Jesus Culture - Break Every Chain Lyrics
There is power in the name of Jesus
There is power in the name of Jesus
There is power in the name of Jesus
To break every chain
Break every chain
Break every chain
There is power in the name of Jesus
There is power i...
The Belonging Co - The Cross Has The Final Word Lyrics
[Chorus 1]
The cross has the final word
The cross has the final word
Sorrow may come in the darkest night
But the cross has the final word
[Chorus 2]
The cross has the final word
The cross has the final word
Evil may put ...
Cody Carnes - The Cross Has The Final Word Lyrics
[Chorus 1]
The cross has the final word
The cross has the final word
Sorrow may come in the darkest night
But the cross has the final word
[Chorus 2]
The cross has the final word
The cross has the final word
Evil may put ...
Those Poor Bastards - Let Us Rot Lyrics
Up on the cross Jesus
Up on the cross Jesus
No one to cut him down Jesus
Most everyone is a coward
Clinging to their dead end lives
Trying to make themselves happy
Buying material things
Trying to keep themselves busy
So ...
Kari Jobe - Oh The Power Lyrics
Knees to the earth
That you breath by your word
As you watched the darkness come
Crushed by the weight of the cost as you prayed
Not my will but yours be done
Gethsemane, where heaven met me
Redeemer, crowned in endless pr...
Planetshakers - Our God Reigns Lyrics
Oh for the joy before Him, our Saviour
Went to the cross to purchase our freedom
Trading its shame for glory, Jesus reigns
Death could not hold Him down, my Saviour
Sin and the grave forever defeated
Victoryʼs mine forever, Jesus r...
Jesus Culture - Power In The Cross Lyrics
[Verse 1]
We all stand amazed
In awe of amazing grace
The divide has been erased, we thank You
All sin is washed away
You alone have saved the day
We are forever changed, we thank You
Let every heart, every t...
Newsboys - The Cross Has The Final Word Lyrics
[Chorus 1]
The cross has the final word
The cross has the final word
Sorrow may come in the darkest night
But the cross has the final word
There's nothing stronger, nothing higher
There's nothing greater t...
IFGF Praise - For God So Loved Lyrics
Verse 1
For God so loved the world
He gave His only Son
Who's given all His life
To cleanse me from mysins
Pre Chorus
He died on Calvary
He paid the price for me
Oo Jesus Jesus
Your blood was shed for me
Oo Jesus Jesus
Your cr...
Issue No. 125 - Break Every Chain Lyrics
There is power in the Name of Jesus
There is power in the Name of Jesus
There is power in the Name of Jesus
To break every chain, break every chain, break every chain.
All sufficient sacrifice
So freely given such a price
Bought ou...
Ascend The Hill - Power In The Name Of Jesus Lyrics
I was far away from You
Jesus brought me near
I was broken off from you
Jesus brought me near
I was far away from You
Jesus brought me near
I was broken off from you
Jesus brought me near (x2)
My hope, my song, my sacrifice ...
Truth Songs - The Only True Jesus Lyrics
There's one thing that you must see
And it means everything to me
Yeah, the only true Jesus is the Jesus in the Bible
The only true Jesus is the Jesus in the Bible
The only true Jesus is the Jesus in the Bible
And He's the...
Planetshakers - No Other Name Lyrics
The name of Jesus is greater
The name of Jesus is stronger
The name of Jesus is high above all things
The name of Jesus is bigger
The name of Jesus has power
The name of Jesus is high above all things
Thereʼs just something about ...
Issue No. 126 - Glorious Cross Lyrics
Lamb of God, innocent son
Sacrifice the glorious one
Oh, the Son, Jesus Christ
Abunding grace given to all
Love displayed through innocent blood
Oh, the blood of Jesus Christ
The cross, the cross where I was found
I ...
Indiana Bible College - No Other Name Lyrics
Verse 1
The name of Jesus is greater
The name of Jesus is stronger
The name of Jesus is high above all things
The name of Jesus is bigger
The name of Jesus has power
The name of Jesus is high above all things
Geoff Baker - At The Cross Lyrics
On the cross, on the cross,
Where the King of Glory died.
Here is grace, here is love,
Flowing from that wounded side.
Amazing mystery,
That he should die for me,
As a perfect sacrifice.
On the cross, on the cross,
Love incarnate on the cro...
Jesus Culture - Love That Saves Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Who can heal the blind man
Who can raise the dead
Who can part the waters
And set my feet on dry land
Who secures my future
Who forgives my past
Who tears the veil of darkness
And tramples over death
Cody Carnes - Nothing More To Say Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Strength for all the weak
Love for all the least
Hope that's never failing
Grace for everyone
There's power in the blood
Freedom for the captives
Jesus, Jesus
There's nothing more to sa...
Jon Mclaughlin - Oh Jesus Lyrics
Oh, Jesus
Can You hear me now?
Oh, Jesus
I'm just wondering how I'm doing
Am I proving worth
All the time You've spent
Oh, Jesus
I know You're there
Oh, Jesus
Have You decided where I'm going?
You know ...
