Indiana Bible College - Blessed Is He That Readeth Lyrics
Verse 1
Blessed is He that readeth (x6)
And keeps those things with are written there in
Blessed is he that readeth
Hear the Word
Verse 2
Blessed is he that readeth (x6)
And they that hear the words of his prophecy
Blessed is he t...
Indiana Bible College - Lord, I Worship You Lyrics
Verse 1
There's non like You
No, none else beside You
For You are holy, so I praise Your name
You are the mighty God, the Prince of peace
The everlasting Father for all eternity
Lord, You're holy, so I praise and worship You...
Indiana Bible College - Who Is Like The Lord Lyrics
Who is like the Lord
Who is like the Lord
No no no no no, nobody
Who is like the Lord
Who is like the Lord
No no no no no, nobody
If our God is for us
Who can be against us
He will keep His promise
Indiana Bible College - Excellent Lyrics
Verse 1
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh
All of the nations of the earth now rejoice
All of the people of God sing his praise
Everything that hath breath shout for joy
Everything that is beautiful
Belongs to you
All the earth is the Lord...
Indiana Bible College - I Will Make It Lyrics
Verse 1
Through the storm and rain
Heartache and pain
Come what may, I'll make it through
Though my clouds hang low
I can't see the road
Somehow I will make it through
All of my tests and trials
They come to make...
Indiana Bible College - The Lord's Prayer Lyrics
Our Father which art in heaven, in heaven
Hallowed be Thy name
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day
Our daily bread
And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors
Indiana Bible College - All Glory Lyrics
You resist the proud
And give grace
To the humble
Inheritance for those
Who are meek
You provide protection
For all who submit
Unto You
Give perfect strength
When we are weak
So I bow down humble
And amazed at Your
Grace all...
Indiana Bible College - For The Lord Is Good Lyrics
For the Lord is good
And his mercy endureth
His love is everlasting
Goes one all day
For the Lord is good
And his mercy endureth
Verse 1
When I was lost, you saw me
From sinking sand, you brought me
Lord thro...
Indiana Bible College - Anthem To Our God Lyrics
Verse 1
Holy Lamb
Righteous One
Seated high upon Your throne
All the earth rises up
To proclaim You are holy
Holy, holy
Are you, Lord God, Almighty
Worthy is the Lamb, worthy is the Lamb
You are holy
Bridge 1
Indiana Bible College - That None Perish Lyrics
That none perish
Is the will of God
To redeem man from his sin
He hung upon the cross
That none perish
But have everlasting life
That the world may know
The love of Christ
Verse 1
In every tribe and tongue
There are thos...
Indiana Bible College - More Love, More Power Lyrics
Verse (repeat)
More love, more power
More of You in my life
More love, more power
More of You in my life
Chorus (repeat)
And I will worship You with all of my heart
I will worship You with all of my mind,
I will worship You with ...
Indiana Bible College - We've Come To Worship Lyrics
We've come to worship
Honor and adore You
We lift You high and we bow before You
Holy is Your name, everyday the same
You're worthy, You're worthy
Enter His gates with thanksgiving
Enter His court, His ...
Indiana Bible College - Famous One Lyrics
You are the Lord
The famous one
Famous one
Verse 1
For all you've done and yet to do
With every breath I praise you
I desire of the nations and every heart
You alone are God
You alone are God
You are the Lor...
Indiana Bible College - Tu Eres Mi Dios Lyrics
Verse 1
All the praise
And all the Glory
All dominion
Is yours
I declare, Lord
Of your goodness
God eternal, Emanuel
We your people
Bring your worship
You are faithful
Oh Lord
I surrender all
And I worship you
I decl...
Indiana Bible College - Love Lifted Me Lyrics
Verse 1
Glory, Glory to God in the highest
Glory to God
When nothing else could help
You came and rescued me
Your love lifted me (x3)
I am free to sing of your love
Higher, higher
Higher that the he...
Snoop Dogg - Bible Of Love (Interlude) Lyrics
For those who don't know just what to do
Here's the Bible of love for you
Let it be a blessing every day
Every step of the way
You don't have to be in fear of rejection
Know that it's only God's direction
No matter ...
Indiana Bible College - Everybody Praise The Lord Lyrics
Everybody praise the Lord,
For His goodness and mercy continue always
He's worthy of praise,
Everybody help me praise the Lord,
Come on now, Help me praise the Lord
Oh that men would praise the Lord,
With lif...
Indiana Bible College - You Are Lyrics
Verse 1
Bread of life, Savior, Redeemer
(You are)
Wonderful, Counselor, Holy One
Jehovah Jireh, Elohim
(You are)
High Priest and Heir of all living things
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Verse 2
Resurrected Son and Righteous One
(You are...
Indiana Bible College - Be Still And Know Lyrics
Verse 1
You've tried all you can
And you don't understand why things wont turn out right
You've tried all you know
And still it seems so hard to comprehend
That impossibility becomes reality
When His voice speaks throug...
Indiana Bible College - He Just Cannot Fail Lyrics
He just cannot fail
No God just cannot fail
Out of all the things that God can do
No He just cannot fail
He just cannot fail
No God just cannot fail
Out of all the things that God can do (3x)
He just cannot Go...
