Issue No. 110 - Cinema Lyrics
Cine m-a ranit asa
Cine mi-a rupt inima
Cinema, cinema
Cine m-a facut sa plang
Toate noptile la rand
Cinema, cinema
Viata ca la cinema
Ca o busola, nu mai stiu care e calea
Candva eram ghidat de tine, iti ascultam chemarea
Si ...
Issue No. 139 - Tu Lyrics
feat. Eli & Dr Mako
What can I do
In mintea mea esti tu
What can I do
In mintea mea esti tu
A fost ca o poveste
Ascunsa de ferestre
Stiuta doar de inima mea
Citita intr-o carte
Cu zambete trucate
Parfumul ei pe pagina t...
James Whild Lea - Your Cine World Lyrics
Well you think that it's all over
Well I guess that it is now
Well I tried my best to like you
But you were a silly little cow
And when you see what's in the mirror
You think it looks just great
But I wonder what's i...
Holograf - Intoarce-te Acasa Lyrics
Cine spune ca nu a iubit
Cine a iubit cu adevarat
Cine stie unde am gresit
Cine din greseala a castigat
Si cine sufletul ti la ranit
Cine o rana adanca a vindecat
Cine imi spune acuma unde esti
Cine, ce iti doresti cu adevarat
DIR EN GREY - Downfall Lyrics
Dotō ni fukidasu kanjō to hametsu ni mukai
Imi wa Imi wa Imi wa
Nōto ni kakiutsusu tanin no ikari
Rinkaku kara nazori utsushidashita sore wa
Yōsuru ni temijika na haribote no sakebi
Tanoshisō n...
Issue No. 190 - Vino Langa Mine Lyrics
Perfect, perfect, perfect!
Yeah, yeah!
Noi doi cantam pentru voi, yeah
Pentru cei ce se iubesc
Si nu dau inapoi.
Da! Of, of!
Hai vino langa mine
Ca sa-ti fie bine, viata mea!
Eu nu te las in drum
Ca ai sufletul b...
Enya - Diamonds on The Water Lyrics
Ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah
Listen to the river
It echoes softly
Drifting in my memories
The sound of Summer
Listen to my heart beat
As I lie dreaming
Issue No. 112 - Pantofii Altcuiva Lyrics
Ma uit pe geam la ce puteam sa am daca ma nasteam la alt etaj
In alta scara, in alt bloc, in alt an, in alta tara
Sigur aveam mai mult tupeu, si-n buzunar, mai mult c-un leu
Si-n patul meu ma asteptau mereu doua pustoaice de liceu!
(De ...
Alexandra Craescu - Tu Si Eu Lyrics
Tu si eu as vrea sa fim mereu
Numai tu si eu oricat ar fi de greu
Tu si eu as vrea sa fim mereu
Numai tu si eu oricat ar fi de greu
Faci ce faci ca stii ca-mi placi si nu taci
De scut si de ziduri ma dezbraci
Ma arunci la pama...
Issue No. 136 - Intoarce-te acasa Lyrics
Akcent - Lyrics
Vampire Weekend - 2021 Lyrics
[Verse 1: Ezra Koenig & Jenny Lewis]
(Boy, boy)
2021, will you think about me?
I could wait a year but I shouldn't wait three (Boy)
I don't wanna be (Boy)
Mm-mm, mm mm mm
2021, will you think about us?
Copper goe...
La Zowi - Drug Dealer Lyrics
Black Swan - DA GA DE LI DA Lyrics
I know a little man with a guitar in hand on the corner
And when he strums his song
He lets you sing along if you wanta
If you don't understand then you can tap your hands right along
An da ga de li da
An da ga de li da
An da ga de l...
The Decemberists - Tripping Along Lyrics
[Verse 1]
We were tripping tripping tripping tripping tripping along
While you're orbiting, might I?
While you're orbiting, might I?
Lick you sticky sticky sticky sticky sticky and sweet
They're all turning a blind ...
The Decemberists - Tripping Along (Full Band Version) Lyrics
[Verse 1]
We were tripping tripping tripping tripping tripping along
While you're orbiting, might I?
While you're orbiting, might I?
Lick you sticky sticky sticky sticky sticky and sweet
They're all turning a blind ...
Issue No. 110 - NUMELE EI Lyrics
Numele ei, ma, numele ei, ma
Numele ei, ma, numele ei, ma
Numele ei, ma, numele ei, ma
Numele ei, ma, numele ei, ma
Numele ei, il am si-acum in minte
Doar un gand la ea si imi aduc aminte
De serile din weekend si cele dinainte
Issue No. 111 - Purtati De Vant Lyrics
Sa ne lasam, purtati de vant
E o noua zi si tot ce-avem in gand e
Sa ne lasam, purtati de vant
Sa zburam cat mai departe, sa uitam grijile toate
Ei, aud acelasi ecou,
Zice ca n-am incontro
Sa am acelasi ego, dar yo nu vrea...
Issue No. 131 - Arde Lyrics
When everything is made to be broken
I just wanna know who are you?
As vrea sa pot ajunge in viata ta, a ta
Dragoste,esti tu?
Vreau sa nu-mi spui nu,nu
Cred ca s-a intamplat ceva
Parca sunt altcineva
Inima n-o poti salva
E tarziu a...
