Chase Atlantic - August Lyrics
[Verse 1]
You said you wanted to ride away from everything
Keep pedaling, we're on our way out
I never said we should try to be anything
Keep meddling with my brain now
Well, she said, "How do we expect...
Opwekking - Houd Vol Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Wij zijn het volk van God
Wij zijn als vreemdelingen hier bij elkaar
Een leven lang te gast,
Er ligt een hemels vaderland voor ons klaar
Houd vol, houd vol,
Hij laat niet los
[Verse 2]
Het is een zegetocht
Van heiligen en twijfel...
Memphis May Fire - Virus Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I feel it sinking in,
It's underneath my skin,
Straight through my blood into my bones.
I taste it on my tongue,
This poison fills my lungs,
But I won't let it fill my soul.
Cause I know
When I fight,
I remembe...
[Strofa 1]
Guardame 'nfacc, 'rinda all'uocchie ce sta 'a nostalgia
No, nun c'a facc
N'atu tren, n'ata ferroviaj, nun sacc' 'aro staij
Bye, bye, mon amour [?]
Appienn t'cos fujetenn...
Akcent - Lyrics
Shannon Lay - August Lyrics
Der Tourist - Supergeil Lyrics
Super Atmo, super Laune, super Party, supergeil
Super Urlaub, super Wetter, super Sommer, supergeil
Superätzend, superhässlich, superheftig, supergeil
Superhorny, supersporty, supersick, supergeil
Super Drehbuch, super Story, Super Fi...
Issue No. 194 - Toti avem Lyrics
Toti avem, toti avem, toti avem, toti avem
Am intrat aici, asculta
Stii care-i saracia omului? Vorba multa
Am prea putin timp la dispozitie
Asa ca ori pe cal, ori trec in opozitie
Valeu de capul meu, cate fete
Nu ma intreba de cine-...
Issue No. 143 - Dupa Ani si Ani Lyrics
Copil al anilor 80
Adolescent in 90, mai stii
Rulam in walkman 'Dupa blocurile gri'
In 2000, deja democratie
Azi am un deja-vu, ma-ntorc iar la copilarie
Pe vremea aia, hituri, radio, balade
Ai mei radeau numai la Tociu si ...
Issue No. 151 - Cu Fuioru Lyrics
Mike Stud - Super Faded Lyrics
I've been drinking way too long, super faded
Super faded, super faded
Turned up like my favorite song, super faded
Super faded, super faded
Walking around thinking I made it
Yeah I know I had too much and crossed the line
Super f...
The Garden - Kiss My Super Bowl Ring Lyrics
Ripynt - Meet The DJ Lyrics
And the rappers I love
Imagine I'm having your '
You laying in the '
'.to fucking jump and people'
Ain't gotta thought to give 'em
'running shit just like a '
Or maybe just imagi...
Fred Again.. - January 1st 2022 Lyrics
No, no
We're gonna do this
Alright, I'll follow you...
Freddie Aguilar - Atin Cu Pung Singsing Lyrics
1st stanza
Atin cu pung singsing
Metung yang timpucan
Amana que iti
Qng indung ibatan
Sancan queng sininup
Qng metung a caban
Mewala ya iti
E cu camalayan!
2nd stanza
Ing sucal ning lub cu
Susucdul qng banua
Picurus cung ...
Akcent - Buchet De Trandafiri Lyrics
De la 16 ani nu stiam de faima sau de bani
Zi de zi visam iubirea ta
Dar mi-a furat-o altcineva.
Te iubesc ai acum
Lumea-mi spune ca sunt nebun...
Azi te astept cu un buchet de trandafiri
Te astept pe aceeasi banca plina de amint...
Issue No. 110 - Zi cu soare Lyrics
Astazi e soare pe cerul albastru
Vad ochii ce m-au vrajit
Si nu am rabdare s-astept pana maine
Sa simt din nou ca sunt iubit
Ia-ma in brate, stii cat imi place sa-mi spui
Tot ce simti si gandesti
Stiu cat de bine te simti cu mine
The Opposites - Slapeloze Nachten Lyrics
Lig wakker in mijn bed
Mijn hoofd vol met gedachten
De tijd tikt langzaam door
Slapeloze nachten
En de zon breekt langzaam door
M'n ogen reeds gesloten
Bedenken als ik slaap
Ben ik even weg van al mijn dromen
Maar ik heb slapeloze nach...
Exterio - Grosse Salope Lyrics
Mon amie pogne les gars courts toujours aprs elle
Sauf quelle est conne et na pas de cervelle
Moi jsuis pas vraiment grosse, jsuis juste un peu envelopp
Juste assez pour pas scorer
Tu les veux juste pour toi, ils en ont que pour toi
Light The Torch - Virus Lyrics
An ocean between us is too close
Will you give up the ghost
You are a constant obsession
That hides before my eyes
Are you ready for the perfect deception?
