Hexvessel - His Portal Tomb Lyrics
His Portal Tomb
I see your face
Painted rays through glass panes
Black pillars beneath your feet
If you could speak what would you tell me?
Hieroglyphic texts
Spells that protect
Universe descends
Symbols that project
Lebanon Hanover - Tomb For Two Lyrics
No the rain can't stop our kisses
Nor does hailstorm or thunder
There's room for you under my cover
A tomb for two morbid lovers...
Lights - Portal Lyrics
Akron-family - Ed Is A Portal Lyrics
Ed is a portal
Ed is a portal
And damned if we don't try
To sort of relinquish the reigns our
Brains their mass has gravity
Pulls us into and away from
Portals such as Fractal Ed's
Mysterioso displacement
Proportioned anti subtle...
Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes - Paradise Lyrics
Where have all the virgins gone?
They left me here with nothing on
They tore my skin when they took my clothes
Left me here with broken bones
Dead eyes and the sweat and blood
Face down in the dirt and the dust
With nothing left of what was...
Stone Hart - Make Me Mortal Lyrics
I've been asleep forever restless
In a state of empty consciousness
Longing for existence
In a world of inconsistency Who am I to think it's real when all I do is
Try to feel
How am I supposed to know oh what am I to do
Angelo De Augustine - Tomb Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Been searching for someone of my own kind
Played it back and forth, prefer to rewind
You've been living your life from the outside
Like a stranger inside of your own mind
Both been on the rise and fall...
Gideon - OUTLAW Lyrics
Outlaw from the swamp to the city
Heart black like the Mississippi
You don't come up where I'm from
But I'm taking this shit like it's mine
Run from me if you can't run with me
Heart black like the Mississ...
Emiliana Torrini - Tookah Lyrics
Take me down to the corner of a million miles
Where time is a waste of time
Find me a pleasant tomb and a wishing bone to be left alone with
I'll be waiting by the phone line
Tookah, you're mine
Said the girl, you left her ...
Ab-Soul - Womanogamy Lyrics
The goal is not to, uh make my cup full
"That's the goal? That's the ultimate goal?
One wrong move in this motherfucker
Look, I got two baby mommas
But I ain't got no kids, nah I'm fucking with you
They my lesbian ...
Dream Koala - Dimension Sleeper Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Modern sleep through time and space
Computed dreams into my brain
Cold liquids keep me suspended
Crystalize the blood inside my veins
The machines awaken me after eternal seconds
Cosmic pathways the portal opens wide a...
Iron Heade - Bones And Cauldrons Lyrics
In the night, I was wondering
When I heard the crack of laugh
My senses were attracted
I was fooled by a lie!
I see, demons and witches
Dancing like the flames of fallen stars
The chants of the nameless
The portal stands before me as I see...
Twin Peaks - Have You Ever Lyrics
Have you ever?
Have you ever?
[Verse 1]
(Have you ever) swallowed paper and lost track of the time?
(Have you ever) shoved the cork in the wine?
(Have you ever) played the same record 57 times?
(Have you eve...
Chelsea Wolfe - Iron Moon Lyrics
[Verse 1]
A dead sun, a pale glow
Upon the walls I feign to know
We bear no fruit, no flowers, no life
And we get sick but never die
Become an echo
Resounding 'let go”
My heart is a tomb
My heart is an empty r...
Islander - The Sadness Of Graves Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Look at all the beautiful buildings scattered on the ground
All the people enslaved by their liberations
And look at all the bloodshed
The lamb has been bled dry (look at all the blood)
It's become a crime to be found innocen...
Chronade NALLYWAYS - Let's Make A Baby Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I know that you've been waiting for a while
To make this baby with me
Portal activated by just one of countless tokens
Portal activated by just one of countless tokens
I know that you've been wait...
Tennis - Tender As A Tomb Lyrics
With my heart in my throat
And the sun in my face
Lying here in your arms
I know this is the place
I would never try to explain how it felt when we kissed
Courting reason in dreams while my body resists
I know my logic can...
Mother Feather - Egyptology Lyrics
[Verse 1:]
Me and my man Tutankhamen
We've got some things in common
Golden from top to bottom
And royal spoiled rotten
I go where he go
I follow my pharaoh
To the underworld disco
Down in Old Cairo
Hexvessel - Invocation Summoning Lyrics
Invocation summoning
My blood-fuse lit right up
Conjuring the operation
I saw the singing veins of God
Mountains of leaking arks
Slowly yawning in the dark
The black corridor opens
And smoke rose from the Serpents throat
Furious - Furious Lyrics
Fearing this bloody creeping place
The tomb of anger & hatred
Deep into, this hollow grave
You must escape your fate
Fight You won't leave this evil night
Darkness fill your soul
Die Blood is lurking in your eyes
Rings Of Saturn - Peeling Arteries Lyrics
Communication disrupted, scramble to the streets now fleeing like cowards
Mortals encased by an unworldly bacterium
Abruptly the heavens divide, and a portal appears
Families abducted, anatomy examined from the core
Hexvessel - Heaven And Earth Magic Lyrics
'For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love.”