Jon McLaughlin - Oh Jesus Lyrics
Oh, Jesus
Can You hear me now?
Oh, Jesus
I'm just wondering how I'm doing
Am I proving worth
All the time You've spent
Oh, Jesus
I know You're there
Oh, Jesus
Have You decided where I'm going?
Issue No. 149 - There Is Power In His Blood Lyrics
Artist: David Ingles
Posted: Dada Oluwatunmise
1. Do I understand you've had some problems
And you wonder what you're gonna do
I believe I know someone to solve them
And He's paid t...
Chronade NALLYWAYS - There Was One Who Was Willing Lyrics
[Verse 1]
There was One who was willing to die in my stead,
That a soul so unworthy might live,
And the path to the cross He was willing to tread
All the sins of my life to forgive.
They are nailed to the cross,
Casting Crowns - No Other Name Lyrics
One name holds weight above them all
His fame outlasts the earth He formed
His praise resounds beyond the stars
And echoes in our hearts
The greatest One of all
His face shines brighter than the sun
His grace as boundless as His lov...
Jesus Culture - Make A Way Lyrics
[Verse 1]
God from God, light from light
We believe in one Jesus Christ
Breaking through the darkest nights to save
You alone can save
[Verse 2]
Hope of hope, strength of strength
All our sin is dead in the grave
Only one...
Passion - Your Cross Changes Everything Lyrics
Some see, just a wooden cross but
I can see the grace of
Your redemptive heart
Some say, this is foolishness but
I believe the truth of
Your redeeming love
And some will say
This place belongs to history
But I can see
Yes I can see
A cro...
Hillsong Young & Free - Trust Lyrics
[Verse 1]
When it doesn't go my way
I know that it is not the end
I'm trusting You have better plans
I haven't even dreamt of yet
I know that You are for me
When everything's against me
I put all my hope in...
Sunday Service Choir - Father Stretch Lyrics
Alenka Manka - The Hands Of Jesus Lyrics
Nail-pierced hands
The hands of a carpenter
More powerful than a storm
Wounded on the cross
You're beckoning me to follow you
You're healing the sick with your touch
How beautiful and kind
The hands of Jesus
Jonny & The Jazzuits - No Other Name Lyrics
No other name!
No other name by which we're saved!
No other name but Jesus!
[Verse 1]
You are the Lover of my soul
You are the One that makes me whole
Fan into flame
I will proclaim
No other name but Jesus
No other ...
The Number Twelve Looks Like You - Ruin The Smile Lyrics
Ruin the smile of a pedophile
Their reckoning awaits
You don't want to practice what you preach
No meaning behind your speech
After you meet me
Heaven is where you'll want to be
This may be a good tim...
Elevation Worship - Victorious Lyrics
Your grace came for us
Your hope secured us
We'll never lose the love that You gave
The blood of Jesus
The blood that freed us
Has conquered death, and made a way
There is no condemnation for those in You
There's only fr...
River Valley Worship - Hope Has A Name Lyrics
[Verse 1]
There is a song I know it well
A melody that's never failed
On mountains high In valleys low
My soul will rest My confidence
In you alone
Hope has a name His name is Jesus
My saviors cross Has set this sinner free
Oak Ridge Boys - Sweet Jesus Lyrics
Jesus, sweet Jesus
You love me just as I am
Jesus, sweet Jesus
I've been washed in the blood of the land
The church wants to hear my confession
It's something they all want to see
Ah but Lord, I'm only a sinner (just a sinne...
I AM THEY - Resting Place (To The Cross) Lyrics
[Verse 1]
My faith, has found, a resting place
Not in my work or deed
I trust, the ever living One
His wounds, for me, shall plead
I need no other argument
I need no other plea
It is enough, that Jesus died
Jesus Culture - Sound Of Adoration Lyrics
Indiana Bible College - He Reigns (Exceeding Greatness) Lyrics
He reigns
Let all earth adore
Jesus Christ the Lord
Reigns forever more
He reigns, He reigns
Let every nation cry
Jesus is alive
And forever more
He reigns, He reigns
Sit on the throne of my heart and...
Moriah Peters - I Choose Jesus Lyrics
I have searched to find
The meaning of this life
Something that would
Fill my empty soul
Some believe a lie
Choose darkness over light
But I will stand and let
The whole world know
I choose Jesus
I choose Jesus
The On...
Indiana Bible College - Risen Lyrics
Risen He's risen forever glorified
Risen He's risen King Jesus
King Jesus is alive
Oh, oh, Hallelujah
Oh, oh Hallelujah
Oh, oh, Hallelujah
Oh, oh Hallelujah
Verse 1
Grave where are you now
Marshall Hall - Savior, Like A Shepherd Lyrics
Savior, like a shepherd lead us
Much we need Your tender care
In Your pleasant pastures feed us
For our sins, Your folds prepare
Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus
You have bought us, Yours we are
Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus
You have bo...
Todd Agnew - Savior Like A Shepherd Lyrics
Savior, like a shepherd lead us
Much we need Your tender care
In Your pleasant pastures feed us
For our sins, Your folds prepare
Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus
You have bought us, Yours we are
Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus
You have b...