Issue No. 140 - Plange inima Lyrics
Si plange inima mea
Ea doar pe tine te vrea.
Si plange inima mea
Ea doar pe tine te vrea.
Sa cumperi dragoste, cati bani tre' sa ai?
Tu vinzi sperante, ca nu ai ce sa-mi dai
Atat am asteptat sa vrei sa ma ai
Nu mi...
Issue No. 151 - Noi simtim la fel Lyrics
[Adrian Sina:]
De-ai fi tu salcie la mal,
La umbra ta m-as pune
Stiu ca iti pare ireal,
Vreau sa fugim in lume
Sau poti sa stai aici,
Sa-mi dai culoare
Mai iti aduc LUMEA la picioare, da!
Vreau sa ies pe strada
Si sa urlu TARE ...
Lidia Buble - Noi Simtim La Fel Lyrics
[Adrian sina:]
De-ai fi tu salcie la mal,
La umbra ta m-as pune
Stiu ca iti pare ireal,
Vreau sa fugim in lume
Sau poti sa stai aici,
Sa-mi dai culoare
Mai iti aduc lumea la picioare, da!
Vreau sa ies pe strada
Si sa urlu ta...
Muneca - Plange Inima Lyrics
Plange inima mea,
nu bate langa a ta
Plange inima mea
Ea doar pe tine te vrea
Sa cumperi dragoste cati bani tre' sa ai?
Tu vinzi sperante cand nu ai ce sa-mi dai
Atat am asteptat sa vrei sa ma ai
Nu mi-ai zis stop, nu mi-ai zi...
Issue No. 192 - Casino Lyrics
Buffering The Vampire Slayer - Inca Mummy Girl Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Well it's cultural exchange week here at Sunnydale high school
And we're hostin lots of students who come from all over the world
There's a special exhibition down at the Natural History Museum
Where they...
Irina Rimes - In Locul Meu Lyrics
E-atat de ciudat cum te poate lovi
Cand crezi ca ai uitat, se-ntoarce
O vad pe Insta, ma uit zi de zi
Si ma doare, ma doare, ma doare
Ma stoarce
[Pre Chorus]
De ultimul strop de nadejde
Tu nu te vei intoarce vreodata la mine
Si cum...
Adrian Marcel - 2 AM (Remix) Lyrics
Al Wordlaw - Let's Funk Lyrics
Oh girl, I've got something good for you
And I know you've got it for me too
It's got to be a wonderful proposition,
Let's funk, let's have some fun tonight
Let's funk, a one on one workout
(Let's funk, f...
Akcent - Buchet De Trandafiri Lyrics
De la 16 ani nu stiam de faima sau de bani
Zi de zi visam iubirea ta
Dar mi-a furat-o altcineva.
Te iubesc ai acum
Lumea-mi spune ca sunt nebun...
Azi te astept cu un buchet de trandafiri
Te astept pe aceeasi banca plina de amint...
Issue No. 139 - Tu Lyrics
feat. Eli & Dr Mako
What can I do
In mintea mea esti tu
What can I do
In mintea mea esti tu
A fost ca o poveste
Ascunsa de ferestre
Stiuta doar de inima mea
Citita intr-o carte
Cu zambete trucate
Parfumul ei pe pagina t...
Puya - Striga! Lyrics
Si STRIGA, striga cand ti-e dor
Incet ma lasi si mor
Ca un copil, s-o iau de la capat sa sper
Si STRIGA, striga doar la cer
Sa ma ridic, sa sper, dar voi pleca
Sa caut DRUMUL pe care am fost candva
Sfarsitul lunii ...
Syler - The Funk Lyrics
Real micprophone, check two and no one gonna stop
Never mind the ..shit, baby let the funk rock
For the 'playing in the back grounds
Scratch a little something got a '
'never be in the old school
Never barry 'and...
Wild Wes - Return Of Tha Funk Lyrics
Brodka - Samochody I Tramwaje Lyrics
Kahsay - Funk You Up Lyrics
I´m goin down the street of coolness
In my new yellow suit
I feel comfortable with my shades on
And my laid-back attitude
Ain´t got no worries
Got no problems
I´m a member of the leisured class
I´m the most wanted dude in town
When I wa...
T.M. Stevens - Hello / P-Funk Wants To Get Funked Up Lyrics
Make my funk the P-Funk
I want my funk uncut
Make my funk the P-Funk
I want to get funked up
I want the bomb
I want the P-funk
I wants my funk uncut
Make my funk the P-funk
I want to get funked up
Swing down sweet chariot
Wild Cherry - What In The Funk Do You See Lyrics
Hey, is it the beat that makes you wanna dance?
