Vampire Weekend - 2021 Lyrics
[Verse 1: Ezra Koenig & Jenny Lewis]
(Boy, boy)
2021, will you think about me?
I could wait a year but I shouldn't wait three (Boy)
I don't wanna be (Boy)
Mm-mm, mm mm mm
2021, will you think about us?
Copper goe...
Issue No. 115 - O, brad frumos Lyrics
O, brad frumos, o brad frumos,
Cu cetina tot verde.
Tu esti copacul credincios,
Ce frunza nu si-o pierde,
O, brad frumos, o brad frumos,
Cu cetina tot verde.
O, brad frumos a lui Hristos
Verdeata ta imi place.
Oricand o v...
Jefferson Starship - Blaze Of Love Lyrics
We are running out of time
We've got one foot on the rock, and one foot over the line
This love, this love's not turning back
Well I don't know about you, but me I'm following that
Late at night, watching you slee...
Szanty - John Kanaka Lyrics
Oh, tullai-hej, oh, tullai-hej!
John Kanaka-naka, tullai-hej!
Oh, tullai-hej, oh, tullai-hej!
John Kanaka-naka, tullai-hej!
Mуj kumpel dzisiaj do mnie rzekB:
John Kanaka-naka, tullai-hej!
Roboty nie rusz, choby[ si w[ciekB.
John Kanaka...
Natalie Green - Rye Street Park Lyrics
I'm going in the water
Where's daddy?
Where's my daddy before you go in?
Let your daddy know you're going in
There's daddy
Alby, daddy's over there
It's time for me to pee
Issue No. 126 - Embers Lyrics
In the blaze of your love
In the blaze of your love
In the blaze of your love
In the blaze of your love
I'm standing on embers again
In the blaze
In the blaze of your love
In the blaze of your love
In the blaze of your lov...
Major Lazer - Blaze Up The Fire Lyrics
I'mma blaze up the fire, blaze it 'til the morning
Blaze up the fire, blaze it 'til the morning
Blaze up the fire, blaze it 'til the morning
Blaze up the fire
Some of dem evil from they christen
So one by one them a mis...
Tinturia - Occhi A Pampina Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Da matina fina a sira
Passiammu mezz'i strati
Nun sapennu 'nzoccu fari
Nni taliamu ni li maschiri cuntenti
Cu l'occhi a pampina, (l'occhi a pampina)
Cu l'occhi a pampinedda
Cu l'occhi a pamp...
Issue No. 110 - Zi cu soare Lyrics
Astazi e soare pe cerul albastru
Vad ochii ce m-au vrajit
Si nu am rabdare s-astept pana maine
Sa simt din nou ca sunt iubit
Ia-ma in brate, stii cat imi place sa-mi spui
Tot ce simti si gandesti
Stiu cat de bine te simti cu mine
[Strofa 1]
Guardame 'nfacc, 'rinda all'uocchie ce sta 'a nostalgia
No, nun c'a facc
N'atu tren, n'ata ferroviaj, nun sacc' 'aro staij
Bye, bye, mon amour [?]
Appienn t'cos fujetenn...
Akcent - Buchet De Trandafiri Lyrics
De la 16 ani nu stiam de faima sau de bani
Zi de zi visam iubirea ta
Dar mi-a furat-o altcineva.
Te iubesc ai acum
Lumea-mi spune ca sunt nebun...
Azi te astept cu un buchet de trandafiri
Te astept pe aceeasi banca plina de amint...
Issue No. 118 - Cantec de Craciun (Din an in an) Lyrics
Din an in an sosesc mereu
La geam cu Mos Ajun,
E ger cumplit, e drumul greu,
Da-i obicei strabun.
Azi cu stramosii cant in cor
Colindul sfant si bun.
Tot mos era si-n vremea lor
Batranul Mos Craciun.
Tot mos era si-n vremea lor
Issue No. 151 - Cu Fuioru Lyrics
Issue No. 143 - Zoologic Lyrics
Ma legan vesel ca un babuin
Te iau cu mine acasa la un vin
Parca-i un dans, parca e vis
La mine-n cusca-i PARADIS
In gradina asta mare suntem 2
Nu animale singure, stam 2
Afara ploua cu pisici, eu nu mai vreau sa plec de aici !!
Freddie Aguilar - Atin Cu Pung Singsing Lyrics
1st stanza
Atin cu pung singsing
Metung yang timpucan
Amana que iti
Qng indung ibatan
Sancan queng sininup
Qng metung a caban
Mewala ya iti
E cu camalayan!
2nd stanza
Ing sucal ning lub cu
Susucdul qng banua
Picurus cung ...
Pecché m'hê miso 'int'ô stritto?
Ciente lacrime 'ncòpp''a 'stu beat
No, no, no, ammo' nun se fa
Ma che so' 'sti tarantelle?
Staje cu' isso, ma poi chiamme cc�...
Akcent - ?i-Am Promis Lyrics
Issue No. 110 - Atata timp cat ma iubesti Lyrics
De-ar fi sa cada cerul peste tine,
Te voi ocroti, uh, uh, uh!
Si poate sa vina, baby si potopul,
Nu-mi stinge focul inimi, uh, uh, uh!
Chiar daca-i vreun cutremur,
Sfarsitul lumii stii
Atata timp cat ma iubesti, eu te voi iubi!
Issue No. 110 - Ale Cui? Lyrics
Cand eram mic
Mi-a zis tata o vorba buna
Nu alerga dupa ele
Dar eu nu am inteles
Si ce sa fac ca acum
Sunt plin de dileme
E complicat cu domnisoarele, dar oare voi gasi
Pe cineva cu-adevarat sa pot iubi
Sunt nebune rau de tot...
