Issue No. 110 - Nu stiu cine esti Lyrics
Invata-ma tu sa-mi invat sufletul sa prinda curaj
Ajuta-ma tu sa-mi ajut zambetul sa vina inapoi
Arata-mi din nou sa arat viselor ca nu le-am uitat
Ieri ce multe aveam sa ne-ntrebam
Apropie-te acum si spune-mi orice doar sa te aud
Dardan - Telefon Lyrics
[Intro: Nimo & Producertag]
Lalala, lalala, lalala
Telefon, Telefon
Lalala, lalala, lalala
Telefon, Telefon
Lalala, lalala, lalala
Nico shit, man, ey
[Pre-Hook: Nimo & Dardan]
Kontaktier deinen Anwalt per Telefon ...
Matteo - Panama Lyrics
Daca nici asa nu-ti place,
Ia mai zboara-n Panama.
Zile zile, zile zile eu alerg girl,
Mile mile, mile mile pe maidan,
Pentru tine, tine sa-ti dau un dar, dar,
Cel mai de pret dar fara nici un ban, ban,
Ganja, iarba, sunt inutile-ti...
Myrkur - Den Lille Piges Død Lyrics
Lille pige læg dig ned
Nu er det tid at sove
Mon du aldrig vågner op fra mørket foroven
Sover du, sover du?
I mine hænder du sover nu
Lille pige sover du
Du er så bleg på kinden
Hvorfor er du så stille nu
Kan du ej høre vinden
Pink Martini - Lyrics
Car Seat Headrest - Romantic Theory Lyrics
I didn't like you anyways
You always spoke so quiet
I had to ask you to repeat yourself
I'd like to explain to all of my friends
To everyone involved
How it all happened
How things fell apart
La la la la la la ...
Jonathan Hulten - Deep Night Lyrics
Akcent - Cel Mai Dulce Cadou Lyrics
Nu vreau nimic, nu vreau nimic
Nu vreau nimic sa-mi daruiesti
Cel mai dulce cadou esti tu.
Fulgii de nea mi se-aseaza la picioare
Stau si ma-ntreb:te gandesti la mine oare?
Cauti demult un cadou sa-mi daruiesti
Nu vreau nimic sa-mi...
Wampire - Orchards Lyrics
I don't know where the orchards grow
But it's here, and it's not
'cause institutions can make bad illusions
That are real, and they're not
La la la la la la, la la la la la la
La la la la la la
La ...
Science For Sociopaths - The Illusion Lyrics
I'll sing you a song, we'll make a toast
Send of the ones we love the most with the gentlest illusion
I couldn't aspire to more than this
I couldn't impart more than the bliss of a well-spun confusion
La la la...
Vinicio Capossela - Nachecici Lyrics
Oh... nanachenanachecici'
Uh... nanachenanachecici'
Uh... nanachenanachecici'
Io mò mi muoio
Oh... nanachenanachecici'
Uh... nanachenanachecici'
Uh... nanachenanachecici'
Io mò mi muoio
Chi muore muore
Anda Adam - Poate Fata Lyrics
Te iubesc nu face nici doi bani
Daca doar o spui si nu simti cu adevarat
Dar o fata cand simte mai presus de cuvinte iti va arata
Cand nu mai poti poate ea
Cand nu stii, stie ea
Cand nu mai poti, poate fata
Cand nu mai stii, stie fa...
Anders Wendin - Lämna Lampan På Lyrics
Du sa jag var så mycket yngre, som att hon var bra men, det var inte ung jag ville va.
Jag höll dig hårt I handen, I mina stora skor.
Jag vill bara vara nåt du ville ha.
Jag behöver nån som kan rädda mig.
För vem, för v...
Bobby Vinton - Deck The Halls Lyrics
Deck the halls with boughs of holly,
Fa la la la la, la la la la.
Tis the season to be jolly,
Fa la la la la, la la la la.
Don we now our gay apparel,
Fa la la, la la la, la la la.
Troll the ancient Yule tide carol,
Fa la l...
Mankirt Aulakh - Kamli Lyrics
Ohne dil mangeya te sathon nah ho gayi
Kudi patlo ji sang ke parah ho gayi
Ohne dil mangeya te sathon nah ho gayi
Kudi patlo ji sang ke parah ho gayi
Dil tutte ton vi suttno na talli chandri
Ho zulfan de jaal nu
Jatti hikk...
Rob Halford - Deck The Halls Lyrics
Deck the halls with boughs of holly
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
'Tis the season to be jolly
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
Don we now our gay apparel
Troll the ancient Yule-tide carol
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
Ruby - De la distanta Lyrics
David Hasselhoff - Deck The Halls Lyrics
Deck the halls with boughs of holly
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
'Tis the season to be jolly
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
Don we now our gay apparel
Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la.
Troll the ancient Yule-tide carol
Kari Kimmel - Black Lyrics
When everything turns to black
You don't know where to go
You need something
To justify your soul
Silence is broken
Confidence is gone
Everything you're holding on to
All the people selling truths
On every corn...
Mario Lanza - Deck The Halls With Boughs Of Holly Lyrics
Deck the halls with boughs of holly
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
'Tis the season to be jolly
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
Don we now our gay apparel
Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la
Troll the ancient Yule-tide carol
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la...
