Issue No. 192 - Casino Lyrics
Devyn Rose - Vine Dat Lyrics
Cameras out
I love yo likes
Keep revinin me
Smokin weed
Under the tree
I better vine that
It's killin me
Bang Bang Bang
Bang Bang Bang
My nigga vine that...
My nigga vine that...
My nigga vin...
Alenka Manka - The Branch On The Vine Lyrics
Para para parara para....
The branch on The Vine!
Para para parara....
The branch on The Vine
Holding on to you
Clinging to every word you say
The branch on The Vine
Blooming with your light
Bearing the sweetest
Mankirt Aulakh - Choorhey Wali Bahh Lyrics
Kadon card'an utte chhapne ne naam ve
Kadon banu teri pakki main gulaam ve
Kadon card'an utte chhapne ne naam ve
Kadon banu teri pakki main gulaam ve
Kadon ghumne ne agge piche camere
Kadon laike jaana mainu tu gha...
Pastor Earnest - Abiding In The Vine Lyrics
I've found a new way of living
I've a new life divine
I've got the fruit of the Spirit
I'm abiding, abiding in the vine
Abiding in the vine
Abiding in the vine
Love joy health peace
He has made them mine
Issue No. 108 - Te iubesc Lyrics
Te iubesc cum n-am iubit
Ne vedem la rasarit
Ziua ce vine poate devine
Prima zi in care sigur ai iubit
Pare ca ai o mie de defecte
Dar toate pentru mine sunt perfecte
Am ascultat de mine si n-am gresit
Fiindca te-am gasit
Tot ce ...
Chuck Schwandt - Jesus The Vine Lyrics
I am the vine
You are now the branch of time
If you abide in me
Others soon will surely see
That life comes from the vine
You are now a branch of time
If you abide in me
Others we see
Now pruning must take place
For ...
Lovkn - Necessary Love Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Wonder when I'll find my direction
Daily doses of the infection
Lost in a world of screens
[Verse 2]
Promised You that I'd be a fighter
Blindside the load 'til it's lighter
Look, won't You...
Pink Martini - Lyrics
Inna - Oare Lyrics
Mă întorc în timp de atâtea ori
Când eram noi doi
Chiar dacă ştiu că ai uitat de noi
Ai uitat de noi
Ce trist e totul fără tine
Când nu eşti aici
In gândul meu amintiri mă fac să zbier, mă fac să sper
Mai am o singur...
Joost - Eva Jinek Lyrics
Joost - Pauze? Lyrics
Ryan Beatty - Casino Lyrics - Unawoi <a href="">Uimipoh</a>
Wolf Alice - Planet Hunter Lyrics
[Verse 1]
A moment's happiness
Under the influence
I tried all night to recreate
And it was never ever gonna last long
And it was only ever gonna go wrong
And in the morning I only have myself to hate
Am I a planet hunter
Or ...
Amir Jamal - Kaho Na Kaho Lyrics
Kamalli ma'aa wala hatta' baidi'am
Niki aldi hawa kamalli ma'aa
Kamalli b'ali uffal di walaa bansaa'
Kamalli waa hishmillah hataa banu way...
Hostage Calm - Wither On The Vine Lyrics
Something to survive
Decades of murder and maize remind
My every night
I wrestle with the thought of their return
To what will we owe our next relocation?
Tenants to their reevaluation
Of the ever-emerging 'threat,”
Maaike Ouboter - Jij De Koning Lyrics
Jij de koning, ik de indiaan
Ik op je nek, jij op je tenen staan
En wij dan net als grote mensen
Jij verzon je wereld om je heen
En ik probeerde steeds
In al je dromen mee te wensen
Maar ook nu we niet meer samen stampend in de modder staan...
Avenged Sevenfold - Dose Lyrics
What's the matter dear
Seems the ghost
Is in your stall
For a thousand years
Taured lived within us all
I've come from
Somewhere beyond
Lost in a world
Voyage in time
Shot through the worm
Scaling the vine
Here in '54
Myrkur - Den Lille Piges Død Lyrics
Lille pige læg dig ned
Nu er det tid at sove
Mon du aldrig vågner op fra mørket foroven
Sover du, sover du?
I mine hænder du sover nu
Lille pige sover du
Du er så bleg på kinden
Hvorfor er du så stille nu
Kan du ej høre vinden
Che Noir - Prey Lyrics
Tactical Cybersecurity Mastery
Bringing tactical cybersecurity mastery to websites, accounts, and devices. I execute with speed and precision, ensuring orders are fulfilled within one day without the target's awarene...
Corry Konings - Huilen Is Nu Te Laat Voor Jou Lyrics
Huilen is voor jou te laat ik kom niet meer
Wacht maar niet op mij dit is de laatste keer
Dat je mij bedrogen hebt het is te laat
Want mijn liefde voor jou dat is nu toch enkel haat
Alles wat ik had gaf ik aan jou alleen
Maar jij ging toch ...
LVL UP - Cut From The Vine Lyrics
Love, goodbye!
You're still gardening outside
Some will live and some will die
When it's quiet you hear animals at night
Some can swim and some can fly
Some breathe fire
But I see shadows on the hillside
And I ...
Issue No. 110 - 112 Lyrics
E plina agenda, da, da, da
112, 112, 112
Nu vrei sa pleci din mintea mea
112, 112
Si daca pentru mine vara as vrea sa mai dureze
Atunci cand vine iarna o fac sa demisioneze
Problemele dispar, furtuna o sa plece
Cat suntem impreuna...
