G.R.L. - Rewind Lyrics
I wish you'd climb up my window
Climb into bed and lay with me
We can believe that just for one night
Things were the way they used to be
I wish we could laugh without a reason
When it was real and not pretend
Now that I'm back it...
Jordan Saxon - Rewind Lyrics
Let's rewind, rewind, rewind
Let's rewind, rewind, rewind
Let's rewind, rewind, rewind
Rewind our love
[Verse 1]
I just want to rewind our love
Back to the beginning like we used to be
I know we are...
Hak Baker - Mush Lyrics
G.R.L. - Vacation Lyrics
G.R.L. - Show Me What You Got Lyrics
G.R.L. - Girls Are Always Right Lyrics
Sarah Jaffe - Luv Lyrics
This l-u-v
Is a b-i-g
A p-i-l-e
Of b-u-l-l
You ask me to stay
I will r-u-n away
You will l-i-e
And h-u-r-t
This is not m-e
It's a fake i.d....
Sólstafir - Köld Lyrics
Brennur í sál mér, brennur
Í skugganum dvel ég, dvel ég nu
Í dögun birtist þu
Ég slekk á deginum
Og hjartað slær svo ört
...Að mig verkjar
Í dögun birtist þu...
Zara Larsson - It's A Wrap Lyrics
[Verse 1]
So you're back around
Talkin' 'bout I change your heart again
But boy the curtain's down
Be damned if I might play that part again
Yeah I've seen it all before
Spare me this encore
It's quiet on set
G.R.L. - Don't Talk About Love Lyrics
Kizz Palazzo - Sexy Lexi Lyrics
Fake friends, pesky
Fake friends vex me
Fake friends, pet peeve
On God, Rest in Peace!
Sólstafir - Æra Lyrics
Jack Harlow - First Class Lyrics
I been a (G)
Throw up the (L)
Sex in the (A-M)
(O-R-O-U-S, yeah)
And I could put you in (First class up in the sky)
I could put you in (First class up in the s-, up-up in the s-)
I been a (G)
Throw up the (L)
Sex in the (A...
Pete Yorn & Scarlett Johansson - Iguana Bird Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Do you like how you're spending your time?
Do you like how you're living your life away from me?
Do you like how you're spending your time?
Do you like how you're living your life away from me?
AWS - Viszlát Nyár Lyrics
Norma Jean - It Was As If The Dead Man Stood Upon The... Lyrics
Rewind the cycle. My Regret is the world I created.
Regret the kiss that sealed my fate. Rewind, rewind
It all again. Rewind the silver that was my price. I
Think I will take a walk and rest my soul.
A cylindrical head resting in the arms o...
Sólstafir - Ljós í Stormi Lyrics
Eins og miðin kalla út skipin
Eftir stormasamar nætur
Hvert ég á braut
Hvert sem nú toga fætur
En pú kallar eftir mér
Pú býður mér skól
Pú ölduna brýtur
Pú býður mér griðarstað
Og hvering sem allt fer
Ce'cile - N.E.G.R.A. Lyrics
In un mondo che si muove più lentamente della gente che lo abita
Cecile, Rafé, show
Se ti togli i paraocchi la visuale l'ampli
Che i mostri ce li hai dentro e non ce li hai davanti
Se ti togli i paraocchi la visuale l'ampli
Månkultur - Bara Du Lyrics
Bara du kan se mig och förstå
Säg nånting som ger mig någonting
Säg nånting
Bara jag med tiden kan förmå
Att se allting för vad det faktiskt är
Men om du var här så skulle allt ändå gå fel
Jag ...
Sólstafir - Hula Lyrics
Þá herrann heldur dóm
HjáIpar engum hræsnin tóm
Allt mitt skal ég þóknast þér
Þar til, bið ég hjálpaðu mér
Undrast ei álòg min
Miskunn mun ég hljóta andans nað
Fysn hóldsins gamnar sér
Skrúða alls ...
Steel Panther - Gold-Digging Whore Lyrics
Don't you go potting a deal
Don't you buy a gucci chest
If it comes down to you or a pile of cash
I can tell you what she's gonna choose
The girls got her hands on a 2" ring
On a brand new Mercades Benz
She's gonna ...
Bjork - Ég Veit Ei Hvað Skal Segja Lyrics
Ég veit ei hvad skal segja
Eg hugsa dag og nótt
Thad veldur stundum vanda
Ad vera eftirsótt!
Ég er svo ung og óreynd sál
Og eti í hug mér byr
Eg myndi kasta krónu
En their eru bara thrír
Hvernig get ég vitad...