The smiling face remains the same
Take this blade and release me
This is no way to...
Yellow Claw - DJ Turn It Up Lyrics
DJ turn it up
Tell the DJ bring it back
Tell the DJ turn it up
Tell the DJ bring it back
Tell the DJ turn it up
Tell the DJ bring it back
Tell them play that shit again
Tell him that you like that, like that
DJ turn it up
Tell the DJ brin...
Tinturia - Occhi A Pampina Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Da matina fina a sira
Passiammu mezz'i strati
Nun sapennu 'nzoccu fari
Nni taliamu ni li maschiri cuntenti
Cu l'occhi a pampina, (l'occhi a pampina)
Cu l'occhi a pampinedda
Cu l'occhi a pamp...
88rising - Poolside Manor Lyrics
(feat. AUGUST 08 & NIKI)
[Verse 1: NIKI & AUGUST 08]
Write your name on it like Casanova
Do it witcho hands, don't take them off
Know you like to swim inside the ocean
But let me show you how we live it up
[Chorus: NIKI &...
DJ HK - Vai Vai Lyrics
Busta Rhymes - Pon De Replay (Remix) Lyrics
[Chorus (x2): Rihanna]
Come Mr. Dj song pon de replay
Come Mr. Dj won't you turn the music up
All the gals pon the dance floor wanting some more what
Come Mr. Dj won't you turn the music up
[Verse 1: Busta Rhymes]
Marc Morlock - Ik voel me vrij Lyrics
Ik voel me vrij
De tijd van gaan is nu aangebroken
nu moet je echt maar heel ver weggaan
't geluk ja blijft me komen
meisjes harten die steeds sneller slaan
Ik voel me vrij
oh zo vrij
met jouw aan mijn zij
In geda...
The Lone Bellow - August Lyrics
Issue No. 179 - Lock'm N Da Trunk Vol. 2 Lyrics
Ryan Beatty - Casino Lyrics - Unawoi <a href="">Uimipoh</a>
Issue No. 107 - Puisor Lyrics
Tu, tu nu spui nici da
Nu spui nici nu
Dar eu stiu dupa cum privesti
Vrei sa ma pacalesti
Tu, tu nu vrei nici fara
Dar nici cu
Inima nu te poti juca
Bate cum stie ea
Dar nu-i asa usor
Sa-mi fie mie dor
Nu-s numai de decor
Parry Gripp - Get Up! Jump Up! DJ Shuffle! Lyrics
Get up!
Jump up!
It's the DJ shuffle!
Get up, up, up, up!
Jump up, up, up, up!
It's the D-D-J-J shuffle!
Oh, wake up your neighbors
And call up your friends
Get ready for a party
Where the fun never ends
'Cause it's ti...
Issue No. 110 - Atata timp cat ma iubesti Lyrics
De-ar fi sa cada cerul peste tine,
Te voi ocroti, uh, uh, uh!
Si poate sa vina, baby si potopul,
Nu-mi stinge focul inimi, uh, uh, uh!
Chiar daca-i vreun cutremur,
Sfarsitul lumii stii
Atata timp cat ma iubesti, eu te voi iubi!
Saint Asonia - This August Day Lyrics
Akcent - ?i-Am Promis Lyrics
Yung Beef - Ese Culo (2ble Paso Remix) Lyrics
HRVRD - Kids With Fake Guns Lyrics
What you wanna see, what you wanna see
What you wanna hear, what you wanna hear
She's got some sort of virus
Some sort of virus in her head
Where'd she get it?
And it goes for us both
You wanna know wha...
A&T - Drop The Beat Lyrics
AT on the beat,
We want the DJ to bring the heat
And, we want the DJ to drop the beat
Everybody want the DJ to bring some heat
Everybody want the DJ to drop the beat
Drop it drop it drop it down
Drop it drop it drop it down
Drop it drop it...
Daft Punk - Teachers Lyrics
Paul Jonson
DJ Funk
DJ Sneak
DJ Rush
Jammin Gerald
Bryan Wilson
George Clinton
Lil Louis
Ashley Beatto
Neil Landstruum
Kenny Dope
DJ Hell
Louis Vega
Dr. Dre is in the house yeah
Omega in the ho...
DJ Khaled - Hold You Down Lyrics
[Intro - Chris Brown:]
I'll hold you down
I'm on my way (DJ Khaled!)
[Verse 1 - Jeremih (August Alsina):]
All you've been thinking about
Do anything you want and let emotion rule your mind (rule your mind)
And now you...
Vank - Prajitura Cu Jeleu Lyrics
[Strofa I:]
E seara iar, deci merg intr-un bar
Motivul meu este foarte clar, undeva..
Sigur o sa-agat ceva...
Ea a intrat atunci in peisaj
M-am imbatat ca sa imi fac curaj, sa-i vorbesc
La ureche sa-i soptesc:
O sa te iubesc
Pan' te za...