[Verse 1: Ariana Grande]
You know you really something, yeah
How we get here so damn fast?
Only you can tell me that
Baby, 'cause you know I'm coming back
You're making me forget m...
Alexandra Craescu - Tu Si Eu Lyrics
Tu si eu as vrea sa fim mereu
Numai tu si eu oricat ar fi de greu
Tu si eu as vrea sa fim mereu
Numai tu si eu oricat ar fi de greu
Faci ce faci ca stii ca-mi placi si nu taci
De scut si de ziduri ma dezbraci
Ma arunci la pama...
Travi$ Scott - Nothing But Net Lyrics
I might use the bitch for a coupe
I might lease the bitch to the strippers
Pistol was a rooster
Aye, yeah
Fuck that other side, nigga, fuck that other side
We don't play that shit
Grab your girl, tell your bitch to quit playin'
Parralox - Headhunter Lyrics
Today has no means, he's alone, enormous
I'm looking for this man to sell him to other men
I'm looking for this man to sell him to other men
To sell him to other men at ten times his price at least
One, you lock the ta...
Lidia Buble - Noi Simtim La Fel Lyrics
[Adrian sina:]
De-ai fi tu salcie la mal,
La umbra ta m-as pune
Stiu ca iti pare ireal,
Vreau sa fugim in lume
Sau poti sa stai aici,
Sa-mi dai culoare
Mai iti aduc lumea la picioare, da!
Vreau sa ies pe strada
Si sa urlu ta...
Issue No. 151 - Noi simtim la fel Lyrics
[Adrian Sina:]
De-ai fi tu salcie la mal,
La umbra ta m-as pune
Stiu ca iti pare ireal,
Vreau sa fugim in lume
Sau poti sa stai aici,
Sa-mi dai culoare
Mai iti aduc LUMEA la picioare, da!
Vreau sa ies pe strada
Si sa urlu TARE ...
Sam Tsui - Next Best Thing Lyrics
Once upon a time I would have
Moved a mountain just to know
That I was on your mind at all
They say love can make you blind
You had me wrapped around your pinky finger
Waiting for your midnight call
I was never the first pick
Twarres - Do Lyrics
Asto no seist ik hâld fan dy
Dan sis ik dat ek tsjin dy
Ik kin net fjochtsje
Ik ha gjin swurd
En do wist wat ik ha wol
Wêrom joust my dat net
Ek al soesto dat hawwe
Hâldst it moai dysels
Doe't ik dy ...
Barbie Almalbis - Sorry Song Lyrics
They broke my trust and stole my heart
I rode along until I could not believe in you
And here tonight I ponder
Pain looks so good on paper
But never on you
When I doubted you to be safe
Can't trust my inhibitions
But t...
Issue No. 108 - Ghita ciobanul Lyrics
Sus in varful muntelui
In Jina Sibiului
Isi plimba cu drag tot anu'
Oile, Ghita Ciobanu
Sus in varful muntelui
In Jina Sibiului
Isi plimba cu drag tot anu'
Oile Ghita Ciobanu
Ghita, Ghita, Ghita
Esti cioban cu mare fita
Travis Scott - Nothing But Net Lyrics
[Pre-Hook: Young Thug]
I might use the bitch for a coupe
I might lease the bitch to the strippers
Pistol was a rooster
Aye, jet
Fuck that other side, nigga, fuck that other side
We don't play that shit
Grab you...
Zac Brown Band - Wildfire Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Ain't nothing 'bout loving me
Is gonna be easy
I've never been the kind
Who would ever play it safe
If you wanna come along
Then you best believe me
I'm making you a promise
That I'm never ...
Issue No. 131 - Arde Lyrics
When everything is made to be broken
I just wanna know who are you?
As vrea sa pot ajunge in viata ta, a ta
Dragoste,esti tu?
Vreau sa nu-mi spui nu,nu
Cred ca s-a intamplat ceva
Parca sunt altcineva
Inima n-o poti salva
E tarziu a...
Sevn Alias - Herres Lyrics
T-T-Trobi on the beat
Doe het voor m'n team
Ah, doe het voor m'n team
Doe het voor m'n team
Ik heb je back net Nico, Nico Tagliafico
Doe het voor m'n team
Ik heb je back net N...
The Snuts - Fatboy Slim Lyrics
Sevn Alias - Herres Lyrics
Noah Gundersen - Liberator Lyrics
Are you gonna call me?
Are you gonna let it slide?
I aint looking for no sympathy
Just a reason to feel justified
That was unexpected
Oh the way you came on slow
We were both getting sober
When I told you I would take you home
Ellie White - Zi Ceva Lyrics
Plang atunci cand ochii tai se pierd chiar langa mine
Esti o usa inchisa de prea mult timp, te-ai rupt de mine
So nimic, nimic nu simti de zile intregi cand vorbesc cu tine
Cred ca am iesit din viata ta,
Te rog doar
Zi ceva, ca mi-e ...
Issue No. 112 - Pantofii Altcuiva Lyrics
Ma uit pe geam la ce puteam sa am daca ma nasteam la alt etaj
In alta scara, in alt bloc, in alt an, in alta tara
Sigur aveam mai mult tupeu, si-n buzunar, mai mult c-un leu
Si-n patul meu ma asteptau mereu doua pustoaice de liceu!
(De ...
Blueface - Slidin Lyrics
Cállate, Mike Crook
Blueface, baby
God damn it Dupri
Yeah, aight
[Chorus: Blueface]
Catch a nigga slippin', then I'm slidin' (Caught him slippin)
Put a blower to his gums like some Trident (Like some...
Anda Adam - Poate Fata Lyrics
Te iubesc nu face nici doi bani
Daca doar o spui si nu simti cu adevarat
Dar o fata cand simte mai presus de cuvinte iti va arata
Cand nu mai poti poate ea
Cand nu stii, stie ea
Cand nu mai poti, poate fata
Cand nu mai stii, stie fa...
Jason Maxwell - Fall Girl Lyrics
Like those raindrops that keep coming down
And the leaves that kiss the Autumn ground
You're the shooting star I found
Did you fall for me?
The way your hair brushes your shoulder
Just one look and it was over
I will let lo...
Issue No. 110 - NUMELE EI Lyrics
Numele ei, ma, numele ei, ma
Numele ei, ma, numele ei, ma
Numele ei, ma, numele ei, ma
Numele ei, ma, numele ei, ma
Numele ei, il am si-acum in minte
Doar un gand la ea si imi aduc aminte
De serile din weekend si cele dinainte
Thomas Schenk - Die Liebe Lyrics
Madl wos geht vur in dein Sinn,
Warum laßt mi valiern, wost doch söber so alla bist
Madl nimm en Hörer in d'Hand, warum laßt mi anglahnt, wanns da nachher doch nur lad is
I waß daß du di net verschwenden wüst, obwohl du alles w...
Matilda - Fear Lyrics
You used to find me hangin' with your good boys
But then they went too slow, the fire burning too low
My mom and daddy said I made the right choice
But inside I know they're going in the friend zone
I needed someone who can move ...