Tashoora - Surya Lyrics
Hadir kisah awal cahaya
Terbungkam jeruji nestapa
Hadir kisah yang mengingkari
Dipasung kaki tanpa bukti
Jaga kata, jaga kata
Redam nama yang bicara
Jaga kata, jaga kata
Hujam nyawa yang bicara
Cendekia terbungkam ayat...
M.I.A. - Warriors Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I tick tick tick I collected my ticks
Top dog even though I didn't speak no english
Guess I got Grit coz I suffer for my shit
Guess I came from the sticks and moved to the bricks
You can't fix this coz I'm...
M.I.A. - Warriors Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I tick tick tick I collected my ticks
Top dog even though I didn't speak no english
Guess I got Grit coz I suffer for my sh_t
Guess I came from the sticks and moved to the bricks
You can't fix this coz I'm ...
The Dumplings - Sama Wkracza W Pustkę Lyrics
Piersi - Ulani Lyrics
Po majatki na Podole
Osmy pulk wyrusza w pole
Szable do boju, lance w dlon
Bolszewika gon, gon, gon
Szable do boju, lance w dlon
Bolszewika gon
Kto w Pultusku robil dzieci
To ulanow pulk nasz trzeci
Szable do boju, lance w d...
Andy Grammer - A Friend Like You Lyrics
Right from the start, couldn't pull us apart, it just works
Nobody else ever gets me as well on this earth
Like rock and roll, Marshall's and telly's
Mac and cheese, PB's and jellies
Some things are better together, and ...
Rizky Febian - Indah Pada Waktunya Lyrics
[Verse 1: Rizky Febian]
Dalam harapku dan inginku
Kau ada di sana
Di setiap langkahku dan mimpiku
Kau ada di sana
Mungkin suatu saat nanti
Kau dan aku bersama
Berdua kita jalin kasih
Dalam satu ikatan cinta
[Chorus: ...
M. Nasir - Anak-anak KIta Lyrics
Anak-anak kitakah yang berlari telanjang
Di bawah mentari sumbing
Sambil bernyanyi lagu
Ketakutan hari-hari ini
Anak-anak kitakah yang memikul beban
Kesilapan kita
Hingga dia tak kenal budaya
Canggung bangsa sendiri
Selamatkan anak kita
Myslovitz - Przedtem Lyrics
M.I.A. - Warriors Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I tick tick tick I collected my ticks
Top dog even though I didn't speak no english
Guess I got Grit coz I suffer for my shit
Guess I came from the sticks and moved to the bricks
You can't fix this coz I'm ...
Fairuz - Bektob Esmak Ya Habibi Lyrics
Bektob 2esmak ya 7abibi 3al-7awr el3ati2
Tektob 2esmi ya 7abibi 3a-ramel altari2
Bokra betshati 2eldeni 3al2osas elmjarra7a
Byeb2a 2esmak ya 7abibi w 2esmi byenma7a
Yeb2a 2esmak ya 7abibi w 2esmi byenma7a
Be7ki 3annak ya 7abibi la 2ahali el...
Jesse McCartney - I Don't Normally Do This Lyrics
W-w-we know
Boy, you know I like you, but... I don't normally do this
I don't normally, I-I-I don't normally
W-w-w-w-we know
Boy, you know I like you, but... I don't normally do this...
Piersi - Jestem Ajron Men Lyrics
Jestem Ajron Men
Zejdz mi z drogi bo zabije cie
W rekach noze mam
Powyrzynam wszystkich, mowie wam
Jak kto wkurwi mnie
Wtedy ja nie opanuje sie
W rekach noze mam
Powyrzynam wszystkich, mowie wam
Odejdz ode mnie
Nie wchodz ...
Szanty - Stara Maui Lyrics
Mozolny, twardy i trudny jest
Nasz wielorybniczy znуj,
Lecz nie przestraszy nas sztormуw ryk
I nie zlknie groza burz.
Dzi[ powrotnym kursem wracamy ju|,
Rejsu chyba to ostatnie dni
Ka|dy w sercu ju| chyba ma
Pikne panny ze starej Maui.
Bunga Citra Lestari - Rindu Kamu Lyrics
Malam tak 'kan pernah indah tanpa bintang-bintang
Begitupun hatiku tanpamu
Sekian lama kita harus terpisah demi waktu
Ku jalani hariku tanpa kehadiranmu
Jelas sangat menyiksaku memikirkanmu
Kasih betapa kuterbelenggu rindu...
Little Comets - W Lyrics
Hope is looking skyward, labour now a byword
George is barely holding on
Extension- feeling cable, Nicholas and Able
Lords reforming broken jobs
Pain in education implement our training
Never permeates beyond
These wal...
schafter - Car Jacker Lyrics
Gruzja - Niedostatkiem W Piękny Rejs Lyrics
Laurent Voulzy - En Pas Oublié Ou Lyrics
Sa Posib ou pas sav
Van la pou sé mwen
Sa Posib ou pas sav
Le vent m'a poussé loin
An pas oublié w
Pa oublié w
An pas oublié w
Ouh ouh ouh
Le vent m'a poussé loin
An pas oublié w
An pas oublié w
Ouh ouh ouh
An pas ...
schafter - blur Lyrics
Wilki - Urke Lyrics
Nic nie przychodzi do głowy
Samotny człowiek w środku dnia
Zupełnie sam na ulicy gwar
Zgubione szczęście
Nigdy nie wraca, choćbyś chciał
Tyle w życiu się zmienia
Zaufaj przeznaczeniu
Pijemy za lepszy czas
Za ka...
