Emil Bulls - Calm Down Lyrics
Beg you to handle me with care coz I'm fragile...
I'm cussed I'm cold please go away
Just stay cool calm down relax
And be quiet
Pretend all worries are so far
I wann lean back in an armchair
And fether my nest feel...
Emil Carlsson - Will You Stay With Me? Lyrics
[Verse 1]
People come and they go
In and out of your life
That's how it used to be
But not with you, we're something else
No wind has ever blown in our faces
So how strong does that really make us?
Will you stay with me
Emil Assergård - Without You Lyrics
Du sa till mig att de ska va vi
Utan dig är jag helt förlyst
I natten höll du din hand i min
Men nu min vän syns du inte till
Du-u-u, ja du skulle stanna kvar
Men var finns du, jag kan inte tänka klart
Jag måste älska utan kärlek