Issue No. 140 - Plange inima Lyrics
Si plange inima mea
Ea doar pe tine te vrea.
Si plange inima mea
Ea doar pe tine te vrea.
Sa cumperi dragoste, cati bani tre' sa ai?
Tu vinzi sperante, ca nu ai ce sa-mi dai
Atat am asteptat sa vrei sa ma ai
Nu mi...
Muneca - Plange Inima Lyrics
Plange inima mea,
nu bate langa a ta
Plange inima mea
Ea doar pe tine te vrea
Sa cumperi dragoste cati bani tre' sa ai?
Tu vinzi sperante cand nu ai ce sa-mi dai
Atat am asteptat sa vrei sa ma ai
Nu mi-ai zis stop, nu mi-ai zi...
Issue No. 113 - Bye Bye Lyrics
Mai ai iubire mai ai, dragoste mai ai
Mai ai ce sa-mi dai sau iti spun bye bye?
Mai ai iubire mai ai, dragoste mai ai
Mai ai ce sa-mi dai sau iti spun bye bye?
Mai ai sau nu de dat sa stiu ce tre sa fac
Tu habar n-ai cat te...
Issue No. 121 - Din vina ta Lyrics
Si cate lacrimi nu-mi ajung
Sa plang cat vreau sa plang
Sa plang cat vreau sa plang din vina ta
As umple rauri pe pamant si-ar curge suspinand
In ele inecand durerea mea
Nici o sansa n-am avut in fata ta
Cum de nu-ti pasa? Am cazut...
Issue No. 110 - Zi cu soare Lyrics
Astazi e soare pe cerul albastru
Vad ochii ce m-au vrajit
Si nu am rabdare s-astept pana maine
Sa simt din nou ca sunt iubit
Ia-ma in brate, stii cat imi place sa-mi spui
Tot ce simti si gandesti
Stiu cat de bine te simti cu mine
Issue No. 110 - Scumpa Domnisoara Lyrics
Scumpa domnisoara e prima oara
Cand ma simt bine, atat de bine
Scumpa domnisoara te astept diseara
Inima-mi spune
Scumpa domnisoara e prima oara
Cand ma simt bine, atat de bine
Scumpa domnisoara te astept diseara
Inima-mi spune s...
Akcent - Lyrics
Pheobe - Smelly Cat Lyrics
Smelly Cat, Smelly cat what are they feeding you?
Smelly Cat, smelly cat it's not your fault...
They won't take you to the vet.
You're obviously not their favorite pet.
You may not be a bed of roses,
And you...
Issue No. 175 - Superstare Lyrics
Mai ia si tu o pauza din tot ce faci
Oo, parca n-ai stare
Nu-ti trebuie make-up, nici sa te-mbraci
Doar hai pan' la mare
Drumul e lung, dar parc-as veni
Macar pentru-o zi
Sa fim doar noi
O sa te sun sa stabilim
Hai ca m...
Issue No. 113 - Geamul potrivit Lyrics
N-ai, n-ai, n-ai
Hai, hai, hai
Asculta-ma ce-ti spun, mai iesi si tu din casa
Probabil n-ai vazut ca viata e frumoasa
Te-ai ingropat in acte, datorii
Si nu mai mergi de mult in ritmul inimii!
Hai adu-ti aminte tot ce-ai declarat
Moon Museum - Vârful Cu Dor Lyrics
Mi-e dor de tine
Mi-e dor de tine
Ești frumoasa
Și pe deasupra faci cea mai buna cafea din lume
Mi-e dor de tine
Mi-e dor de tine
Ești fragila
Și pe deasupra faci cea mai buna dragoste din l...
2 Chainz - El Chapo Jr Lyrics
I'm the king of the trap, El Chapo Jr
I'm the king of the trap, El Chapo Jr
El Chapo Jr, El Chapo Jr, El Chapo Jr, El Chapo Jr
I'm the king of the trap, El Chapo Jr
Anywhere on the map, I bring it to you
El Chapo Jr, El ...
Billy Surya Dilaga - Be Alright Lyrics
Across the ocean, across the sea,
Starting to forget the way you look at me now
Over the mountains, across the sky,
Need to see your face, I need to look in your eyes
Through the storm and through the clouds
Bumps on the road a...
Banda Magníficos - É Por Amor Lyrics
Nêga não machuque o meu coração
Me dá um frio uma dor na espinha
Remoendo os meus ossos
Querendo me apagar, sem você
Na minha companhia
Ai, ai, ai, ai, ai, ai, ai, ai, ai, ai- ê,ê
Sem você não sei o que fazer
A mi...
Issue No. 143 - Dupa Ani si Ani Lyrics
Copil al anilor 80
Adolescent in 90, mai stii
Rulam in walkman 'Dupa blocurile gri'
In 2000, deja democratie
Azi am un deja-vu, ma-ntorc iar la copilarie
Pe vremea aia, hituri, radio, balade
Ai mei radeau numai la Tociu si ...
Issue No. 195 - Cod Rosu Lyrics
Ti-am dat si sufletul meu
Dac-ai stii cat mi-e de greu
Va fi COD ROSU de lacrimi
Am ochii plini de amintiri
Ma-nec in dezamagiri,
Va fi COD ROSU de lacrimi
Mi-am pus sufletul pe tava
Ca mai apoi sa privesc in el ca-ntr-o epava
Seussical Jr - Oh The Things You Can Think! Lyrics
Oh, the Thinks you can think
If you're willing to try...