Maanam - Eksplozja Lyrics
Wszysko ma swoja forme: lisc, drzewo, jaszczurka...
Woda w oceanach jak w czarach spoczywa.
Ogien w kominach spala sie bezpiecznie.
Ziemia zamknieta slowem krazy po elipsie.
Powietrze przybiera ksztalt rzeczy dowolny.
Ja wciaz tak...
Deacon Blue - City Of Love Lyrics
Issue No. 109 - The City Lyrics
Bitch it's '.get your worry's'
You did the part in the '
'like a legend in the '
'right killer'
Celebrate the '
New York city'getting dirty and ...
The Famous Davis Sisters - Twelve Gates To The City Lyrics
Have you heard of a city, streets are paved with Gold
Have you heard of a city, streets are paved with Gold
Have you heard of a city, streets are paved with Gold
And There's Twelve Gates To The City, Hallelu
Well I'm Crying Oh Wh...
Left Boy - Saturday Night Lyrics
Next time you see me
I hope your heart stops
And never starts beating again
The date of watch
I hate you
Well that ain't really true
But I really don't love you
As much as I used to
Ya fuckin' bitch
Piersi - Dnia 15-go Sierpnia Lyrics
Dnia pietnastego sierpnia nad morzem szalal sztorm
I w Gdyni sie pojawil marynarz nie z tych stron
On byl jak heban czarny, a ona byla z gor
Spotkali sie w Sopocie, dal jej paciorkow sznur
Dnia dwudziestego sierpnia wciaz morze burz...
Kazy Lambist - The City Is Beautiful Lyrics
[Verse 1]
We'll go wherever we want to go
From here we see it all
A ?
I guess today we're still with the old
'Cause we're at home, at home
It feels like home
We're at home, at home
It feel like home
Ali Gatie - Without You Lyrics
You only remember me when I forget about you
How come you don't think of me unless I remind you
Thought that I was done but I just been better without you
Been better w out u
I been better w out you
Piersi - Silesian Song Lyrics
Poszla Karolinka
Hen, do nrf
Wielka pania bedzie
W Audi se wsiedzie
Albo w Mercedes
Poszol za nia Karol
Hen, do nrf
Wielkim panem bedzie
W Audi se wsiedzie
Albo w Mercedes
A ja stad nie wyjade
I ty Johann nie jedz tez
Parquet Courts - One Man, No City Lyrics
Where I'm from, no one lived there
I look back now, nothing's changed
Where I'm from now, still
No one lives there
Look back again and lock the door.
I maintain, I still remain
One man solitary
And no city
"Cogito ergo ...
Varius Manx - Bez Lyrics
Nie mowie nic
I tak jak ty
Rozciagam usta w srebny smiech
Zlamana w pol
Nakrywam stol
I pytam jak ci minal dzien
Gdy bedziesz spal
Cichutko wymkne sie
Przeplyne wzdluz
Ocean moich lez
I wroce zanim slonce wstanie
Harry Styles - Woman Lyrics
Should we just search romantic comedies on Netflix and then see what we find?
I'm selfish, I know
But I don't ever want to see you with him
I'm selfish, I know
I told you, but I know you never listen
I hope you can s...
Mocca - Bandung Lyrics
There's a little city
Covered with hill and pleasant weather
Come on baby, I'll show you around
In my little town
Every corner tells you different stories
There's so many treasures to be found
Welcome to flo...
Senzawa - SpOwOky OwOky Pumpkin Song Lyrics
SpOwOky OwOky pumpkin
He a owange, woundo boi
He woll and wobbwe wound de patch
Wooking fow a tastee snac!
SpOwOky OwOky pumpkin
EYES so fuww of fwight!
He'w bite youw toes n then u know
He's a evil boi tonite
Gruzja - Grues Lyrics
The Dumplings - Słodko-Słony Cios Lyrics
Kash Pleen - Trap City Lyrics
Trap trap city Bitch, Trap trap city Bitch(Trap)
Trap trap City bitch
Trap city bitch, trap trap city Bitch
Trap city Bitch, Trap trap city Bitch
Trap city Bitch, Trap trap city Bitch
Its the new hit song...
Kutless - In The City Lyrics
Bless this city in Jesus' name
Let Your healing fall like rain
God You gave us everything
May Your church do more than sing
Bless this city in Jesus' name
Wake up every heart You've changed
Help us be Your hand...
Kutless - In The City Lyrics
Bless this city in Jesus' name
Let Your healing fall like rain
God You gave us everything
May Your church do more than sing
Bless this city in Jesus' name
Wake up every heart You've changed
Help us be Your hands and ...