Blessed Hope Chapel Praise Team - In Your Presence Lyrics
I've come here Lord
I'm seeking You
I stand here Lord
In awe of You
I receive Your love
I receive Your grace
Take me now to Your holy place
In Your presence I find my resting place
In Your presence Your glory falls on ...
Blessed Hope Chapel Praise Team - You Are My Treasure Lyrics
Faithful Lord fill my cup
With Your grace and love, Your grace and love
The pleasures that this world's sure of
Will never be enough, can never be enough
Cuz I'm created for You alone
Bought with a price I'm not my own...
Kari Jobe - Come Alive Lyrics
[Verse 1]
You are great, yet You let us see Your face
You are strong, yet Your eyes are full of kindness
You are wise, but like a child You let us come
You are great, yet You let us see Your face
I come alive, I come...
Matt Redman - Blessed Be Your Name Lyrics
Blessed Be Your Name
In the land that is plentiful
Where Your streams of abundance flow
Blessed be Your name
Blessed Be Your name
When I'm found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed Be Your name
Lovkn - Let Heaven Descend Lyrics
[Verse 1]
When Your presence comes
None can deny there is a God, there is a light
A matchless love, like never before
Have we seen a joy so uncontrolled
When Your presence comes, all people sing
Praise is the natural response to...
Blessed Hope Chapel Praise Team - The Love Of God Lyrics
The love of God is greater far
Than tongue or pen could ever tell
It goes beyond the highest star
And reaches to the lowest hell
The guilty pair bowed down with care
God gave His Son to win
His erring child He reconciled
And pardon...
Lovkn - There's Nothing Like Your Presence Lyrics
[Verse 1]
We will wait for You to come and move in a powerful way
Provide the fire as we lift every voice in passionate praise
More of You, we seek to know Your love so deep and wide
Will You reveal a greater measure of Your nature ...
Page CXVI - Praise To The Lord Lyrics
Praise to the Lord
The almighty
The king of creation
Oh my soul praise him
For he is thy health and salvation
All ye who hear
Now to his temple draw near
Praise to the Lord
Who hath fearfully
Wondrously made thee
Joshua McCain - All Praise To You Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Joy, strength, You know exactly what we need
Peace, rest, it is Your voice that calms the sea
Oh Lord You reign over everything You speak
Hope, life, You are the reason why we sing
All praise to You
You deserve the highe...
Sanctus Real - My Hope Is In The Lord Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Be still my soul, for the best is yet to come
Though the earth below is shaking
And I struggle to hold on
To anything that isn't bolted down
Watching my whole world shatter on the ground
And I find that I am safe ...
IFGF Praise - Lord Of All Lyrics
From the deepest to the highest
I will sing Your praise
Love surrounds me
Stands before me
So I will sing Your praise
Oh.. Oh.. Oh..
You are the Lord of all
God of my life
So take control
To You I give my all
For I am Yours and You are mi...
Phil Wickham - Doxology/Amen Lyrics
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise him all creatures here below
Praise him all he heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Amen Amen Amen
God we praise You
God we praise You
Praise God for all that he has done
Praise hi...
Honne - I'm Blessed Lyrics
I'm not perfect
No, I never have been, never will
'Cause I get it wrong most of the time
My whole life was an uphill climb
Up until when I met you
'Cause you seem to like me
Do you know how good that makes me feel?
Indiana Bible College - Give Him Praise Lyrics
We've come to give Him glory
And lift Him up
We've come to give Him praise for
All that's He's done
Give Him the praise (Give Him the praise)
Give Him the praise (Give Him the praise)
Give Him the praise
Joseph Bosco - We Your People Lyrics
Here we are in Your Presence Oh Lord
We've gathered in this place to offer up our praise to You
A holy nation a people chosen for Your name
With one voice we lift our hands and say
We bring You praise this day Lord Mo...
Rick Fusion - Everyday Lyrics
Verse 1
Let everything that has breath
Praise God, that's how it is set
We always gonna proclaim God's name
Because we know that Jesus reigns
It doesn't matter what the problem might be
We dun know we have the vic...
Planetshakers - Turn It Up Lyrics
You are here as we lift You up
You are riding on our praise
Be enthroned over everything
You are seated in our praise
This is prophetic I can feel it in the air
We lift our praise and You change the atmosphere
With hearts open now ...
Tremaine Hawkins - I Never Lost My Praise Lyrics
I've lost some good friends along life's way
Some loved ones departed in heaven to stay
But thank God I didn't lose everything
I've lost faith in people who said they cared
In time of my crisis they were never there
But ...
Jeremy Riddle - No Fear In Your Love Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Every wall You have broken down
The veil in between us, love tore apart
We're ready for You God
Ready for Your love
[Verse 2]
Now faith like a fire, it's in our bones
And praise is exploding in all of us...
Marshall Hall - Thanks Lyrics
Thanks, thanks I give you thanks for all you've done
I am so blessed my soul is at rest
Oh lord I give you thanks
Thank you, lord, for the strength you give
Simply carry on thru life's toils and tests
The worst and be...