Issue No. 110 - Nu stiu cine esti Lyrics
Invata-ma tu sa-mi invat sufletul sa prinda curaj
Ajuta-ma tu sa-mi ajut zambetul sa vina inapoi
Arata-mi din nou sa arat viselor ca nu le-am uitat
Ieri ce multe aveam sa ne-ntrebam
Apropie-te acum si spune-mi orice doar sa te aud
OmenXIII - Network Lyrics
Workin' on my net worth, do it on my network
You've been movin' work, boy, I just make the net work
BlackWidow Razer, bitch, I'm pushin' keys, huh?
They call me the hacker, now watch me delete ya
Issue No. 137 - Emotii Lyrics
Am aflat ca-i mai rau fara tine
N-au trecut nici macar doua zile
Ce dor nebun ma face iar sa te sun
Sunt al tau, dar nu mi-e teama sa spun
Ca am emotii
Iubire n-am fara un gram de emotii
Ai fost acolo cand te-am vrut
Sevn Alias - Rain Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Moest lopen door regen voor hoe ik nu schijn
Je kent m'n succes, maar weet niet van me pijn
Ze zag me niet staan, ik heb haar aan de lijn
Nu wil hangen met mij, je kan niet met d'r zijn
Ik had een bitch en die ...
Shaan - Baliye Lyrics
Yeh Yeh..
Aah Aah..
Tunoo Tunu
Aaja Aaja Mere Paas Tu Aaja
Naach Le Aur Shor Macha Ja
I Make You Wanna Go Go..
O Baby Boy
Tu Hai Mera Raja
Won't You Be Rythm All Night Long
Don't You Wanna Come Dance With My Song
It's Our Goa...
Issue No. 107 - Puisor Lyrics
Tu, tu nu spui nici da
Nu spui nici nu
Dar eu stiu dupa cum privesti
Vrei sa ma pacalesti
Tu, tu nu vrei nici fara
Dar nici cu
Inima nu te poti juca
Bate cum stie ea
Dar nu-i asa usor
Sa-mi fie mie dor
Nu-s numai de decor
Anda Adam - Poate Fata Lyrics
Te iubesc nu face nici doi bani
Daca doar o spui si nu simti cu adevarat
Dar o fata cand simte mai presus de cuvinte iti va arata
Cand nu mai poti poate ea
Cand nu stii, stie ea
Cand nu mai poti, poate fata
Cand nu mai stii, stie fa...
Akcent - Cel Mai Dulce Cadou Lyrics
Nu vreau nimic, nu vreau nimic
Nu vreau nimic sa-mi daruiesti
Cel mai dulce cadou esti tu.
Fulgii de nea mi se-aseaza la picioare
Stau si ma-ntreb:te gandesti la mine oare?
Cauti demult un cadou sa-mi daruiesti
Nu vreau nimic sa-mi...
Pavlov Ramel - Vi Som Hatar Vintern (Klappa Nu) Lyrics
Det bцrjar med en flinga som singlar ner sе mjukt
Bцrjan till nеgot vitt, ljust, slaskigt, kallt och sjukt
Kilometerhцga snцhцgar цver allt
Tonvis av det vita helvetet, 30 grader kallt
Vi som hatar vintern, klappa nu, klappa...
Ariana Grande - Safety Net Lyrics
You know you're really something, yeah
How'd we get here so damn fast?
Only you can tell me that
Baby, 'cause you know I'm coming back
You're making me forget my past
Never thought I'd feel like that aga...
Issue No. 110 - Atata timp cat ma iubesti Lyrics
De-ar fi sa cada cerul peste tine,
Te voi ocroti, uh, uh, uh!
Si poate sa vina, baby si potopul,
Nu-mi stinge focul inimi, uh, uh, uh!
Chiar daca-i vreun cutremur,
Sfarsitul lumii stii
Atata timp cat ma iubesti, eu te voi iubi!
Issue No. 194 - Toti avem Lyrics
Toti avem, toti avem, toti avem, toti avem
Am intrat aici, asculta
Stii care-i saracia omului? Vorba multa
Am prea putin timp la dispozitie
Asa ca ori pe cal, ori trec in opozitie
Valeu de capul meu, cate fete
Nu ma intreba de cine-...
Bear's Den - Dew On The Vine Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Born to break or to last, is it all in the past?
Is that a scar or a birthmark?
Retracing this cold heart,
and now I'm all out of thread.
And I don't want to die here.
Keep chasing echoes of my mind,
Sevn Alias - Dribbel Lyrics
[Hook: Sevn Alias]
Als een klennie naar mij belt, kom ik optijd
Kijk hoe ik dribbel door de wijk, nigga
Breng mij alles wat je wil, ik raak het kwijt
Kijk hoe ik dribbel door de wijk, nigga
Ik wandel door de wijk als een soldaa...
Noah Gundersen - Poison Vine Lyrics
Oh my brother
Draw the line
Wake me up in time
In the morning, in the morning
Let the light come crystallize
Come quantify
In the morning, in the morning
I know the fire goes out
All the time, all the time
I know the fire goes...
Sts - Da Kummt Die Sunn Lyrics
Da kummt die Sunn
Da kummt die Sunn
I freu mi, des is klass
[Verse 1]
Glaubst net auch, du, des war a langer, kalter Winter
Glaubst net auch, du, es war schon viel z'lang net mehr warm
Da kummt die Sunn
Da kummt die Sunn
I fre...
Tigers Jaw - Oh Time Lyrics
Our time is complicated
It sails away when we want it to stay
Moves slowly
Staring us down when we want it to move on
Balancing on the line
No net to catch this time
I am a patient in your room of waiting
Turn pages of magazines
Wait for ...