Kutless - You Alone Lyrics
In Your hands
You hold every star
And You hold my heart
My beating heart
With Your voice
You created life
And opened up my eyes
My blinded eyes
There is one like You, no one
Great is the Lord
Ruler of all
You ...
Kutless - You Alone Lyrics
In Your hands
You hold every star
And You hold my heart
My beating heart
With Your voice
You created life
And opened up my eyes
My blinded eyes
There is one like You, no one
Great is the Lord
Ruler of all
You alone
Kutless - Your Great Name Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Lost are saved, find their way
At the sound of Your great name
All condemned, feel no shame
At the sound of Your great name
Every fear, has no place
At the sound of Your great name
The enemy, he h...
Kutless - Great Are You Lord Lyrics
You give life, You are love
You bring light to the darkness
You give hope, You restore
Every heart that is broken
Great are You, Lord
[Chorus 1]
It's Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise
We po...
Aidan Whitaker - You Call Out The Stars Lyrics
Verse 1:
When I think the closest star
Is more than a million miles away
I can't even dream, how great you are
When I think that all I have
Is what you've given me
I'm so thankful Lord, so thankful Lord
You called ou...
Kutless - Revelation Lyrics
Lord, we come before Your throne,
We lay our crowns of gold down at Your feet.
Lord, we stand and we will sing,
Behold the Lamb, by His blood we are redeemed...
You are holy, great and mighty,
Who was and who is to come,
You are wo...
Kutless - We Lift You Up Lyrics
Come all you heavy hearted, come all you weary ones,
Hear what the grace of God has done.
Come cast your cares upon Him, come lay your burdens down,
Here in the place where peace is found...
We lift You up, we lift You up,
For Your ...
Kutless - We Lift You Up Lyrics
Come all you heavy hearted, come all you weary ones
Hear what the grace of God has done
Come cast your cares upon Him, come lay your burdens down
Here in the place where peace is found...
We lift You up, we lift You up
For Your...
Matthew West - Praise The Lord (to God Be The Glory) Lyrics
To God be the glory
Great things He has done
He so loved the world
That He gave us His son
Who gave up His life
The forgiveness of sin
The gates open wide
He has welcomed us in
Oh, praise the Lord
Let the earth hear His voice
Elevation Worship - Great is The Lord Lyrics
Great is the lord and greatly to be praised
Great are your works in all the earth
The skies declare the glory of your name
The heavens tell of your great worth
And now we join and sing
Father, we bless your name
You are holy
We c...
Kutless - Cornerstone Lyrics
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness
I dare not trust the sweetest frame
But holy trust in Jesus' name
Christ alone, cornerstone
Weak made strong
In the savior's love
Through t...
Al Wordlaw - Life In The Lord Lyrics
Life in the Lord, I'm doing life as a soldier
Life in the Lord, I'm doing life as a soldier
Oh I'm so secure consecration
To the great salvation and feeling free
(Thank You Lord,
Life in the Lord for
The Lord in my life
Is co...
Goldstreet Worship - How Great Is Your Favour Lyrics
How great, how great is your favour upon my life
It overwhelms me
How great, how great is your favour upon my life
I'm humbled well pleased.
Verse 1
When there was no light at the end of the tunnel
It was your favour that light...
Planetshakers - Unto God Lyrics
You are the first, You are the last
No one is greater than You
No name is higher
You never fail, always prevail
We put our trust in You
God of the breakthrough
You make a way where there seems to be no way
Unto God be all of the...
Ascend The Hill - Great Is Thy Faithfulness Lyrics
Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with thee;
You never change, thy compassions, they fail not;
As You have been, forever You'll be
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth;
Thy own dear...
Young Oceans - Great Is Our God Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Come, let us praise Him
Let us kneel at the throne of our God
Through His Son our salvation was bought
With mercy and grace
Come, let us bow down
In His hands are the depths of the earth
With one voice we proclaim Hi...
Maranda Willis - Nobody Like You Lord Lyrics
Oh Lord
Our Lord
How excellent
Is your name
Your name is strength
Your name is power
A strong tower
Makes me safe
(Background Repeat)
Nobody like you Lord
Nobody like you Lord
Nobody like you Lord
Hillsong Live - Sing To The Lord Lyrics
Righteous Ruler of the heavens
Holy, holy, our God
Sovereign Lord of all creation
Holy, holy, our God
Every tribe and tongue
Lift your voice as one
He is greatly to be praised
Sing to the Lord, oh my soul
Let the heavens shout...