Indiana Bible College - Jesus Is Worthy Of All Praise Lyrics
With my hands I'm gonna praise You
With my mouth make a joyful noise
Lift my voice o exalt Your Name
Worthy, oh, worthy
Jesus is worthy of all praise
Oh, give thanks unto the Lord
Let the redeemed of God say so
Indiana Bible College - Lord, I Worship You Lyrics
Verse 1
There's non like You
No, none else beside You
For You are holy, so I praise Your name
You are the mighty God, the Prince of peace
The everlasting Father for all eternity
Lord, You're holy, so I praise and worship You...
Bryan & Katie Torwalt - I See Heaven Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I see heaven invading this place
I see angels praising Your holy name
I sing praises, I sing praises
I give You honor, worthy Jesus
[Verse 2]
I see glory falling in this place
And I see hope restored, the healing ...
Karen Clark-Sheard - Have Your Way Lyrics
[Karen speaking]
"To all of the worshippers out there who knows that when you get in the presence of God,
where He rules and He reigns, whatever the atmosphere may be.
It doesn't matter the time. It doesn't matter the plac...
Lincoln Brewster - Amazing God Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Clothed in everlasting wonder
Mercy streaming from Your throne
Brighter than all heaven's splendor
You are amazing, God
[Verse 2]
There's no limit to Your power
None can challenge Your commands
Even de...
Kim Walker-Smith - Spontaneous Song 3 Lyrics
You have ordained our mouths with praise. [x7]
So we lift your name, we lift your name!
And I live for Your presence,
You are life to my heart.
And I live for Your presence,
From Your love I will never part.
Open up heaven...
Rend Collective - Celebrate Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Praise Him in the morning, praise Him in the evening
Praise Him when you're smiling, praise Him when you're breaking
Praise Him in the sun and praise Him in the starlight
Praise Him every season, praise Him throu...
Kings Kaleidoscope - All Creatures Lyrics
[Verse 1]
All creatures of our God and King
Lift up your voice and with us sing
Oh Praise Him! Alleluia!
Thou burning sun with golden beam
Thou silver moon with softer gleam!
O, praise Him! O, praise Him!
Alleluia! Alleluia! A...
Nerina Pallot - Blessed Lyrics
April is the cruelest month of all
All that hope breathing it soft into everything
Making you stink, something's comin'
Why you lose yourself more than you want to win
And you're sure ain't comin' in
Marshall Hall - Praise Him Lyrics
To the amazing One
To the unchanging One
To Him the anthem raise
Lift up Your hymns of praise
For all the things He's done
For all the things to come
To Him the anthem raise
Lift up a shout of
Praise Him with all of the mus...
Jeremy Riddle - Call To Praise Lyrics
Come all those who heed His call
Respond with heart, with body, with all
And worship ye the King
Come and facedown fall
Worship ye the Lord of all
Truly we were made to praise the Lord
So join with me you saints and Him adore...
Spring Hill Worship - Forever You Are God Lyrics
Kings will come
And Kings will go
Nations will rise and fall
While time erodes the universe
Forever You are God
The angels sing
Their praise to you
Creation joins their song
With all my heart I will si...
Bob Kauflin & Tim Chester - Come Praise And Glorify Lyrics
Come praise and glorify our God
The Father of our Lord
In Christ He has in heav'nly realms
His blessings on us poured
For pure and blameless in His sight
He destined us to be
And now we've been adopted through
His ...
Hezekiah Walker - Every Praise Lyrics
Every praise is to our God.
Every word of worship with one accord
Every praise every praise is to our God.
Sing hallelujah to our God
Glory hallelujah is due our God
Every praise every praise is to our God.
God m...
Cody Carnes - Walls Lyrics
[Verse 1]
We are daughters and sons
Singing as one, we've got a hope now
Walls have tried to divide
But nothing can hide the power that we've found
You are walking with us
And all of the walls are turning to dust
Michael W. Smith - Majesty Lyrics
Singin' Majesty, Majesty
Your grace has found me just as I am
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
We're singing Majesty, we're singing Majesty
Forever, forever I am changed by Your love
In the presence of Your Majesty
Nerina Pallot - Blessèd Lyrics
April is the cruelest month of all.
All that hope
Breathing itself into everything.
Making you think something's coming.
Well you lose yourself more than you want to win
And your ship ain't coming in.
But one day it wi...
Alenka Manka - In Your Presence Lyrics
In Your Presence
All my fears are turned to dust
All my lies are exposed
The truth is known
I love to talk with you, I love to feel you close
You are here,
All in me is made new
All in me bows to you
In your presence,
Elevation Worship - In Your Presence Lyrics
In Your presence there is freedom
In Your presence there is hope
In Your presence there is healing
Love restores me, I am whole
No matter how far I run
You are with me
No matter how far I fall
Your love is everlasting
Your kind...