Morning Parade - Love Thy Neighbour Lyrics
Spencer Davis Group - Neighbor Neighbor Lyrics
Neighbour Neighbour, don't wonder what goes on in my home
You're always looking for something to gossip about
You got no trouble, my squabble grew
Something bad's gonna happen to you
Neighbour Neighbour, don't won...
Camilio Osias - Land Of The Morning Lyrics
Land of the morning,
Child of the sun returning,
With fervor burning,
Thee do our souls adore.
Land dear and holy,
Cradle of noble heroes,
Ne'er shall invaders
Trample thy sacred shore.
Ever within thy skies and through thy clouds
And ...
Indiana Bible College - Thy Name Be Praised Lyrics
Verse 1
Holy, holy, Holy is Thy name
Wonderful, Worthy let all the earth proclaim
When we consider Thy wonderous heavens
And all the works of Thy hand
We bow in Your presence
Our hands lift in reverence
Thy name, oh Lord, Thy name be...
Violent Soho - Neighbour Neighbour Lyrics
Chuck Schwandt - I Lift My Praise Lyrics
I lift my Praise to thee Father
I lift my Praise to Thy Son
I lift my Praise to Thy Spirit
Upon Thy Holy throne
As angels worship Thy glory
Majestic is thy trane
Their singing Hallelujah
To Thy Name, to Thy name, to Thy Nam...
Rotting Christ - Hallowed Be Thy Name Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Hallowed be thy name (Hallowed be thy name)
Hallowed be the fire (Hallowed be the fire)
Hallowed be thy name (Hallowed be thy name)
Flames and pyre (Flames and pyre)
Hallowed be thy name
Hallowed be the f...
Ascend The Hill - Great Is Thy Faithfulness Lyrics
Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with thee;
You never change, thy compassions, they fail not;
As You have been, forever You'll be
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth;
Thy own dear...
Laibach - The Parade Lyrics
Join the parade
Join the parade
Join the parade
Some walk for salvation
Confessing their sins
Denouncing their fathers
Some join to run naked
For pleasure and pain through
The hands of the others
It comforts
It ...
Rend Collective - Love Divine Lyrics
Love Divine, all love excelling
Joy of heaven, to earth come down
Fix in us Thy humble dwelling
All Thy faithful mercies crown
Jesus, Thou art all compassion
Pure, unbounded love Thou art
Visit us with Thy salvation
Enter ever...
Rend Collective Experiment - Love Divine Lyrics
Love Divine, all love excelling
Joy of heaven, to earth come down
Fix in us Thy humble dwelling
All Thy faithful mercies crown
Jesus, Thou art all compassion
Pure, unbounded love Thou art
Visit us with Thy salvation
Enter every trem...
Melvins - Eyes On You Lyrics
They got you open wide
You let them come inside
They know just what you do
They got their eyes on you
They know your money trail
They know whats in your mail
They hear your telephone
They look inside your home
Hey neig...
Free Nationals - Obituaries Lyrics
Wolves Like Us - Thanatos Wins Again Lyrics
To thy unspotted Shrine I bow,
Attend thy modest Suppliants vow.
Oh that Breaths no wild desires
Taught by thy unerring Rules
Heaven sent our end
The Dirt you tread will
surely open.
Gone to Dust and to Earth what words you tr...
Chelsea Wolfe - Fight Like Gods Lyrics
Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy
[Verse 1]
What happens when the dream
Is better than the waking?
What happens when we don't
Dread our own body breaking?
From our bed, we can see the dark clouds
Start to seethe right above us
And my s...
Mills Brothers - O Little Town Of Bethlehem Lyrics
Oh little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie
Above thy deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go by
Yet in thy dark streets shineth, the everlasting light
The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.
For Chris...
Billy Vaughn - O Little Town Of Bethlehem Lyrics
Oh little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie
Above thy deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go by
Yet in thy dark streets shineth, the everlasting light
The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.
For Chris...
Marshall Hall - Great And Marvelous Lyrics
"Great and marvelous are thy works,
Lord God Almighty
Just and true are all thy ways, just and true are all thy ways, thou King
Of saints
Who shall not fear thee, O Lord
And glorify thy name?"...
John Winskell - Thy Word Is Truth Lyrics
Your Word, oh, my LORD endures forever,
Thy Word is truth.
Your scripture my LORD cannot be broken,
Thy Word is truth.
Your Word, oh, my LORD is tested and true,
Thy Word is truth.
Your Word, oh, my LORD is settled in heaven,
Young Oceans - None But Thee Lyrics
Jesus, mighty King of Heaven
Thou O Lord our guide shall be
Thy commission we rely on
We will follow none but Thee
As an emblem of Thy passion
And Thy victory o'er the grave
We who know Thy great salvation
Are baptized...
