Marshall Hall - I'm Amazed Lyrics
By Your great and endless mercy,
We have all been born a-new and
By Your death and ressurection
You did what I could never do
And I'm amazed, I am amazed
Of what Your word tells me you did
I'm amazed, I am amazed ...
Marshall Hall - Be Still And Know He Is God Lyrics
Be still and know that He is God
Be still and know that He is holy
Be still, O restless soul of mine
Bow before the Prince of peace
Let the noise and clamor cease
Be still
Be still and know that He is God
Be still and know that He ...
Marshall Hall - Unashamed Lyrics
I have not much
To offer You
Not near what You deserve
But still I come
Because Your cross
Has placed in me my worth
Oh, Christ my King
Of sympathy
Whose wounds secure my peace
Your grace extends
To call me friend
Your mercy se...
Elevation Worship - Amazed by You Lyrics
The evening stars and the morning sky
They were made by your hands for the joy and your pleasure
You laid your riches and glory aside
And you came to the earth just to make me Your treasure
How great you are, How great you are
I am...
PARTYNEXTDOOR - Never Played Me Lyrics
Woah, you seem to amaze me
Woah, you seem to amaze me
You never ever tried to play me
You amazed me, you amazed me
You amazed me, you amazed me
You amazed me, you amazed me
You amazed me, you amazed me
You am...
Wang Chung - Dance Hall Days Lyrics
Take your baby by the hand
And make her do a high handstand
And take your baby by the heel
And do the next thing that you feel
We were so in phase
In our dance hall days
We were cool on craze
When all you and everyone we knew
Could believe...
Hollyn - Mine Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Nothin' in this world
Nothin' in this whole wide world could ever take me from your hand
Even if I run away and I don't have the strength to make it back home
I know that you will guide me
Cause you were t...
Ed Hines Banr - She's A Hall Lyrics
The greatest names in jazz
That anyone can recall
Are Suzie Q
And Robert Hall
She'll make you feel so bad
He'll make you look so tall
Suzie Q
And Robert Hall
One day they met
Heard nature call
Now he's a Q
And ...
Marshall Hall - He Looked Beyond My Faults Lyrics
Amazing Grace shall always be my song of praise
For it was grace that bought my liberty
I do not know just how He came to love me so
He looked beyond my faults and saw my need
I shall forever lift mine eyes to Calvary
To vi...
Marc Cohn - Maybe I'm Amazed Lyrics
Maybe I'm amazed at the way you love me all the time
Maybe I'm afraid of the way I love you
Maybe I'm amazed at the way you pull me out of time
You hung me on the line
Maybe I'm amazed at the way I really need yo...
Marshall Hall - Great And Marvelous Lyrics
"Great and marvelous are thy works,
Lord God Almighty
Just and true are all thy ways, just and true are all thy ways, thou King
Of saints
Who shall not fear thee, O Lord
And glorify thy name?"...
Paul McCartney - Maybe I'm Amazed Lyrics
Baby I'm amazed at the way you love me all the time
Maybe I'm afraid of the way I love you
Baby I'm amazed at the the way you pulled me out of time
Hung me on a line
Maybe I'm amazed at the way I really need you
Jamie Dornan - Maybe I'm Amazed Lyrics
[Verse 1: Jamie Dornan]
Baby, I'm amazed at the way you love me all the time
Maybe I'm afraid of the way I love you
Baby, I'm amazed at the the way you pulled me out of time
You hung me on a line
Maybe I'm amazed at the ...
Marshall Hall - Lamb Has Overcome Lyrics
Standing in Heaven clothed in Glory and majesty
Is the Lamb of God, now crowned the Kings of Kings.
Through His precious blood we have pardon and stand now forgiven,
He has made us His people to reign eternally.
Give Him glory, praise a...
Marshall Hall - All The Poor And Powerless Lyrics
All the poor and powerless
And all the lost and lonely
All the thieves will come confess
And know that You are holy
And know that You are holy
And all will sing out
And we will cry out
All the hearts who are...
Marshall Hall - I Know Whom I Have Believed Lyrics
I know not why God's wondrous grace
To me He hath made known,
Nor why, unworthy, Christ in love
Redeemed me for His own.
But 'I know Whom I have believed,
And am persuaded that He is able
To keep that which I'...
Wardruna - Pertho (English Translation) Lyrics
Beneath dwarfs of the hall
Swells sound to its sides
Between table rows
Dance of fire passing for the vent
Flickers in eyes
They steal glances at skirts
Where warriors sit
Cheerful in the beer-hall
Drinking toasts from th...
Savatage - Prelude To Madness / Hall Of The Mountain King Lyrics
Far away
In a land caught between
Time and space
Where the books of life lay
We fear
This castle of stone
The mountain king roams
All alone in here
But he's not the only one
Lost inside
Forever hidden from the sun
Marshall Hall - I Will Not Be Shaken Lyrics
He is my rock, my shield, my fortress
He's my salvation and my strength
The cords of death, they were surrounding me
But He heard my cry for help
He is my refuge, my high tower
He's my deliverer so strong
The snares of dea...