Think invisible ink! Or a gink with a stink!
Or a stair to the sky...
If you open your mind,
Oh, the Thinks you will find
Lining up to get loose...
Oh, the Think...
grandson - Fallin (Temptation) Lyrics
They told me the point was to get it
But nobody told me what does it do if I got it
Chasing the high, now [?] is narcotics
One day I know I'll regret it
Been numb to the pain, they sip it, they hit it, they pop it
Every day I...
Lacy Cavalier - Louisianne Lyrics
It ain't time to get married, but when I do
I want a big orange sun, on a blue bayoo
And lanterns hanging from cyprus trees,
Where the moss hangs low, in the southern breeze
We'll have a crawfish boil, in a pick up truck
Lime Cordiale - Faceless Cat Lyrics
When I'm buying chewing gum from the supermarché
I see a faceless cat on the front of every magazine
They give one little look in those cameras
Won't forget
She's the less [?] I've ever seen
And now my girl...
Akcent - Buchet De Trandafiri Lyrics
De la 16 ani nu stiam de faima sau de bani
Zi de zi visam iubirea ta
Dar mi-a furat-o altcineva.
Te iubesc ai acum
Lumea-mi spune ca sunt nebun...
Azi te astept cu un buchet de trandafiri
Te astept pe aceeasi banca plina de amint...
Charles Perry - Ev’rybody Wants To Be A Cat Lyrics
Everybody wants to be a cat
Because a cat's the only cat
Who knows where it's at
Everybody's pickin' up on that feline beat
'Cause everything else is obsolete
Now a square with a horn
Makes you wish you weren'...
Issue No. 108 - Te iubesc Lyrics
Te iubesc cum n-am iubit
Ne vedem la rasarit
Ziua ce vine poate devine
Prima zi in care sigur ai iubit
Pare ca ai o mie de defecte
Dar toate pentru mine sunt perfecte
Am ascultat de mine si n-am gresit
Fiindca te-am gasit
Tot ce ...
Damn Yankees - Cat Scratch Fever Lyrics
Well, I don't know where they come from but they sure do come
I hope they comin' for me
And I don't know how they do it but they sure do it good
I hope they're doin' it for free
They give me cat scratch fever...
Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. - Higgztape Lyrics
Here comes the fun part
Here's another one by party
Megan,you was raised by the air space,okay?
This is what is sounds like when you look at the air base
Very nice!
Well,let's call the final dance
You have to sketch around
Akcent - Lyrics
Cum sa visez, cum sa iubesc
Cand tu mi-ai ranit inima.
Ieri am zburat printre nori
Te-am pictat in culori
Si ti-am dat dragostea.
Azi, mi-ai ranit inima
Oare cum as putea
Pe tine sa te pot ierta.
Ryan Beatty - Casino Lyrics - Unawoi <a href="">Uimipoh</a>
NU'EST W - Signal (English Translation) Lyrics
You are the only one who breathes.
I can not hide this feeling.
It's a piece of scrap.
If you catch the signal of the trail
I can find you.
Walking through our memories
One step closer
I want you more
Because you are a dream
Richie Woods - Yr A Cat Lyrics
I want you to like me
I want you to like me
But you can't 'cause you're a cat
Cause you're a cat 'cause you're a cat
Please hang out with me
All you do is sleep and climb up my walls
You are such...
Peg + Cat - Peg + Cat Theme Lyrics
One, two, a one two three four!
Peg + Cat.
Peg + Cat.
One two three!
Yeah, come on, let's go!
Four, five, six!
Hey, what do you know?
Seven, eight nine!
What comes next?
Uh, ten?
Yeah! You're the best!
Claudia Leitte - Perigosinha Lyrics
Akcent - 9 Mai Lyrics
Jordan LaFaver - Oh Mooseboots Lyrics
Oh Mooseboots, you are my favorite friend
And I don't even think it's weird that you're a cat and I'm not
Oh Mooseboots, I'll love you till the end
Cause I really like the way that you purr
And the way you do ev...
Anitta - Pantera Lyrics
[Verso 1]
Te avisaram do perigo que e pra ter cuidado
Mas quando eu me aproximo, eu sei o que eu faco
E que eu sou profissional, eu termino o trabalho
Se eu lancar o meu olhar, ta hipnotizado
Gary Clark Jr. - Things Are Changin Lyrics
[Chorus-Gary Clark Jr]
Oh baby, things are changing now
And I can't tell where I'll be from here on out
Ooh, it's hell
Knowing that from now
We shouldn't kiss and tell
It's so good
[Verse 1-Gary Clark Jr]
Issue No. 192 - Casino Lyrics
IZA - Evapora Lyrics
Tami Neilson - Kitty Cat Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat
Where's your Mama at?
Whatcha doin' out all alone?
Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat
Don't you want a pat?
And if you like it can I take you home
She might wave her tail in your d...
Irina Rimes - In Locul Meu Lyrics
E-atat de ciudat cum te poate lovi
Cand crezi ca ai uitat, se-ntoarce
O vad pe Insta, ma uit zi de zi
Si ma doare, ma doare, ma doare
Ma stoarce
[Pre Chorus]
De ultimul strop de nadejde
Tu nu te vei intoarce vreodata la mine
Si cum...
Taylor Swift - September Lyrics
[Verse 1] Do you remember The 28th night of September? Love was changin' the minds of pretenders While chasin' the clouds away Our hearts were ringin' In the key that our souls were singin' As we danced in the night, rem...