Aaron Cole - Einstein Lyrics
I'm just giving thanks don't know where to start
Once I get started I won't ever stop
I'm just looking back made it from the gutter
Albert Einstein man I'm very smart
I'm just giving thanks don'...
Colbie Caillat - Blaze Lyrics
We're boarding the night train
We board the sun light
We want moon raising our trade
We want silver and fire
Cause every day that we spend overthinking
Makes me wanna spend the night overdrinking
If these things are loosing
Then you...
Colbie Caillat - Blaze Lyrics
We're boarding the night train
We board the sun light
We want moon raising our trade
We want silver and fire
Cause every day that we spend overthinking
Makes me wanna spend the night overdrinking
If these things are loosing
Colbie Caillat - Blaze Lyrics
We're boarding the night train
We board the sun light
We want moon raising our trade
We want silver and fire
Cause every day that we spend overthinking
Makes me wanna spend the night overdrinking
If these things are loosing
Vank - Prajitura Cu Jeleu Lyrics
[Strofa I:]
E seara iar, deci merg intr-un bar
Motivul meu este foarte clar, undeva..
Sigur o sa-agat ceva...
Ea a intrat atunci in peisaj
M-am imbatat ca sa imi fac curaj, sa-i vorbesc
La ureche sa-i soptesc:
O sa te iubesc
Pan' te za...
Elijah Daniel - Elton John Lyrics
All off patrón got a 100 on my arm
With my clout goggles on bitch I feel like Elton John (Elton John) Elton John (Elton John)
Elton John (Elton John)
Elton John (Elton John)
Movin' them keys, but I ain't talkin' p...
The Innocence Mission - John As Well Lyrics
Ryan Beatty - Casino Lyrics - Unawoi <a href="">Uimipoh</a>
Those Poor Bastards - John Henry Gonna Lyrics
If there's no truth comin' from your tongue
John Henry's gonna swoop down from the sun
He's gonna tell me everything you done
John Henry's gonna swoop down from the sun
Old John, Old John
If there'...
Kelleigh Bannen - John Who Lyrics
[Verse 1]
John who
Took me to the Garden to see the Rolling Stones
'Cause he knew my mama loves 'em
And he knows I love my mama
John who
Learned how to dance 'cause he knows I love to dance
Even though he hates ...
Truth Songs - John 316 Lyrics
John 3:16, it's the only way
Get a Bible, read it right away
Jesus is the one who made you
He's a savior, too
And you must accept the fact that Jesus died for you
John 3:36 says it very well
Without Jesus you will go to...
Au Pairs - Dear John Lyrics
Dear John - cherchez la femme?
Dear John - round the bend?
Dear John - still looking for me?
Dear John - still like what you see?
Dear John - find a s**-machine
It will help with your fantasy
But there is only room for one
And here s...
Maxim - Sarutari Criminale Lyrics
Si mi-e dor de tine
Inca nu imi vine
Sa te-alung din mine
Te-as aduce inapoi de 1000 de ori
Dar nu indraznesc
Ma lupt sa traiesc
Din ce-mi amintesc
Sau prind clipele in care te vad
Pa-ra papa pa-ra pa pa ra ra
Pa-ra papa...
Issue No. 113 - Mai Stai Lyrics
Iubire jur iubire te iubesc de mor
Tu pentru mine esti lumina ochilor
Mai stai, mai stai, mai stai, mai stai
Da-mi sarutul noptilor de rai
Vali Vijelie:
Pe tine jur iubire te iubesc de mor
Tu pentru mine esti lumina ochilor
Kris Bawi - I Must Replay You Lyrics
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah...
Zei ruang ah hen na ka kal tak tu hnu ah cun na rak kir than kho ti lai lo
Zei tik hemd ah an kir than kho ti lai lo
Na duh mi pa he chawnh na duh mi he va kei ka thinglung cu na kauai
Kei ka thinglung...
Busy Signal - Everybody Moves Lyrics
Everybody fi a bounce
Everybody fi a move
Mi si old, mi si young
In a dancing too
Everybody to the group
Stepping out, stepping out
Wi a winner can't lose
Stepping out, stepping out
People know mi clean any time mi come out
Mi thing d...
Prince Malik - She's On Fire Lyrics
She's on fire She's on fire
She's on fire She's on fire
I want it to blaze till we both wake up
I want it to blaze till we both wake up
She's on fire She's on fire
Eeee Every time I close my eyes
I ...
Deliric - Ceață Lyrics
Oh, nu!
Ceata se asterne ca somnul
Mi-as dori sa pot sa mai adorm
Cu visele de ieri
Sa uitam totul...
Oh, nu!
Ceata se asterne ca somnul
Mi-as dori sa pot sa mai adorm
Cu visele de ieri
Sa uitam totul...
Shantel - Disko Partizani Lyrics
My baby came down from romania
She was the queen of transylvania
But now we live in suburbia
Without any friends from Bosnia
Tsiganizatsia tsiganizatsia
Come on baby this is what you need
Tsiganizatsia tsiganizatsia
Matteo - Panama Lyrics
Daca nici asa nu-ti place,
Ia mai zboara-n Panama.
Zile zile, zile zile eu alerg girl,
Mile mile, mile mile pe maidan,
Pentru tine, tine sa-ti dau un dar, dar,
Cel mai de pret dar fara nici un ban, ban,
Ganja, iarba, sunt inutile-ti...
Issue No. 143 - Dupa Ani si Ani Lyrics
Copil al anilor 80
Adolescent in 90, mai stii
Rulam in walkman 'Dupa blocurile gri'
In 2000, deja democratie
Azi am un deja-vu, ma-ntorc iar la copilarie
Pe vremea aia, hituri, radio, balade
Ai mei radeau numai la Tociu si ...