Joost - Marco Borsato Freestyle Lyrics
Issue No. 110 - Scumpa Domnisoara Lyrics
Scumpa domnisoara e prima oara
Cand ma simt bine, atat de bine
Scumpa domnisoara te astept diseara
Inima-mi spune
Scumpa domnisoara e prima oara
Cand ma simt bine, atat de bine
Scumpa domnisoara te astept diseara
Inima-mi spune s...
Akcent - Lyrics
Issue No. 190 - Vino Langa Mine Lyrics
Perfect, perfect, perfect!
Yeah, yeah!
Noi doi cantam pentru voi, yeah
Pentru cei ce se iubesc
Si nu dau inapoi.
Da! Of, of!
Hai vino langa mine
Ca sa-ti fie bine, viata mea!
Eu nu te las in drum
Ca ai sufletul b...
Akcent - ?i-Am Promis Lyrics
Issue No. 107 - Puisor Lyrics
Tu, tu nu spui nici da
Nu spui nici nu
Dar eu stiu dupa cum privesti
Vrei sa ma pacalesti
Tu, tu nu vrei nici fara
Dar nici cu
Inima nu te poti juca
Bate cum stie ea
Dar nu-i asa usor
Sa-mi fie mie dor
Nu-s numai de decor
Issue No. 110 - Tare Tare Lyrics
Tare, tare
Incepe distractia, imi place senzatia
Fetele danseaza cuburi, simt contractia
Ma uit la una din fete, simt atractia
Si dupa ritmul melodiei am dura reactia
Totul e frumos, ritmul e miraculos
Dupa melodie o iau l...
Irina Rimes - In Locul Meu Lyrics
E-atat de ciudat cum te poate lovi
Cand crezi ca ai uitat, se-ntoarce
O vad pe Insta, ma uit zi de zi
Si ma doare, ma doare, ma doare
Ma stoarce
[Pre Chorus]
De ultimul strop de nadejde
Tu nu te vei intoarce vreodata la mine
Si cum...
Issue No. 173 - Bine Mersi Lyrics
Ruby - De la distanta Lyrics
Issue No. 110 - Zi cu soare Lyrics
Astazi e soare pe cerul albastru
Vad ochii ce m-au vrajit
Si nu am rabdare s-astept pana maine
Sa simt din nou ca sunt iubit
Ia-ma in brate, stii cat imi place sa-mi spui
Tot ce simti si gandesti
Stiu cat de bine te simti cu mine
Ryan Beatty - Casino Lyrics - Unawoi <a href="">Uimipoh</a>
Espinoza Paz - Será Punto Com Lyrics
Del rancho
para el mundo
Dijo que no me quería
En una publicación
Dijo que no me quería
En una publicación
Ha herido mis sentimientos
Ha roto mi corazón
Ha herido mis sentimientos
Ha roto mi corazón
Será punto com
Koos Kombuis - Vet Vrou Lyrics
Die bybel het gesê
As jy net iets wil hê
Moet jy net daarvoor vra
Nou wat staan my dan te doen
Ek wil nie baie meisie soen
Maar net vir haar
En as die Here my wil seën
Met so 'n meisie drie in een
Sal ek haar trou
What's Up - Taxi Lyrics
Taxi du-ma unde vrei,
Oriunde as merge, stiu bine ca voi fi ok
Vreau sa cred ca nu-mi mai pasa,
Du-ma unde vrei,
Dar nu ma duce acasa
Taxi du-ma unde vrei,
Oriunde as merge, stiu bine ca voi fi ok
Vreau sa cred ca nu-mi mai pasa,...
Timbiriche - Persecución En la Ciudad Lyrics
Se emparejaron nuestros autos
Rojo el semáforo marco
Nuestras miradas se buscaron
Y tu sonrisa me atrapo
Luego me sigues varias calles
Metes primero y te fallo
Ese camión que se te cierra
Yo me doy vuelta, que velos
Persecución en la c...
Bandit Gang Marco - I Won't Cry Lyrics
[Marco talking]
Its like everything I do its wrong know what I'm saying
And when I'm out with the homies she think I'm trynna put on this ain't no frunt man
[Verse 1: Marco]
Its like you trynna treat me like a lit...
OmenXIII - Network Lyrics
Workin' on my net worth, do it on my network
You've been movin' work, boy, I just make the net work
BlackWidow Razer, bitch, I'm pushin' keys, huh?
They call me the hacker, now watch me delete ya
Issue No. 149 - Doar tu Lyrics
DJDS - Falling Lyrics
(feat. Marco McKinnis & Kelly Zutrau)
[Verse 1: Marco McKinnis and Kelly Zutrau]
Put two shots in the air tonight
Now I'm leaving town before the light
The reaper man is coming round
I won't let him take you down
Put two sho...
