Nidji - Sumpah & Cinta Matiku Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Selama nafasku berhembus
Hanya kamu di dengarku
Selama mataku memandang
Hanya kamu cinta matiku
Dengarlah dunia
Rintihan hatiku
Yang terbalut dengan doaku
Inilah sumpahku
Dengarlah dunia
Efek Rumah Kaca - Belanja Terus Sampai Mati Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Akhir dari sebuah perjalanan
Mendarat di sudut pertokoan
Buang kepenatan
Tapi tapi itu hanya kiasan
(belanja terus sampai mati)
Juga juga suatu pembenaran
(belanja terus sampai mati)
Atas bujukan seta...
Zat Kimia - Dimanakah Dia Lyrics
Setiap manusia mengidamkan seorang pahlawan
Hapuskan derita dari tirani yang usang
Yang kini kadaluarsa
Dimanakah dia berada saat ini
Mungkin hatinya telah mati kali ini ooh
Kehadiran dia kan memberikan harapan
Pada hati y...
Nidji - Tak Akan Pernah Mati Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Hidupi hidupmu denganku
Saat tua nanti
Denganmu ku selalu merasa
Muda dan tidak
Pernah menyerah, oh
[Verse 2]
Melangkah untuk tetap kuat
Di jalan kemenangan
Walaupun sulit tapi kutahu
Kau selalu di sisiku
Efek Rumah Kaca - Di Udara Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Aku sering diancam
Juga teror mencekam
Kerap ku disingkirkan
Sampai dimana kapan
[Verse 2]
Ku bisa tenggelam di lautan
Aku bisa diracun di udara
Aku bisa terbunuh di trotoar jalan
Tapi aku tak pe...
Fourtwnty - Nyanyian Surau Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Transisi kata ke kata, ku mulai terbata-bata
Berjalan kemana jiwa lamaku kapan lagi bernostalgia
Kelopak mataku lelah menjabarkan arti malaya
Melanda redup tantrumku
[Verse 2]
Bait ke bait mulai kurakit menari paras...
Lincoln Brewster - Deep Down (Walk Through Fire) Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I run to You, my heart's in Your hands now
I'm not afraid, with You by my side
I feel Your love, it's burning inside me
Deep down
[Verse 2]
You draw me close, whenever I reach out
You'll always...
Nidji - Hidup Tanpa Cintamu Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Aku yang terusir jauh
Sang pemilik hati yang tersuci
Yang tersesat oleh cinta
Dan selalu dibuang jauh
Ku berlayar tanpa angin
Tak menentu arah dan tujuan
Mencari sang permataku
Yang menghilang tenggelam
Voltaire - Poopin' On The Enterprise (A Monologue) Lyrics
Anybody here a Star Trek fan?
I love Star Trek so much, but man they sure make some shit up on that show
It's just unbelievable to me
They're like bouncing graviton beams off the main deflector array
They're like creati...
NOAH - Sendiri Lagi (Remix) Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Tinggallah ku sendiri dalam sepi ini
Tiada temanku lagi
Tak sanggup hati ini sendiri begini
Tanpa dirimu kasih
Mengapa oh mengapa kau tinggalkan diriku
Tak tahu, ku tak tahu
[Verse 2]
Tak mungkin k...
Pandai Besi - Di Udara Lyrics
Ku bisa tenggelam di lautan
Kubisa di racun di udara
Ku bisa terbunuh
Di trotoar jalan
Tapi aku tak pernah mati
Tak akan berhenti
Tapi aku tak pernah mati
Tak akan berhenti
Ku bisa dibuat menderita
Aku bisa dibuat ta...
Pig - Filth Healer Lyrics
Ease that tension
Let's fuck apprehension
With your anal retention
You're getting quite exponential
Prime groover
You're my mover
'Cause I blew you
My crime user
Ease that tension
Let's fuck apprehension
With your...
