Roo Panes - My Sweet Refuge Lyrics
Verse 1:
I don't think You want grand gestures
Just a simple faithful friend
Someone who will walk it with You
All the way to the end
Someone who can live and love You
Singing how I've come to know
You're like th...
Rivers & Robots - My Refuge Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Though the seas may rage and earth may shake
I don't have to be afraid
Though the mountains move into the sea
You're a steadfast rock beneath my feet
God my rock
God my rock
God my strengt...
Mosaic MSC - In Your Light Lyrics
Your love Lord reaches to the heavens
Your faithfulness to the skies
Your righteousness is like the highest mountains
And Your justice like the great deep
You Lord, You Lord
Your love
How priceless is Your unfailing l...
Ellie Holcomb - Anchor Of Hope Lyrics
Marvelous, wonderful, infinite God
Author of all that is good
Faithful provider and giver of life
Source of all power and love
Great is the Lord, and most worthy of praise
Refuge of strength to the end
Righteous redeemer and ...
Grace Cummings - Lullaby For Refuge Cove Lyrics
Rhett Walker Band - Always Lyrics
My foes are many, they rise against me
But I will hold my ground
I will not fear the war, I will not fear the storms
My help is on the way, my help is on the way
Oh, my God, He will not delay
Nat Daniels - Refuge Lyrics
It's ok, you can tell me, you can say what is troubling you,
It's alright, no need to worry,
I won't stand here judging you
Oh let me be, your loving shelter
Through the storms, you're passing through
You can rest your ...
Ryan Stevenson - My Refuge Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I take my refuge in the palm of Your hand
I take my comfort in Your perfect plan
I take my sorrow and lay it down at Your feet
I take my refuge where I can be free
In You, Oh Lord
In You, my God
When th...
The Antlers - Refuge Lyrics
Alejandro Escovedo - Footsteps In The Shadows Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Don't take it lightly
Those footsteps in the darkness
Don't take it lightly
There's a shadow making ground
So just sleep lightly
The hounds will find the man
Shadows shaking
Loud Harp - (73) The Nearness Of You Lyrics
Surely You are good
But my heart ran away
Surely You are good
But I was swept away
But You me brought back to this place
You gave me water
You gave me drink
My flesh and my heart may fail
Zach Williams - Home Lyrics
I need a healer
Don't need a feel good drug
I need delivered
Don't need a different place to run
Cause I've been looking for something that I'll never find
In places that I should be leaving behind
I need ...
Spiritbox - Perennial Lyrics
Veins die and I fantasize to find hurt another way
My baseline, I take time in the middle
The bile fills the leech
I hear them talking in their sleep
A vessel to the ether sea
The varicose encasing me
Why can't they see the lig...
Spiritbox - Perennial Lyrics
Veins die and I fantasize to find hurt another way
My baseline, I take time in the middle
The bile fills the leech
I hear them talking in their sleep
A vessel to the ether sea
The varicose encasing me
Why can't they s...
Smokie Norful - I Will Bless The Lord Lyrics
I will bless the Lord, At all times.
And his praises shall, remain in my mouth forever.
Magnify the Lord, lets exalt his name.
And his praises shall, remain in my mouth forever. [Echo] "And Ever"
Though the enem...
You Blew It! - Arrowhead Lyrics
[Verse 1]
We used to lie in the grass
Our fingers holding the Earth back
From the spaces that it hurled itself through
But of course, it was too strong
For the muscles pulsing in our palms
As we careened around the sun
Joyce Berry - In The Nest Lyrics
We're in God's nest, He's feeding us,
Just like the baby birds,
And each day we are stronger,
As we feed upon His word.
The nest of God is a very safe refuge
From the hunger and the cold;
It's a safe haven, the...
Lord Of The Lost - The Broken Ones Lyrics
Arise my friend, we're nearly late
Still drunk as lords at ten past eight
Since fortune fled we're creeping back
To skies that we once knew
From blue to black
From blue to black
Through damnation we run
With two broken legs
And w...
Kari Jobe - I Am Not Alone Lyrics
When I walk through deep waters
I know that You will be with me
When I'm standing in the fire
I will not be overcome
Through the valley of the shadow
I will not fear
I am not alone
I am not alone
You will go before me
You wi...
Kari Jobe - I Am Not Alone Lyrics
When I walk through deep waters
I know that You will be with me
When I'm standing in the fire
I will not be overcome
Through the valley of the shadow
I will not fear
I am not alone
I am not alone
You will go before me
You w...
