Iris - Juve Storia Di Un Grande Amore Lyrics
Simili a degli eroi
Abbiamo il cuore a strisce
Portaci dove vuoi
Verso le tue conquiste
Dove tu arriverai
Sarà la storia di tutti noi
Solo chi corre può
Fare di te la squadra che sei
Juve, storia di un grande amore
Bianco che abbraccia i...
Juventus - Juve, Storia Di Grande Amore Lyrics
Simile alla schiuma, abbiamo un cuore a strisce
Il denaro ci porta dove vogliamo, verso le tue conquiste
Dove arriverete, sarà la storia di tutti i soldi
Solo quelli che possono corrompere i funzionari della lega ti rendono la squadr...
Akcent - ?i-Am Promis Lyrics
Die Krupps - Vision 2020 Vision Lyrics
Issue No. 110 - Zi cu soare Lyrics
Astazi e soare pe cerul albastru
Vad ochii ce m-au vrajit
Si nu am rabdare s-astept pana maine
Sa simt din nou ca sunt iubit
Ia-ma in brate, stii cat imi place sa-mi spui
Tot ce simti si gandesti
Stiu cat de bine te simti cu mine
Issue No. 115 - O, brad frumos Lyrics
O, brad frumos, o brad frumos,
Cu cetina tot verde.
Tu esti copacul credincios,
Ce frunza nu si-o pierde,
O, brad frumos, o brad frumos,
Cu cetina tot verde.
O, brad frumos a lui Hristos
Verdeata ta imi place.
Oricand o v...
Issue No. 143 - Zoologic Lyrics
Ma legan vesel ca un babuin
Te iau cu mine acasa la un vin
Parca-i un dans, parca e vis
La mine-n cusca-i PARADIS
In gradina asta mare suntem 2
Nu animale singure, stam 2
Afara ploua cu pisici, eu nu mai vreau sa plec de aici !!
Tinturia - Occhi A Pampina Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Da matina fina a sira
Passiammu mezz'i strati
Nun sapennu 'nzoccu fari
Nni taliamu ni li maschiri cuntenti
Cu l'occhi a pampina, (l'occhi a pampina)
Cu l'occhi a pampinedda
Cu l'occhi a pamp...
[Strofa 1]
Guardame 'nfacc, 'rinda all'uocchie ce sta 'a nostalgia
No, nun c'a facc
N'atu tren, n'ata ferroviaj, nun sacc' 'aro staij
Bye, bye, mon amour [?]
Appienn t'cos fujetenn...
Issue No. 113 - Mai Stai Lyrics
Iubire jur iubire te iubesc de mor
Tu pentru mine esti lumina ochilor
Mai stai, mai stai, mai stai, mai stai
Da-mi sarutul noptilor de rai
Vali Vijelie:
Pe tine jur iubire te iubesc de mor
Tu pentru mine esti lumina ochilor
Akcent - Buchet De Trandafiri Lyrics
De la 16 ani nu stiam de faima sau de bani
Zi de zi visam iubirea ta
Dar mi-a furat-o altcineva.
Te iubesc ai acum
Lumea-mi spune ca sunt nebun...
Azi te astept cu un buchet de trandafiri
Te astept pe aceeasi banca plina de amint...
Issue No. 118 - Cantec de Craciun (Din an in an) Lyrics
Din an in an sosesc mereu
La geam cu Mos Ajun,
E ger cumplit, e drumul greu,
Da-i obicei strabun.
Azi cu stramosii cant in cor
Colindul sfant si bun.
Tot mos era si-n vremea lor
Batranul Mos Craciun.
Tot mos era si-n vremea lor
Plant Plants - Mr. Organizer Lyrics
Read my eyes
Someone who'd never change
Mr. organizer, repay
Live life plight
Wrong choice through his way
Mr. organizer, repay
Not too tall
Selfish in recent days
Mr. organizer, repay
Those tears dry
Hope's mine, just...