Brian Courtney Wilson - A Great Work Lyrics
Sometimes there are obstacles in the road
That can leave you feeling low
And you don't know how to move forward
And sometimes there are turns you wanna take
But the way gets hard to trace
Now you're wondering how did ...
One Sonic Society - Great Are You, Lord Lyrics
You give life, You are love
You bring light to the darkness
You give hope, You restore
Every heart that is broken
Great are You, Lord
It's Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise, we pour out our praise
Donald Lawrence & Co. - The Word Of The Lord Lyrics
The word of the Lord is great, eternal, and it shall last from age to age.
The word of the Lord is great and powerful. He honors it above His name.
The first chapter of John
John 1 and 1
Still John 1 and 1
Isaiah 55 and 11
So shall My wor...
Indiana Bible College - Bless The Lord Lyrics
I will bless the Lord
Oh my soul
And all that is within me
Bless His holy Name
He has done great things
He has done great things
He has done great things
Bless His holy Name
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Young Oceans - Come To Us O Lord Lyrics
O living Word; please come and dwell in us
Lord wipe away, these tears
O Ancient Son; so long foretold
We're desperate souls, draw near
And we will stand
Securely in the strength of the Lord
Every heart will surely come ...
Amor Wonder - Great Elohim Lyrics
Verse 1
Almighty God, You are the Great Elohim
All powerful God, You hold the universe in your hands
All knowing God, Your wisdom transcends the heavens
Invincible God, Your enemies flee before You
The heavens declare Your glory
The earth ...
Kutless - Unto You Lyrics
Show me Your ways
Teach me your truths
All my hope in you
Almighty God
God of salvation
For you I'll wait
All my days
Unto You O Lord
I lift up my soul
With all my heart I will worship you
Unto You O Lord
Smokie Norful - Great & Mighty Lyrics
Oh, yea, yea
Everybody say, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Come on again,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Great and Mighty
He's Great and Mighty
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Kutless - Unto You Lyrics
The HU - The Great Chinggis Khaan Lyrics
Rend Collective - One And Only Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Who spoke and taught the sun to rise
Whose lips proclaimed the birth of light?
Who sparked the kindling of stars?
And set the fire in our hearts
[Verse 2]
Who sang as planets learned their dance
Who poured the oce...
Kutless - At The Cross Lyrics
Kutless - Shining Lyrics
Kutless - Children Of God Lyrics
Perfect love
Came to rescue us
Holy blood
Claimed us at the cross
Now we are forgiven and free
Adopted, and chosen to be
Children of God
Lift up your voice and sing
Wherever you are
Our father is the King
We are...
LIFE Worship - Great Is Your Faithfulness Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Great are You father
Great is Your love
Day after day I see
Who was and is and
Who is to come
Is watching over me
[Verse 2]
You write my story
You win my wars
You give unending grace
Though change and seasons
Will come and go
Kutless - Children Of God Lyrics
Joyous Celebration Choir - Give You All The Glory Lyrics
Give you all the glory, give you all the praises
Give you all the glory, you alone deserve it
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah you alone deserve it
Sikunik' inkazimulo, sikunika udumo
Sikunik' inkazimulo wena ufanelwe
Chrysta Bell - This Train Lyrics
We ride this train
Always leaving something as we always move along
Move along through time
All the headlights sees is darkness
In the great unknown
The great unknown
Heroes ride the train of life
Moving on in darkness leav...
Marshall Hall - Great And Marvelous Lyrics
"Great and marvelous are thy works,
Lord God Almighty
Just and true are all thy ways, just and true are all thy ways, thou King
Of saints
Who shall not fear thee, O Lord
And glorify thy name?"...
Kutless - Shepherd Of My Soul Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Nothing shall I want, nothing shall I fear
Lord, I know that You are near
You can make me still, You restore my soul
Lord, I know that You are near
[Chorus 1]
Shepherd of my soul
You will never let me go
Lil Yachty - Oh Lord Lyrics
[Chorus: Lil Yachty]
Oh Lord, oh Lord
Oh Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord
All these blessings, they got me like Oh Lord
Like oh Lord
Oh Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord
All these blessings, they got me like Oh Lord
No more stres...
Alan Jackson - How Great Thou Art Lyrics
Oh Lord my God
When I in awesome wonder
Consider all the wolds
Thy hands have made
I see the stars
I hear the rolling thunder
Thy power throughout
The universe displayed
Then sings my soul
My Saviour, God, to Thee
How great thou art
How gr...