Bo Saris - Tender Lyrics
Only woman that keeps calling
I can feel the pressure's getting strong
And it's raging all around us
No more playing on the streets
Every day I'm left to pray
Just tryna find my way
Living through this loneliness
Ellen Milgrau - Linda E Louca Lyrics
Se você não tem uma amiga louca
Você é a amiga louca
Não é fácil, não é fácil, não é fácil
Ser linda e louca
Não é fácil, não é fácil, não é fácil
Não é fácil ser linda e louca
Uncle Sam - Tender Love Lyrics
Here I lay all alone
Tossin turnin
Longing for some of your
Tender love
I'm waitin 4 the right
Moment to come
So I can thank you for
All the tender love you've given to me
Tender love (tender love)
Love so tender (aaaaaaah)
Elvis Presley - Love Me Tender Lyrics
Love me tender,
Love me sweet,
Never let me go.
You have made my life complete,
And I love you so.
Love me tender,
Love me true,
All my dreams fulfilled.
For my darlin' I love you,
And I always will.
Love me tender,
Love me long,
Alejandro Escovedo - Tender Heart Lyrics
I got a dream do you want to in it too?
You can be with me and I can be with you
A god above, another one below
You better run baby now you'll never know
I got a dream do you want to be in my dream?
I got a dream do you want to be in m...
Eddie Floyd - Warm And Tender Love Lyrics
Let me wrap you in my warm and tender love, yeah
Let me wrap you in my warm and tender love
Oh, I loved you for a long, long time
Darling, please say you'll be mine
And let me wrap you in my warm and tender love
Let me wrap you in my ...
Jota Quest - A Vida Não Tá Fácil Pra Ninguém Lyrics
Vem dar um relax!
É Sexta-Feita, não vai ser de outra maneira
Já que 'cê vai pra aquele lado também
Descole um bonde e uma carona maneira
Chama uma amiga pra chegar com alguém
A festa é quente e o coração 'tá na mesa
A ...
Cliff Richard - Lover Lyrics
Lover, when you're near me
And I hear you call my name
Softly, in my ear you breathe a flame
Lover, while we're dancing
Please keep glancing in my eyes
'Till loves own entrancing music dies
All of my future is in you...
Marisa Monte - Não É Fácil Lyrics
Não é fácil, não pensar em você
Não é fácil, é estranho
Não te contar meus planos, não te encontrar
Todo dia de manhã enquanto eu tomo o meu café amargo
É, ainda boto fé de um dia te ter ao meu lado
Na verdade, eu p...
Zurdok - Cuantos Pasos ? Lyrics
Es difícil recordar
Es difícil olvidar
Es difícil para mi
Es difícil todo
Y me pregunte
¿Cuantos pasos podremos dar?
Todo es lo mismo
Es un principio y final
Y nada mas
Todo es lo mismo
Esta canción es igual
Que las demas, ...
Beverly McClellan - Tender Of The Most Lyrics
People in the world
Shine your love on me
Make me a believer
Of this fantasy
I looked outside my closet
And I ran out my front door
I didn't see it anywhere
This thing I was looking for
I never see it coming
I tr...
Kellie Pickler - Tough All Over Lyrics
Some days I can take it all in stride
Some days I just run and hide
And I know I'm not the only one
Who has to struggle through this life
Things are tough all over
And Lord I see no end in sight
Things are to...
Kellie Pickler - Tough All Over Lyrics
Some days I can take it all in stride
Some days I just run and hide
And I know I'm not the only one
Who has to struggle through this life
Things are tough all over
And Lord I see no end in sight
Things are to...
Kate Ryan - I Surrender Lyrics
I used to think that love
Could never take a hold
Spin a line around me
To give into you
But clearly I'm not thinking too straight
Honest and true
I'm not really handling this
What else can I do
But surrender...
Alexandra Cherrington - Tender Surrender Lyrics
Sweet Elephant
Blessing a human friend
Cuddly Koala-bear
Seeing a newborn child
Vulnerable and pure
Natural tenderness
Stroking my purring friend
Don't always to do the same
With old fear and pain
Fighting life i...
Phill Veras - A Estrada Lyrics
Foi-se o tempo em que nós dois
Éramos a estrada
Você me dizia o que fazer
E eu não entendia nada, nada
Era fácil pra você
Com sua roupa mal passada
Tão difícil pra mim, mas amava a estrada
Foi-se o tempo em que nós...
Body Type - Insomnia Lyrics
Look out deep into the infinite and take in all of it, oh won't you try?
Sun has set upon this strange address and swing by [?] for you and I
The world's pre-whisper jests will fall and rise you, no I can't resist what...
Four Tops - Try To Remember Lyrics
Try to remember the kind of September,
When life was slow and oh so mellow.
Try to remember the kind of September,
When grass was green and grain was yellow.
Try to remember the kind of September,
When you were a tender and callow fe...
Sam Kim - Love Me Like That Lyrics
I get defensive and insecure
My own worst critic
Behind a closing door
I'm fragile and fractured that's for sure
I burned myself down to the ground
Oh can I ask of you to treat me soft and tender
Love me hard and true
Boogarins - Cuerdo Lyrics
[Verso 1]
Sem lugar
Nem pra ficar ou para ir
Tem, mas não tem
Parece que eu não sou daqui
Parece que eu não sou daqui
E é difícil de explicar, mas de entender
(Eu não sei se é bem assim)
E é difícil d...
Danny Phantom - Remember Lyrics
Yeah, Oooooooo
It was, it was September,
Wind blow, the dead leaves fall.
