Father John Misty - Pure Comedy Lyrics
At six-
For some reason when I go to the app...
[Verse 1]
The comedy of man starts like this:
Our brains are way too big for our mothers' hips
And so nature, she divines this alternative:
We emerge half-formed and hope whoever...
Ray LaMontagne - Misty Morning Rain Lyrics
Standing in your doorway
Cast a shadow on the wall
I can hear a kestrel call
Sunlight laughing
Laughing through the windowpane
All is here is gone again
Misty morning, misty morning, misty morning rain
All is gone, then ...
June Christy - Misty Lyrics
Look at me
I'm as helpless as a kitten up a tree
And I feel like I'm clinging to a cloud
I can't understand
I get misty, holding your hand
Walk my way
And a thousand violins begin to play
Or it might be the sound of your hel...
Ray Charles - Misty Lyrics
Look at me
I'm as helpless as a kitten up a tree
And I feel like I'm clingin' to a cloud
I can't understand
I get misty, just holding your hand
Walk my way
And a thousand violins begin to play
Or it might be the sound ...
Kina Grannis - Oh Father Lyrics
The count down
We're up against the road
Oh father, oh father
I haver never known
A darkness so immense
Oh father, oh father
A mountain high
Tell me how to go
Oh father, oh father
Are we falling now
No victory to show
Oh f...
Susanne Sundfør - Father Father Lyrics
Father Father
Will you forgive me
If I should leave your garden?
I will miss the water lilies
White are still my sheets of linen
White is still my skin that I
Bathe in scents of memories
And of "Joy" by Jean Patou
Father John Misty - The Songwriter Lyrics
[Verse 1]
What would it sound like if you were the songwriter
And you made your living off of me
Would you detail your near-constant consternation
Or the way my very presence makes your muses up and flee
Goodbye, little songbird, ...
Sky Ferreira - Christine Lyrics
I'm not feeling bad about it what'soever
I'm happy and new to the crowd so whatever
It's more than a maze than a bird or a prey or a rat or
A giant comedy with museums and movies
And the (?) teens and the young millionai...
Pip Blom - Misty From Heaven Lyrics
l met you on a summer day
You lit my life up
l met you on a summer day
The sun started to shine
You understood me perfectly
You lit my life up
l met you on a summer day
Bumped into you online
You are the one l'm very su...
Sea Wolf - Bergamot Morning Lyrics
Clear dew through the windows of my mother's kitchen
Moss in the cracks of the shingles on the neighbor's roof
Coals in the fireplace still black and damp
And the kettle moves over kerosene flames
And its copper sings i...
Dynazty - A Divine Comedy Lyrics
I see snow ad fire, my thumprint
I feel lust, desire, and simple shame
The honest man turned a liar in search for fame
Robbing all the leaks and the rules of the game
We're going through purgatory, our quest fo...
Dynazty - A Divine Comedy Lyrics
I see snow ad fire, my thumprint
I feel lust, desire, and simple shame
The honest man turned a liar in search for fame
Robbing all the leaks and the rules of the game
We're going through purgatory, our quest f...
Danny Daniels - Father Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Father, I can call you Father
For I am your child, today
Tomorrow and always, you are my Father
[Verse 2]
Father, how I love you Father
I will sing your praise, today
Tomorrow and always, you are my Father
Father, Fathe...
Father John Misty - Date Night Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Nothing surprises me much
And my hobbies include
Laughing in the dark
Do you want to go to the farm?
Do you want to go to the park?
I'll get you ice cream if you give me your card
[Verse 2]
Nothing impresses me much
Reckless Kelly - Pure Quill Lyrics
Sometimes you gotta swallow a bitter pill
Sometimes you gotta lean on the window sill
Sometimes you gotta be like Jack and Jill
We always gotta be Pure Quill
Sometimes remember that I always will
Sometimes remember I get my fill
Snoop Dogg - Pure Gold Lyrics
Though we are tried like silver in the fire
We come out as pure gold
We must be refined
And then we need a shine
We come out as pure gold
There is a process
To our fullfillingness
There is signifigance
To every experience
From each trial we...
Sammie - Pure Love (Intro) Lyrics
Sky Ferreira - Kristine Lyrics
I'm not feeling bad about it whatsoever
I'm happier near to the ground, so whatever
It's more a numbness than a bad or a great or a better
A giant comedy with museums and movies with
Hedi, the routines of the young mill...
Elijah Daniel - Elton John Lyrics
All off patrón got a 100 on my arm
With my clout goggles on bitch I feel like Elton John (Elton John) Elton John (Elton John)
Elton John (Elton John)
Elton John (Elton John)
Movin' them keys, but I ain't talkin' p...
Chrissie Hynde - Down The Wrong Way Lyrics
I have become what I criticize, oh, oh, oh
The porn queen in my deck of lies, oh, oh, oh
Where was you?
In a caravan next to a Phantom ride
You're left here with nothing, but something to hide.
I am back o Gasoline Alley
Brian May - One Rainy Wish Lyrics
Gold and Rose - the colour of the dream I had
Not too long ago
Misty Blue and Lilac too
Never to grow old
There you were under the Tree of Song
Sleeping so peacefully
In your hand a flower played
Waiting there for me
I have nev...