Tim Minchin - Revolting Children Lyrics
Never again will she get the best of me!
Never again will she take away my freedom.
And we won't forget the day we fought
For the right to be a little bit naughty!
Never again will the Chokey door slam!
Never again will I be bull...
Sólstafir - Ótta Lyrics
Þú valdir þennan veg
Þér fannst hann vinur þinn
Þú klappar mér á kinn
Hnífunum stingur inn
Við ótta ég nú sef
Ég ekkert lengur gef
Ég taldi þig minn frið
En varðst að illum sið...
Tacocat - Luxury Living Lyrics
? space with sheets on walls
And mayday floor, couldn't ask for more
Practice space and a laundry room
Sightings of a mouse in the house
Luxury, luxury
Luxury, luxury
Clean this and a close...
SkyBlew - The New Color Theory Lyrics
[Verse 1]
It's like, black nights, darkness to black lights
Civil but we lack rights, racism black/white
Fear the coppers, you better act right
Black eyes of black guys
From boys in blue, left without a will like a flat tire
Joan Jett and The Blackhearts - Fragile Lyrics
It's a thin string between love and death
She's close enough that I can feel her breath
The tenuous can't meant in this world
Spirit left her body, I'm still a little girl
I'm at the point of my life now I th...
SkyBlew - The New Color Theory Lyrics
(Verse 1)
It's like, black nights, darkness to black lights
civil but we lack rights, racism black/white
fear the coppers, you better act right
Black eyes of black guys
from boys in blue, left without a will like a flat tire
Oscar Brand - Bologna Lyrics
My Bologna has a first name,
It's O-S-C-A-R.
My bologna has a second name,
It's M-A-Y-E-R.
Oh I love to eat it everyday,
And if you ask me why say,
Cause' Oscar Mayer has a way with B-O-L-O-G-N-A!!!!...
Doktor Kosmos - Seriöst Är Värdelöst Lyrics
Jag gick på teatern och såg en pjäs
Värdelös pjäs
I pjäsen var det en massa skådisar
De trodde de var viktiga
Men det var de inte
De var bara töntiga
Sämst i världen
Seriöst är värdelöst, seriöst är v�...
Jonathan Johansson - Är Du Passionerad? Lyrics
Friendly Fires - Kiss And Rewind Lyrics
[Verse 1]
We've got nothing to gain
Saying who was to blame
We can make this right
We're in a beautiful place
So let's fix our mistakes
It'll work this time
I've played this moment in...
Kerli - Sex Tape (Push Rewind) Lyrics
Hit like a rocket, glitter on my body
It's all coming back now, as my heart skips a beat
This is x-rated, I almost fainted like
Oh oh woah no, oh oh woah no
As it replays, seems always framed, and I'm just like
Oh oh oh woah, n...
Mzraime - Asian Girl Lyrics
(Verse 1)
All you guys chitter chatter,
Mention different types
Blonde, brunet, mixed race, black
One types missing
Ain't mentioned unnoticed
Never seen this type being searched in any search engines
Google, twitter, face book,...
Sólstafir - Bláfjall Lyrics
Fergie - Glamorous Lyrics
Are You Ready? (2x)
If you ain't got no money take yo'broke ass home
You say: If you ain't got no money take yo'broke ass home
G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S, yeah G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S
We flyin' first c...
Hatari - Hatrið Mun Sigra Lyrics
Svallið var hömlulaust
Þynnkan er endalaus
Lífið er tilgangslaust
Tómið heimtir alla
Hatrið mun sigra
Gleðin tekur enda
Enda er hún blekking
Svikul tálsýn
Allt sem ég sá
Runnu niður tár
Allt sem ég...
Hatari - Hatrið Mun Sigra Lyrics
Svallið var hömlulaust
Þynnkan er endalaus
Lífið er tilgangslaust
Tómið heimtir alla
Hatrið mun sigra
Gleðin tekur enda
Enda er hún blekking
Svikul tálsýn
Allt sem ég sá
Runnu niður tár
Allt sem ég...
Sylvan Esso - Rewind Lyrics
Bailing in the red, blue, green
I'm learning how to think
Learning how to shake that thing
Learning how the grown ups dream
Those friends you're making on the screen
They teach you how to be, to be
You reinvent and feel that quick...
Mariah The Scientist - Note To Self Lyrics
S-e-l-f d-e-s-t-r-u-c-t-i-v-e, I need help
I've always been, s-e-l-f d-e-s-t-r-u-c-t-i-v-e
Can't you tell?
[Verse 1]
And they talking 'bout love, what is it?
Didn't know it existed
Now they tell...