Darlingside - Lindisfarne Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Back on the growing line [?]
You were fine living alone
Life on the vine
Enter the strangers arm
Who has the keys?
Why don't we fight in the car?
Always see you through
Me I thought...
Behemoth - From Horned Lands to Lindisfarne Lyrics
they came from the cold north
carried on the wings of waves
no one knows the cult
bloody acts were only a legend...
eternal hate and horned sodomy
came to the lands of virgin's goodness
moonless night showed me their return
I ...
Darlingside - Water Rose Lyrics
It started on the patio
Of the back bar where we used to go
The garden sank, the water rose
A midnight swim in our best clothes...
Darlingside - Rita Hayworth Lyrics
Crash course
American dark horse
Starfire Red in a colourless sea
Check mate
Incontestible mandate
Oh I wanna know what it's like to be loved
Like a heartbeat
Coco Chanel, Rita Hayworth
Mae West, Elizabeth Taylor...
Darlingside - She's All Around Lyrics
Rain on the pasture is a drug for the land
Ground and water running thick as the blood of a man
Down to the Bluestone, where the house used to be
Now the weeds and the wildflowers all have families to feed
And she's all arou...
Darlingside - Old Friend Lyrics
Old friend, I
Think of you still sometimes
Sure as the oak is bending into the light
You and I
Looked for a compromise
When you said "Did I not believe in your heaven"
Old friend, I
Think of you still sometimes...
Darlingside - The Rabbit And The Pointed Gun Lyrics
Hide away
The storms about to break
All of the branches shake
And the tremor calls and the tide comes awake [?]
Fair enough
It took me by surprise
Just like the sun in my eyes
And I falter on the step before the lake
Darlingside - Drowning Elvis Lyrics
Dead in the water
Circles on the mooring each day
The murmuring loons across the bay
Where I used to walk the surface with you
Pull me under
I've been dreaming
Dead in the water
Looking for a reason to stay
To ush...
Darlingside - The Woods Lyrics
Until the leaf falls
I've never seen a tree
Every time I go into the woods
Before the sundown
I never know the time
Every time I go into the woods
I'm always certain
It hasn't been that long
Every time I...
Darlingside - Volcano Sky Lyrics
I'm going up the volcano sky is calling
Old as the earth is, the mountains keep on falling
Out of reception and I'm not sure how to follow
Lines and the colors on the ground all running all over
I'm going up over lake...
Darlingside - Extralife Lyrics
[Verse 1]
It's over now
The flag is sunk
The world has flattened out
Under the underground
I've always found
A level further down
As I begin to lose hold of
The fiery flowerbeds above
Mushroom clouds reset the sky
Darlingside - Good For You Lyrics
I was a river out in West Virginia
The Greenbrier Valley guided me on
And I reached out in all directions
And I tried to hold you in my arms
And at the bottom of a deep caldera
I saw the fading Oregon light
And I felt a comfo...
Darlingside - Do You Ever Live? Lyrics
Are you
Adrift? Are you
Hands at 10 and 2?
Are you the spinning wheel
As it starts to reel?
Or the tallship on a summer lawn?
The tiller yaws, the ripple moving blade to blade
Makes a figure eight
Only time
Darlingside - Birds Say Lyrics
Don't know what the birds say
Don't know what the birds
Listen to them all day
Nothing sounds like words
Don't know if the colors
Look the same to you
Maybe you see white
The way that i see blue
Birds do...
Darlingside - Orion Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Santa Fe awake in the dark
Look at how uneasy you are
Curtains to the edges at night
Street is full of thunder and light
Sink into the infinite time
Trace it to the belt of Orion
Elbow out into the unknown
Darlingside - Whippoorwill Lyrics
We call that old cabin The Whippoorwill
Drawing up plans from wicker thrones
All of the best ideas, they come from you
You let me find them on my own
And we parade them into every room
And when you leave I let them go
Darlingside - Sweet And Low Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Nothing tastes like sugar
It's all sweet and low
Nothing drinks like lemonade
Nothing skips like stone
Nothing runs like water
When your one true love is gone
And every day that comes along
Has a silv...
Darlingside - Heart Again Lyrics
It was all at once, every sound and sight
When the days were loud and the days were light
But the shadows fall and the chairs grow small
And I try to get back to the heart again
To the rightest row in the wild grove
To the brig...
Darlingside - My Love Lyrics
[Verse 1]
My half-assed best
Was all I had for your love
My maybe-tomorrows
For your heart-to-hearts
My punch-drunk house calls
For your candles and wine
My brother, my banjo, my never-done-wrong
All you wanted was me by you...
Darlingside - Futures Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Our future moment disappears
A future ringing in my ear
I hear her calling, calling
Calling me I hear
Radio future waves transmit
My future Mrs. President
And she tries to tell me
It's not ever t...
