Behemoth - The Seed Ov I Lyrics
From the top ov the highest mountain
Prior to descent, my fall for Thee
My weapon is silence
I, bringer ov light to burn this goddamn Eden down!
Behold! I rise from primal silence
As a storm crushing dismal shores ov Acheron
My wea...
Behemoth - Shemaforash Lyrics
"What we need is hatred. From it our ideas are born." [Jean Genet]
Consumed by tongues ov fire
Burning like Phlegethon
Holy gardens reduced to ash
Extinguishing light ov hope
Bringing the end ov the days
Words ov my gos...
Behemoth - Alas, Lord Is Upon Me Lyrics
"Let them hate me, so that they will but fear me." [Caligula]
"Those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them
Bring them here and kill them in front of me"
[Jesus, (Luke 19:27)]
Behold! As Rome b...
Behemoth - In The Absence Ov Light Lyrics
Every seme the Devil breathes
My steps never outweighed the gravity ov hell
So I keep praying for rain ov flaming rocks
To foster the symmetry ov worlds
I had a vision ov the impenetrable darkness
Never found on neither side ov the ...
Behemoth - Amen Lyrics
Hail Mary, full ov disgrace
The Lord has fornicated with thee
Cursed art thou among men
And possessed
Cunning as shroud ov Turin
On the autopsy ov god
Damnata Virgo Maria
Credo undone
Bitch ov a sybilline vulva
Usurpress and l...
Behemoth - Entering The Pylon Ov Light Lyrics
Earth bedewed with seed ov death
Sheds the blood red tears
And I saw the hearth ov youth
Painfully torn out by the mighty Apep
Heart which still wants to live
Here, among the sonorous chorals
Ov mourning clothed with rain ov blood
Behemoth - He Who Breeds Pestilence Lyrics
"God is absence. God is the solitude of man." [Jean-Paul Sartre]
Inflict the seed ov Eve upon me
The heritage ov Cain can't be undone
'tis my rejection! 'tis my denial!
That stirs with repulsive mortification...
Behemoth - If I Were Cain Lyrics
Ascending in sectarian rapture
We are an oracle ov locust
Sanguine as yet anointed
We rave the pearly gates
Walk with me, Kaiafhat
Pilate, lead the way
I call upon Cains ov this world
We are marching to the funeral ov God
Behemoth - If I Were Cain Lyrics
Ascending in sectarian rapture
We are an oracle ov locust
Sanguine as yet anointed
We rave the pearly gates
Walk with me, Kaiafhat
Pilate, lead the way
I call upon Cains ov this world
We are marching to the funeral ov God
Behemoth - Ov Fire And The Void Lyrics
"The divine is God's concern; the human, man's. My concern is neither the divine nor the human, not the true, good, just, free, etc., but solely what is mine, and it is not a general one, but is -- unique, as I am unique. Not...
Behemoth - Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel Lyrics
I saw the virgin's cunt spawning forth the snake
I witnessed tribes ov Judah reduced to ruin
I watched disciples twelve dissolved by flame
Looked down on son ov god snuffed in vain
Blow your trumpets Gabriel!
As I beheld the bew...
Behemoth - Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel Lyrics
I saw the virgin's cunt spawning forth the snake
I witnessed tribes ov Judah reduced to ruin
I watched disciples twelve dissolved by flame
Looked down on son ov god snuffed in vain
Blow your trumpets Gabriel!
As I beheld the be...
Behemoth - Defiling Morality Ov Black God Lyrics
"I am God, and all other gods are my imagery. I gave birth to myself. I am millions of forms excreating; eternal; and nothing exists except through me; yet I am not them - they serve me."
[Austin Osman Spare]
Grant me profane ...
Behemoth - Conjuration Ov Sleep Daemons Lyrics
Ascending a fyre
A pillar ov flame on the wynd
Groan ov night I hear, howl ov gale
Lords ov green fields caressing the earthe
Silver sparks up high
Is Mercury above?
Is Mercury below?
So sleep!
And paint the pictures ov thy par...
Behemoth - As Above So Below Lyrics
I've seen strange signs on my way
Silent shadows
Dancing shapes
And angels fallen on the earth
Face up
And look there
When the root ov thy being cannot reach
Art thou Nephilim child?
Are ye looking for thy Elysium?
Here a...
Behemoth - Transmigrating Beyond Realms Ov Amenti Lyrics
"Paint me as a dead soul...
The flesh, the image, the reflection
Let's complete the illusion"
[John Balance]
There is a flame untamed
Deep in my heart
Unyielding, pure Ain Soph
'tis measureless
Our right divin...
Behemoth - Ben Sahar Lyrics
Thee I cast aside
Fetus divine
Agnus dei
Free ov thy lies
Hearken hosts on high
Fetch me your god
As my ambition prescribes
Challenge the sun
Ascend shall I unto the heavens
Exalt my throne above his celestial display
Sit shall...
Behemoth - In The Absence Ov Light Lyrics
Banish it, the devil bring my test will work the gravity of hell. So I did rain for it Santa Clause.
Too fast in for you to stay around.
I have no faith and I am revel in darkness.
There in front of me the side can burn.
It with the...
Behemoth - Demigod (Live) Lyrics
Behold! children ov Cain
All beings not ov reptilian form
Be upon them!
Spare none! mercy cast aside!
Those who feareth not my sacred blade
Shall be blessed
Repent not!