Tigapagi - Menari Lyrics
Mari menari
Marilah bersuka cita menari
Jangan pedulikan sesama
Tapi ingat Tuhan takkan pernah buta
Mari bernyanyi, seakan kita takkan pernah mati
Lalu sakiti diri sendiri
Sadar tak sadar mati menghampiri
Hei, sadari ses...
Fiersa Besari - Selamat Tinggal Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Hujan datang lagi membawaku bertualang pada setumpuk kenangan
Tentang gelak tawa tangan kita berpegangan bahkan di saat tersulit
Tapi kusadari hidup bukan hanya soal menang
Dan kehilanganmu ...
Hanzel Und Gretyl - Blut Sex Fire Lyrics
Destroy and pull it tighter
Adjust the angle so slight
Tear the scar, be a fighter
Black is death at midnight
Make it feel like there's something
Make it hard as it burns
The liquid light is descending
Das ist mein stern!
Blut! Sex! F...
TRIAD - Cinta Gila Lyrics
(Anak Jalanan Soundtrack)
Hati hati dengan hatiku
Karna hatiku mudah layu
Jangan kamu bermain-main
Karna kutak? main-main
Sungguh aku bersungguh-sungguh
Cintaku ini cinta mati
Mati-matian aku
Pertahankan cintaku
Satyricon - Deep Calleth Upon Deep Lyrics
[Verse 1]
In the darkest storm through the cold of night
We hear the wolves cry at my chamber door
The path of evermore from the dawn of time
In the rain alone with your demons claw
Now, let your brother help if the palace falls
And the dr...
Blackstreet - Deep Lyrics
Tell me how you like it
{I like it deep}
You want me to go a little deeper
{Yes, papi}
Ah, yeah
Let me go deep, deep, deep, deep (Yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah)
Wanna go deep, deep, deep, deep (Let me go deep,...
Interphase - The Fire Of Love Lyrics
We've come so far just to walk away,
I thought our love was strong,
And if you go I'll have to say
The fire of love,
Will remain,
The fire of love
Do or dain
The fire of love
No two are quite the same.
I would go to the ends of ...
Nothing More - Don't Stop Lyrics
Like a shotgun in a fist fight
Like a murder in the daylight
I'm the poison in the lead pipes
Open me up and watch the dogs fight, dogs fight
My angel's in a headlock
And I'm dropping bombs from the rooftops
I ain't wait...
Shakira - Cut Me Deep Lyrics
Why do you say things
If you do not mean them
Why do you fill up my wounds
With your dirt
Bullets of fire
This time I can't shield them
Santa Maria, I know how it hurts
'Cause you cut me deep
Your words are like steel ...
Shakira - Cut Me Deep Lyrics
Why do you say things
If you do not mean them
Why do you fill up my wounds
With your dirt
Bullets of fire
This time I can't shield them
Santa Maria, I know how it hurts
'Cause you cut me deep
Your words are like steel
And now I ...
Fiersa Besari - Kawan Yang Mengagumkan Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Ingatkah kau saat kita bertingkah bagaikan raja dunia?
Menerjang badai tanpa rasa takut
Bersama, kita kuat
Padamu kubagi suka dan duka, padaku kau bagi semangat
Dan ketika aku hampir menyerah
Kau menepuk bahuku
Zigaz - Hidupmu Hidupku Lyrics
Bening matamu
Pancarkan kesedihan
Tak pernah terlihat
Selama ini
Senyum pedihmu
Lukiskan air matamu
Perihnya hatimu
Menyentuh batinku
Sungguh mati aku tidak
Bisa meninggalkan dia
Walau pun kau dekap aku
Nidji - Sang Mantan Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Dulu aku kau puja
Dulu aku kau sayang
Dulu aku sang juara
Yang selalu engkau cinta
Kini roda telah berputar
Kini aku kau hina
Kini aku kau buang
Jauh dari hidupmu
Kini aku sengsara
Roda memang telah berputar
Lazy Middle Class - Bdg Bdg Lyrics
Hampir setiap hari
Banyak jalan terlewati
Disaat suntuk
Menghibur hati
Bandung hari ini
Indah nan berseri
Musik tak pernah mati
Bagi kami disini
Sejuknya pohon di jalan dago ini
Bersama memori yang kini slalu disini
Oh aku terenyuh saat k...