Darlingside - Clay & Cast Iron Lyrics
Clay and cast-iron, rum-colored silver sunglasses
White gold, sapphire, and apricot soap
French leather purses and saris with painted-on flowers
The smell of old cedar and jasmine perfume
Fig trees, bottles of milk, and sewing ma...
Darlingside - Blow The House Down Lyrics
This one goes to market
This one makes a meal at home
This one has closets
While the have-nots down the way have none
So I go to the mountains, I go to the river
I pilot machines
People have places
And the places have the p...
Darlingside - Bright As The Day Lyrics
Out in the water with weeds in our hair
Whistling songs that we spun from the air
I saw the shape of a ghost in the waves
Dead as the sea foam, bright as the day
Bright as the day
Move through the summers when we were young
Darlingside - Hold Your Head Up High Lyrics
[Verse 1]
How it rambles 'round the moon
A let-go-of balloon
Nothing is forever, everything is soon
And my father as he stands
A perfect cartoon man
Heavy-sighed and open-eyed, I heard him speak
Hold your...
Darlingside - Go Back Lyrics
[Verse 1]
We were always on our way
Rolling up our sleeves
Ever moving forward
In the tracks where we lived our simple lives
Kept our blinders on
Eyes to the horizon
I know I'm no doctor but I know
You ...
Darlingside - Still Lyrics
There was a time
How did we go about it?
One step at a time
Now we're happy standing
Still I love you still
Everything stays just like the old days
We get a sip and then we sip it till it's dry
Count all the ways ...
Darlingside - Paradise Bay Lyrics
Little angels live on Hazel Island
Watching over the gates to our Paradise Bay
Narrows open up to open water
Where the sun is sinking into the lake
Still I see the green and silver lining
Though my mind has turned and drifted a...
Darlingside - The Ancestor Lyrics
Go on, bury me
Under stone or under sea
Silent pictures
Keep the fishes company
There is little else for me now
But I will find my way
Out of the dark someday
Into a crimson yellow sun
Science fictional
When the morn...
Darlingside - Best Of The Best Of Times Lyrics
[Verse 1]
When the world speaks
It rattles through me like an antique
Or maybe it rings like an old bell
Wishing us some kinda farewell
A weight in the window, a beacon
The batten down
End of the season
Lullaby blue
It is ...
Darlingside - Indian Orchard Road Lyrics
Something is waking on Indian Orchard
Place after place through the woods along the roads
Dragonfly dawn
Day gaining on
Shadows that lift off the boom and the buildings
White gravel crab apples black under their buds
Shallow ...
Darlingside - Only Echoes Lyrics
Only echoes when I call to you
[Verse 1]
Do you run perpetually late?
I'm the early bird I've fallen for the bait
I want you now
I want you now
I want you now
[Verse 2]
Water doesn'...
Darlingside - The God Of Loss Lyrics
My father was a carpenter
My mother, she died young
I'm the eldest of my brothers
You're the trouble in my blood
Trouble in my blood
I swore that I'd stay humble
Like my father was before
He built the home I ...
Darlingside - Fourth Of July Lyrics
'All roads run from this one'
Said a buckled up seat on the bus
But we chuckled off at the next stop
And nobody came after us
We blinked at our freedom
Took a right at a no-turn-on-red
When we were younger we never ...
Darlingside - Singularity Lyrics
Some day a shooting star is gonna shoot me down
Burn these high rises back into a ghost town
Of iridium-white clouds
Matted close against the ground
While the sky hangs empty as a frame
See the reddening horizon line
Feel the...
Darlingside - The Company We Keep Lyrics
[Verse 1: Chorus & Solo]
We have landed miles away from our families
We have landed miles away from our families
I am still my mother's son
I am still my mother's son
Who would I be on my own?
Who would I be on my ...
Darlingside - Ava Lyrics
As we get to altitude
You pull out a photograph of blue
Shutters in the afternoon
And boats on the water
I'm gonna have to think this through:
How could you feel for a man the way a man could feel for you?
You're t...
Darlingside - When Fortune Comes Lyrics
I don't want to know about the weight on your back
Every stone you gather and stack - from now on
Don't look at me for an ounce of pity
I don't want to know when fortune comes
Cheated, borrowed, stolen, or won-same...
Darlingside - Terrible Things Lyrics
Ansel Adams on the wall above the
Bed and the trees are black and white (whi - i - ite)
Christmas holed up in the Adirondacks
Door where we penciled in our height (hei - i - ight)
Rolling pins
Floor where I kissed my brot...
Darlingside - Open Door Lyrics
Swallow up a sea of marble tiles
I'm a fish on a checkerboard
Find a silver apple in her hair
She could be a movie star
A glass, a glow
A game, a show
I'm in the garden on my back
Under a sunflower sky
The ci...
Darlingside - White Horses Lyrics
[Verse 1]
My brother led me outside
Be quiet, I've got a light
No moon tonight
Sitting on the ledge outside the second floor
We could hear the sirens running up the road
White horses for Chicago
Black water ...