The Innocence Mission - John As Well Lyrics
Father John Misty - Disappointing Diamonds Are The Rarest Of Them All Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Like a pervert on a crowded bus
A glare of love bears down on us
Like a carcass left out in the heat
This love is bursting out of me
Disappointing diamonds are the rarest of them all
And a love that lasts forever really ...
Father John Misty - Just Dumb Enough To Try Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I know a few ten-cent words
I can break out to keep up with her
But you can take what I know about love
And drown it in the sink
[Verse 2]
I know my way around a tune
Won't be a single dry eye in a room
But you can take what...
Those Poor Bastards - John Henry Gonna Lyrics
If there's no truth comin' from your tongue
John Henry's gonna swoop down from the sun
He's gonna tell me everything you done
John Henry's gonna swoop down from the sun
Old John, Old John
If there'...
Father John Misty - We're Only People (And There's Not Much Anyone Can Do About That) Lyrics
[Verse 1]
People, we're only people
There's not much anyone can do, really do about that
But it hasn't stopped us yet
People, we know so little about ourselves
But just enough to wanna be nearly anybody else
How does that add...
Szanty - John Kanaka Lyrics
Oh, tullai-hej, oh, tullai-hej!
John Kanaka-naka, tullai-hej!
Oh, tullai-hej, oh, tullai-hej!
John Kanaka-naka, tullai-hej!
Mуj kumpel dzisiaj do mnie rzekB:
John Kanaka-naka, tullai-hej!
Roboty nie rusz, choby[ si w[ciekB.
John Kanaka...
Kelleigh Bannen - John Who Lyrics
[Verse 1]
John who
Took me to the Garden to see the Rolling Stones
'Cause he knew my mama loves 'em
And he knows I love my mama
John who
Learned how to dance 'cause he knows I love to dance
Even though he hates ...
Truth Songs - John 316 Lyrics
John 3:16, it's the only way
Get a Bible, read it right away
Jesus is the one who made you
He's a savior, too
And you must accept the fact that Jesus died for you
John 3:36 says it very well
Without Jesus you will go to...
Au Pairs - Dear John Lyrics
Dear John - cherchez la femme?
Dear John - round the bend?
Dear John - still looking for me?
Dear John - still like what you see?
Dear John - find a s**-machine
It will help with your fantasy
But there is only room for one
And here s...
Father John Misty - The Palace Lyrics
[Verse 1]
It's only been three weeks
And a bag of speed from Jamie the PhD
She comes by the front desk
To leave my transcript with her edits
Cause I don't wanna leave the palace
At least that's what my true love cal...
Peter Von Poehl - AN EYE FOR AN EYE Lyrics
A king is lost, he's been replaced with comedy.
I'm pretty sure his queen mistrusts. It's not her mother tongue
and i wonder where it all went wrong.
I'm taking cover in a box.
I'm freezing.
The golden gate has...
Olivia Newton-John - The Flower That Shattered The Stone Lyrics
Earth is our mother
Just turning around
With her trees in the forest
And roots underground
Our father above us
Whose sigh is the wind
Paint us a rainbow
Without any end
As the river runs freely
The mountain does rise
Let me touc...
Kari Jobe - Come Alive Lyrics
[Verse 1]
You are great, yet You let us see Your face
You are strong, yet Your eyes are full of kindness
You are wise, but like a child You let us come
You are great, yet You let us see Your face
I come alive, I come...
Father John Misty - Gilded Cage Lyrics
(Hotel Artemis Soundtrack)
[Verse 1]
I sold fortune, I gave up my claim
I traded sunshine for the pouring rain
I found wise men but I turned the other way
And some day I'll up and fly this gilded cage
Well, they say only ...
Father John Misty - Total Entertainment Forever Lyrics
Bedding Taylor Swift every night inside the Oculus Rift
After mister and the missus finish dinner and the dishes
And now the future's definition is so much higher than it was last year
It's like the images ha...
Hollerado - Pure Emotion Lyrics
Pure emotion is signing up for service
Just to get some revenge on the world
Pure emotion don't make no anniversaries
Only as fresh wound to nurse
Now don't you make me, make me, make me
Pay f...
Father John Misty - Please Don't Die Lyrics
[Verse 1]
One more wasted morning
When I could be holding you
To my side somebody stop this joyless joy ride
I'm feeling older than my thirty-five years
[Verse 2]
One more cryptic message
Thinking that I might end it
Oh god, you must ...
Donovan Woods - Your Daughter, John Lyrics
Now lay me down on the warehouse ground
Later on, I don't go there now
On and on, I know what to say
She's never been taught but she knows the way
I was kidding love, I was kidding
But you just weren't smart enough ...
Grave Digger - Season Of The Witch Lyrics
A misty dawn breaks through the clouds
The forest's sleeping horses rise
The thunder god demands tribute
The king refused to pay the price
Princess of the midnight sun
Lost in the shadows on the run
To survive wolves on the hunt ...