Is it the message that makes you take a chance?
Is it the melody that makes you wanna sing?
Is it the bump that makes you boogie on your thing? Yeah
(Ah, tell me what could it be) What c...
Deliric - Cernobil Lyrics
Issue No. 121 - Din vina ta Lyrics
Si cate lacrimi nu-mi ajung
Sa plang cat vreau sa plang
Sa plang cat vreau sa plang din vina ta
As umple rauri pe pamant si-ar curge suspinand
In ele inecand durerea mea
Nici o sansa n-am avut in fata ta
Cum de nu-ti pasa? Am cazut...
Bili B - Only You Lyrics
Oshé Bae, Bili B
Only you
Only you ooh oh oh oh
I know ooh oh oh oh
How you care
[Verse 1]
You tell me all you want
Give all that you need
Be my king
I can hold you down
Be the woman that you want
Be y...
George Clinton - If Anybody Gets Funked Up Lyrics
If anybody gets funked up
If anybody gets funked
If anybody gets funked up
If anybody gets funked
It's gonna be you
We turn to town to put a smile on your face
But they say that's illegal
P-Funk again will put a rock in your face
Wild Wes - Old Is New Lyrics
Chara - Funk Lyrics
I wanna go for a free falling
And love
Hate here
You don't listen
Just call me funk
Just call me funk
Just call me funk
Just call me funk
Just call me funk
Last time you got me
Raspberry romanticist
I don't mean to be funky babe
Edward Maya - Love Of My Life Lyrics
My Angel
Don't Cry
Yes, I can See
My Angel
Don't Cry
Yes, you can call my heart
Yes, you can call me, down babe
My thoughts are leading me straight into your heart
What should I do, I'm looking through you
You can...
Issue No. 116 - I'll Be There 4U Lyrics
7 Days of Funk
I'll be there for you
When you need some company
Right there for you
Baby, baby, come to me
Right there for you
If you need that fire weed
Let me light that for you
Can't you ...
Adrian Marcel - Timeless Lyrics
Adrian Marcel - I Get It Lyrics
Adrian Marcel - Honey Lyrics
George Clinton - We Want The Funk Lyrics
Tear the roof off, we're gonna tear the roof off the mother, sucker
Tear the roof off the sucker
You've got a real type of thing going down, gettin' down
There's a whole lot of rhythm going round
Ow, we w...
Adrian Marcel - 2 Fingerz Lyrics
Adrian Marcel - Abra Cadabra Lyrics
Ryan Beatty - Casino Lyrics - Unawoi <a href="">Uimipoh</a>
Devin The Dude - Tha Funk Lyrics
[Verse 1: Devin the Dude]
We want sweets, blunts, joints and bongs
And the smell of a skunk, but what the funk is going on
With these new mark-ass niggas, funkin' up the game
No techniques, they peep our style but they still lame
Espinoza Paz - Será Punto Com Lyrics
Del rancho
para el mundo
Dijo que no me quería
En una publicación
Dijo que no me quería
En una publicación
Ha herido mis sentimientos
Ha roto mi corazón
Ha herido mis sentimientos
Ha roto mi corazón
Será punto com
Mark Ronson - Uptown Funk Lyrics
[Verse 1]
This hit, that ice cold
Michelle Pfeiffer, that white gold
This one, for them hood girls
Them good girls
Straight masterpieces
Stylin', wildin'
Livin' it up in the city
Got Chucks on with Saint Laurent
Gotta kiss my...
Issue No. 175 - Superstare Lyrics
Mai ia si tu o pauza din tot ce faci
Oo, parca n-ai stare
Nu-ti trebuie make-up, nici sa te-mbraci
Doar hai pan' la mare
Drumul e lung, dar parc-as veni
Macar pentru-o zi
Sa fim doar noi
O sa te sun sa stabilim
Hai ca m...
KIRBY - We Don't Funk Lyrics
Tony Colombo - Sott' E Cupert Lyrics
Io m'arretiro ca voglia e fà ammore cu tte
Tu ca me guarde pe cuollo e nun saccio pecchè
C'alluche a fà che'rè, dimme almeno che è trovato pe sapè
Sott'e cuperte te voglio tenè
Fa troppo friddo pe scennere
Io ...
Mark Ronson - Uptown Funk Lyrics
Doh doh doh, doh doh doh, doh doh
Doh doh doh, doh doh doh, doh doh
Doh doh doh, doh doh doh, doh doh
Doh doh doh, doh duh (Aaaaaaow!)
This hit
That ice cold
Michelle Pfeiffer
That white gold
This one, for them hood girls