Janet Jackson - S.E.X.L.I.N.E.S Lyrics
Are you recording?
[Verse 1]
Don't re-tell me what you are feeling
And don't be shy now, you got me weezing
It's getting so hot, the sexy feeling
Make up my love, boy
From floor to ceiling, got it?
311 - Come Original Lyrics
You got to
You got to
Come original you got to come original
All entertainers come original
You got to come original you got to come original
All entertainers
Hear why
To come original it ain't nothin' strange
You got to represen...
Meghan Trainor - Genetics Lyrics
My genetics
My genetics
My genetics
Beauty queen since seventeen
At least to me, I was born with it
Maybelline is good to me
But I believe, I was born with it
I'm workin', workin', workin'
Boris - Black Original Lyrics
I on the top floor of this hierarchy?
'll Ride the escalator up
Shiro I see this drawing?
That area is now strained to the
"Why do not like" NO
Sekushiai from Hell NO
Hell is other than Harare
Bass Santana - Mix It (Bloody Sprite) Lyrics
To bass be the glory
[Verse 1]
I heard that nigga, he a loose cannon
You be tripping off that shit, you a gook, ain't it?
I be looking for the licks, where the new stain is?
Come alive in the night like I'm ...
TOMM¥ €A$H - X-RAY Lyrics
Beabadoobee - She Plays Bass Lyrics
Hey, won't you call me back?
'Cause I've been waiting for a text back
It hurts my brain
This chick who plays bass
She plays bass, she plays bass
Nothing matters 'cause we're both in space
Pretty sh_t we coul...
Ludmila Ferber - Andar Com Deus Lyrics
ANDAR COM DEUS \n \n É melhor obedecer \n Do que sacrificar \n É melhor rasgar \n O coração, e confessar \n \n Deixar Deus agir \n Receber perdão \n Ao me arrepender \n Dos meus pecados \n \n Quero andar com Deus \n Santo e separado \n...
beabadoobee - She Plays Bass Lyrics
Pamela - Contigo Eu Quero Estar Lyrics
CONTIGO QUERO ESTAR \n \n Demorei \n Mas consegui achar \n Me amarrei \n Quando te encontrei \n \n Nos teus braços \n Descansar \n E me aquecer \n E contigo eu quero andar \n E não tropeçar \n \n Sei que agora tenho paz \n No meu coraç�...
Pamela - I Love You Lyrics
I LOVE YOU \n \n Mais um dia amanheceu \n E o sol veio me ensinar \n A deixar brotar no coração \n A vontade de ser bem feliz \n \n E cantar e dizer: I love you \n E ver no horizonte, e em todo lugar \n Tão puro e bom \n E cantar: I love...
Oh The Larceny - The Original Lyrics
Everybody's gonna lose their minds
When they see what you're gonna do
Play it back like a million times
Because they know that you're the absolute
The original, moon walker, heart stopper
The original, black leat...
Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass Lyrics
Because you know I'm all about that bass,
'Bout that bass 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass,
'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass,
'bout that bass, no treble...
Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass Lyrics
Because you know I'm all about that bass,
'Bout that bass 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass Lyrics
Because you know
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
Ludmila Ferber - Vem E Visita Lyrics
VEM E VISITA \n \n Espírito, Espírito \n Vem, e visita nosso ser \n Com Teu amor \n Com Teu perdão \n Vem, e derrama o Teu poder \n \n Pois não há barreiras \n Que fiquem de pé \n Quando nos levantamos em fé \n \n E não há limites ...
Culcha Candela - Original Gyal Lyrics
Ich seh' so viele schöne Frauen, aber keine, die so ist wie du (ist wie du)
Ich schenk' dir gerne mein Vertrauen, du verstehst mich und hörst mir zu (hörst mir zu)
Es sind die vielen kleinen Dinge (kleinen Dinge)
In deine Augen...
Oxxxymiron - OXXXYMIRON Lyrics
Kele - Tenderoni Lyrics
Away, away, away, away
Away, away, away, away
Been running with the rude boys
For much too, much too long
You think you are one of them
Every time that we kissed
It seems you were holding back
Don't be so quick to pull away
Away, awa...
Kravstor - Bayer & Bass Lyrics
Våkna opp i ei fremmed seng
Korr e buksa og restn hænn?
Det e lørdag i hælga mi
Ska ut i kveld, ska ut på ny
Det e fest i byen min
Ser på jenten, de e så fin
I kveld ska vi drekk som nån svin
Før det e bayer og bass
Peder e på p...
Aline Barros - Domingo Legal Lyrics
DOMINGO LEGAL \n \n Segunda-feira \n Terça-feira \n Quarta-feira \n Quinta-feira \n Sexta-feira \n Vou pra escola estudar \n \n E no sábado reúno a galera \n Escovo os dentes, leio a Bíblia \n E começo a brincar \n \n E no domingo \n V...