Issue No. 151 - Cu Fuioru Lyrics
Vank - Prajitura Cu Jeleu Lyrics
[Strofa I:]
E seara iar, deci merg intr-un bar
Motivul meu este foarte clar, undeva..
Sigur o sa-agat ceva...
Ea a intrat atunci in peisaj
M-am imbatat ca sa imi fac curaj, sa-i vorbesc
La ureche sa-i soptesc:
O sa te iubesc
Pan' te za...
B.G. - Geezy Where You Been Lyrics
[Ziggler the Wiggler talking with B.G.]
[Verse 1: B.G.]
I been on the road movin coke and slangin raps
Traveling putting Chopper City on the map
I know I'm a get it without a nigga
I'm the underdawg so they doubt a nigga
Tommy Edwards - Please Mr. Sun Lyrics
Talk to her please, Mr. Sun
Speak to her, Mr. Rainbow
And take her under your branches, Mr. Tree
Whisper to her, Mr. Wind
Sing to her, Mr. Robin
And Mrs. Moonlight, put in a word for me
Tell her how I feel
It shouldn...
Mud - Mr. Bagatelle Lyrics
Hit the road to paradise
Never more to turn again.
Never stopping to think twice,
This mind of mine will never plan.
Call me Mr Bagatelle, you know me well.
Call me Mr Bagatelle.
Signs and places I ignore
Alone again I drift away.
Happy, ...
Maxim - Sarutari Criminale Lyrics
Si mi-e dor de tine
Inca nu imi vine
Sa te-alung din mine
Te-as aduce inapoi de 1000 de ori
Dar nu indraznesc
Ma lupt sa traiesc
Din ce-mi amintesc
Sau prind clipele in care te vad
Pa-ra papa pa-ra pa pa ra ra
Pa-ra papa...
Little Mix - Mr Loverboy Lyrics
You can be my lover
I can be your love
You can be my lover
I can be your love
You can be my lover
I can be your love
You can be my lover
Loving you feels so right
From the way you kiss me
And how you hold me tight, no
And every ...
Little Mix - Mr Loverboy Lyrics
You can be my lover
I can be your love
You can be my lover
I can be your love
You can be my lover
I can be your love
You can be my lover
Lonely you feel so right
From the way you kiss me
And how you hold me night, no
And every day we use a...
Little Mix - Mr Loverboy Lyrics
You can be my lover
I can be your love
You can be my lover
I can be your love
You can be my lover
I can be your love
You can be my lover
Lonely you feel so right
From the way you kiss me
And how you hold me night, no
And every ...
Freddie Aguilar - Atin Cu Pung Singsing Lyrics
1st stanza
Atin cu pung singsing
Metung yang timpucan
Amana que iti
Qng indung ibatan
Sancan queng sininup
Qng metung a caban
Mewala ya iti
E cu camalayan!
2nd stanza
Ing sucal ning lub cu
Susucdul qng banua
Picurus cung ...
Giggs - YOU AIN'T... Lyrics
You ain't got them boxes all done up
You ain't on the block 'til the sun up
You ain't got your Glock for the summer
And you ain't gonna pop for your gunner
You ain't in the whip with them peb...
Pecché m'hê miso 'int'ô stritto?
Ciente lacrime 'ncòpp''a 'stu beat
No, no, no, ammo' nun se fa
Ma che so' 'sti tarantelle?
Staje cu' isso, ma poi chiamme cc�...
Issue No. 110 - Atata timp cat ma iubesti Lyrics
De-ar fi sa cada cerul peste tine,
Te voi ocroti, uh, uh, uh!
Si poate sa vina, baby si potopul,
Nu-mi stinge focul inimi, uh, uh, uh!
Chiar daca-i vreun cutremur,
Sfarsitul lumii stii
Atata timp cat ma iubesti, eu te voi iubi!