Aaradhna - Empty Hall Lyrics
I should've known
That you'd break my heart again
It was my fault
Tried to believe you're a great man
I should've known
That with time your flaws would grow
Now there it goes
Eight years [?]
Empty hall...
Marshall Hall - God Of The Ages Lyrics
(Verse 1)
He is the image of the invisible God
The first born of creation
He is the first, the last,
The one who matters most
[:: VERSE 2::]
He is creator, ruling sustainer of all
He holds it all together
He is the Word of God
Rancid - Beauty Of The Pool Hall Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Welcome home workers, comrade in beers
She collected muses while she dared
She'll sketch your portrait under the streetlight
The cardboard palace she calls home
I'm talking 'bout Angel
Beauty of the pool h...
Marshall Hall - Peace Be Still Lyrics
Verse 1:
Peace be still, You are near
There's nowhere we can go
That You won't shine redemption's light
Our guilt withdrawn
PreChorus 1:
As You rise, we come alive
The grave has lost, the old is gone
And You&...
Russ - We Just Haven't Met Yet Lyrics
Baby I'm amazed by you
We just haven't met yet
I get lost in a maze with you
We just haven't met yet
We just haven't met yet
We just haven't met yet
Baby I'm amazed by you
We just haven't met yet
I ...
Marshall Hall - Finally Free Lyrics
No chain is strong enough
No choice is wrong enough
No mountain high enough
That He can't climb
No shadow dark enough
No night is black enough
No road is lost enough
That He can't find
And If the Son has set us free
Grand Magus - Varangian Lyrics
Fire will guide us on perilous seas
Light in the black the sign that we need
Charge through the storm
Swords in our hands
Leave it to fate or fear takes command
Into the fray
We die and we slay
Our home up above
The hall ...
Marshall Hall - The Stand Lyrics
You stood before creation
Eternity in your hand
You spoke the earth into motion
My soul now to stand
You stood before my failure
And carried the cross for my shame
My sin weighed upon your shoulders
My soul, now to stand
So what c...
Marshall Hall - Open Hands Lyrics
To give unselfishly
To love the least of these
Jesus I'm learning how to live with open hands
All these treasures that I own
WIll never satisfy my soul
Jesus I lay them at Your throne with open hands
I lift my hands open wide
Gabby Barrett - Hall Of Fame Lyrics
You don't walk through that door
Without landing your lips on mine
Ain't just there when it's easy
You're there all the time
Livin' to the rhythm of your heartbeat
Beats everything I've ever felt
Yeah, ...
Marshall Hall - Great I Am Lyrics
I want to be close, close to Your side
So Heaven is real and death is a lie
I want to hear voices of angels above
Singing as one
Hallelujah, holy, holy
God Almighty, the great I am
Who is worthy, none beside Thee
God Alm...
Marshall Hall - These Are They Lyrics
These are they...
The oceans give up
All the dead that are in them,
The graves open wide
To set captives free;
And those who are roaming the earth
Rise to meet them,
Abraham's seed as the sands of the sea.
These ar...
AWOLNATION - I've Been Dreaming Lyrics
New information is welcome everywhere I go
Sunset the preset
I've reset to the earth below
I've been involved with a couple humans out of reach
At last, at least
I'm amazed I still have air to breathe
I ran a hundred miles t...
One Ok Rock - All Mine Lyrics
All my problems they will run away from you and I see
All the angels sit and stare at you
You are everything but not today
I'm so down and out 'cause
something is wrong without you
When you're not around
Just shadows ...
The Alternative - Higher Than Kings Lyrics
Higher than all the earth
None compare to you, all you are
Nations will bow before you
To Your majesty and splendor
[Chorus 1]
Though You stand, higher than kings
You gave it all, just to know me
I'm amazed, now that I know
Marshall Hall - Awakening Lyrics
[Verse 1:]
In our hearts Lord
In this nation
[Verse 2:]
Holy Spirit
We Desire
For You and You alone
Awake my soul
Awake my soul and sing
For the world You love
Your will be done
Let Your wil...
Marshall Hall - No Chains On Me Lyrics
This is the dream, a dream for the world to see You
A dream for the world to know You, to love Your name
Lift up a shout, lift up a cry to shake the ground
Shout and the walls are coming down
Yeah, we're running after You
Marshall Hall - Christ The Lord Is Risen Today Lyrics
Christ the Lord is ris'n today, Alleluia!
Sons of men and angels say, Alleluia!
Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia!
Sing, ye heav'ns, and earth, reply, Alleluia!
Lives again our glorious King, Alleluia!
Marshall Hall - Savior, Like A Shepherd Lyrics
Savior, like a shepherd lead us
Much we need Your tender care
In Your pleasant pastures feed us
For our sins, Your folds prepare
Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus
You have bought us, Yours we are
Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus
You have bo...
Norton - European Lyrics
In this
European Mid Coast
Far gone
From the main hall to upstairs
Between the lines
Below the waistline
Fits in your frame
Sometimes we make it
Between the lines
After a while
Away in distance
Never the same
The ...
New Empire - The Sun Won't Sleep Lyrics
Listen close then pull me in slowly
It's dangerous but do you want safety in numbers again
The setting sun is like a volcano
It covers us and all this distraction will fade to the dark
I wanna go where the sun won't ...