Hanzel Und Gretyl - 11:11 Lyrics
After The End
We still remail
Asone forever
To the stars again
As the cycle continues
And the numbers fall
The power symbols
Continue to call
Our time in sequence
Our turn to follow
Destiny fights
For survival
After the End..
After the En...
Issue No. 115 - O, brad frumos Lyrics
O, brad frumos, o brad frumos,
Cu cetina tot verde.
Tu esti copacul credincios,
Ce frunza nu si-o pierde,
O, brad frumos, o brad frumos,
Cu cetina tot verde.
O, brad frumos a lui Hristos
Verdeata ta imi place.
Oricand o v...
Levitation Room - 2025 Lyrics
Tinturia - Occhi A Pampina Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Da matina fina a sira
Passiammu mezz'i strati
Nun sapennu 'nzoccu fari
Nni taliamu ni li maschiri cuntenti
Cu l'occhi a pampina, (l'occhi a pampina)
Cu l'occhi a pampinedda
Cu l'occhi a pamp...
Issue No. 110 - Zi cu soare Lyrics
Astazi e soare pe cerul albastru
Vad ochii ce m-au vrajit
Si nu am rabdare s-astept pana maine
Sa simt din nou ca sunt iubit
Ia-ma in brate, stii cat imi place sa-mi spui
Tot ce simti si gandesti
Stiu cat de bine te simti cu mine
[Strofa 1]
Guardame 'nfacc, 'rinda all'uocchie ce sta 'a nostalgia
No, nun c'a facc
N'atu tren, n'ata ferroviaj, nun sacc' 'aro staij
Bye, bye, mon amour [?]
Appienn t'cos fujetenn...
Akcent - Buchet De Trandafiri Lyrics
De la 16 ani nu stiam de faima sau de bani
Zi de zi visam iubirea ta
Dar mi-a furat-o altcineva.
Te iubesc ai acum
Lumea-mi spune ca sunt nebun...
Azi te astept cu un buchet de trandafiri
Te astept pe aceeasi banca plina de amint...
Issue No. 118 - Cantec de Craciun (Din an in an) Lyrics
Din an in an sosesc mereu
La geam cu Mos Ajun,
E ger cumplit, e drumul greu,
Da-i obicei strabun.
Azi cu stramosii cant in cor
Colindul sfant si bun.
Tot mos era si-n vremea lor
Batranul Mos Craciun.
Tot mos era si-n vremea lor
Issue No. 151 - Cu Fuioru Lyrics
Issue No. 143 - Zoologic Lyrics
Ma legan vesel ca un babuin
Te iau cu mine acasa la un vin
Parca-i un dans, parca e vis
La mine-n cusca-i PARADIS
In gradina asta mare suntem 2
Nu animale singure, stam 2
Afara ploua cu pisici, eu nu mai vreau sa plec de aici !!
Steel Pole Bath Tub - Home Is A Rope Lyrics
Wait here while I go buy a coke
And don't play with the radio
There's some kind of short
And the antenna is broke
You will just run down the battery
Do you want more records
By cutting in two
Shotgun the 45
Full mo...
Freddie Aguilar - Atin Cu Pung Singsing Lyrics
1st stanza
Atin cu pung singsing
Metung yang timpucan
Amana que iti
Qng indung ibatan
Sancan queng sininup
Qng metung a caban
Mewala ya iti
E cu camalayan!
2nd stanza
Ing sucal ning lub cu
Susucdul qng banua
Picurus cung ...
Pecché m'hê miso 'int'ô stritto?
Ciente lacrime 'ncòpp''a 'stu beat
No, no, no, ammo' nun se fa
Ma che so' 'sti tarantelle?
Staje cu' isso, ma poi chiamme cc�...
Bonobo - Antenna Lyrics
Akcent - ?i-Am Promis Lyrics
Issue No. 110 - Atata timp cat ma iubesti Lyrics
De-ar fi sa cada cerul peste tine,
Te voi ocroti, uh, uh, uh!
Si poate sa vina, baby si potopul,
Nu-mi stinge focul inimi, uh, uh, uh!
Chiar daca-i vreun cutremur,
Sfarsitul lumii stii
Atata timp cat ma iubesti, eu te voi iubi!
Yung Lean - Acid At 7/11 Lyrics
You don't wanna change on me
She don't wanna change on me
Yeah, she know I slay, she wanna come with me (Ayy)
Thumbs up, on my spirit, she don't wanna see me (See me)
You think-think personality, she wanna be with ...
New Hope Club - Friend of a Friend Lyrics
I see you talking to your friends
I think I know one of them
Maybe this could be my chance
When you walk right through that door
You see my eyes; I see yours
Maybe this could be our dance
Follow me, we'll disappear
I can...
Issue No. 110 - Ale Cui? Lyrics
Cand eram mic
Mi-a zis tata o vorba buna
Nu alerga dupa ele
Dar eu nu am inteles
Si ce sa fac ca acum
Sunt plin de dileme
E complicat cu domnisoarele, dar oare voi gasi
Pe cineva cu-adevarat sa pot iubi
Sunt nebune rau de tot...
Vank - Prajitura Cu Jeleu Lyrics
[Strofa I:]
E seara iar, deci merg intr-un bar
Motivul meu este foarte clar, undeva..