Indiana Bible College - Hallelujah, You're Worthy Lyrics
Chorus 1
Hallelujah, You're worthy to be praised (4x)
I lift my hands, I praise You Lord
I bow my head, I honor You Lord (2x)
Hallelujah, You're worthy
Hallelujah, we praise Your name
Hallelujah, so worthy...
Indiana Bible College - With All My Life Lyrics
Verse 1
There were times in my life
That I let you down
Times in my life
I thought you couldn't be found
I needed to feel you again
You came touched me
And gave me peace within
I love you
I praise You
I thank you fo...
Indiana Bible College - Jesus The Same Lyrics
Jesus the same
Yesterday, today, and forevermore
No other name
That can save, deliver, and restore
Jesus the same
Yesterday, today, and forevermore
There is no other name that is greater than Jesus
Oh. Oh.
Aye! Aye!
Indiana Bible College - Like A Fire Lyrics
Verse 1
Like a fire
Shut up in my bones
I want the world to know
That you are God
With a passion
Burning deep within
I want the world to know
That you live
Verse 1
Let your presence come and saturate
Every part of me
Make me n...
Indiana Bible College - It's All In Him Lyrics
Verse 1
The mighty God is Jesus
The Prince of Peace is He
The everlasting Father
And the King eternally
Wonderful in wisdom
By whom all things were made
The fullness of the Godhead
In Jesus is displayed
It's all in H...
Indiana Bible College - Famous Lyrics
Verse 1
In our hearts, there is a stirring,
In our spirits, there is a yearning
To shout to the nations proclaiming your greatness God
This is what we were created for
To give You honor, Lord
And we won't stop singing ...
Al Wordlaw - Seek Ye First The Kingdom Of God Lyrics
Hook 1
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God
And His righteousness,
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God
Be forever blessed,
Change 1
God inspired men to write the whole Bible
If you believe in what the Bible says
Then your life will be at most via...
John Prine - Kokomo Lyrics
In a small fishing village
Northeast of guam
Sits a fine young chap
Holding hands with his mom
As the fish swim by
So does joe
For his body is in guam
But his mind is in kokomo
"kokomo, indiana
Indiana Bible College - Thank You Lyrics
Verse 1
I don't need a valley low to thank You
I don't need a mountain high to sing my praise to You
I don't need clouds to fill my sky
Or even a reason why
You are more than enough
To lift my voice and say
Matt Redman - Blessed Be Your Name Lyrics
Blessed Be Your Name
In the land that is plentiful
Where Your streams of abundance flow
Blessed be Your name
Blessed Be Your name
When I'm found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed Be Your name
Indiana Bible College - Jesus Is Worthy Of All Praise Lyrics
With my hands I'm gonna praise You
With my mouth make a joyful noise
Lift my voice o exalt Your Name
Worthy, oh, worthy
Jesus is worthy of all praise
Oh, give thanks unto the Lord
Let the redeemed of God say so
Indiana Bible College - I Won't Go Back Lyrics
Verse 1
I've been changed, healed, freed, delivered
I've found joy, peace, grace, and favor
Right now is the moment, today is the day
I've been changed, I've been changed I have waited for this moment t...
Indiana Bible College - Thou O Lord Lyrics
Verse 1
Many are they increased that trouble me
Many are they that rise up against me
Many there be which say of my soul
There is no help for him in God
Chorus 1
But thou, O Lord, are a shield for me
My glory and the Lifter of my h...
Indiana Bible College - Fire Lyrics
Verse 1
I've got a fire, I've got a fire burning
Burning inside of me
I've got a fire, I've got a fire burning
Burning inside of me
Your presence is my passion
When You captured my gaze
You set m...
Indiana Bible College - Only Jesus Lyrics
Verse 1
Only Jesus is my refuge
He is my hiding place
He has been my soul sustainer
I am safe in His embrace
Only Jesus' love is constant
He's an ever-faithful friend
He's my highest aspiration
I want nothing more tha...
Indiana Bible College - In Your Hands Lyrics
Your love exceeds all I could think
You are the Creator of all things
I may not understand or see Your ways
But I'll follow every word You say
Your ways are higher
Your ways are perfect
You're the God ...
Indiana Bible College - Born Again Lyrics
If you wanna see my Savior,
The One Who died for me you must be
You must be born again
If you wanna see my Savior
The One Who set us free you must be
You must be born again
Nicodemus inquired of the Lord
How can a man be bor...
Indiana Bible College - No One Higher Lyrics
Verse 1
Our Father, Creator
You hold our hearts together
There is no one higher than you
Redeemer, Defender
Our great and mighty Savior
There is no one higher than you
You are always with is
Gracious to forgive us
By ...
The Mighty Fine - To Indiana Lyrics
Dawn's up ahead. Thirty minutes more
Then it's strap in, hold on, pedal's slammin' to the floor.
Indiana... our great unknown!
Last call; All aboard!
Man, I'll never know what could've sparked
In this ...
Indiana Bible College - What If God? Lyrics
Verse 1
What if God is unhappy with our praise?
What if He is not pleased with the words we say?
What if He takes away His love and His Spirit from above?
What if God is unhappy with our praise?
Verse 2
What if God is unhappy with t...