Locrian - Eternal Return Lyrics
In the dawn our monuments dissolved
Every tower and pyramid
In a landscape of pure echo
In islands of light
Ruinless and Unmarred...
Locrian - Panorama Of Mirrors Lyrics
Basalt Elations
Beneath Empyrean
A Bituminous Vision
Of Feudal Ruins
In a Gallery of Mirrors
In a Passage of Panoramas
The Purgation of our Trace
Lustrations to the End...
Locrian - Return To Annihilation Lyrics
A. "Into one Light"
What separates
Inside from outside
The Dwelling Place
Unrest Petrified
In Silence
Of Divine Accord
In the law
Of Ruins
Toward the Sky
Into One Light
C. "All Mineral in Upheaval...
Locrian - Obsolete Elegies Lyrics
A. "Isostasy"
A humid incandesence
Illumines this universal clamor
Still and Glowering
In Fugitive Shadows
Toward the sublime mantle
A Return to Annihilation
A Return to Rheology
Worship at the felled altar of