Elevation Worship - Sing Forever / Awesome God Lyrics
[Verse 1:]
We were lost but then you rescued us
Through your son, on earth you came
You took our guilt, you took our shame away
With our hands raised high
We shout your praise
Because it's by your blood, by your blood we have...
Barbara Mclanahan - AWESOME GOD Lyrics
Awesome God creator of everything, Awesome God giver of life, Awesome God He's
Omnipotent the Great I Am , the Holy One, The Righteous One, He's an Awesome
Awesome God. Yes Awesome God
Awesome God spoke the sun and moon into ...
Elevation Worship - I Will Sing Lyrics
When I wander in my doubt
I'm held within Your mystery
You reveal a love so faithful
Hope unending I believe
You're the risen Son of God
You're the light that breaks the dark
Your love has rescued me
Forever I will s...
Elevation Worship - I Will Sing Lyrics
When I wander in my doubt
I'm held within Your mystery
You reveal a love so faithful
Hope unending I believe
You're the risen Son of God
You're the light that breaks the dark
Your love has rescued me
Forever I will ...
Isaac Carree - I Worship You Lyrics
Mighty, in all your ways,
Your pure, and your just,
you were sent, just to save me,
and I'm amazed by the great love you have for me,
The unselfish sacrifice you gave
And you came as a rescue for me
And I owe everything to yo...
Hillsong Live - Forever Lyrics
I'll Worship at Your Throne
Whisper my own love song
With all my heart I'll sing
For You my Dad and King
I'll live for all my days
To Put a smile on Your face
And when we finally meet
It'll be for eternity
Pedro R Thomas - Awesome Is Your Love Lyrics
We praise your name
Almighty God
Thou art my savior
We worship you
The Lord of lords
I know thou art with me
In all I do and all I see
And when I come to my end
Thou will pick me up...
Pastor Charles Jenkins - Awesome Lyrics
Verse 1:
My God is Awesome/He can move mountains/Keep me in the valley/Hide me from the rain
My God is Awesome/Heals me when I'm broken/Strength where I've been weakened/
Forever He will reign... (repeat verse 1 again)
The Brilliance - Our God Alone Lyrics
Who formed the mountains and filled the oceans?
Our god alone, our god alone
Who took the dust, breathed life in us?
Our god alone, our god alone
Alleluiawho came from heaven for our redemption?
Our god alone, our god alone
Who ...
Spring Hill Worship - Forever You Are God Lyrics
Kings will come
And Kings will go
Nations will rise and fall
While time erodes the universe
Forever You are God
The angels sing
Their praise to you
Creation joins their song
With all my heart I will si...
Goodness - You Reign Lyrics
Father I worship you
Oh God
No body like you lord
No body like you lord.
The beauty of my life I worship you
The song that I sing I worship you
You are God and forever you reign
Your throne is forever most high...
Elevation Worship - Great is The Lord Lyrics
Great is the lord and greatly to be praised
Great are your works in all the earth
The skies declare the glory of your name
The heavens tell of your great worth
And now we join and sing
Father, we bless your name
You are holy
We c...
Elevation Worship - Unchanging God Lyrics
Faithful in the waiting You are
Always faithful in the valley You are
Faithful in the midst of hurt and pain
You are faithful
Your promises remain
Forever and ever
You won't fade away
You never, You never change
You're ...
Rend Collective - 10,000 Reasons Lyrics
The sun comes up; it's a new day dawning
It's time to sing Your song again
Whatever may pass and whatever lies before me
Let me be singing when the evening comes
Bless the Lord
Bless the Lord
Oh my soul, oh my soul
Rend Collective Experiment - Simplicity Lyrics
I come in simplicity
Longing for purity
To worship You
In spirit and truth
Only You
Lord strip it all away
'Til only You remain
I'm coming back
To my first love
Only You
You're the reason I sing
The reason I s...
Elevation Worship - Greater Lyrics
God our strength, God our Savior, God our hope
Yours forever is the glory, the honor
God our shield, God our shelter, God our rock
Yours forever is the glory, the honor
The victory and power
You're greater, greater
Ascend The Hill - None Compare (Spontaneous Worship) Lyrics
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
To your name, God
To your name, oh Lord Jesus
We sing hallelujah to the King of Kings
Hallelujah to the Lord of Lords
His name is...
Elevation Worship - Only King Forever Lyrics
Our God a firm foundation
Our rock, the only solid ground
As nations rise and fall
Kingdoms once strong now shaken
But we trust forever in Your Name
The Name of Jesus
We trust the Name of Jesus
You are the only King forever
Yodelice - I Worship You Lyrics
Feel losing it again
I worship you
Worship you in vain
Every street is called your name
I worship you
Worship you in vain
I worship you
I worship you in vain
I worship you
I worship you in vain
Can't lose trac...
Chris Tomlin - Nobody Loves Me Like You Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Morning, I see You in the sunrise every morning
It's like a picture that You've painted for me
A love letter in the sky
[Verse 2]
Story, I could've had a really different story
But You came down from ...