Sigur o sa-agat ceva...
Ea a intrat atunci in peisaj
M-am imbatat ca sa imi fac curaj, sa-i vorbesc
La ureche sa-i soptesc:
O sa te iubesc
Pan' te za...
Ryan Beatty - Casino Lyrics
http://slkjfdf.net/ - Unawoi <a href="http://slkjfdf.net/">Uimipoh</a> sgg.gxde.lyricsbeast.com.iwx.tq http://slkjfdf.net/...
Alex Cuba - Dividido Lyrics
New Hope Club - Friend Of A Friend Lyrics
[Verse 1: Reece]
I see you talking to your friends
I think I know one of them
Maybe this could be my chance
When you walk right through that door
You see my eyes; I see yours
Maybe this could be our dance
[Pre-Chorus: Blake...
Strand Of Oaks - Alex Kona Lyrics
Alex Kona was twelve feet tall
His mother got killed by bowling ball
As she skipped across the wooden lane
Two frames from a perfect game
Ten years past the bowling crash
Alex found a wooden shack
Showered in the post war moon
That's w...
Klangstof - We Are Your Receiver Lyrics
We get all the knowledge that you need
Four will drown and one will cross the sea
We are your receiver yet I need no more to stay alive
I am your antenna for today
But I only receive those cryptic shockwaves
We are your rece...
Alex Cuba - Y Si Mañana Lyrics
Nowadays - 11 Hours Lyrics
11 hours rain and I don't know
What drawing me to go
11 hours rain and I don't know
Water in the hole
In a wasted time
Don't it makes you feel fine
That I've waited a life
For the way that you smile
11 hours ...
Maxim - Sarutari Criminale Lyrics
Si mi-e dor de tine
Inca nu imi vine
Sa te-alung din mine
Te-as aduce inapoi de 1000 de ori
Dar nu indraznesc
Ma lupt sa traiesc
Din ce-mi amintesc
Sau prind clipele in care te vad
Pa-ra papa pa-ra pa pa ra ra
Pa-ra papa...
Issue No. 113 - Mai Stai Lyrics
Iubire jur iubire te iubesc de mor
Tu pentru mine esti lumina ochilor
Mai stai, mai stai, mai stai, mai stai
Da-mi sarutul noptilor de rai
Vali Vijelie:
Pe tine jur iubire te iubesc de mor
Tu pentru mine esti lumina ochilor
Kris Bawi - I Must Replay You Lyrics
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah...
Zei ruang ah hen na ka kal tak tu hnu ah cun na rak kir than kho ti lai lo
Zei tik hemd ah an kir than kho ti lai lo
Na duh mi pa he chawnh na duh mi he va kei ka thinglung cu na kauai
Kei ka thinglung...
Deliric - Ceață Lyrics
Oh, nu!
Ceata se asterne ca somnul
Mi-as dori sa pot sa mai adorm
Cu visele de ieri
Sa uitam totul...
Oh, nu!
Ceata se asterne ca somnul
Mi-as dori sa pot sa mai adorm
Cu visele de ieri
Sa uitam totul...
Shantel - Disko Partizani Lyrics
My baby came down from romania
She was the queen of transylvania
But now we live in suburbia
Without any friends from Bosnia
Tsiganizatsia tsiganizatsia
Come on baby this is what you need
Tsiganizatsia tsiganizatsia
Matteo - Panama Lyrics
Daca nici asa nu-ti place,
Ia mai zboara-n Panama.
Zile zile, zile zile eu alerg girl,
Mile mile, mile mile pe maidan,
Pentru tine, tine sa-ti dau un dar, dar,
Cel mai de pret dar fara nici un ban, ban,
Ganja, iarba, sunt inutile-ti...
Tate McRae - 11:11 Lyrics
Higher Brothers - 7-11 (English Translation) Lyrics
[Hook: MaSiWei & DZ]
7-11 every day
7-11 every day
7-11 every day
7-11 every day
7-11 every day
7-11 every day
7-11 every day
7-11 every day
[Verse 1: Psy.P]
Jordin Sparks - 11:11 (Wish) Lyrics
it's 11:11 and the world is winding down
thinking damn...
i could use a shooting star right now
i wish i was perfect enough for you
i wish i was flawless just like you
i wish i was sane enough
but im just crazy baby
crazy on yo...
Pete And The Shadow - 11 On The Street Lyrics
I nearly broke my neck
As I saw the lady, walk on by
Such outrageous beauty
Brought a tear to my eye
11 on the street
She's 11 on the street
It's just a number!
Just a number
Batting above my weight
But I don't really care
Issue No. 143 - Dupa Ani si Ani Lyrics
Copil al anilor 80
Adolescent in 90, mai stii
Rulam in walkman 'Dupa blocurile gri'
In 2000, deja democratie
Azi am un deja-vu, ma-ntorc iar la copilarie
Pe vremea aia, hituri, radio, balade
Ai mei radeau numai la Tociu si ...
Alex Mica - Primeste Craciunul In Casa Ta Lyrics
Rob Curly - Eleven 11:/11 Lyrics
[Verse 1: Rob Curly]
She don't know why that she love me, she say she attached
Hanging right up in my face and calling me back when I don't call her back
Asking me questions like I'm gonna crack
Passive aggressive whe...