Ariana Grande - Safety Net Lyrics
You know you're really something, yeah
How'd we get here so damn fast?
Only you can tell me that
Baby, 'cause you know I'm coming back
You're making me forget my past
Never thought I'd feel like that aga...
Maaike Ouboter - Jij De Koning Lyrics
Jij de koning, ik de indiaan
Ik op je nek, jij op je tenen staan
En wij dan net als grote mensen
Jij verzon je wereld om je heen
En ik probeerde steeds
In al je dromen mee te wensen
Maar ook nu we niet meer samen stampend in de modder staan...
Sts - Da Kummt Die Sunn Lyrics
Da kummt die Sunn
Da kummt die Sunn
I freu mi, des is klass
[Verse 1]
Glaubst net auch, du, des war a langer, kalter Winter
Glaubst net auch, du, es war schon viel z'lang net mehr warm
Da kummt die Sunn
Da kummt die Sunn
I fre...
Tigers Jaw - Oh Time Lyrics
Our time is complicated
It sails away when we want it to stay
Moves slowly
Staring us down when we want it to move on
Balancing on the line
No net to catch this time
I am a patient in your room of waiting
Turn pages of magazines
Wait for ...
Lil B - Net Worth Lyrics
Yeah, ayy first off you feel me. It's your boy Lil B in the house. I wanna give a shout out to the Midwest. Hey Detroit what's good if you got your buffs on, what it do? You know what I'm sayin'. Ayy man Chicago,...
Joost - Enfant Terrible Lyrics
Shantel - Disko Partizani Lyrics
My baby came down from romania
She was the queen of transylvania
But now we live in suburbia
Without any friends from Bosnia
Tsiganizatsia tsiganizatsia
Come on baby this is what you need
Tsiganizatsia tsiganizatsia
TAUHEED - Happiness Lyrics
I'm happy i'm
I'm GL
Def Nation
Ndeumfwa bwino
Kuti natemwa
Lyonse cileba
Bine twa
Pushing'a twa
Sanco kapela
Nacilomba ififine
Marco Mengoni - Everest Lyrics
Mi dici che sono cambiato
Che non mi riconosci più
Ma per fortuna amore, per fortuna
Altrimenti sarei morto dopo tutto ciò che ho visto
Dopo quello che ho sentito
E che ho vissuto
Io cambio e mi trasformo
Per sopravvivere...
Georg Danzer - Ruaf Mi Net An Lyrics
Ruaf mi net an, weu du wasst doch genau
Dass I nimmer mehr wue und a nimmer mehr kann, bitte ruaf net an
Ruaf mi net an, weu I hear nur dei Stimm
Und dann schlaf I net ei bis I wieder die bleden Tabletten nimm
Weit host mi brocht, I steh a...
Die Antwoord - Zars Lyrics
A lot of people ask me
Why I sometimes speak with an Afrikaans accent
Tjek, the cool thing about South Africa is that
You got 11 national languages to choose from
So, if I'm speaking to an Afrikaans person
I ...
Issue No. 123 - Niciodata nu e de ajuns Lyrics
Central Cee - The Bag Lyrics
You wanna know where the ladies at
I wanna know where the laag at
You wanna know where the b_tches at
I wanna know where the bag at
They all got chat on the net
Real-life, I bet they'll backtrack
On the net they chat
In the fles...
Sevn Alias - Herres Lyrics
T-T-Trobi on the beat
Doe het voor m'n team
Ah, doe het voor m'n team
Doe het voor m'n team
Ik heb je back net Nico, Nico Tagliafico
Doe het voor m'n team
Ik heb je back net N...
Issue No. 192 - Casino Lyrics
Sevn Alias - Herres Lyrics
Kali Mutsa - HaYaKo HaYaKo Lyrics
Alceu Valença - Eu Te Amo Lyrics
Como quem vai ao cinema eu te amo
Como quem sai da cadeia
Como quem planta um roçado eu te amo
Como quem volta da feira
Com toda a gula dos pobres
Eu te amo, te amo, te amo
Eu te amo, eu te amo
Como quem volta pro ninho eu...
Carla's Dreams - Monomaniac Lyrics
Fluturi în stomac
Tu spui că nu e despre noi, că sunt hoinar şi haidamac
Aşa că nu-ţi pot fi pe plac
Am o construcţie stângace, eu beau vin şi trag tabac
Tu eşti răscrucea mea, dar o să-ţi vin de hac
Chiar ...
Ariana Grande - Safety Net Lyrics
[Intro: Ariana Grande]
[Verse 1: Ariana Grande]
You know you really something, yeah
How we get here so damn fast?
Only you can tell me that
Baby, 'cause you know I'm coming back
You're making me forget m...