Dioses Del Tiempo - Guerra Lyrics
Tanta tristeza, ni ganas de vivir me dan
Tanta pobreza, ni dinero tengo para respirar
Le tengo miedo, a las bombas que van a explotar
Odio esta guerra, porque nadie gana y muchos mueren
Esta guerra nos duele, nos mata, la odio
Esta g...
Los Punsetes - Oro Lyrics
[Letra de "Oro"]
La hemos cagado
Son una mierda
Nuestras canciones
Ojalá se pierdan
Flotando en nuevas dimensiones
Entre el polvo espacial
En la cara oculta del paisaje lunar
Estamos muertos, apolillados
Litfiba - Guerra Lyrics
Ein zwei drei vier
der krieg!
Ein zwei drei vier
Oltre il muro di vetro
L' esercito che passa
Uomini neri!
In una mano chiusa
La causa della morte di
Uomini neri!
Aria vuota ne...
Alexander Acha - La Guerra Lyrics
Estoy rodeado, bandera blanca
Es un suicidio esta campaña
Eres más fuerte, tienes más balas
Llevas ventaja
S.O.S., bajen las armas
Hoy he tocado la retirada
Me he declarado el conquistado
Tierra ocupada
Contra ti yo no puedo pelear
Red Fang - Blood Like Cream Lyrics
I refuse to sleep
I will not eat
I'm drowning in my bed
Bind her hands to mine
And make her blind
She's lost the rest of time
Babe frothing at the teeth
Carry him to me
His blood like cream
Stars that fade away
The light will diss...
Xamã - Advogado Do Diabo Lyrics
Palavrantiga - Hoje Tem Guerra Lyrics
Hoje tem guerra
Amanhã também
Me preparo pro front
Eu oro a paz
Dissolve o tempo
Passa o que é temporal
Eu abraço o amor
Eu procuro o eterno
Que longe não está
Longe o amor não está
Longe não
O amor procura...
Os Arrais - Guerra Lyrics
Dentro de mim uma guerra é travada
Entre a morte e a vida
Tempestade, chuva, trovão
Lama cobre o campo
Como um manto escuro
Dentro de mim soa o grito de muitos
De um milhão de feridos
Se engana quem ignorar
Nosso antig...
2018 FIFA World Cup - Mexico National Anthem Lyrics
Mexicanos, al grito de guerra
El acero aprestad y el bridón;
Y retiemble en sus centros la tierra
Al sonoro rugir del cañón.
Ciña oh patria! tus sienes de oliva
De la Paz el arcángel divino,
Que en el cielo tu eterno destino
Por el de...
Kali Uchis - The Turn Lyrics
Abel Pintos - De Amor Y De Guerra Lyrics
Beso inmaculado,
De una virgen negra;
un angel desarmado
de sus alas por la guerra.
Guiño del destino
Miedo sin medida
Viento de esperanza
agua en las heridas.
Guardia de los sueños
Flor de los misterios
Ella una...
Chief Keef - Almighty So Intro Lyrics
Turn up, turn up, turn up
Turn up, turn up, turn up, turn up, turn up, turn up, turn up
Turn up, turn up, turn up, turn up, turn up, turn up, turn up, turn up
Turn up, turn up, turn up, turn up, turn up, turn up, turn up, turn up
Turn ...
Cmqmartina - I Wanna Be Your Dancing Queen Lyrics
Issue No. 151 - Turn It Up Lyrics
What is the reason of your life?
Earth, air, water and light
No, I haven't all in my life
Earth, air, water and light
We turn it up, we turn it up
I won't feeling good I'mma gonna make a change
In my heart ...des...
SG Lewis - Again Lyrics
Turn it around
Start it again
Turn it around
Start it again
Do you turn it around?
Turn it around
Start it again
Turn it around
Start it again
Turn it around
Start it again
Turn it around
Start it again
Do you turn it around?...
Fuoriskema - Un Giorno Lyrics
Lascia che sia il vento
A parlarti di me
Nei momenti di rabbia e di rancore
Che ti parli sottovoce di una semplice emozione
Lascia che sia pioggia
A bagnarti destate
Sai che anche quando fuori c il sole
Simmedesima con lacrime lasc...
Uns E Outros - Carta Aos Missionários Lyrics
Missionários de um mundo pagão
Proliferando ódio e destruição
Vêm dos quatro cantos da terra
A morte, a discórdia a ganância e a guerra
E a guerra
Missionários e missões suicidas
Crianças matando
Crianças inimigas
Generais de t...
Moby - Dark Star Lyrics
"I tried so hard", I said
"The life I saw, so wrongly led"
The two paths in this dimming place
The light so faint I can't see your face
Turn on the light so I can see
Turn off the hope you had for me
Turn on...
Goo Goo Dolls - Over & Over Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Picking up the pieces that they left you in again
Love is all you want, but you're never gonna feel the same
It's hard to be yourself when everyone around is changing
Open up your eyes and you'll never lose ...
Akinoboa - Libre Soy Lyrics
Renunciar la guerra
Porque libre soy
Evitar ser controlados
Por querer ser Dios
Romper las fronteras
Porque libre soy
Llegar a tu estrella
A ese rumbo voy
El tibio despertar
Que tus rayos emanan en mí.
La libertad se des...
Yann - Spotlight Lyrics
If you let go of the other guys
If you let me in instead of your pride
I should've say sorry, but I need you tonight
Please forgive me!
