AMB - I Keeps It Movin Lyrics
AMB - Smoke Kush Lyrics
KOP - Boykot Lyrics
Boikot, columna popular
Boikot, columna popular
Boikot, columna popular
Boikot, columna popular
Trenca amb l'homogeneïtat d'aquesta societat I la seva realitat: pensament uniformat
I l'home és un esclau de l'ord...
Els Amics De Les Arts - Dissabte Qualsevol Lyrics
Dissabte onze del matí
S'aixeca I va a fer un pipí
L'espolsa ben espolsada
Fa un tallat, llet descremada
I amb la barba de dos dies surt a fora a passejar.
Mentre baixa amb l'ascensor
Parla amb el senyor Lladó.
Els Catarres - Me'n Vaig Al Camp Lyrics
Ell era un modernet que vivia a Barcelona
Treballava en el disseny I vestia l'última moda
No tenia diòptries, tot I així portava ulleres
Unes de pasta negra que no estaven graduades
Ell era tan feliç pensant que el món girav...
No Mana - Bottle Service Lyrics
Lluís Llach - Companys No És Això Lyrics
No era això, companys, no era això
Pel que varen morir tantes flors,
Pel que vàrem plorar tants anhels.
Potser cal ser valents altre cop
I dir no, amics meus, no és això.
No és això, companys, no és això,
Ni paraules de pau...
Suu - Diuen Lyrics
Diuen que això sempre comença a algun bar,
Però tu I jo mai hem sigut de seguir les normes.
En tenim prou amb una llauna I un banc,
No cal res més.
Diuen que anar a poc a poc és l'habitual,
Però nosaltres dos som més d...
Rapsodes - Calenturia Lyrics
Calentúria by Rapsodestenim calentúria, estem calents,
Només volem que refregar-se amb tota la gent.
Tenim calentúria, estem calents,
Només volem que refregar-se amb tota la gent.
Toma! Enhorabona! Ha arribat per fi este puto rap...
Ebri Knight - Mai Més Lyrics
Som fulles brandant al vent,
Juntes fem una gran fressa.
Som el poble, som la gent,
Crit eixut que mai no cessa.
Som branques que com assots
Colpegem l'elit selecta.
Som bruixes, som alcavots.
Tenim l'ànima insurrecta.
Nova Jane - In This World Lyrics
How many roads should we take
How many plans should me make
In order to survive
How many seeds I should grow
How many faces I should follow
How many emptiness and hollow
You got in your soul
In this world
In this world
All at once everyt...
Bleeding Knees Club - World Lyrics
When everyone around me is pretty down (Aaah)
Trying to destroy what they don't understand (Aaah)
It's a hell hole rat race down to the end
Anybody out there?
Anyone else?
Anybody wanna take on the world?
DJ Tiesto - Footprints Lyrics
Let's take a trip to the edge of the night,
Where the stars and the sun collide.
Don't wait a lifetime, it's out turn
To put our footprints all over the world.
We live forever wherever we go,
Leaving footprints all o...
Disney - Its a Small World Lyrics
A Legacy in Song
Its a Small World
its a small world after all
its a small world after all
its a small world after all
its a small, small world
its a world of laughter and a world of tears
its a world of hopes and a...
Daft Punk - Around The World Lyrics
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, arou...
Aloe Blacc - The World Is Ours Lyrics
From the sky to the sea to the air that we breathe
From the depths of the earth to the stars
(Light up the earth, light up the earth)
Live like you're born to fly
Live like you'll never die
Dare what you dare to dream
Seether - Burn The World Lyrics
Walking on water, like you're the martyr
You can't deceive us all
Touch me and plead me, lance me and bleed me
You can't perceive it all
And tell me you love me
Worship and need me
Tell me you want it all
Cause we co...
Komputer - The World Of Tomorrow Lyrics
Underwater cities
Giant hovercraft
Automated factories
Trips to the stars
The world of tomorrow
The world of tomorrow
The world of tomorrow
The world of tomorrow
Hydroponic farms
Moving walkways
Picture telephones
Colonies on...
Titus Andronicus - Tumult Around The World Lyrics
Tumult around the world
Tumult around the world
Everywhere there's someone suffering
Tumult around the world
Everywhere there's someone hurting
Someone lower on the chain
Everywhere there's...
Dayglow - Run The World!!! Lyrics
[Verse 1]
So pessimistic
So narcissistic
So cynical
Welcome to my own little world
A false commitment
Oh, I never listened
And I'm just a problem
And no one's ever solved it
[Pre-Chorus 1]
Oh, I don't t...
Life Of Agony - Weight Of The World Lyrics
My head is low
The antidote
Is arm's length out of reach
But all an all
Those chemicals
Can't kill hypocrisy
The weight of the world is coming down on me
The weight of the world is coming down
The flame insid...
Morrissey - Knockabout World Lyrics
Dream Theater - Our New World Lyrics
Like her father once said
Love is not what you're given
It is how you decide to live
On the path you have chosen
So together we'll build a new world
A better world
We'll build a new world
Our new world
I know you...
Things With Wings - Stop The World Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Stop the world
Stop the world from turning
I wanna get off
Stop the world... I've had enough
Stop the world
Stop the world from hurting
[Verse 2]
Stop the world
Stop the world this minute
I wanna get off
I feel so helpless....
Roba Estesa - Les Criades Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Tenim l'alegria de viure,
Tenim la sort de ser aquí.
Volem arribar més enllà,
Sabem que no serà fàcil camí.
Reservem totes les forces
Perquè quan el dia arribi,
Tinguem les armes preparades
I esmolades per lluitar!
Aloe Blacc - Hello World Lyrics
Hello world, it's nice to meet you
I've been waiting for this moment all my life
Hello world, the past is over
It's time for us to come together and make the future right
I had an epiphany one night
Aloe Blacc - Hello World Lyrics
Hello world, it's nice to meet you
I've been waiting for this moment all my life
Hello world, the past is over
It's time for us to come together and make the future right
I had an epiphany one nig...
Charly Bliss - Feed Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Melt the trophy, skirt disaster
Something's always coming after
Stupid cloud in a pointless sky
I secretly wish that these fishes would die
I would feed the whole world
I would feed the whole...
SOPHIE - Whole New World / Pretend World Lyrics
Part I: Whole New World
[Intro: Mozart's Sister]
Whole new world
Whole new world
Whole new world
Whole new world
Whole new world
Whole new world
Whole new world
Whole new world
For you and me
[Verse 1: SOPHI...
Neon Hitch - Out Of This World Lyrics
Hold me, I'm yours tonight.
Get me all starry eyed
I just can't get enough, get enough of your love
I just can't get enough, get enough
I just can't get enough, get enough of your love
Just can't get enough of ...