Beatsteaks - Break Down Lyrics
Alright, all my stoner friends out on the internet
Sha-la-la-la, la-la
Sha-la-la-la, la
Sha-la-la-la, la-la
Sha-la-la-la, la-la
You may have all the answers
You may live by the rules
If you could only resist it
You've got it coming t...
Leo Hook - LA LA LA LA LOVE Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I was asking my sweetheart what a pleasing gift
She would like to get to fix our recent rift
A Diamond ring, a brand new car, or Versace dress
Anything she likes! The price I couldn't care less
Maybe a romantic t...
Miriam Makeba - I Shall Sing Lyrics
La la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la
I shall sing
Sing my song
Be it right
Be it wrong
In the night
In the day
Any way
I shall sing
La la la la la la la la la
Schoolboy Q - The Purge Lyrics
Guys,guys,come here,I got a new dancing I wanna show you
Oh,I know this ,this is the bird dance,when you clap your hands
You flap your arms
Alright!Hey,look at me!
La la la la la,la la la,la la la
Now I wan...
Issue No. 151 - Noi simtim la fel Lyrics
[Adrian Sina:]
De-ai fi tu salcie la mal,
La umbra ta m-as pune
Stiu ca iti pare ireal,
Vreau sa fugim in lume
Sau poti sa stai aici,
Sa-mi dai culoare
Mai iti aduc LUMEA la picioare, da!
Vreau sa ies pe strada
Si sa urlu TARE ...
Lidia Buble - Noi Simtim La Fel Lyrics
[Adrian sina:]
De-ai fi tu salcie la mal,
La umbra ta m-as pune
Stiu ca iti pare ireal,
Vreau sa fugim in lume
Sau poti sa stai aici,
Sa-mi dai culoare
Mai iti aduc lumea la picioare, da!
Vreau sa ies pe strada
Si sa urlu ta...
Honne - La La La That's How It Goes Lyrics
I won't give up on you
If you will never give up on me
Anytime that you're off the beat
I'll put you on the groove and in key
I'm following you
If you are always following me
Any time that you hum it wrong
Pentatonix - Deck The Halls Lyrics
[Intro: All]
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Fa la la la la, la la la la
[Verse 1: Scott, (All), (Mitch)]
Deck the halls with boughs of holly
Fa la la la la, la la la la (Fa la la la la, la la la la)
'Tis the season to be jo...
Issue No. 107 - Doar pentru tine Lyrics
Cand clipesc dispari si doare
Nu gasesc nici o scapare
Vad ca nu mai ai rabdare
Sa vedem de ce ne doare
Poate am gresit
Sau nu
Esti fericit?
Ochii nu mai au culoare
Simt ca pleci si nu am stare
Spune-mi sincer, chiar daca t...
Buller - Håll Käften Lyrics
Letrux - Cry Something Awkward Lyrics
Matt Maltese - Human Remains Lyrics
La-la, la-la-la, la-la
La-la, la-la-la, la-la
Nights beneath the same old moon
I dream you tell the tragic truth
I love my pets more than you
Glimpse your father at the Louvre
I smell your perfume on the tube
I've g...
Issue No. 110 - 112 Lyrics
E plina agenda, da, da, da
112, 112, 112
Nu vrei sa pleci din mintea mea
112, 112
Si daca pentru mine vara as vrea sa mai dureze
Atunci cand vine iarna o fac sa demisioneze
Problemele dispar, furtuna o sa plece
Cat suntem impreuna...
Anna von Hausswolff - Old Beauty/Du Kan Nu Dö Lyrics
Your beauty overwhelms me when you open the door
You're old but you are shining like you've never done before
There's something here changing
And I'm trying to catch up
But the light is now upon your chest
You ...
Of Monsters and Men - Your Bones Lyrics
In the spring we made a boat
Out of feathers, out of bones.
We set fire to our homes,
Walking barefoot in the snow.
Distant rhythm of the drum
As we drifted towards the storm.
Baby lion lost his teeth,
Now they're swimming in ...
Issue No. 131 - Ne Intamplam Lyrics
Martin Brygmann - Fuck Nu Har Jeg Glemt Mit Kort Lyrics
Magnus Uggla - Världen är Din Lyrics
Tänker ofta på hur åren gått,
Jag blev gammal ett tu tre.
Det är först nu som jag har förstått,
ångrat att jag inte tog tillvara det.
Medan du som tycks ha allting kvar,
Inte fattat vilken grej.
Du är lyckligt lottat du som har,
Shaan - Baliye Lyrics
Yeh Yeh..
Aah Aah..
Tunoo Tunu
Aaja Aaja Mere Paas Tu Aaja
Naach Le Aur Shor Macha Ja
I Make You Wanna Go Go..
O Baby Boy
Tu Hai Mera Raja
Won't You Be Rythm All Night Long
Don't You Wanna Come Dance With My Song
It's Our Goa...
Fantastic Negrito - The Duffler Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I ain't got no money
And I ain't got nobody
And I ain't got no place to live no more
'Cause you took everything
Welcome to my life
(la, la la la, la, la la la, la la la, la la la)
(la, la la la, la, ...