Post Malone - M-E-X-I-C-O Lyrics
I was hangin' 'round in Brooklyn town with a settle-down type girl
Her daddy was a diplomat who thought he ruled the world
And he was well-connected, he helped me connect the dots
He paid me off to leave, and let's just sa...
Speed - Unlucky X'mas Lyrics
Aline Barros - Apaixonado Lyrics
APAIXONADO \n \n Você mudou meu jeito de pensar \n Você mudou meu jeito de agir \n Me deu sentido \n Você está comigo vinte e quatro horas \n E ainda assim é muito pouco \n \n Você plantou em mim \n A semente da eternidade pra Te ador...
Ludmila Ferber - Deus Conhece Lyrics
DEUS CONHECE \n \n Deus conhece as nossas carências \n Ele sabe o que precisamos \n Seus ouvidos estão prontos \n Para atender nossa oração \n \n Pedi, e dar-se-vos-á \n Buscai, e achareis \n Batei, e abrir-se-vos-á \n \n Pois todo o ...
Ludmila Ferber - Toca-me Lyrics
TOCA-ME \n \n Sei que em mim nada há de bom \n Além de Ti Senhor \n Mas eis-me aqui \n Pra cumprir o Teu propósito, Senhor \n \n Toca-me com a brasa do Teu altar \n Toca-me Senhor, quero Te adorar \n Como oferta viva me oferecer \n E aos...
Justin Garner - Catch The Bass Lyrics
Walk up in the spot man
Born to watch me
All up in my zone, make way
And I'm comin bass like
I'mma scoop in that A
When you bring around my way
You must be crazy,
Fore you know which it is
I'm gett...
Will Hoge - (This Ain't) An Original Sin Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I came in here lookin' for a lover
But now I think I'll settle for a friend
And if it goes right I could take you home tonight
And try to make it worth the trouble we put in
[Verse 2]
And I saw you standin...
Cream Soda - Volga (ЛАУД Remix) Lyrics
Big Baby Tape - Project X Lyrics
Yellow Claw - Do You Like Bass? Lyrics
Do you like bass? In your mother fucking face!
Do you like bass? In your mother fucking face, face!
Do you like bass? In your mother fucking face!
Do you like bass? In your mother fucking face, face!
Do you like bass? In your mother fuckin...
Aaron Fresh - Original Love Lyrics
It's Ya Boy, Aaron Fresh
Oh Yeah
Oh Whoaa
Ya Might've Had A Man Before I Promise He Wasn't Like Me (No He Wasn't)
You Might've Had A Plan Before, I'm Switchin it To Plan B
And Now I Really Kno...
Pamela - Oceano De Amor Lyrics
OCEANO DE AMOR \n \n Silenciei minha voz pra te ouvir \n Você falou de amor \n E me fez tão bem \n \n Adormeci e sonhei \n Com você naveguei, teu coração \n Um oceano de amor \n \n O meu amor por você \n É muito mais do que um sonho ...
Aline Barros - O Barco Balançou Lyrics
O BARCO BALANÇOU \n \n Deus mandou, mas Jonas não quis ir \n Deus falou, Jonas não quis ouvir \n \n E o barco balançou, e o barco balançou \n Quando lançaram Jonas \n Foi que o mar se acalmou \n \n E na barriga da baleia Jonas foi par...
Grapetooth - Imagine On Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Started walking backwards when you saw me on the road
I let you go, I let you go
Talkin, talking like you never tried to lay me low
I let you go, I just let you go
[Verse 2]
Pockets full of daddy's dough
Morning Parade - Culture Vulture Lyrics
Numbers turn to money,
Ain't it funny how it built
To spend the whole of our lives running on the crunch and on assumption[?]
There's reason in repeating rhymes and throwing keys and swapping wives,
As long as it's withi...
Blackhole - Black Hole Rock'n Roll Lyrics
The Lonely Island - When Will The Bass Drop Lyrics
When will the bass drop?
When will the bass drop?
When will the bass drop?
When will the bass drop?
When will the bass drop?
When will the bass drop?
When will the bass drop?
When will the bass drop?
When will the bass drop?...
Alice Russell - A To Z Lyrics
A , and now it's time
B , because I like this
C , circumstance
D , depending on
E , everyone
F , for all we know
G , got to get this
H , hail to my
I , it's plain to see
J , just because
K , kindness is
L , love 'em whole
M ,...
Pamela - Caminho Da Perfeição Lyrics
CAMINHO DA PERFEIÇÃO \n \n Quando o vento sopra forte \n E leva os sonhos pelo ar \n O dia vai, a noite vem \n E fico a pensar \n \n Quanto tempo eu perdi \n Com tantas ilusões \n Meu coração se enganou \n Não queria enxergar \n \n Os...