Elevation Worship - You Reign Alone Lyrics
There is no on greater than You
All our praise belongs to You
Holy in power, faithful and true
There is none like You
There is no one stronger than You
Sin forever conquered by You
Fearless in life, faithful in death
There is none...
David Oke AGS - We Worship You Lyrics
Hosanna to ever living one
He left His heavenly glory
And choose to dwell among His own handiwork
Even though they receive not
Yet He's given Himself in their place
Oh Lamb of God we worship You
We worship you
We worship you
Prosper Germoh - Exalt Him Lyrics
Oooh Jesus...
The Mighty man of war,
The way maker are you Lord
The Lilly of the Valley
The Bright and the Morning Star
Only you can satisfy all
Health to my countenance are you
Righteousness lover,
Wickedness hater are you
Lord The one ...
Elevation Worship - Only King Forever Lyrics
Our God, a firm foundation
Our Rock the only solid ground
As nations rise and fall
Kingdoms once strong now shaken
But we trust forever in Your name
The name of Jesus
You are the only King forever
Tegan And Sara - Everything Is Awesome Lyrics
Everything is awesome
Everything is cool when you're part of a team
Everything is awesome, when we're living our dream
Everything is better when we stick together
Side by side, you and I gonna win forever, let's party foreve...
Tegan & Sara - Everything Is Awesome!!! Lyrics
Everything is awesome
Everything is cool when you're part of a team
Everything is awesome, when we're living our dream
Everything is better when we stick together
Side by side, you and I gonna win forever, let's party ...
Tegan & Sara - Everything Is Awesome Lyrics
Everything is cool when you're part of a team
Everything is awesome, when we're living our dream
Everything is better when we stick together
Side by side, you and I gonna win forever, let's party forever
We're the ...
Those Poor Bastards - Black God Forest Lyrics
Servants of the goat
Riders of the worm
To the ether deep
We must now return
Papa flap your wings
Daughter eat your tail
Call upon the swine
Be prepared to fail
Worship we worship
Worship we worship
Black God forest
Free Chapel - Awesome God Lyrics
You are
All I'm livin' for today
I have come to seek You
You are
All I'm livin' for today
I have come to seek Your face
To humble myself and pray
Indiana Bible College - Forevermore Lyrics
Forevermore, Lord I will worship You
I will lift my hands in praise, for all the wondrous things You do
You alone are worthy Lord of all the praise that I can give to You
Lord I will worship You, forevermore
You are so ...
Planetshakers - Unto God Lyrics
You are the first, You are the last
No one is greater than You
No name is higher
You never fail, always prevail
We put our trust in You
God of the breakthrough
You make a way where there seems to be no way
Unto God be all of the...
Guided By Voices - Ego Central High Lyrics
Rend Collective - 10,000 Reasons Lyrics
The sun comes up, it's a new day dawning
It's time to sing your song again
Whatever may pass, and whatever lies before me
Let me be singing when the evening comes
Bless the Lord, bless the Lord, oh, my soul
Oh, my sou...
Jeremy Riddle - Bless His Name Lyrics
Come, let us sing for joy
Let us shout aloud to our King
Come, let us worship God
Lifting holy hands, to bless His name
Lord, we come to meet with You again
To worship with one voice in adoration
For You deserve our every pra...
Mother Feather - Totally Awesome Lyrics
Kitten she rocking her fox fur coat
Kitten don't play with no B-O-Z-O
Falling into a city hole
Running around with you on a bicycle so
Totally Awesome
Totally Awesome
We do what we want, it's totally awesome
Totally ...
Elevation Worship - Oh Sing Lyrics
We come alive
To magnify
The praises of our God
The rocks cried out
If we don't shout
The praises of our God
There's nothing that
Can stand against
The praises of our God
We will defeat
The enemy
With the praises ...
Elevation Worship - Great And Mighty King Lyrics
Your love has rescued us
The cross delivered all our hearts from fear
Our hope is here
You came to make a way
Jesus you came to raise the dead to life
Our song will rise
Oh great and mighty King
You reign in majesty
Before Your t...
Elevation Worship - Open Up Our Eyes Lyrics
Greater is the one who's in us
Greater is the one who calls our name
He will never fail
Stronger is the one within us
Stronger is the one who fights for us
He will never fail
You will never fail
For Your love endures forever
Caleb Ariyo - You Reign Lyrics
Verse 1:You are Lord of heaven and earth
Lord you reign, Yes you reign
In you I live and move and have my being (yeah)
Lord you reign, Yes you reign
And as we lift our hands to honour you Halle,
With our hearts open wide we shout Hallelujah...
Kutless - We Will Worship Lyrics
When days are gold and life is good,
When the plans we make go as they should,
Or when the sky turns dark and heartache falls,
And a lonely painful season calls.
We will worship with all of our hearts,
We will worship all that You a...