Imagine Dragons - Emma Lyrics
Emma stood in front of me
Tellin' me what I'm supposed to be
Jackie loves to run and hide
Give her love, and she will die
Calling me, oh my oh my
Cross my heart and hope to die
Bourbon streets and bicycles
Holding you in ...
Blake Shelton - Sangria Lyrics
You're crashing into me like waves on the coast
Every time we talk, you move in close
I don't want you stop, I don't want you to stop tonight
We've got the last two glasses on a straw hook bar
Trying to remember what num...
Camila Cabello - Sangria Wine Lyrics
[Chorus: Pharrell Williams] When she said she want some, I drink up on papa Then she so relentless so nothing can't stop her Never liked the city but she swear she the [?] 'Cause it's so awesome how she move her body The sang...
Camila Cabello - Sangria Wine Lyrics
(feat. Pharrell Williams)
[Chorus: Pharrell Williams]
Honey said she want somebody break her off proper
Now she so relentless so nothing can stop her
Never loved the city (come on, man) but she swear she's the darling (hey d...
Pharrell Williams - Sangria Wine Lyrics
(feat. Camila Cabello)
[Chorus: Pharrell Williams]
Honey said she want somebody break her off proper
Now she so relentless so nothing can stop her
Never loved the city (come on, man) but she swear she's the darling (hey darling)
Jonathan Edwards - Emma Lyrics
The first time I saw Emma
She was above me in a dream
And she throwed her arms around me
And off we flew, it seemed
Like an airplane
Moving up and down
Through the country town
Passing o'er the cities so slow
But Emma...
David Guetta - Better When You're Gone Lyrics
(feat. Brooks & Loote)
[Verse 1: Emma Lov Block]
I got pain from my waist up
And I'll wake up and I'll take drugs
And I say stuff that I make up, like "I hate love"
And I hate that I can't lie, coul...
Emma Bunton - Come Away With Me Lyrics
[Verse 1: Emma Bunton & Josh Kumra]
Come away with me in the night
Come away with me and I will write you a song
Come away with me on a bus
Come away where they can't tempt us with their lies
[Verse 2: Both, Emma Bunto...
Pharrell Williams & Camila Cabello - Sangria Wine Lyrics
[Chorus: Pharrell Williams]
Honey said she want somebody break her off proper (mhm)
Man, she so relentless so nothing can stop her (woo)
Never left the city (come on, man) but she swear she's the darling (hey girl)
It's '...
Pauline Croze - Au Cinéma Lyrics
Sous le grand néon bleu
On se retrouve ce soir
Voir le film que tu veux
À hasard
Des baisers, des coups de feux
Et tout ça dans le noir
Sauvons-nous un petit peu
Du boulevard
Et comme un peu peureux
De dehors, des regards
Saturday Night Live - The Christmas Candle Lyrics
(feat. Emma Stone, Kate McKinnon & Aidy Bryant)
(Spoken Intro)
Everyone knows the story
Of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ
This is the story
Of anoth...
Kid Francescoli - Emma Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Drinks around the pool, paradise of fools
But Emma is gone, she left me all alone
She lingered at my door, I should've given more
But Emma is gone and I remain alone
Don't cry, don't cry, don...
Loote - Out Of My Head Lyrics
[Verse 1: Emma & Jackson]
I am the queen of overthinking
That's why I'm always drinking
Something to get me
Outta my head, outta my head
Tonight, I'm tryna make bad choices
So I can drown these voices
Wish I could get the...
Emma Bunton - 2 Become 1 Lyrics
(feat. Robbie Williams)
[Verse 1: Emma Bunton & Robbie Williams]
Candle light and soul forever
A dream of you and me together
Say you believe it, say you believe it
Free your mind of doubt and danger
Be for real, don'...
Céu - Sangria Lyrics
[Verso 1]
Na mutação
No meu desenho e cores
Escorre tinta das flores
De um coração devastado
[Verso 2]
Quero sangrar
Todos os climas e tempos
Já que eu não posso levar
As estações que passam
Emma Bunton - I Only Want To Be With You Lyrics
[Verse 1: Emma Bunton]
I don't know what it is that makes me love you so
I only know I never want to let you go
'Cause you've started something, oh, can't you see?
That ever since we met you've had a hold on...
The Sisters Of Mercy - Emma Lyrics
Eurovision Song Contest 2014 - Italy: Emma Marrone Lyrics
Amery Rey Tuesta - Good Vibes (feat. Emma Sjöstjärna) Lyrics
Hey man, how is it?
What did you do today?