She brings the harvest spiral dance
Blood Earth
She is the ellipse of the heavenly bodies
Water Stars
She c...
Clara Benin - Wrestle Lyrics
I had a dream we were in Newtown
Took the first early morning train out
Caught in collision, disillusioned by time
It was a portal to a new life
Unlocking levels and decoding our fate
We call the shots on how to number our days...
Primitive Man - Disfigured Lyrics
The year of the tomb
Cold hearts living in fear together
The slave blood in me waits
For the sackcloth moon
Draped over the disfigured face of humanity
My gnashing teeth
Chewing wildly
Wet from death's sugar hol...
At The Gates - A Labyrinth Of Tombs Lyrics
The pantheons blind
Ravaged from thirst
They fear through the skies
Through the blackest of nights
Violating rhythms
Far beneath dead waves
The shards of our culture
Abandoned and arcane
Our grave is the darkness
Hexvessel - Superstitious Currents Lyrics
Conceived with the autumn
A viper at his feet
With eyes like the keyholes
Of magic city gates
A crooked child of specters
A sign from above
Who saw the stars on gravestones
And sung the sky in blood
Born into the cauldron of...
Craft Spells - Your Tomb Lyrics
Into your tomb
I've had enough of you
Cause I'm tired of playing the fool
Not another kiss from you
I'll throw a rose to cover up your face
Cause i'm tired of waiting for you
You're the reason that I ...
The Dead Tongues - Ebb And Flow Lyrics
Sniff out heavy mountain
Some smoke on the breeze
When we keep up to
Where saw remnants down to our limbs
I'm going to fraid line bound for Tenessee
Said it was sailing men born just to be
You can find you hollow, shelte...
Warbringer - Shadow From The Tomb Lyrics
Forming vicious impressions of hate
Redemption of birth and it' never too late
Enraging due to obliviousness
Anger from my catatonic state
Voices scream, mind erodes
Cerebral cortex shatters, explodes
Forcing my t...
The Acacia Strain - Them Lyrics
Yurodivy - Achievement Lyrics
Hexvessel - Elegy To Goyahkla Lyrics
Saddle horn
Worn femurs
Worthy bones
Gunsmoke ghosts
The last lost outpost
No call from the wilderness
Can't speak in stone wounds
Wine glasses chink down hollow rooms
No grave for a hero like you
No rest for a curios...
Hexvessel - Gaia Lyrics
A new serum eradicates the illness
An old man rises from his wheelchair
When suffering unknown attacks the painless
And common animals are becoming rare
As water spins in circles twice
Spiders, snakes and the little mice
Get ...
Beach House - Black Car Lyrics
We want to go inside the cold
It's like a tomb, but it's something to hold
And in the time before it ends
When the stillness bends
We want to go inside the cold
It's like a tomb, but it's something to hold
And in the ti...
The Sword - Execrator Lyrics
They speed us unto our doom
Turn the earth into our tomb
Deserving no less than death
They know nothing
They give nothing
They love nothing
They are nothing
Your life is insignificant
Your thoughts are of no consequence
And all that you k...
Voltaire - Zombie Prostitute... Lyrics
I was alone, and I needed a date
I was takin' a walk past the cemetery gate
When I saw a sign that said
"For a good time take a left down at Tombstone Number 8"
Went through the gateway, and I'm pretty sure I
Evadne - I Will Place Them Lyrics
When the night and day quarrel
The reign of a same sky
I will place them to be baptized for the dew
To be withered by the time
As the loneliness is withering me
I will place them
Over your tomb and I will cry
For you I'm cryin...
Ghost Town - Under Wraps Lyrics
I unravel one by one.
These bandages cover up who you really are.
I take off some more.
Don't know what's in store.
White rags on the floor...
Let's see if we can keep this lust under wraps.
Three thousand years you ...
Crown The Empire - Millennia Lyrics
In this shadow
Didn't seem to care at all when you watched me go
I know your love is just a dream
You were only 17
But you're the only love I've known.
So please just let me go
So please set me free, kill the spark....
Crown the Empire - Millennia Lyrics
Hey there shadow, you didn't seem to care at all when you watched me go.
I know young love is just a dream, we were only seventeen,
But you're the only love I've known.
So please just let me go if you're done