Marc Cohn - Join The Parade Lyrics
Join The Parade
Out in the late November chill
Crowded behind blue barricades
Peering out over every window sill
Lucky children snap their window shades
The streamers flying through the air
Falling all around the marching band
Indiana Bible College - Psalm 8 Lyrics
Oh Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Thy name
Oh Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Thy name
Oh Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Thy name
Oh Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Thy name
In all the earth
Who has set Thy...
Morning Parade - Seasick Lyrics
Morning Parade - Autoinjector Lyrics
Michael Card - O Sacred Head, Now Wounded Lyrics
O Sacred Head, now wounded
With grief and shame weighed down,
Now scornfully surrounded
With thorns Thine only crown,
How pale Thou art with anguish,
With sore abuse and scorn.
How does that visage languish,
Which once was bri...
Horse Feathers - Evictions Lyrics
[Verse 1]
You did not beware
Or behave before the west had closed you in
You had waved your arms to [?]
And allowed the Californians win
You had hung nights with high holding
Skies were more than blue
But it's hard to fee...
Strahan - Feel The Night II Lyrics
Breaking is the morning
You are in the dawning light
But it is the evening
So I will feel the night
Breaking is the morning
You are in the dawning light
But it is the evening
So I will feel the night
Breaking is the morning
Young Oceans - Nothing Beside Jesus Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Lord we lie before Thy feet
Look on all our deep distress
Thy rich mercy may we meet
Clothe us with Thy righteousness
[Verse 2]
Stretch forth Thy Almighty hand
Hold us up and we shall stand
Lord increase, increa...
ABBA - Happy New Year Lyrics
No more champagne
And the fireworks are through
Here we are, me and you
Feeling lost and feeling blue
It's the end of the party
And the morning seems so grey
So unlike yesterday
Now's the time for us to say...
Happy new ...
Paul Baloche - Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty Lyrics
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
Early in the morning our song to Thee be raised
Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty!
God ever glorious, evermore be praised!
Holy, holy, holy! All the saints adore Thee,
Casting down their golde...
Irving Berlin - Easter Parade Lyrics
In your easter bonnet, with all the frills upon it,
You'll be the grandest lady in the easter parade.
I'll be all in clover and when they look you over,
I'll be the proudest fellow in the easter parade.
On the avenue, fif...
Jeff Beck - Elegy for Dunkirk Lyrics
Dear Lord and Father of mankind,
Forgive our foolish ways!
Re-clothe us in our rightful mind,
In purer lives thy service find,
In deeper reverence praise.
In simple trust like theirs who heard,
Beside the Syrian sea,
The gracious c...
Kari Jobe - Be Still My Soul (In You I Rest) Lyrics
Be still, my soul, The Lord is on thy side
Bear patiently, the cross of grief or pain
Leave to thy God, to order and provide
In every change, He faithful will remain
Be still, my soul, thy best thy heavenly friend
Through thorny way...
Blood Orange - Holy Will Lyrics
(feat. Ian Isiah)
[Verse 1: Ian Isiah]
Lord, I just wanna be
Rooted and grounded in thee
Lord, place me
Lord Jesus, place me, yeah
I wanna be centered in thy will
[Chorus 1: Eva]
In thy holy will
In thy holy will
Religious Music - Abide With Me Lyrics
Abide with me, fast falls the eventide.
The darkness deepens, Lord with me abide.
When other helpers fail and comfort flee
Help of the helpless, O abide with me.
Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day.
Earth's joys grow di...
Wolf Parade - Incantation Lyrics
This dream of life, this long night
Singing incantations in the dark
And I'll call to you now, love
Coming down will make my heart
Will make me
I feel this on every street
I walk the earth while you were sleeping
Some will flow, some ...
Paul Baloche - Take My Life And Let It Be Lyrics
Take my life, and let it be
Consecrated, Lord, to Thee.
Take my hands, and let them move
At the impulse of Thy love.
At the impulse of Thy love.
Take my feet, and let them be
Swift and beautiful for Thee.
Take my voice, and let me ...
Kings Kaleidoscope - Come Thou Long Expected Jesus Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Come Thou long expected Jesus
Born to set Thy people free
From our fears and sins release us
Let us find our rest in Thee
[Verse 2]
Israel's strength and consolation
Hope of all the earth Thou art
Dear desi...
Kings Kaleidoscope - Come Thou Fount Lyrics
Come thou fount of every blessing
Tune my heart to sing thy grace
Streams of mercy never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise
Teach me some melodious sonnet
Sung by flaming tongues above
Praise the mount I'm fixed upon ...
Page CXVI - Come Thou Fount Lyrics
Come thou fount of every blessing
Tune my heart to sing thy grace
Streams of mercy never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise
Teach me some melodious sonnet
Sung by flaming tongues above
I'll praise the mount I'...