Issue No. 110 - Ale Cui? Lyrics
Cand eram mic
Mi-a zis tata o vorba buna
Nu alerga dupa ele
Dar eu nu am inteles
Si ce sa fac ca acum
Sunt plin de dileme
E complicat cu domnisoarele, dar oare voi gasi
Pe cineva cu-adevarat sa pot iubi
Sunt nebune rau de tot...
DIR EN GREY - Utafumi Lyrics
Watashi wa hitori
Kodoku na shi dake da
Tayasuku uragirareru
Inochigakeru hodo no jōkei ga ima me ni yadoru?
Imi no nai tamerai kizu to
Jūsūnen kokoro wa mujin Herahera
Pechakucha shaberu gomidomo ga
Kusari hitotsu ...
Bill Wurtz - La De Da De Da De Da De Day Oh Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I don't have enough time
To say the things I wanna say
To do the things I wanna do
Or to be like you
I just want some time
To express the things I feel
Just to express the things I feel
And believe them too
Issue No. 110 - Nu stiu cine esti Lyrics
Invata-ma tu sa-mi invat sufletul sa prinda curaj
Ajuta-ma tu sa-mi ajut zambetul sa vina inapoi
Arata-mi din nou sa arat viselor ca nu le-am uitat
Ieri ce multe aveam sa ne-ntrebam
Apropie-te acum si spune-mi orice doar sa te aud
Matthew Perryman Jones - When It Falls Apart Lyrics
Here we go again
It's all the same
A familiar scene
But we call it by a different name
It's an aliby of innocence
We work so hard for all
To just make sense
But it won't make sense
When it falls apart
Glee - Let's Wait Awhile Lyrics
There's something I want to tell you
There's something I think that you should know
It's not that I shouldn't really love you
Let's take it slow
When we get to know each other
And we're both feeling much s...
Issue No. 193 - Dragoste Nebuna Lyrics
Lidia Buble - Noi Simtim La Fel Lyrics
[Adrian sina:]
De-ai fi tu salcie la mal,
La umbra ta m-as pune
Stiu ca iti pare ireal,
Vreau sa fugim in lume
Sau poti sa stai aici,
Sa-mi dai culoare
Mai iti aduc lumea la picioare, da!
Vreau sa ies pe strada
Si sa urlu ta...
Issue No. 151 - Noi simtim la fel Lyrics
[Adrian Sina:]
De-ai fi tu salcie la mal,
La umbra ta m-as pune
Stiu ca iti pare ireal,
Vreau sa fugim in lume
Sau poti sa stai aici,
Sa-mi dai culoare
Mai iti aduc LUMEA la picioare, da!
Vreau sa ies pe strada
Si sa urlu TARE ...
Camille - Fontaine De Lait Lyrics
Où va l'eau, où va l'âme
et la sève et les larmes
Aller où, aller là
aller où il est oui lui
Et voilà que je fais
une fontaine de lui
Et voilà que je suis
une fontaine de lait
Elle avale �...
Grimes - Song For Ric Lyrics
Da, da, da-da, da-da, da
I wonder, I wonder, I know
Da, da, da-da, da-da, da
Oh, where, oh, where will you go
Da, da, da-da, da-da, da
I wonder, I wonder, I know
Da, da, da-da, da-da, da
Oh, where, oh, where will you...
Car Seat Headrest - Father, Flesh In Rags Lyrics
My back is killing me baby
I don't have any comfortable chairs
My spine will become warped
I won't be able to stand up straight
And I don't brush my teeth twice a day
Now I will lose them all in old age
La de d...
Unknown - Camptown Races Lyrics
De Campptown ladies sing this somg,
Doo-da, Doo-da
De Camptown racetrack's two miles long
Oh, de doo-da day
Cho: Gwine to run all night
Gwine to run all day
I bet my money on a bob-tailed nag
Somebody bet on the gray.
Dominic Fike - 10x Stronger Lyrics
Tiffany Alvord - I Knew You Were The One Lyrics
I never thought that
A guy like you would give a girl like me a shot
I think maybe I like you just a little
Or maybe it's a lot
'Cause when I close my eyes
Da da da da
Da da da da
Da da da da
Da da da da
Da da da da
Issue No. 110 - In Dreapta Ta Lyrics
Bertie Higgins - Marianna Lyrics
Marianna comes to me
With a seashell to her ear
Listening to my world through her golden hair
She hears my ocean near
Her eyes have been begging for my sail
Her sunsets, they come and go
Her young heart has been running so fast
Miranda Lambert - Way Too Pretty For Prison Lyrics
[Verse 1: Miranda Lambert]
They don't have rhinestone ball and chains
Lunch trays don't come with Chardonnay
The bars there ain't got boys to buy us drinks
We'd stick out like two bottled blondes
I must a...
Alexander Marcus - Rastafari Lyrics
(Hush Hush)
(Hush Hush)
Wo gehen all die Menschen hin?
Ich glaub da steigt ne Party
Alle sehen so gut aus
Uh, so fantastisch
Sen Senra - No Quiero Más De Lo Que Merezco Lyrics
Cícero - A Grande Onda Lyrics
Vem ver o tumulto do alto
Nosso mar de asfalto, ferro e pó
Vem ver a ferrugem de dentro
O mar de pavimento e fios em nó
Vem ver sob ansiolíticos
Sob anfetamínicos nossa ilusão
Vem ver envergando os prédios
Inundando os b...