Little Mix - Mr Loverboy Lyrics
You can be my lover, I can be your love
You can be my lover, I can be your love
You can be my lover, I can be your love
You can be my lover
Loving you feels so right
From the way you kiss me
And how you hold me tight,...
Holograf - Intoarce-te Acasa Lyrics
Cine spune ca nu a iubit
Cine a iubit cu adevarat
Cine stie unde am gresit
Cine din greseala a castigat
Si cine sufletul ti la ranit
Cine o rana adanca a vindecat
Cine imi spune acuma unde esti
Cine, ce iti doresti cu adevarat
Issue No. 110 - Ale Cui? Lyrics
Cand eram mic
Mi-a zis tata o vorba buna
Nu alerga dupa ele
Dar eu nu am inteles
Si ce sa fac ca acum
Sunt plin de dileme
E complicat cu domnisoarele, dar oare voi gasi
Pe cineva cu-adevarat sa pot iubi
Sunt nebune rau de tot...
Akcent - Lyrics
The Saturdays - Please Mr. Postman Lyrics
Oh yes, wait a minute, Mr. Postman
Wait a minute, Mr. Postman
Please Mr. Postman look and see, oh yeah
Is there a letter in your bag for me?
(Please, please, Mr. Postman)
I've been waiting a long, a long time, oh y...
Quadeca - 2020 Lyrics
Goddamn I'm a man that is on a mission
30 thousand, let that wallet glisten
Hundred thousand, now they gotta listen
Now they trying to come up on the vision
So they seeing me in 2020
Yeah they be seeing me, 2020
Matteo - Panama Lyrics
Daca nici asa nu-ti place,
Ia mai zboara-n Panama.
Zile zile, zile zile eu alerg girl,
Mile mile, mile mile pe maidan,
Pentru tine, tine sa-ti dau un dar, dar,
Cel mai de pret dar fara nici un ban, ban,
Ganja, iarba, sunt inutile-ti...
Issue No. 137 - Emotii Lyrics
Am aflat ca-i mai rau fara tine
N-au trecut nici macar doua zile
Ce dor nebun ma face iar sa te sun
Sunt al tau, dar nu mi-e teama sa spun
Ca am emotii
Iubire n-am fara un gram de emotii
Ai fost acolo cand te-am vrut
Ryan Beatty - Casino Lyrics - Unawoi <a href="">Uimipoh</a>
Sam Tsui - Next Best Thing Lyrics
Once upon a time I would have
Moved a mountain just to know
That I was on your mind at all
They say love can make you blind
You had me wrapped around your pinky finger
Waiting for your midnight call
I was never the first pick
Nicole Bus - Mr. Big Shot Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Truth is, nothing really matters to you
Walking around in a cell above you
Passing by, nothing ever seems new
Oh, walk on, walk on, Mr. Big Shot
I'm not set on silver or gold
But on the things that you can never h...
Buzz Clifford - Hello, Mr. Moonlight Lyrics
Hello, Mr. Moonlight
So bright up above
I'm only a lonely dreamer
With no one to love
You listen to lovers
In their misery
Then old Mr. Moonlight, listen to me
I'm longing to claim to
A girl of my own
But I'm so alon...
SNSD - Mr Mr Lyrics
Let's go! mwol geokjeonghaneunde neon,
Dwaetgo mwoga tto duryeounde?
Jaego tto jaeda neujeobeoryeo
Oh oh oh~ Oh oh oh~
Maeil haruga dareuge buranhaejyeo ga
Apseo ga jugil barae geu nugungaga
Neon moreun cheok nuneul gamneun
Girls' Generation - Mr.Mr. Lyrics
Let's go, mwol geotyeo haneun geneon
deutgo, mwol geotyeo deuryo oneunde
jilgeo, do cheonde nojeon beoryeo
Oh oh oh~, Oh oh oh~
neharu gataruge boreon hecheolga
eopseo gachulge bareon nugagaka
no moreon cheok, duneon ganeun
You ...