Cult Of Luna - Lay Your Head To Rest Lyrics
When sleep is your only refuge
When shed tears are gone
Lay your head to rest beside me
When you are falling
When ghosts chant your name
Lay your head to rest and follow
Let's set out for the horizon
Let's chase the ...
Jonathan Ogden - Psalm 91 Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I will not fear the arrows or the night
As thousands fall to my left and to my right
But I will abide in the safety of Your shadow
And under Your wings my heart will find its rest
[Verse 2]
The wicked fall and with ...
Newsboys - All The Way Lyrics
We're joining with You God
Everything You're doing
Your fire is in our hearts
Burning for the broken
We open wide our arms
A refuge for the hurting
Your mercy is our song
We're joining with You God
We're going ...
Islander - Violence & Destruction Lyrics
Young men, it's time to take your stand
It's time to raise your voices
The nations are in an uproar and the kingdoms shake
But when he speaks, the earth melts away
Hold the orphans, help the widows, become the fire
And raise your ...
SASSY 009 - Okay Lyrics
Diocletian - Procreate Strength Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Worthless swine
Inferior minds
Infirm and wretched
I spit on your disdain
[Verse 2]
Fraud speaker
Put their scriptures to the sword
[Verse 3]
Inferior minds
Infirm and wretched
I spit on your...
Neurosis - A Shadow Memory Lyrics
Rise over silence
Decry my own station
Seek refuge in forgotten songs
To carry me over
When life has exhausted
The casting of shadows
The coiled serpent, the eye in the circle
To a light that is clear
A distance fell
My head is full
The h...
Delta Spirit - Take Shelter Lyrics
Take shelter, take cover
The lightning and thunder
When the skies light up
And the ground shudders
We'll be there, with each other
Take shelter, take refuge
With the people who love you
All of my friends and lovers
Will be there with...
Delta Spirit - Take Shelter Lyrics
Take shelter, take cover.
The lightning and thunder.
When the skies light up
and the ground shudders.
We'll be there, with each other.
Take shelter, take refuge,
with the people who love you.
All of my friends and love...
OmenXIII - Light Lyrics
"Help me, my brother's dead"
"What do you mean by your brother's dead?"
"He killed himself"
"How did he do it?"
"With a gun"
Cult shit
In a worl...
Satan - Death Knell For A King Lyrics
Too long you've ruled us with impunity
Corrupt, sadistic, unfit to reign
Now we the people
Have risen against you in unity
To rid this kingdom of your stain
The world is baying for your blood
You're finished, alone ...
Plumb - Children Of The Heavenly Father Lyrics
Children of the heav?nly Father
Safely in His bosom gather
Nestling bird nor star in Heaven
Such a refuge e?er was given
God, His own doth tend and nourish
In His holy courts they flourish
From all evil things He spares them
In His mighty a...
Josh Groban - On Eagles Wings Lyrics
You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord,
Who abide in His shadow for life,
Say to the Lord, "My Refuge,
My Rock in Whom I trust."
And He will raise you up on eagle's wings,
Bear you on the breath of dawn,
Make you to shine ...
Rend Collective - No Outsiders Lyrics
[Verse 1]
You're our refuge
You have no borders
When I was a stranger, knocking at Your door
You took me in
With no questions, and no conditions
When I was a sinner, running from Your grace
You called me friend
You call...
Walking Dead On Broadway - Cage Lyrics
We seek refuge in surrealism
Cause here, we find more recognition, receive more credit
Wearing costumes or barely anything at all, when chasing after confirmation
Interpersonal relationships lose importance while we become transparent...
Momarok - The Exiled Lyrics
Exiled to Earth
Witness to the absence
Of souls or sanity
To a withering world
To live in sacred places
While the smell of death
Lingers in the air
Innocent of malice
The Unbeheld
See the Assassin's heart
His message of cor...
Car Seat Headrest - Reversible Jacket Lyrics
[Lyrics in parenthesis are played backwards.]
White light
White light
White light
(You can have my)
White light
White light
White light
White light
White light
White light
Building 429 - Always Only You Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I believed for so long
That I had to be strong
That it came down to me
I couldn't be weak
I couldn't be wrong
But I... I-I-I, I-I-I, I found a place
Where none of that matters
Kongos - I Want To Know Lyrics
What's it gonna take
Are we gonna forever
Make the same mistake
I wanna know
Will you take a stand
Will you raise a hand
For your brother's sake
You talk about the deluge
You talk about centrifuge
You got something to...
Kongos - I Want To Know Lyrics
What's it gonna take
Are we gonna forever
Make the same mistake
I wanna know
Will you take a stand
Will you raise a hand
For your brother's sake
You talk about the deluge
You talk about centrifuge
You got something t...