To you, I did surrender,
Two weeks you didn't call.
Your life goes on without me,
My life, a losing game.
But you should, you should not do...
El Kanka - Intrucciones Para Bailar Un Vals Lyrics
Debes aprender primero a mover un pie
Y después el otro para no desentonar
Pensar demasiado no hace falta
Hay que dejarse llevar
Y acordarse siempre de ir siguiendo el compás
Elegir bien con quien bailas es fundamental
Aunque bailar solo ...
Nathalie Hazim - Difícil No Fallar Lyrics
Estrofa 1:
Hoy te quiero confesar
Lo que hay mi,
Lee con agrado amor
Me reflejo aqui.
Uuuuuu uuu uu
Uuuuuu uuu uu
Estaré ahí contigo por siempre
Aunque tarde, seguro llegare.
Te prometo trataré
Es difícil no f...
Beldina - Glow Lyrics
You are so close to me
I feel your breath caressin' me
I wish it wore eternally
Smooth, soft, warm, sweet tender love
I never pictured this could be
Here we view
You are so near and yet so far
Tryna see thru the heart of you...
Calibre 50 - Se Me Hizo Fácil Lyrics
Se Me Hizo Fácil engañarte
Creer que todo lo podía
Yo tan seguro que me jamás
Te perdería
Se Me Hizo Fácil arriesgarme
Tener dos blancos en la mira
Y tu entregandote sin ver
Lo que realmente sucedia
Se Me Hizo Fácil
Pensar que volt...
Josh Groban - Try to Remember Lyrics
Try to remember the kind of September
when life was slow and oh, so mellow.
Try to remember the kind of September
when grass was green and grain so yellow.
Try to remember the kind of September
when you were a young and callow fellow,
Serpentwithfeet - Bless Ur Heart Lyrics
[Verse 1]
When I give these books away will my ink betray me?
Will my stories resist wings and grow feet and convince men that I'm boasting?
Or will my psalms seek the company of lonely breaths?
Will they inspire subtle lovers to kiss ...
Chetes - Éxtasis Ultra Deluxe Lyrics
Persiguiendo siluetas
Tu cuerpo a contra luz
Barridos de neón llegan al corazón tengo la cámara abierta
Te rogué, te rogué, y te rogué
Te rogué, y te rogué, y te rogué
Comprueba me lo
Eres mi chica fácil
Comprueba me lo
Éxtasis u...
Jorge Luis - Ave De Cristal Lyrics
No se acaba el mundo
Cuando un amor se vá
No se acaba el mundo
Y no se derrumbará
Si fue verdadero
Tras sus huellas volverá
Si no fue sincero
Otro lo remplazará
No se acaba... Etc
No hay lluvia en el alma
Que no acabe con un s...
One Path - Marquise Lyrics
Silas J. Dirge - Tender Eyed Lyrics
Stained with red eyed mourning
And pulled from the dead crow's beak
Came the old man's warning
Not to turn my cheek
Hollow a promise spoken
Grown from the barren ground
Bending the pact that choked them
They came ...
Los Cadetes De Linares - Desprecio Lyrics
No sé porque tu me desprecias, comprendo bien que soy tu estorbo
Que ya de mi nada te importa, será mi suerte vivir así
Es cierto que no te hago falta, tu sabes a lo que te atienes
Tal vez algún amor que tienes, te ha ilusionado
Te vas...
Luis Yepes - Gustos Raros, Vicios Caros Lyrics
Voy a hacerte cantar sin tocarte los labios
Podría incluso sin mirar
Solo dime "Ven, ven, haz que no me sienta mal"
Podría hacerte escupir lo que sobra del llanto
Y lo haría sin disimular
Solo dime "Hey, hey, haz que deje ...
Smith Boy Ha - Namora À Distância Lyrics
A Sura da Abertura
Em nome de Alá, O Misericordioso, O Misericordiador
Manter isso em pé não é fácil não
Namoro à distância às vezes é pesadelo
Manter isso em pé nã...
José Ignacio Lapido - Tiros Lyrics
¿Quién se bebió nuestro vino
Y se subió en marcha a un tren?
¿Quién se asomó al precipicio
Y dijo algo antes de caer?
¿Quién se ha quedado dormido
Y no ha visto el amanecer?
¿Quién se buscó en los bolsillos
Y encontró ...
Jarboe - Surgical Saviour Lyrics
I open you
I make you feel
Through me you know
Desires are real
From secret dreams
I give these things
This deep incision
Cold incislon
This deep infliction
Of tender precision
Listen to my voice
You have no cholce
Now move under me
Now ...
Jordaan Mason - Evidence Lyrics
So goddamn this devil
We made it on the bevel
Can't he break a brother down?
So bereft and beaten
We got through this season
Treading snow and headed south
All these rhymes and vowels
Across creeks and cavils
His blood ...
Gonzaguinha - Se Eu Quiser Viver Lyrics
Se eu quiser viver tenho que saber
quando chega a chuva quando é só verão pra semear
por que a fêmea terra tem seu seio
tem seu tempo exato para engravidar
e através das luas pacientemente colocar suor
o suor do amor para ter...
Alice Russell - Munkaroo Lyrics
Raw right down to the apple core
Real like the only thing that you can feel
Faint like a purpose close to heart
Tasty like the finest majestic tree
Soft like the tail of Munkaroo
Distant far away in my mind like Timbuktu
Tender like a beate...
Young Roddy - Legal Tender Lyrics