Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Are You Ready Eddy? Lyrics
Are you ready, Eddie, to turn out rock and roll?
(Eddie edit, Eddie, Eddie edit)
Are you ready, Eddie, ready to rock and roll?
(Eddie edit, Eddie, Eddie edit)
Are you ready, Eddie, to give me some of your soul?
(Eddie edit, Eddie, Edd...
Inna - Oare Lyrics
Mă întorc în timp de atâtea ori
Când eram noi doi
Chiar dacă ştiu că ai uitat de noi
Ai uitat de noi
Ce trist e totul fără tine
Când nu eşti aici
In gândul meu amintiri mă fac să zbier, mă fac să sper
Mai am o singur...
Akcent - Lyrics
Cum sa visez, cum sa iubesc
Cand tu mi-ai ranit inima.
Ieri am zburat printre nori
Te-am pictat in culori
Si ti-am dat dragostea.
Azi, mi-ai ranit inima
Oare cum as putea
Pe tine sa te pot ierta.
Alessandra Leão - Caboclo Arreia Lyrics
Caboclo arreia
Pra me ajudar
Caboclo da mata
Do juremá
Chuva chovia
Trovão, trovejava
No alto da serra
A estrela encruzava
Nos ares armei meu balanço
Nos ares eu me 'abalançava”...
Chris Cohen - Edit Out Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Mikado Hotel across the street isn't cheap
But he only stayed one night, to be caught
People want a lot
We were loved from afar
Everyone kept in the dark
I rub my eyes and look around
You can hardl...
Boris - Black Original Lyrics
I on the top floor of this hierarchy?
'll Ride the escalator up
Shiro I see this drawing?
That area is now strained to the
"Why do not like" NO
Sekushiai from Hell NO
Hell is other than Harare
Holograf - Intoarce-te Acasa Lyrics
Cine spune ca nu a iubit
Cine a iubit cu adevarat
Cine stie unde am gresit
Cine din greseala a castigat
Si cine sufletul ti la ranit
Cine o rana adanca a vindecat
Cine imi spune acuma unde esti
Cine, ce iti doresti cu adevarat
Vank - Prajitura Cu Jeleu Lyrics
[Strofa I:]
E seara iar, deci merg intr-un bar
Motivul meu este foarte clar, undeva..
Sigur o sa-agat ceva...
Ea a intrat atunci in peisaj
M-am imbatat ca sa imi fac curaj, sa-i vorbesc
La ureche sa-i soptesc:
O sa te iubesc
Pan' te za...
311 - Come Original Lyrics
You got to
You got to
Come original you got to come original
All entertainers come original
You got to come original you got to come original
All entertainers
Hear why
To come original it ain't nothin' strange
You got to represen...
Oh The Larceny - The Original Lyrics
Everybody's gonna lose their minds
When they see what you're gonna do
Play it back like a million times
Because they know that you're the absolute
The original, moon walker, heart stopper
The original, black leat...
Poni Hoax - She's On The Radio Lyrics
She's on the radio
She's my best friend
But she will barely let me know
About her
She's on the radio
And I only know
About her favorite animal
(the tiger)
Here she comes now
On the radio
There she goes now
Issue No. 136 - Intoarce-te acasa Lyrics
Will Hoge - (This Ain't) An Original Sin Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I came in here lookin' for a lover
But now I think I'll settle for a friend
And if it goes right I could take you home tonight
And try to make it worth the trouble we put in
[Verse 2]
And I saw you standin...
Issue No. 131 - Arde Lyrics
When everything is made to be broken
I just wanna know who are you?
As vrea sa pot ajunge in viata ta, a ta
Dragoste,esti tu?
Vreau sa nu-mi spui nu,nu
Cred ca s-a intamplat ceva
Parca sunt altcineva
Inima n-o poti salva
E tarziu a...
Issue No. 110 - Ale Cui? Lyrics
Cand eram mic
Mi-a zis tata o vorba buna
Nu alerga dupa ele
Dar eu nu am inteles
Si ce sa fac ca acum
Sunt plin de dileme
E complicat cu domnisoarele, dar oare voi gasi
Pe cineva cu-adevarat sa pot iubi
Sunt nebune rau de tot...
Issue No. 116 - O simpla melodie Lyrics
Aaron Fresh - Original Love Lyrics
It's Ya Boy, Aaron Fresh
Oh Yeah
Oh Whoaa
Ya Might've Had A Man Before I Promise He Wasn't Like Me (No He Wasn't)
You Might've Had A Plan Before, I'm Switchin it To Plan B
And Now I Really Kno...
What's Up - Taxi Lyrics
Taxi du-ma unde vrei,
Oriunde as merge, stiu bine ca voi fi ok
Vreau sa cred ca nu-mi mai pasa,
Du-ma unde vrei,
Dar nu ma duce acasa
Taxi du-ma unde vrei,
Oriunde as merge, stiu bine ca voi fi ok
Vreau sa cred ca nu-mi mai pasa,...