You get away,
I'm addicted to your tan, it's always on the plane
My soul needs f...
Eli Young Band - Turn It On Lyrics
Damn girl, I didn't know you'd be here
Been a while, it's sure good to see you
Rollin' in here, ready to rock
Standin' there sippin' that shiner bock
We're pickin' up right where we left off last time...
Beck - Turn Away Lyrics
Turn turn away
From the sound of your own voice
Calling no one, just a silence
Run to see you at the edge
Fall off the avalanche
Turn away
Hold hold the light
That fixes you in time
Keeps you under
Takes you over the wall
That l...
Beck - Turn Away Lyrics
Turn turn away
From the sound of your own voice
Calling no one, just a silence
Run to see you at the edge
Fall off the avalanche
Turn away
Hold hold the light
That fixes you in time
Keeps you under
Takes you over the wall
That ...
Ana Guerra - Ni La Hora Lyrics
Letra de "Ni la hora"
[Intro: Juan Magán]
[Verso 1: Ana Guerra]
Y tú que pensabas que yo viviría esperándote (esperándote)
Que tú decidías la hora y el día para volver (para volver)
Que yo necesitaba...
Elaine De Jesus - Guerreiros Lyrics
GUERREIROS \n \n Guerreiros, sentido, foi dada a missão \n Ide, pregai, Jesus é a salvação \n \n Anjos armados, ordenados para guerrear \n Saíram do inferno pra te provocar \n Vieram roubar e destruir, vieram matar \n Mas o guerreiro d...
Projota - A Guerra Lyrics
Terrra preta:
O meu destino é tão distante,mas eu nao caminhei o bastante durante a noite
Eu vivo em guerra constante por isso que eu sigo avante,levante e cante... A guerra é um bom sinal!
Meus pés cansados da estrada,preciso ...
Diana Reyes - Primero Muerta Lyrics
Ya se, que te pedi que no llamaras
Que no queria verte nunca mas
Que todas tus cosas te llevaras
Y ni se te ocurriera regresar
Pero es que no entendiste mi mensaje
No sabes decifrar a una mujer
Por quererme hacer la interesante
Resulta que...
Pete Seeger - Turn, Turn, Turn Lyrics
To Everything (Turn, Turn, Turn)
There is a season (Turn, Turn, Turn)
And a time to every purpose, under Heaven
A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time ...
Beck - Turn Away Lyrics
Turn, turn away
From the sound of your own voice
Calling no one
Just a silence
Learn to see around the edge
Fall off the avalanche
Turn away
Hold, hold the line
That fixes you in time
Keeps you under
Takes you over
The wall tha...
The Byrds - Turn! Turn! Turn! Lyrics
Words-adapted from The Bible, book of Ecclesiastes
Music-Pete Seeger
To Everything (Turn, Turn, Turn)
There is a season (Turn, Turn, Turn)
And a time to every purpose, under Heaven
A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant,...
Lovkn - Darkness Into Light Lyrics
You turn my darkness into light
You turn my darkness into light
You turn my darkness into light
You turn my darkness into light
You turn my darkness into light
You turn my darkness into light
You turn my darkness into...
Rikki La Rouge - Estamos P (Segundo Parte De U.L.) Lyrics
Estamos presentes
Somos latinos
Para siempre seremos
Unidos con otros hermanos
De otros paises
De otros razas
De otros culturas en amor
En paz en paz en amor
En armonia
Estamos presentes
Somos unidos
Unidad y humanidad
Lisa Nemzo - Turn To Me Lyrics
When you'Ve got nowhere to go
And there'S no one you know
You can turn to turn to me
When you'Ve got nowhere to run
And there'S no one who'Ll come
You can turn to turn to me
Turn to me in times of ...
Cheat Codes - Let Me Hold You (Turn Me On) Lyrics
[Dante Klein:]
For the longest time we jamming at the party
And you're whipping on me
Pushing everything on me
We got Silento on repeat
But if you think you're gonna get away from me
Better change your mind
The Henny got me...
Texas Hippie Coalition - Turn It Up Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Little Sarah was from Texas
She was the preacher's daughter
She never practiced much of those things her father taught her
One night at Vinnie's clubhouse
She heard some Texas music
She started dancin...
Calibre 50 - Guerra De Poder Lyrics
Que duro anda el gobierno se escuchá por los radios, todos truchas
Camionetas empolvadas por la tierra
De las brechas, del color verde bandera
Y un azul blanco que pesa que tampoco queda afuera al grito de guerra
La mafia no se deja y la ...
Tiago Iorc - A Vida Nunca Cansa Lyrics
[Verso 1]
Tanto a te falar
E lá fora
O mundo gira
Eu sei
Daqui nada se leva
O duro é deixar de durar
No teu olhar
Nesse jogo de tanto faz
Foi que a gente se desfez
E agora a gente dança
Nessa guerra p...
Ligabue - G Come Giungla Lyrics
G come giungla
La notte comunque si allunga
Le regole sono saltate
Le favole sono dimenticate
G come guerra
E giù tutti quanti per terra
Non basta restare al riparo
Chi vuol sopravvivere deve cambiare
È sorto il sole su un piccolo...
CaptainSparklez - Turn It Up Lyrics
[Verse 1]
What if I wrote this song about you
And it turned out that every word is true?
What if last night I had a vision
Where I saw you sitting silent in your room?
So, so sick and tired of feeling out of place
Got your headp...