Bjork - I Remember You Lyrics
Björk - Lionsong Lyrics
Maybe he will come out this
Maybe he won't
Somehow I'm not too bothered either wayMaybe he will come out of this loving me
Maybe he will come out of this
I smell declarations of solitude
Maybe he will come out of thisVietnam vet c...
Bjork - Pagan Poetry Lyrics
Pedalling through
The dark currents
I find
An accurate copy
A blueprint
Of the pleasure
In me
Swirling black lilies totally ripe
A secret code carved
Swirling black lilies totally ripe
A secret code carved
He offers
A handsh...
Bjork - Gling-Gló Lyrics
Gling gló, klukkan sló, - Tic toc, the clock chimed
Máninn ofar skyum hló, - Moon smiled above the clouds
Lysti upp gamli gótuslód, - Lighting the old trail
Thar gladleg Lína stód. - There Lina gaily stood
Gling gl...
Bjork - Bella Simamaer Lyrics
Hún Bella, Bella, Bella, Bella símamæare,
Er ekki alveg fædd í gæare.
Hún Bella, Bella, Bella, Bella símamæare,
Hún kann á flestum hlutum skil, og kallar á vidtalsbil.
Í ástarmálum gildir adeins forganghsrad,
Nicki Minaj - Needle Lyrics
I mean, I don't know if I like girls, I saw Sheila at Seraphin
Maybe we had too much tequila
Actually, yeah, we definitely had too much tequila
'Cause I don't know why I'm even playin' on your phone right now
Bjork - Ég Veit Ei Hvað Skal Segja Lyrics
Ég veit ei hvad skal segja
Eg hugsa dag og nótt
Thad veldur stundum vanda
Ad vera eftirsótt!
Ég er svo ung og óreynd sál
Og eti í hug mér byr
Eg myndi kasta krónu
En their eru bara thrír
Hvernig get ég vitad...