I went to help someone
Who was in troubles again
On my way I found
Traffic jump Everywhere
So I went out from the car
And I ran
I got there on time
She looked at me and said:
Thanks for coming
I n...
Alceu Valença - Gato Guerreiro Lyrics
Sou como um gato na noite
Ai meus olhos de vigia
Se choram de madrugada
Deságuam no meio dia.
E o coração se incendeia
No leito de minhas veias
Chuva de olho é sangria.
Se eu cruzasse a madrugada
Sem pensar no outro d...
Alceu Valença - Gato Da Noite Lyrics
Sou como um gato na noite
Ai meus olhos de vigia
Se choram de madrugada
Deságuam no meio dia
E o coração se incendeia
No leito de minhas veias
Chuva de olho é sangria.
Se eu cruzasse a madrugada
Sem pensar no outro di...
The Wiggles - Do The Propeller Lyrics
All: Do the propeller
Do the propeller
Do the propeller around and around
Do the propeller
Do the propeller
Do the propeller around and around
Lachy: We're going up and up and up and up
Simon: We're going down and down and ...
Speedy Ortiz - Emma O Lyrics
We went upstate
And made the drive in total silent reverence for cut tongue pile-ons
Narcocorridos of the sprawly west
They learn no one should look upon the evil acts of evil ex
Identical alright
You clench your teeth and try ...
Mickey 3d - Sebolavy Lyrics
Regarde un peu les survivants
Ils ont des larmes au fond des dents
Ils voudraient changer d'autoroute
Mais c'est pas comme ça qu'on s'y prend
Ne fais plus confiance à personne
C'est la devise des naufragés
Loote - Sex With My Ex Lyrics
Clara Luciani - La Baie Lyrics
C'est un coin perdu sur l'Atlantique
C'est exotique (c'est exotique)
C'est un coin secret sous les palmiers
C'est fantastique
Je pourrais te montrer
Pour y aller c'est très facile
Ferme les...
Emma Ruth Rundle - Your Card The Sun Lyrics
Your card the sun
When I am done
Say you will wait long
Wait for the day you come home...
Ed Sheeran - Barcelona Lyrics
Will get up, up on the dancefloor tonight
I've got two left feet and a bottle of red wine
Making me feel like the beat and the bassline
Are in my blood, both hands up on her waistline
Get on up, baby, dance to the rhythm of the mus...
Shy'm - Cape Town De Toi Lyrics
[Couplet 1]
Couvre-moi d'or si tu veux
De belles robes de princesse, encore mieux
Emmène-moi voir les étoiles, les toucher
Faire un tour d'univers dans ta fusée
Dans mon paradis à moi
Il n'y a r...
Issue No. 145 - What's Luv? Lyrics
Feat. Emma Corbett-Usher
Take all your sacrifice
Take all your heartless lies
I wanted stone, but you moved this
Cause I walk for the
But you don't know the meaning
Tonight was for us
To fly fly away, uhuhu
Emma Ruth Rundle - Medusa Lyrics
Medusa, nobody knows me like you
Failing forgiveness for all of the things you see
You say, nobody ever will touch you again
You say, nobody ever will love you
For your eyes need us to be
Made so white
All my life, I'm nothing
Easy Life - Sangria Lyrics
Emma Ruth Rundle - Some Heavy Ocean Lyrics
Every time I saw you
Used my left hand
To guide me to some heavy ocean
I used my left hand...
Aloïse Sauvage - Si On S'aime Lyrics
Mort Rose - Laurence Lyrics
Justin Bieber - Memphis Lyrics
"Memphis" features Big Sean and Diplo.
According to Justin Bieber's Instagram, "Memphis" is one of the five new song titles for Bieber's Journals album are: "Memphis" (feat. Diplo & Big Sean, &...
Polvo - Perfect Day Lyrics
Just a perfect day
Drink sangria in the park
And then later, when it gets dark, we'll go home
Just a perfect day
Feed animals in the zoo
Then later a movie too, and then home
Oh it's such a perfect day
Soldat Louis - EMMENE LA Lyrics
Elle bosse dans un hyper à la sortie de la ville
Dans un truc tout en verre et en béton pas clean
Où ça pue l'eau d'javel et les fleurs qui s'abiment
Où ça pue la misère, le chou-fleur, les latrines
Et les caddies se ...
Calogero - À Perte De Vue Lyrics
Elmer Food Beat - UN CERVEAU MALADE Lyrics
J'ai un cerveau malade, ça je le sais
Depui longtemps déjà, il me fait du tracas
Oui je suis un monstre, mais je n'y peux rien
Quelque chose dans mon esprit ne me laisse jamais de répit
J'ai un cerveau malade, ma...