Café Tacvba - Diente De León Lyrics
Busco una canción
Que cure el dolor
No entiendo la causa
No hay explicación
Busco una canción
Que alivie mi ser
En todo mi cuerpo
Siento pesadez
Quiero viajar ligero como diente de león
Quiero volar como la pluma...
alt-J - Leon Lyrics
Yeah, she loves you Leon
Yeah, she loves you Leon, Leon
Yeah, she loves you Leon
Yeah, she loves you Leon, Leon
Yeah, she loves you Leon
Yeah, she loves you Leon, Leon
Yeah, she loves you Leon
Yeah, she loves you Leon, Leon
Yeah, she...
Flannel Graph - Sideache Lyrics
[Verse 1: Shayla]
Oh, I can't love you
The way you want me to
Just like a storm
That blew over
[Verse 2: Shayla]
And I can't hold you
The way I used to
Just like a stone
Not a lover
[Chorus: Shayla]
So ...
Bruce Springsteen - Sleepy Joe's Cafe Lyrics
There's a place out on the highway 'cross the San Bernardino line
Where the truckers and the bikers gather every night at the same time
At seven the band comes in and locals dance the night away
At Sleepy Joe's Cafe
I d...
Omd - Night Café Lyrics
Sitting in the night cafe,
Like a Hopper painting on a very bad day
Drinking like I used to do, with a
Manner that you hate me too, and then
People come and people go, but
Who they are I'll never know, and I'm
Calle 13 - No Hay Nadie Como Tú Lyrics
[Verso 1: Residente Calle 13, Café Tacvba, Ambos]
En el mundo hay gente bruta y astuta
Hay vírgenes y prostitutas
Ricos, pobres, clase media
Cosas bonitas y un par de tragedias
Hay personas gordas, medianas y flacas
Interphase - Dreamstreet Cafe Lyrics
She's just a lone woman out on the sidewalk,
She strolls the alley past a dingy lampost,
Down luck man in weather tattered clothing,
Invites donation from lovely lady host.
Well travelled woman of the modern world,
Tell me now how far...
Café Tacvba - Me Gusta Tu Manera Lyrics
Me gusta tu manera de besar
Me gusta tu manera de besar
Me gusta tu manera de besar
Me gusta tu manera de besar
Me gusta tu manera de besar
Me gusta tu manera de besar
Me gusta tu manera de besar
Me gusta ...
Chicano Batman - La Manzanita Lyrics
Cuando yo te vi pasando
En la calle con tu sombrero
Buscabas a quién te diera
Un poquito de dinero
Por mi coche tu pasaste
Tocaste la ventanita
Allí es donde yo saque
La dulcita manzanita
La dulcita manzanita
Finneas - American Cliche Lyrics
Too little to do for too long and
Too little of you for my songs
To be anything but lonely
In a couple weeks, you'll own me
Too tired to sleep, good morning
And I'm too wired to heed the warning
That there's d...
Boosie Badazz - Boosie Blues Cafe Lyrics
This the last song on the album
It's my first blues album
So I'ma dedicate this last song to the name of the album
Boosie Blues Cafe
Take you to that place
Where they smoke weed and drink alone
Clare Maguire - The Last Time I Saw Richard Lyrics
You're love is that, you think you own me
Go lokmat you, you lay ..fool
You like roses and kisses and pretty man to tell you all the pretty lies
pretty lies, when you gonna rea;ise ther only pretty lies
Only pretty lies, just p...
Post Malone - Why Don't You Love Me Lyrics
[Intro: Post Malone as Leon DeChino]
Let me tell you a little story
Hey girl, love me
[Verse 1: Post Malone as Leon DeChino]
In the middle of a cold dark night
I heard a sound and I thought to myself, "What was that?"...
Train - Marry Me Lyrics
Forever can never be long enough for me
Feel like I've had long enough with you
Forget the world now we won't let them see
But there's one thing left to do
Now that the weight has lifted
Love has surely shifted m...