Thou art man
God is no more
Rise now above the weakness ov ...
Behemoth - Slaves Shall Serve (Live) Lyrics
"Slaves Shall Serve As Crowns Are Falling,
As The Apocalypse Is Nearing,
Slaves Shall Serve As Inferior Life Force,
Slaves Shall Serve As Undead Rivals"
Father ov Terror!
Aba ol-Hol
Enter the pylon
Through the galleys ov...
Behemoth - Furor Divinus Lyrics
Veto! I vomited forth
From a throat choked by rope
As lunatic mob
Shackled maimed feet
Tore asunder both wings
Pluck my eyes out
Rip my tongue
Make me slave to gravity
Bleed dry ov tears
Weep with blood
Leave to atrophy
I ...
Behemoth - Messe Noire Lyrics
I believe in Satan
Who rend both heavens and earth
And in the Antichrist
His dearly misbegotten
The anguish ov our future
A Bastard spawned from lie
Born ov a harlot nun
Reign high in luxury
Aloft the kings ov man
I use words sh...
Behemoth - The Satanist Lyrics
I descended from the Mount Sinai
Unleashed the splendour upon a scroundel mob
To shelter where no messianic light
Drove one single ray into the pulp ov life
O sweet Salome I beckon thee
Bring forth thy heinous offering
Without your l...
Behemoth - Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer Lyrics
Voice ov an Aeon
Angelus Satani
Ora pro nobis Lucifer
You alone have suffered
The fall and torment ov shame
I'll smite heaven's golden pride
And never pity thee
Imaculate divine
Satan ov Elohim
None dare to stand in your ...
Gatecreeper - Absence Of Light Lyrics
Behemoth - Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer Lyrics
Voice ov an aeon,
Angelus Satani.
Ora pro nobis Lucifer,
You alone have suffered.
The fall and torment ov shame,
I'll smite Heaven's golden pride,
And never pity thee,
Immaculate divine.
Satan ov Elohim,
None dare to...
Church Of The Cosmic Skull - Into The Skull Lyrics
Follow the path of the Sephiroth
Into the arms of the Behemoth
Cast off your crown with a true sincerity
Out of this world you must go
Into the light, from the darkness of the soul
Out of this world that you know
Behemoth - Amen Lyrics
Hail Mary, full of disgrace
The Lord has fornicated with thee
Cursed art thou among men
And possessed
Cunning as shroud of Turin
On the autopsy of god
Damnata Virgo Maria
Creedo undone
Usurpress and liar
Witch of broken vows
Behemoth - O Father O Satan O Sun! Lyrics
Shine thru me
Come forth in war
Come forth in peace
Bring down the sun
Extinguish all the stars
Let me remain
In splendor ov thy light
Bornless One
As darkness bright
Found not in tongues
Found not in light
Behemoth - Be Without Fear Lyrics
[Background Lead: Nergal]
Behold the throne ov burning gold
And all the evil that it shelters
Yet I be monarch myself
Offering more than others give
Materialize the ashes ov Elysium burned
Not even angels dare to bid farewell
Anomalyst - Absence Of The Light Lyrics
[Verse 1]
How'd you measure dark
By the absence of the light?
There's a reason why
The skies turn black at night
So everyone can see
How dark their skies might be
How'd you measure dark
By the absence of the l...
Despised Icon - Slow Burning Lyrics
Unprocessed - Malleable Lyrics
As particles start to float
The shape of my matter by grasping my way out of the lifeform once known
Incompressible state of absence
The universe is now captured in world of endlessness
Absence of matter
Before The Dawn - Monsters Lyrics
4am I'm still awake
Before the dawn the Sandman will come with nightmares
I won't let him in
There's nothing in head
Empty walls, empty bed
I am just waiting
Restless beats of heart and breathing break the silence
I am...
Ghost B.C. - Year Zero Lyrics
Belial, Behemoth, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Satanas, Lucifer
Belial, Behemoth, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Satanas, Lucifer
Since dawn of time the fate of man is that of lice
Equal as parasites and moving without eyes
A day of reckoning when pena...
Ghost B.C. - Year Zero Lyrics
Belial, Behemoth, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Satanas, Lucifer
Belial, Behemoth, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Satanas, Lucifer
Since dawn of time the fate of man is that of lice
Equal as parasites and moving without eyes
A day of reckoning when pen...
Isabelle Boulay - L'Absence Lyrics
C'est un volet qui bat, c'est une déchirure, légère,
Sur le drap où, naguère, tu as posé ton bras,
Cependant qu'en bas la rue parle toute seule,
Quelqu'un vend des mandarines,
Une dame bleu-marine promène sa fille...
Skeletonwitch - Devouring Radiant Light Lyrics
In the darkest corners of the mind
There is a mirror to reflect lost time
But if you look into the depths of your soul
You may just discover a light that is whole
And to feast on such a ravenous force
Is to become one with your pr...
Issue No. 192 - Absence Of Trust Lyrics
Through the fields of destruction, the trail of pain
Into the blast of evil, by dint of faith
Amongst the desecrated, with pride we call
A journey through our pain, still standin' tall
Absence of trust, we sha...
Uneven Structure - Confused Waveforms Lyrics
And absence of sense...
All is false - Everything is illusion
To incur a constant, yet linear spurious waves of feeling
Abnegation is the only way so all dreams looks true
Reality is impulsion. Never being as it unconsistanly shows