Lil Ugly Mane - Radio A Set Trip Edit Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I ain't on the radio 'cause radio is set trip
Sayin' that you underground, posin' in your press kit
Rap game fucked 'cause you labels just molest it
Swear I'm catchin' L's, I be drop...
Big K.R.I.T. - It's Better This Way Lyrics
It's better this way
You don't really like what they play
On the radio every single day
It's better this way
Ain't no telling when it's gon' change
Cause they all really say the same things
Ryan Beatty - Casino Lyrics
http://slkjfdf.net/ - Unawoi <a href="http://slkjfdf.net/">Uimipoh</a> sgg.gxde.lyricsbeast.com.iwx.tq http://slkjfdf.net/...
Sports - Who Listens To The Radio Lyrics
[Verse 1]
This girl in her bedroom doing her homework
She's foolin' with the logarithms, she's going berserk
One hand has a cigarette resting on the window
The other one's twiddling with the radio
What did they...
Ty Segall - Radio Lyrics
[Verse 1]
The body has gone away
And given me a new name
The light speaks through me
Choosing what I see
The light is the truth
I just want to sit and watch the new radio
Watching people die all night long on the...
WHY? - My Original Lyrics
My original
It's time you see there's no escaping loss
I know
It fucking sucks
But please don't fall too far behind...
Culcha Candela - Original Gyal Lyrics
Ich seh' so viele schöne Frauen, aber keine, die so ist wie du (ist wie du)
Ich schenk' dir gerne mein Vertrauen, du verstehst mich und hörst mir zu (hörst mir zu)
Es sind die vielen kleinen Dinge (kleinen Dinge)
In deine Augen...
Kevin Drew - Bullshit Ballad Lyrics
Heard you on the radio
Heard you on the radio
What a bullshit ballad
Heard you on the radio
What a bullshit ballad
Heard you on the radio
What a bullshit ballad
Inside is what you hide...
I don't need your lies
But you cree...
The Bombpops - Radio Silence Lyrics
The Bompops - Radio Silence Lyrics
Sevendust - Not Original Lyrics
[Verse 1: Lajon Witherspoon]
I sorta like deceiving
And all this tragic loss
I wanna find some patience
But kill the feelings off
I wanna drown in praise
But never really deliver
I wanna feel insane, insane
[Pre-Chorus: Lajon Witherspoon]
Marcelo Camelo - Liberdade Lyrics
Perceber aquilo que se tem de bom no viver é um dom
Daqui não
Eu vivo a vida na ilusão
Entre o chão e os ares
Vou sonhando em outros ares, vou
Fingindo ser o que eu já sou
Fingindo ser o que já sou
Mesmo sem me libertar ...
Meat Puppets - Original One Lyrics
The original one went off in colors
Side by side with the neighborhood doll
There's a snake in the grass the barefooted hiker
Passes by on the way to nail his card up on the wall
Been said the original one
Was all through ...
The Faint - Mental Radio Lyrics
Telepathy twits make waves today
It's about to prove they communicate
Hi-fi satellite truth machine
We anesthetize who we meant to be
Is this entangled magic true?
Can we connect like signals too?
Animal crowds move s...
Rammstein - RADIO (English Translation) Lyrics
[Verse 1]
We were not allowed to belong
See, talk or hear nothing
But every night for an hour or two
Am I gone from this world
Every night a bit happy
My ear very close to the world receiver
Radio, my radio
I ...
Issue No. 142 - Radio Radio Lyrics
These (???), these memories, still seem like yesterday
It seems like only last night did I hear those ol' songs play
So take me back, tomorrow's taking this
Lets turn it up and let the music play
Radio R...
Adam Lambert - The Original High Lyrics
I got the need for speedin' on a hot night. Pushing 150 just to get a rise. There's no comfort in comfort I need the edge. But the edge keeps drifting it's all in my head. Ooh remember back in Hollywood. The medication flowin...
Royal Tailor - Original Lyrics
I'm original, so original,
I'm original, the original
Tell me, why I feel like I must keep up
Reaching for what I just can't touch
No I never can get enough
Tell me, why I'm hustlin' everyday
Spending time ...
Keane - Put The Radio On Lyrics
[Verse 1]
You tell a lie, I'll tell one too
It makes it easier to do
Such a long time I've thought about you
It makes it easier to do
Shut all the blinds, hang a sign on the door
We can't stop this anymore
Italobrothers - Radio Hardcore Lyrics
Turn on your Radio,
and choose the Frequency.
We are On-Air,
all over the World to be,
in your Head, in your Ear.
Just to clear your Mind,
leave it all Behind.
This is Radio Hardcore,
Ready to dance.
Radio Hardcore,
Ginger Wildheart - Internal Radio Lyrics
There's a warehouse of riffs and melodies
They're only waitin' for a reason to live
On my radio
On my radio
And there's a playlist of shifting memories
That replicate the feel of bein' a kid
On my rad...
Akcent - Lyrics