Running Red Lights - Parlour Cafe Lyrics
Oh, the mountains have folded
The bird is back in it's cage
I'm back tending bar at The Parlour Cafe
Sweeping bottlecap ashtrays, repeat and repeat
Patching holes in my sky where my stars used to be
And I lose
I lose
Café Tacvba - Resolana De Luna Lyrics
Resolana de luna
Resolana nocturna
En claroscuro el dolor me visita
Me quita el sueño, mi pecho agita
Y como espada se clava y brota
A lo que le temo lo que me da miedo
Resolana de luna
Resolana nocturna
Algunos que fuer...
Andres Cepeda - Fue Solo Amor Lyrics
Ese es el pito del tren que me acuerda que son las seis
Hoy es Domingo en la tarde y yo no me siento bien
Hace tan solo unos dias cantabamos juntos en un cafe
Una cancion con amantes con sueños
De antes y de despues tambien
Una cancio...
Café Tacvba - Asteriode Lyrics
Déjate ver,
Estuvo chido poder besar,
Tu stereo-cuerpo lunar,
Tus ojos brillan mas cada vez.
Y viajas sobre una asteroide, esperame
Espinas contra el órbital, de un planeta alado.
Y viajas sobre un asteroide, espérame
Quiero b...
Leon Russell - Come On in My Kitchen Lyrics
Leon Russell - The Masquerade Is Over Lyrics
Leon Russell - Fool's Paradise Lyrics
DeJ Loaf - Liberated Lyrics
(feat. Leon Bridges)
[Verse 1: DeJ Loaf]
This for the girls that don't need no makeup when they wake up
For the ones who rockin' lace fronts, you know, I ain't gon' say none
Hashtag and you're single, you fresh off...
Leon Russell - I Got It Bad & That Ain't Good Lyrics
Davis Coen - Hard Luck Cafe Lyrics
All day I face
The old barren waste
And long for the taste of cold beer
My throat is burning dry
And my soul's a-cryin
For awww~ refuge from here
In there you don't see
Where grasslands run free
And winds on the treetops...
Ray West - Ray's Cafe Lyrics
We gonna take it deep, raise cafe
We got the low nice tables outside
Or what I call Boggy Loui barbeque
Coolest and all that depends all on you
I'm about to take you in his zone man it's sais the ...and some barbeques
Well my...
Ray West - Ray's Cafe Lyrics
We gonna take it deep, raise cafe
We got the low nice tables outside
Or what I call Boggy Loui barbeque
Coolest and all that depends all on you
I'm about to take you in his zone man it's sais the ...and some barbeques
Café Tacvba - Automático Lyrics
Ya los escucho entrenar
Con sus botas dispuestas a patear
Ya los escucho entonar
Cantos de guerra, yo aquí en paz
En mi cama ensoñando con un mundo automático
Ya los veo elucubrar
En control sin parar
Café Tacvba - Vaivén Lyrics
El calor del sol que caía
Y el sudor sobre la bahía
Lánguidas en la playa
Las olas buscan descansar
Buscan no estar solas al llegar
El color del sol que se escapa
Carmesí, tiñe la palapa
Transición, tintes en penumbra...
Café Tacvba - Celebración Lyrics
Ya estamos reunidos todos juntos
Todos con ganas de celebrar
Un viaje termina y otro empieza
Las sorpresas no van a parar
Rosas, girasoles, jacarandas
Flores de Jamaica y de limón
Hasta la naturaleza quiere
Estar en la cel...
Selena - Munequito De Trampo Lyrics
recuerdo cuando yo
te conoci
un dia pasiamos dijiste mi vida
yo soy feliz
recuerdo el regalo que un dia me diste
con mucho amor
aquel munequito
con cara bonita
lo guardo yo
munequito de trapo tu eres para mi
el regalo mas...