6ixth Sense - Tanpa Lyrics
Resah yang ku
Ubah dalam kata
Melukiskan kesunyian
Tanpa engkau aku tak mengerti
Pagi itu indah tapi
Akan sunyi tanpamu
Menemani aku sepi
Cintamu aku resah
Kasihmu aku hampa
Shaed - Trampoline Lyrics
I've been having dreams
Jumping on a trampoline
Flipping in the air
I never land just float there
As I'm looking up
Suddenly the sky erupts
Flames alight the trees
Spread to falling leaves
Now they're right upon me
Calvin Harris - How Deep Is Your Love Lyrics
I want you to breathe me in Let me be your air Let me roam your body freely No inhibition, no fear
How deep is your love? Is it like the ocean? What devotion are you? How deep is your love? Is it like Nirvana? Hit me harder again How deep ...
Jon Kenzie - Gloomy Deep Lyrics
One day I'm going down in the water
Down in the gloomy deep
I'll be dangling my knees
Down in the gloomy deep
Supping on the silent water
Down in the gloomy deep
On the playful river leather
Down in the Gloomy Deep
Down ...
Agnes Monica - Muda (Le O Le O) Lyrics
Le O Le O Le O hey
Le O Le O Le O hey
Le O Le O Le O hey
Le O Le O Le O hey
Ku berlari pakai hati
Tak berhenti sampai mati
Le O Le O Le O hey
Le O Le O Le O hey
Le O Le O Le O hey
[Verse 1]
Aku dengar ada ya...
Issue No. 194 - Deep Lyrics
I can't stop, afraid to slip again
That you're gone
Shotgun I'm done took one
Stop doing
Just I know the shadows
Running around you go
I can't stop, afraid to slip again
That you're gone
Leaning on cold...
Seringai - Sekarang Atau Nanti Lyrics
Kebencianmu harus mati!
[Verse 1]
Berbeda ras atau warna kulit
Kebencianmu tidak berdasar
Angkuhmu, berpikiran sempit
Tiranimu membuatku gusar
Ketakutan mengacaukan pikiranmu
Dogmamu tak memanusiakanmu
Tabiat ke...
.Feast - Sectumsempra Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Kau bedah ilmu hitam tak tertandingi
Kau tindak, kau tindas yang sayap kiri
Lidahmu setajam yang darah murni
Tak perlu kawan, kau jalani sendiri
Lawanmu pasti kau tebas mati
Dengan sihirmu
Tigapagi - Tangan Hampa Kaki Telanjang Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Menjahit luka hati
Tutupi dusta hati yang abadi
Mungkin tak terobati
Namun tertolong rasa, rasa mati
[Verse 2]
Selama hayat ini
Ku hanya mengikuti dan ikuti
Mungkin suatu nanti
Saat semua mati, kita ma...
MØ - Fire Rides Lyrics
Your sweet violin house
Believes the signs were seen on the clouds
Believes the signs were read in our dreams
But we seem to follow the stages
What's it gonna be with the violins?
What's it gonna be when the fire rides in?...
DAY6 - Deep In Love Lyrics
3TEETH - Pit Of Fire Lyrics
(Verse 1)
I uncoil the serpents spine
In the soil of your desire
Deep inside your star divine
I taste the blood of the scarlet cry
From the cup of her desire
Deep inside her star of five
I want ...
Monica - Deep Lyrics
Whatever you got I can get it
We matching got keys to the city
Look at this house that we building
Together we always right, oh
You know you the one on my mind
Cause your hustle is always right, oh
Can't believe the match we made
The Dreadnoughts - Fire Marengo Lyrics