Bandaid Brigade - Break The Grid Lyrics
Daft Punk - The Grid Lyrics
The grid
A digital frontier
I tried to picture clusters of information
As they moved through the computer
What did they look like?
Ships, motorcycles?
Were the circuits like freeways?
I kept dreaming of a world I thought I'd never...
Deftones - Error Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Tell me something
Have we escaped?
Are we just lost?
The mirrors taunting us against the walls
We are running across the grid
Chasing honey and closing in
[Verse 2]
We're bound together
Between The Buried And Me - The Proverbial Bellow Lyrics
Let's stay here forever
I am I... what is this?
I am I... what is this?
A God-like floating sensation
Hands cover me
Jolting... erupting
Sensory bliss
I am I... what is this?
I am I... what is this?
Kate Miller-Heidke - Bliss Lyrics
Sometimes things are closed
Like windows on an empty street
Not this time though
First drink, the glow, the heat
A piece of morning sun
Swallowed with a grin
Shooting sparks within
Shower everyone
Up to the skylight
Amery Rey Tuesta - Destrucción Lyrics
Por eso es hora de parar la destrucción de la tierra!
Por eso es hora de parar la destrucción de la tierra!
Por eso es hora de parar la destrucción de la tierra!
Ahora las cosas están más locas aquí
No te imaginas
Si uno se para, par...
The Chain Gang Of 1974 - Bliss Lyrics
My lungs are tangled
I can't breathe now
These dreams assembled
Such a shame how
Every night is spent comparing
Others to what I was
I hum along, but it's all sounding wrong
It's all feel...
Joseph Arthur - I Am The Witness Lyrics
The world is in me
I am not in the world
Of pleasure and pain where you hang hope and fear
Desire is the fire burning you in hell
Reaching out for nothing, building you a jail oh no
Since before the first birth and until the last deat...
Каста - Скрытый трек Lyrics
Pamela - No Apartes Tu Ojos De Mi Lyrics
NO APARTES TUS OJOS DE MI \n \n Dios no apartes Tus ojos de mi \n No se aleje Tu gracia de mi \n Ven deprisa si en necesidad me halle \n Dios quiero estar en la sombra de Tus alas \n Quiero el viento que lleva Tu palabra \n Solo así me rev...
Zемфира - Если бы Lyrics
Luis Fonsi - Eso Que Llaman Amor Lyrics
Eso que nubla tus sentidos
que acelera tus latidos
y se queda clavadito en el corazon
Eso que todo el mundo siente
y el que niega se arrepiente
cuando escucha los acordes de una cancion
Es lo que llaman amor
Eso que llaman amor
Хаски - Убить рэпера Lyrics
Wage War - Desperate Lyrics
What in the world are we waiting for?
No bliss in ignorance, thinking that less is more
What in the world are we waiting for?
Opportunity knocks, it's kicking down your door
This life is constant struggle
We have to fight just to surv...
Дельфин - Если просто Lyrics
Oliver Tree - Life Goes On Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Babe, you're too controlin'
I'ma feed you to the wolves when
You get nasty, back at me
But baby don't distract me
I'm a goner, I lost her
Like why the hell you wanna play me that way
Каста - Из южной столицы России... (Скит) Lyrics
MONATIK - Музыкально-танцевальная терапия Lyrics
Falsegiver - 4006 Lyrics
Cristina Mel - To A Faraway Friend Lyrics
TO A FARWAY FRIEND \n \n You're my best friend, I love you \n And you're in my prayers \n Although being so distant \n You're right by my side \n \n The remembrances of the happy days \n We shared always bring us close togeth...
WLVS - Ответ Lyrics
застыв меж сном и явью
я смотрю со стороны на сон кристально чистый
и явь,измазанную грязью с ног до головы.
в толще кромешной тьмы
Espinoza Paz - Quién Es Lyrics
Ay amor
¿Dónde andas?
Apenas hace días
Me estabas dando muchos besos
Me dijiste "qué bonito se siente
Me gusta compartir el tiempo
Así te amo desde que te conocí"
Todo eso me decías
Cuando, cuando me querías
Te flu...
Каста - Но пацанам из Касты... (Скит) Lyrics
Kyson - Bliss Lyrics
Malacates Trebol Shop - Arreglo Zapatos Lyrics
[Verso 1]
Que es lo que se oye cuando él pasa por aquí
Que es ese ruido que te invita a salir
Va caminando con su caja por ahí
A él no le importa nunca tiene que fingir
Por eso dice
Arreglo zapatos, arreglo zapat...
Kissin' Dynamite - All Against All Lyrics
Destiny promised a hero
A prophet whose vision is pure
Under the false guise of seven
He lead them to famine and war
Oh oh
Angels and kings we'll be too
Oh oh
Follow the grid to the truth
Born to kill, born to die
In holy war
Aiming hi...
Джизус - Afghanistan Lyrics
Between The Buried And Me - Glide Lyrics
"May I have this dance?" nervously asks
The two glide into the heavy crowd
Awake this smile
The comfort of being
We are everything
Time is irrelevant while you're in my arms.....
Falsegiver - Неглубокая могила Lyrics
Chris Duran - Maranatha Lyrics
MARANATHA \n \n The end is coming soon, goodbye to sun and moon \n Signs show up in the sky \n United for all time, we're looking to Your eyes \n And You are looking to our lives \n \n Oh, oh, oh... I am dressed for You \n Oh, oh, oh.....
Ludmila Ferber - Andar Com Deus Lyrics
ANDAR COM DEUS \n \n É melhor obedecer \n Do que sacrificar \n É melhor rasgar \n O coração, e confessar \n \n Deixar Deus agir \n Receber perdão \n Ao me arrepender \n Dos meus pecados \n \n Quero andar com Deus \n Santo e separado \n...
Ленинград - С.Ш. Lyrics
[Куплет 1]
Я с юга прилетела в сердечко как стрела
И телом загорелым тебя с ума свела
Я сладкая шоколадка, сладкая шоколадка
M'Dee - Клёвая (Интерлюдия) Lyrics
I Declare War - Pillow Talk Lyrics
She screams bloody murder
It's in one ear and out the other
You become oblivious to this
As she starts I draw a blank
My mind reads blank
I find my bliss
I see vibrant colors
I do not speak
I draw blank
I hear no voic...
Nicky Jam - El Perdón Lyrics
Dime si es verdad Me dijeron que te estás casando Tú no sabes lo estoy sufriendo Esto te lo tengo que decir
Cuéntame Tu despedida para mí fue dura Será que él te llevó a la luna Y yo no supe hacerlo así
Te estaba buscando Por las ...
Сплин - Булгаковский марш Lyrics
Tiny Moving Parts - Along The Lakeside Lyrics
Be grateful of what you got
Well, I'm not
Here I am, locked myself in the basement
Smashing spiders up against my wall
I'm creating amazing
Science experiments with jealously
They have much more feet than
What I could ever fill
I ...
Скриптонит (Scriptonite) - 104 (Skit) Lyrics
Issue No. 148 - Present Tense-Less Lyrics
hell down senseless
present tense-less
all six senses
the joy of being wrong
of being shucked(?) along
singing someone elses song
the bliss of making noise
of not having a choice
using someone elses voice
climbing ...
Jeites - Bienvenida Lyrics
Hoy viene a mí tu recuerdo,
Y te siento hacer sonar mi guitarra
Y al viento das todo tu aliento.
Bienvenida ésta suerte tardía,
Bienvenida tu vida y la mía,
Qué bien, qué bien,
Al fin te encuentro.
Bienvenido amor, bienveni...